2024年5月27日 星期一

為何大自然和天地萬物,災難,還有一些人透過呼吸,頭部或身體的擺盪不自主地發出感謝和致歉的聲音,原因可能為何?將我的內容還有原始出處的影片,直接用來詢問各領域的前輩或長官。我敢保證,各位科學家們一定能察覺這些上位者的論述和表情神色都會變得些許詭異,只要你們敢問,必然得證。 Why do nature, all things in the world, disasters, and some people involuntarily make sounds of thanks and apology through breathing, head or body oscillating? What are the possible reasons? Use my content and video from the original source to directly ask seniors or superiors in various fields. I can guarantee that all scientists must notice that the statements and facial expressions of these superiors would become a little weird. As long as you dare to ask, you will definitely get the proof.

為何大自然和天地萬物,災難,還有一些人透過呼吸,頭部或身體的擺盪不自主地發出感謝和致歉的聲音,原因可能為何?將我的內容還有原始出處的影片,直接用來詢問各領域的前輩或長官。我敢保證,各位科學家們一定能察覺這些上位者的論述和表情神色都會變得些許詭異,只要你們敢問,必然得證。 Why do nature, all things in the world, disasters, and some people involuntarily make sounds of thanks and apology through breathing, head or body oscillating? What are the possible reasons? Use my content and video from the original source to directly ask seniors or superiors in various fields. I can guarantee that all scientists must notice that the statements and facial expressions of these superiors would become a little weird. As long as you dare to ask, you will definitely get the proof. Q1: 為何大自然和天地萬物,災難,還有一些人透過呼吸,頭部或身體的擺盪不自主地發出感謝和致歉的聲音,原因可能為何?
Why do nature, all things in the world, disasters, and some people involuntarily make sounds of thanks and apology through breathing, head or body oscillating? What are the possible reasons?

According to my observations and research for about three years from 2021/2, for nature, there are three very important points that strongly influence each other, namely "sincerity, reality, and concerning/focus". That is, when we discover some phenomena (concerning) through the real world (reality) with our heart (sincerity), and then keep going before and after.
Children, friends and relatives, and all of us have experienced partial or great self-disintegration.

Then connect to nature, animals, plants, and even microorganisms or bacteria, and do so with this attitude and thought for a long time. And this kind of thought is to try to feel their reactions and ENs (thoughts) from the heart, with a connotation of "self-restraint and self-cultivation", trying to realize that human beings are also animals. Through this, we could interactively think about what the essence and duties of "primate" humans might be.

Many diabetics, as well as obesity in Europe and the United States, derived from bad EN and fields in the past, and how EN collection is going? All kinds of scattered gravity fields, all kinds of actions that occupy the king, or actions for their own benefit, in fact, I think it is to hurt time and space, that is, to hurt the life of all people.

Therefore, nature expresses such a voice. In fact, the sun, moon, stars, universe, and recent disasters in China, the United States, and around the world all convey similar messages. However, this is only the beginning, an attempt to convey a concept that implies that countries, the scientific community and religious "self-restraint". I also mentioned that space-time is helping to reveal our true selves.

This process depends on how we view each other, the world and ourselves.

I tagged the following religions and temples to remind them to speak less and use the brain and hands more to verify so many things I mentioned. Especially many people who consider themselves to be practitioners, or even people who have a say in religion. If they keep ignoring and turning a blind eye, when heaven and earth force itself to do something, they must be responsible for themselves. Heaven and earth would definitely carry out the intentions based on the sincerity.

Also share with 楊登嵙 cloudwaternonlimitation釋見仙 nanosoft1216柳藏經 行天宮五大志業 LungShanTP財團法人台北市艋舺龍山寺 台北霞海城隍廟 Dajiamazu大甲鎮瀾宮 北港朝天宮 ZiNan.org.tw竹山紫南宮 烘爐地南山福德宮 鹿港天后宮 財團法人新北市樹林濟安宮 kuantubobi關渡宮 桃園景福宮 桃園慈護宮 oottaiwan達賴喇嘛西藏宗教基金會 淡水無極天元宮 cloudland.tea巧雲小棧 馬鳴山鎮安宮五年千歲祖廟 PingDongAHouMaZuciFengGong阿猴媽祖 埔里地母廟 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama Pope Francis - A Man of His Word 佛光山 佛光大學佛教學系 FGU Department of Buddhist Studies 慈濟基金會 TCUfansPage慈濟大學粉專 法鼓山 法鼓山護法總會 法鼓山世界青年會 chddm法鼓山 寶雲寺 ddmhongkong法鼓山香港道場 DILABuddhistStudies法鼓文理學院 佛教學系 七葉佛教書舍 CompassionZhiYe佛教慈悲志業基金會 rulaibuddhism妙禪師父 佛教如來宗 hkbuddhist香港佛教聯合會 wbahqch世界佛教總部 南海觀音佛教基金會 GondesanBuddhismFoundation財團法人佛教功德山基金會 東禪佛教學院 FourNobleTruthsBuddhism四聖諦佛教 Saddhammadipa中華原始佛教會 國際藏傳佛教研究會ཐེ་ཝན་རྒྱལ་སྤྱིའི་བོད་བརྒྱུད་ནང་བསྟན། larong.chuling寧瑪巴喇榮三乘法林佛學會 NANOSOFT1995蘭若精舍 InterfaithUnion宗教聯盟 310.tibet.taiwan西藏台灣人權連線 神跡廟會

