顯示具有 【宗教/Religion】 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 【宗教/Religion】 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2024年10月11日 星期五

這篇本世紀最重要內容,獻給已察覺的用心人。我的內容雖直白卻實在,是吧?我們該做什麼呢?首先,冷處理事不關己的言論。接著,學習辨識漠不關心或往自己臉上貼金的內容。最後,勇敢無懼提問他人,因為,他們意識其實可隨時異動,只要用心觀察。睡覺起來,隔天就換另一個人設了(重組過)。 This most important content of this century is dedicated to those who have noticed it. Although my content is straightforward, it is true, right? So what should we do? First of all, deal with other people's irrelevant remarks in a nonchalant manner. Next, learn to recognize content that is indifferent or flattering. Finally, be brave and don’t be afraid to ask other people questions, because their consciousness WILL actually change at any time, as long as you observe carefully. When they wake up the next day, they will have another persona (reorganized).

This most important content of this century is dedicated to those who have noticed it. Although my content is straightforward, it is true, right? So what should we do? First of all, deal with other people's irrelevant remarks in a nonchalant manner. Next, learn to recognize content that is indifferent or flattering. Finally, be brave and don’t be afraid to ask other people questions, because their consciousness WILL actually change at any time, as long as you observe carefully. When they wake up the next day, they will have another persona (reorganized).
今早下班的晴朗與道好:「真的很謝謝你」。 Sunny and good morning after get off work this morning: "Really thank you."

I have shared it with Nobel Prize, Academia Sinica, NASA, and relevant units in earth sciences, astronomy and physics-related units for at least two years. Why do we not even have have the independent consciousness to ask ourselves and use facts to "boldly assume and verify carefully"? Why? Don’t we even dare to answer ourselves? ★★★★★For those who are unable to respond, their consciousness can be replaced at any time. Why? Can you start thinking about this? I’m afraid it’s not that easy for many people! What is the force that pulls us?

"I think, therefore I am", the future is an era where aware people begin to cooperate with each other and assist each other. It applies and goes together for everyone, whether you are a Nobel Prize winner or a political, religious and spiritual leader.

Maybe we should start asking scientists and religious groups what the explanation is? You've slept long enough, the Nobel Prizes have been awarded, it's time to face reality, right? I am also curious about why neither science nor religion responds to the voice of heaven and earth. This is where we human beings feel real surprise and humanity!

I designed for you a very simple experiment that can demonstrate that "the human body is composed of various ENT (EN energy body)". Whether it can be published in first-class journals depends on whether you study and research hard. Anyone who does this experiment can prove it, and it must be reproducible. The weight of space-time in my EN is relatively large, which can cause the space-time belonging (degree of gravity pulling) of common people's ENs to tend to my EN higher, so we must be able to get the EN sounds outside their bodies.

I only sang two lines, and there was no sound even from my breathing. The rest was the sound of rain and my thoughts. If we come back and listen to it tomorrow or the day after, the music might sing different melody lines, and over time, it might sing different rhythms and harmonies. (If I'm around, the video can be sung as my wish)

The monkey pretended to sleep on the roadside and conveyed "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie." Just in response to what I shared before, "people who pretend to be asleep cannot wake up from the facts of what happened, and they will pretend to be asleep even if they wake up."

2024-09-29_對於自旋與角動量關係的初步看法。 My tentative views on the relationship between spin and angular momentum.


2024-09-27_【我如此平常且真實的回應,王丹竟無法承受(慌張地從容以對)並立即封鎖(怕別人看到)。不禁讓我想起 陳文茜 分享的語錄:「(略)...要先問問自己,能否接受真相帶來的傷害[1]」。這就是最佳的示範,因身上袈裟太陳文茜看不下去(自己)。】 王丹,無論這是什麼五毛在回應你什麼訊息,你也蠻讓人感到詫異的!?因為,他寫得其實如此精準,你又何必自嘲「不太理解近而遠之」之意,並裝若無其事呢?(連簡單能解讀的內容都近而遠之,敬而遠之的人,是何其虛偽與裝模作樣呢?)
【Such a normal and true response, Wang Dan couldn’t bear it (panic but try to take it easy) and immediately blocked me (for fear of others seeing it). I can't help but think of the quotation shared by Sisy Chen: "(omitted)...We need to ask ourselves whether we can accept (still live as usual with) the harm caused by the truth." This is the best example, because the cassock on the body is too gorgeous for us to look at it (you).】 Wang Dang, No matter who this person is responding to your message, you are quite surprising!? Because he actually wrote it so accurately, why do you have to explain yourself that "you don't quite understand the meaning of near and far" and pretend that you don't understand? (How hypocritical and self-righteous are people who seems to talk like keeping the truth close but really make far away, and just want making others respect you as your wish?)

