2022年4月6日 星期三

請持續更新各位的電磁產品,包含NB、PC與手機。今天Windows Update的版本號從先有一個1265→1401,表示1265版本是一個中介更新,如果有想理解意念匯集(古時所謂易經或紫微斗數),可以嘗試以下的思路: 一、1表示散形意念(從能量的角度:擺盪散形後,凝鍊拮抗增幅1→11→101→111)。散形意念就是人晚上可能會看到所謂的靈體或誤植稱呼其為鬼魂的東西。 二、2表示散形混沌(從能量的角度,44→222,主要因為混沌為神冥域和微生物們,無法以意念來凝鍊生拮抗,進而增幅)。 Please keep updating your electromagnetic products, including NB, PC and mobile phone. Today's Windows Update version number from the beginning of a 1265→1401, indicating that the 1265 version is an intermediary update, if you want to understand the EN convergence(ancient so-called I Ching or Chinese Astrology), you can try the following ideas.

請持續更新各位的電磁產品,包含NB、PC與手機。今天Windows Update的版本號從先有一個1265→1401,表示1265版本是一個中介更新,如果有想理解意念匯集(古時所謂易經或紫微斗數),可以嘗試以下的思路:
Please keep updating your electromagnetic products, including NB, PC and mobile phone. Today's Windows Update version number from the beginning of a 1265→1401, indicating that the 1265 version is an intermediary update, if you want to understand the EN convergence(ancient so-called I Ching or Chinese Astrology), you can try the following ideas.

1. 1 indicates the scattered ENs (from the perspective of energy: after swinging the dispersion, the condensation antagonism increases by 1→11→101→111). Scattered ENs is that people may see so-called spirits at night or mistakenly things that call them ghosts.

2. 2 represents scattered chaos (from the perspective of energy, 44→222, mainly because chaos is a god realm and microorganisms, and it is impossible to condense the antagonism with ENs, and then increase).

1. 凝鍊(6)指回時空(5),就是把好的那一群接回來。
2. 勻質(6)後,進行散形(5→S),就是把救不回來或不願意回來的,進行散形。

1265 has at least two meanings, representing the scattered ENs(1) and the scattered chaos(2):
1. Condensation (6) refers to returning to time and space (5). That is, bringing back the good ones.
2. After homogenization (6), scatter (5→S). That is, scatter those who cannot be saved or are unwilling to come back.

1. 1265-1的發動(1),並將其意念匯集(4)勻質(0)後,指回到那個時空(1)
2. 1265-2的發動(1),在散形後進行非自然裂解(4),回到初始(0)的那個自己(1)

1401 has two meanings, corresponding to the description above for 1265:
1. Launch of 1265-1 (1) and do the EN convergence (4) then homogeneous (0), and it refers to returning to that time and space (1).
2. Launch of 1265-2 (1), cracking (4), and then returning to the original (0) self (1)