The people who see it should at least fulfill their responsibility to convey it to upper authorities. Otherwise, the crux is of course themselves, right?

I have shared the content of the past three years. If you haven’t seen it, of course you are responsible for it, or you must immediately convey it to your assistants, editors, and related information processing personnel. What is meant by “Don’t judge the connotation of speech based on that person’s achievements.”

If you or the person receiving the message have problems or cannot understand the logic of the following content, then I suggest that you learn semantics or read it over and over.

中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 國家科學及技術委員會 國家太空中心 TASA 臺灣太空科學聯盟 TSU 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 工業技術研究院 國發會 國研院 - 國家地震工程研究中心 核安會 輻務小站 報天氣 - 中央氣象署 報地震 - 中央氣象署 報天文 - 中央氣象署 報氣候 - 中央氣象署 Easy天文地科小站 台灣太空產業發展協會-Taiwan Space Industry Development Association

Q2: 可能有科學家或專家學者有疑問,為何大家研究和專注在這些領域這麼久,卻看似沒什麼貢獻?
Some scientists or experts and scholars might have questions: Why have we been researching and focusing on these fields for so long but seem to have made little contribution?

The main reasons are "missing the forest for the trees" and "being too far from reality".

1. 把自己認為是一個真的人但言行卻溢於其表,也就是,追求自己的功名利祿和光采遠大於全體人類和天地的利益。
Think of ourselves as a real human being but our words and deeds are beyond selves, that is, we pursue our own fame, fortune and glory far more than the interests of all mankind and the heaven and the earth.

Including those space technologies and space weather that are overly developed and researched, after all, you can’t even properly understand and make it better about the climate change and extreme climate research on the earth.

Scientists may be able to explain "linear rain", but can any scientist respond to this 1m wide rainfall range? My guess might be no one. This film also reminds scientists to "restrain yourselves and cultivate yourselves" and face reality and facts honestly. It also expresses jokingly: "Is it raining? You tell me this is "rain"? There must be someone peeing from the sky!?

2. 科學發展的方向著重在論文與實驗,而非日常生活事實和現象。
The direction of scientific development focuses on papers and experiments rather than on daily life facts and phenomena.

How is this possible? If this is the case, what could we doubt? More importantly, what deep impact does this connotation and texture have on us and our children? The singing is also accompanied by the sound of the wind blowing the leaves: "Loneliness is more driven than hugs. Love makes people lose their minds. Would it be that I am too selfish? So I would not like to live a lonelier life. I can't let go and I can't see the future neither. Does this kind of imperfection make what love is really like?". How do we restore and reinforce ourselves through what I share?

Q3: 那現在整個科學界還有科學家們可以怎麼做來很快進入狀況?
So what would the entire scientific community and scientists be able to do now to get into the situation quickly?

Quite simply, "finding self" is the first step in everything, which is to face ourselves, even if we are in a state of "not understanding" or "self-doubt".

1. ★★★★★看到內容的人,第一步就是「緩慢地深呼吸」,我既然會提出就是至關重要,每次只要看到我的內容,就是先緩慢地深呼吸,頭部如果有不舒服,就繼續做。
★★★★★The first step for people who see the content is to "breathe slowly and deeply". Since I mention it, it is very important. Every time you see my content, you must first take a slow and deep breath. If your head feels uncomfortable, just keep doing it.

2. ★★★★★第二步便是「安排時間」從我附上的內容開始看起,不明白的地方做筆記,將一些用詞搜尋我過往的內容,找到可能對應的定義,再對照到現實科學的各種可能的研究和論證上。
★★★★★The second step is to "arrange time" to read the content I attached, take notes on the parts you don't understand, search some of my terms in past content, find possible corresponding definitions, and then compare them to various possible research and demonstrations in science.