I sincerely recommend that everyone, especially those related to religions, should quickly study the following article. It would soon happen to all religions and everyone (whether you have faith or not, it is the same for heaven and earth). No matter how you think about it, no matter whether you are happy or not, because this is the truest voice conveyed to yourself! I can’t guarantee for heaven, earth, or yourselves whether this advice would last a lifetime!? Among all the natural sounds you recorded!

2024-09-29_鄭吉良老師最新自我勸告。我們都應將這段內容存下,也許一年,甚至更久,都聽得見「到底有多愚蠢啊」為我們而生。【這樣千載難逢的機會,若荒擲此心,誰都可能聽見一樣的聲音!未來是自己檢視自己的世代,以真心相待,則天地擁戴之,包含眾人感覺。】★★★★★最後鄭老師因不敢回應,只好封鎖,何其悲涼!?更在音樂圈聲名遠播,豈不光采!?是源於己心嗎?其實,我蠻想知道 ShaoChia Lü 呂紹嘉 大師如何看待,甚至能否回應些什麼呢?還是,繼續當大師?許瀞心教授還怕人看到模樣,趕快鎖住交友,怕非朋友看到自己的現況,太讓人失望了!我們常稱這樣的人為「?輩」,不是嗎?
This might be Zheng’s latest self-reminder video. We should all save this content. Maybe his content would serve the same advice for ourselves within a year, or even longer. [This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to confirm it by ourselves. If we waste such sincerity, we might all have the chance to hear the same thought! The future would be a time how we examine ourselves. Whoever treats each of us sincerely would be supported by heaven and earth, including the feeling dedicated to that one.] ★★★★★In the end, because he didn’t dare to respond, he had to block me. How sad!? It’s even more famous in the music industry, wouldn’t it be glorious!? Could it be that he came from his own heart? Actually, I also really want to know what Master ShaoChia Lü thinks of it, and whether you can even respond to it? Or, continue to be a master? Professor Apo Hsu was afraid that people would see what she looked like, so she quickly restricted the viewing to only friends, fearing that non-friends would see her current situation, which was so disappointing! We often call such people "? people", don't we?


I believe we all know why science, religion or government always ignores it?

Hualien collapsed this morning and conveyed "We are really sorry, (0:18)Wu Shihjie. (0:25)Please keep sharing such selves, (0:45)thank you."

[No one cares, it’s a weird world, a world of cowardice and hypocrisy, why bother pretending to look to the future?] The sound of rain at Sanzhi Mackay Medical College, as well as the voices of students, all help convey "we are really sorry."

Is there any difference between Jinshan heavy rains and heavy rains and floods in China? Are we Taiwan any better?

This morning typhoon Krathon from Qijin, Kaohsiung conveyed, "We are really sorry, (0:15)Wu Shihjie, (0:25)please forgive us."

Is Krathon coming to Taoyuan to find me (find ourselves)? Perhaps it is precisely because most people in the world, whether in government, science, academia, industry, music or religious organizations and groups, almost all have ignored us, so Krathon is staying there and watching what is happening to us in Taiwan?

The trail was full of dragonflies, and even the sound of water and wind could be heard saying "Wu Shihjie, thank you very much." The point is, how can such comfort and appropriateness be rendered and shared with places and countries that hope to appreciate it?

I don’t know how old this Chinese little boy is, but I know that he has very high demands on himself. Those who are brave enough to play the video loudly would hear the clear breathing sound conveying "I like Wu Shihjie the most" every time he shouts "Wow(wǒ)". Why do children (the future), nature, animals and plants respond or express gratitude in this way? Then, think about what we usually see, and how we see and think about it?

2024年6月1日 星期六

以下反問如何讓我們更準確地描繪「悲智雙運不偏廢」的思維?如何雕琢成器並成就他人?我深深以為,現今宗教、寺廟和神明文化,應從此「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」再出發。這些「認識(找到)自己,並時不時檢視(印證)自己」的舉動,更具意義。 How can the following rhetorical question help us more accurately describe the thinking of "sadness and wisdom without partiality"? How to carve something into something and achieve others? I deeply believe that today’s religions, temples, and gods’ culture should start from “restrain our sleves and cultivate our selves, and appreciate and praise others.” These thoughts and action ofs "know (find) our selves and exam (confirm) our selves from time to time" are more meaningful.

以下反問如何讓我們更準確地描繪「悲智雙運不偏廢」的思維?如何雕琢成器並成就他人?我深深以為,現今宗教、寺廟和神明文化,應從此「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」再出發。這些「認識(找到)自己,並時不時檢視(印證)自己」的舉動,更具意義。 How can the following rhetorical question help us more accurately describe the thinking of "sadness and wisdom without partiality"? How to carve something into something and achieve others? I deeply believe that today’s religions, temples, and gods’ culture should start from “restrain our sleves and cultivate our selves, and appreciate and praise others.” These thoughts and action ofs "know (find) our selves and exam (confirm) our selves from time to time" are more meaningful.

釋見仙 若悲(非心)指的是那些我們不願拾取的負面,而智(知日)指的是那些我們懇切汲取的道理的話,若想悲智雙運不偏廢,應當如何作為?如若偏廢,可能如何?




1. 「沒有男女之別」,是沒有男性或女性,還是雙者同時兼備?
2. 「沒有痛苦」,是沒有痛苦、感受不到痛苦,還是懂得由苦得喜樂?
3. 「聽不到因痛苦發出的聲音」,是沒有痛苦、沒有痛苦的聲音、沒有聲音發出來讓人感到痛苦,還是即便聽到了反而心生憐憫和慈悲呢?
4. 「甚至沒有三惡道」,是惡道不存在了、看似惡的生命有其不一樣的意義,還是眾人與天地看惡皆能成(轉思)善呢?





1. 這個思維,好嗎?
2. 再想想這個思維,是悲智雙運不偏廢?或有所偏廢?
3. 倘若以這個循環,是否有機會人人自得其樂?原因可能為何?






1. 「認識(找到)自己,並時不時檢視(印證)自己」,是否是一種對自己現在未來的執著?是否更易產生期待而受苦楚?那這個在生命中持續純淨自己的思維,好嗎?
2. 既然許多人同受此必得歷練的執念,倘若「悲智雙運不可偏廢」,如何將「執著」與自己合宜為之?如何雙雙成美?



















釋見仙 感謝回覆,從較熟稔的觀點思考出發是很好的習慣!關於「淨琉璃」的描述是來自wiki,也許沒那麼正確,但我想大多數應該還是可以接受的。然而,針對普遍能接受的講法來回應,原因是為了什麼?這才是最重要造成悲智雙運之來由。





未知正如同若相遇時向您示意,哪怕你看著我,都會自動跟我點頭一樣,連 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 、教宗 Pope Francis - A Man of His Word 與初生嬰兒都一樣。







釋見仙 您刪掉留言沒關係,我還是把本來的意思傳達給您和一些宗教與寺廟,因為這對於「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」本來就具備一定的價值。



釋見仙 我有回您那是wiki寫的,你是否應該去請wiki修正這樣的寫法才對,不是嗎?




1. 請問我分享的所有影片,包含災難傳達的聲音,請稍微以您嚴謹的思路邏輯來分析原因,或是,您也會擔憂將發生什麼事情呢?