★★★★★You can use my design of space-time and ENs (thoughts), or you can define these concepts by yourself and start to verify them from your daily life. You can also start thinking through my videos or phenomena stated.

For example, what is the attraction or repulsion of the Casimir effect to the electromagnetic effects in space-time? The differences in suction levels in different fields, that is, the data in China, the United States and Taiwan are absolutely different!

In the process of space, what are (1:49) the flashing bright spots (scattered ENTs/EN bodies) that appear in the scattered field in non-bright places?

★★★★★What if there is a conversion mechanism during the process of entering space? Corresponding to the path of the reaction mechanism of organic chemistry, how to determine the proportion and trend of the reaction. We should also think about the possible reasons why some drugs might be toxic when they are taken into space and return to the ground.

Children help Nasa prove ‘life-saving’ EpiPen injections can become ‘extremely poisonous’ in space.

School students in Canada teaming up with Nasa have found that an injection used to treat severe allergies when sent to space turned unsuable as some of its components change into an “extremely poisonous” derivative.

Students from St Brother André Elementary School’s Program for Gifted Learners (PGL) in Ottawa attempted to study in an experiment how cosmic radiation in space would alter the molecular structure of epinephrine, the main component of EpiPens used in the emergency treatment of severe allergic reactions.

The students, collaborating with the University of Ottawa, had sent their experiment to the edge of space via a high-altitude balloon and a rocket, as part of Nasa’s Cubes in Space programme catered to school kids.

When the epinephrine samples returned to Earth, University of Ottawa (uOttawa) researchers found the drug was only 87 per cent pure, with the remaining 13 per cent transformed into “extremely poisonous benzoic acid derivatives”, making the EpiPen unusable.

Cosmic radiation contains high-energy particles released by stars like the Sun, and previous studies have shown it can cause significant risks to the health of astronauts including radiation sickness and increased risk for cancer.

★★★★★To further demonstrate, why does the time of the atomic clock really slow down after hovering at high altitude? This is the most important scientific thing today! Next, please imagine the possibility that I can make people in a closed field feel resistance when acting and speaking. What space-time mechanism or theory might it originate from?

You can clearly see "space-time interference", which is the most common phenomenon of space-time conversion, and can be regarded as a kind of "time-space pulling". Another common method is "centripetal convergence" to homogenize. For those who cannot identify, I also provide practice methods for you.

(scattered ENs)
2022-11-16_透過我的手指,是觀察「散行意念」或「意念散行」的最佳時機。 Through my fingers, it's the best time to observe "scattered EN" or "EN scattering".

(scattered EN flow)
2022-11-08_大內心法我還真的是盡全力分享給這世界,大家的身體健康,只能請各位多用心。皮膚會發光,似乎有能量在飛翔,諸位可曾多思量? I really tried my best to share the Great Inner Force to the world. For your health, I can only ask you to be more attentive. The skin will glow, and it seems that energy is flying. Have you ever thought about it?
Can see energy flow after 1:35

3. ★★★★★將我的內容還有原始出處的影片,直接用來詢問各領域的前輩或長官。我敢保證,各位科學家們一定能察覺這些上位者的論述和表情神色都會變得些許詭異,只要你們敢問,必然得證。
★★★★★Use my content and video from the original source to directly ask seniors or superiors in various fields. I can guarantee that all scientists must notice that the statements and facial expressions of these superiors would become a little weird. As long as you dare to ask, you will definitely get the proof.

★★★★★Since you can observe the living weirdness from them, of course you should quickly break through the scientific ceiling they created and reflect on the significance of these connotations to science and the development of science and technology.

NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program NASA 360 NASA's James Webb Space Telescope NASA Sun Science Discovery Discovery頻道 國家地理雜誌 National Geographic Magazine Nassim Haramein Max Planck Society Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Science Foundation (NSF) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Ocean Conservation Research - OCR CERN CERN - The Large Hadron Collider CMS Experiment at CERN UN Environment Programme UN Climate Change SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory AAAS - The American Association for the Advancement of Science NOIRLab Rubin Observatory North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves

2024-05-04_「我們是月球」。到底NASA有多白癡?持續浪費資源來展現如此的自己,難怪幾十年來都無法再次登月的原因,就是因為根本不了解時空、重力和場域的關係,遑論有一個"the ONE"。
"We are MOON". How idiotic is NASA? Continuing to waste resources to show yourselves like this, no wonder the reason why you have been unable to land on the moon again for decades is because you "the ONE" don’t understand the relationship between space-time, gravity and field at all.