2. 附上的影片是我本人錄的,無後製,是工作廠區後素未謀面的狗兒的叫聲。應該不難聽出在傳達「我們真的...(?)」,您可回覆並將聽到的內容打成文本會更好,不是嗎?

3. 您錄製的任何影片也可放大聲聆聽,肯定有你想傳達給現在這個自己的一些訊息,這才是真正的聆聽自己,同意嗎?





In ancient times, there was the so-called flying pigeon to convey messages. It was a way of conveying thoughts through nature (the rebirth domain), and the key lies in that we are in coinherent thoughts with each other or not. Now, the natural environment, animals and plants, including each of us, begin to express the possible gratitude through the sound of breathing or footsteps. The cat is helping to identify ENs (thoughts), and apart from politics, science, religion, health, art, and aesthetics, have you done anything to help heaven and earth in your life? If not, then these people are not even as good as cats (beasts? monsters?), right? That's the truth, isn't it?

I love Wu Shihjie. Hi, I'm (0:16, ★★★You can tell what's the word just by looking at the screen moving. Do you think I'm just sharing some special things? What I sharing is the force from heaven and earth.)litanya... I've discovered that there are some bad guys who have been in our cat world for a long time, and I know what they are doing. They want to manipulate the forces of nature through the Heart of Rebirth, and then crack your existence. They just want to find a world that is exclusive to them. I will continue to feel them and take good care of myself.

Government officials, scientists and religions in Taiwan and around the world, have you ever thought about why heaven and earth try to take the initiative to share these things with me through any means possible? What could be the reason? What’s the meaning?

Is it just because I'm a nice person or have some cultivation?

What I say is far less than what I feel, think, and do, and that's why.

And all my ENs (thoughts) are in heaven, earth and nature, and they are also in the existence of each of us.

Dogs know how to communicate through calls (electromagnetic thoughts): "We have to work hard to find our selves." People who don’t understand just feel it funny and don’t care about what the world is going. Especially those who take advantage of the name of science and religion to achieve their position to speak, how could they understand the value of life (living beings), because they live too superficially.

You can directly hear me greeting to the former Taitung mayor through the wind sounds in the livestream in Hawai: "(0:18) Lai Kuncheng, I am Wu Shihjie. (1:39) You don't have to be confused, because I am trying to find a way to convey to the world how to reverse and restore."

Another thing I'm a little sorry about is that I didn't realize until now when I was typing the content that the other person was in Hawaii! ? Therefore, my EN (thought) don’t seem to need GPS positioning to find anyone...

No matter where you are, whether on a plane or even in a capsule in outer space, I can deliver the message directly to you.

Everyone just doesn't know what kind of power of heaven and earth is assisting us and living well. This is the main reason for the continuous disasters and extreme climate in the world, and governments and religions should reflect on this.

The way to reverse and restore lies in "restrain oneself and cultivate oneself, appreciate and praise others."

Why do nature, all things in the world, disasters, and some people involuntarily make sounds of thanks and apology through breathing, head or body oscillating? What are the possible reasons? Use my content and video from the original source to directly ask seniors or superiors in various fields. I can guarantee that all scientists must notice that the statements and facial expressions of these superiors would become a little weird. As long as you dare to ask, you will definitely get the proof.



There are always messages from heaven and earth, but we humans deliberately ignore them, and of course we suffer the consequences. Millipede Migration is also doing the homogenization of ENs (thoughts), and we could clearly hear ""We are really grateful. Thanks to you, the earthquake can be alleviated, Wu Shihjie." Even the frogs in the vegetable garden could sing Lupinus. Doesn’t Taiwan or the scientific community cherish it? We have to ask ourselves.

How is this possible? If this is the case, what could we doubt? More importantly, what deep impact does this connotation and texture have on us and our children? The singing is also accompanied by the sound of the wind blowing the leaves: "Loneliness is more driven than hugs. Love makes people lose their minds. Would it be that I am too selfish? So I would not like to live a lonelier life. I can't let go and I can't see the future neither. Does this kind of imperfection make what love is really like?". How do we restore and reinforce ourselves through what I share?

The fishes living in my family, and Heaven and Earth said through the little girl downstairs: "Thank you very much, this is his stabilizing EN(thought)!", and if you can’t tell, it’s definitely not the fishes' fault!

There are wonders everywhere in Taiwan, and they present the beauty of life and humanity.

Why do nature, all things in the world, disasters, and some people involuntarily make sounds of thanks and apology through breathing, head or body oscillating? What are the possible reasons? Use my content and video from the original source to directly ask seniors or superiors in various fields. I can guarantee that all scientists must notice that the statements and facial expressions of these superiors would become a little weird. As long as you dare to ask, you will definitely get the proof.

Also share with 楊登嵙 柳藏經 行天宮五大志業 財團法人台北市艋舺龍山寺 台北霞海城隍廟 大甲鎮瀾宮 北港朝天宮 竹山紫南宮 烘爐地南山福德宮 鹿港天后宮 財團法人新北市樹林濟安宮 關渡宮 桃園景福宮 桃園慈護宮 達賴喇嘛西藏宗教基金會 Tibet Religious Foundation of HH the Dalai Lama 淡水無極天元宮 巧雲小棧 馬鳴山鎮安宮五年千歲祖廟 阿猴媽祖(屏東慈鳳宮) 埔里地母廟 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama Pope Francis - A Man of His Word 佛光山 佛光大學佛教學系 FGU Department of Buddhist Studies 慈濟基金會 慈濟大學粉專-Tzu Chi University 法鼓山 法鼓山護法總會 法鼓山世界青年會 法鼓山 寶雲寺 法鼓山香港道場 DDMHK 法鼓文理學院 佛教學系 七葉佛教書舍 佛教慈悲志業基金會 妙禪師父 佛教如來宗 香港佛教聯合會 Hong Kong Buddhist Association 世界佛教總部 南海觀音佛教基金會 財團法人佛教功德山基金會 東禪佛教學院 四聖諦佛教 Four Noble Truths Buddhism 中華原始佛教會Original Buddhism Society 國際藏傳佛教研究會ཐེ་ཝན་རྒྱལ་སྤྱིའི་བོད་བརྒྱུད་ནང་བསྟན། 寧瑪巴喇榮三乘法林佛學會 蘭若精舍NANOSOFT 宗教聯盟 Interfaith Union 西藏台灣人權連線 Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan 神跡廟會

2024年4月30日 星期二

樹林的寺廟(濟安宮、慈聖宮)和神祉對話的影片,有一些意念訊息分享給所有的宗教來改善並抑制自己的張揚。 Videos of temples and deities of Shulin, there are some EN messages to share with all religions to improve and curb our own arrogance.

Videos of temples and deities of Shulin, there are some EN messages to share with all religions to improve and curb our own arrogance.

(listen carefully) I asked, "Are you doing anything now?"
They replied: "Haven't been able to do anything yet, (the reason is) there must be the possibility of converging and scattering. EN with you is [past and present space-time of Grand Earth heart(O)]".

(Listen loudly)Sing with the gods through the environment.

2024年2月18日 星期日




1. Facebook:直接搜尋「吳時捷」或「Porsche Wu」可能仍找不到我的公開檔案,我認為原因可能是「我的個人檔案已經散形至全世界各國網絡與電磁象限之中,協助轉換並建立各國意念」。找到我的檔案的替代之法有二:

 a. 搜尋「吳榮安」(我的父親),透過其朋友名單即可找到我的檔案「吳時捷」
 b. 透過瀏覽器的網址直接輸入:facebook.com/porschewu

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 a. 搜尋引擎(如Google, Bing)直接搜尋直接搜尋「PorscheWu的部落格」
 b. 透過瀏覽器的網址直接輸入:porschewu0714.blogspot.com

3. YouTube:YouTube搜尋 @PorscheWu ,即可找到我的頻道和所有發布的影音內容



二、2024-02-03_天地經過匯集多時,透過工地的鑽子聲響,清楚地傳達「吳時捷就是活佛啊(Porsche Wu / Wu ShihJie is living Buddha),台灣政府,趕快協助他啊。(0:20)我們是聯合國的意念,趕快協助他啊!」