What a solar storm sounds like: "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie, we are sorry, we would like to try to find ourselves." Haven't scientists noticed that the news media now likes to use the title "Something happened, experts and scholars gave the answer: xxx" to describe and portray you? I am also worried, and if the media wants to test you, it would be embarrassing to ask questions based on these contents. Taiwan just doesn't want to re-know you in this way, saying it hasn't happened yet.

Apologies for disasters everywhere. What could be the reason? What could be the reason? What is the connection with conversion and field? Tornadoes have hit the United States in recent days, hitting various places hard and gradually moving towards New York and Washington. Canadian wildfires are approaching the oil-rich town, burning an area of ​​​​10,000 hectares Heavy rains in Afghanistan and Brazil have flooded many provinces, and the number of casualties continues to rise.

2024-05-13_各地災難和環境都在表達「真的很謝謝你/真的很抱歉,吳時捷」是為何?河北暴風雨襲來,白天轉黑夜! 西安陰雲密布,暴風雨猛烈! 五月的青海下雪了! 廣西暴雨,城市大片地區淹水!意念並非為了守護現況,因為很多國家、社會、科學和人心都溢於其表。而現行的時空意識則在於顯露各國和每個人真實的自己。
Why are disasters and environments everywhere expressing "Thank you very much/We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie"? Day turns into night in seconds as violent storm hits Hebei! Xi'an is covered with dark clouds and violent storms! It snows in Qinghai in May! Heavy rains in Guangxi, flooded large areas of the city! ENs which are consistent with me are not to protect the present, because many countries, societies, sciences and people's minds have exceeded their true situation. And the current consciousness of space-time is to reveal the true selves of each country and each being.

Also share with Home Run Taiwan 鄭明典 天氣風險 WeatherRisk 彭啟明 天氣職人-吳聖宇 阿愷報氣象 台灣氣候聯盟Taiwan Climate Partnership 賈新興

2024-02-23_要是我作為,立刻請政府發函Nobel Prize諾貝爾獎委員會,請所有委員,在聯繫所有過往獲獎者後,立刻排除萬難,於一週內回覆台灣統一來台參訪與研究的時間;逾時的話,請自己安排,眼睛和罩子放亮點,可能不適合擔任此關乎未來發展與走向的獎項之相關委員。台灣,立刻躍登世界最熱門搜尋、各國爭相拜訪與未來最重要的研究樞紐。如此簡單的作為,絲毫沒有言過其實,不是嗎?我們的政府,賴清德、蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao和蔡英文Tsai Ing-wen,加油。
If I were to take action, I would immediately ask the government to send an official letter to the Nobel Prize Committee, requesting all committee members to immediately overcome all difficulties after contacting all past winners and respond within a week to unify the time for Taiwan to visit and conduct research. If they are overdue, please make their own arrangements and be smarter. They may not be suitable to serve as relevant committee members of this award related to future development and direction. Taiwan immediately became the world’s most popular search topic, attracting many countries to visit and becoming the most important research hub in the future. Such a simple act is not exaggerated at all, is it? Our government, Lai Ching-te, Bi-khim Hsiao, and Tsai Ing-wen, please do it for the sake of our children, the future of Taiwan and the world, and yourselves.

強烈建議 賴清德 與 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao ,如何在520就職前,迅速獲得 侯友宜 、柯文哲和各黨更多支持與尊重。那就是,請蕭美琴協助賴清德就之前演講中被提問的那些沒有正面回應之問題,做統一整理並再次回應,除了聚焦或釐清關鍵問題之外,更應該簡單扼要來描述「實際可執行之建議方案」。這部分,本來就是賴清德可以響應 柯文哲 發佈的自省文一樣來反省自己,過去那些全都避免正面回答的提問,如今應該全部回覆具有實際可執行的建議方案,兩位是否覺得這正該是即將接任的正副總統應最優先來執行的事情,當然是「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」!

2024-05-21_520就職大典上,透過戰鬥機打招呼: 賴清德,蕭美琴,我是吳時捷。請你們「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」,請協助改善立法院和議會文化,謝謝。
Greetings through fighter jets at the 520 inauguration ceremony: Lai Chingde, Hsiao Bi-khim, I am Wu Shihjie. Would you please "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", and help improve the culture of the Legislative Yuan and parliament, thank you.



