2024年5月2日 星期四

(這封信亦寄給Adamova及助理和相關人員。 Also sent to Adamova, assistants and related personnel) 2024-03-03分享內容給Adamova後,她的轉變絕對讓所有人大呼精彩!她的發文內容還講得還算明白,各位是否要更重視這些天地在呈現給諸位的驚喜呢? After sharing contents with Adamova on 2024-03-03 , her conversion will definitely make everyone shout wonderful!The content of her post is quite clear enough. Should we pay more attention to the amazing that the space-time is manifesting to us?

(這封信亦寄給Adamova及助理和相關人員。 Also sent to Adamova, assistants and related personnel) 2024-03-03分享內容給Adamova後,她的轉變絕對讓所有人大呼精彩!她的發文內容還講得還算明白,各位是否要更重視這些天地在呈現給諸位的驚喜呢?
After sharing contents with Adamova on 2024-03-03 , her conversion will definitely make everyone shout wonderful!The content of her post is quite clear enough. Should we pay more attention to the amazing that the space-time is manifesting to us?

PDF https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QEpdphI5nohsCZYNA4cqSFRsCQ7sZhgz/view?usp=drive_link

【2024-03-01之前 Before 2024-03-01】

(Source from the Facebook of Adamova) https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=963848421763657&set=pb.100044155253468.-2207520000

【2024-03-03我分享的內容 2024-03-03 What I shared】
2024-03-03_我依然鼓勵台灣政府、政治人物和科學家試著聆聽!也就是,「當別人口中說一個字,我們的心中才浮現那一個字,順著別人的想法和邏輯,再看一次世界,和自己」。這也是一種「反求諸己」的大內心法!我把目前反覆驗證與觀察到的現象,用意念各級系統與場域的方式,以捷克眾議長 Markéta Pekarová Adamová 為例說明。
I still encourage the Taiwanese government, politicians and scientists to try to listen! That is to say, "When others say a word, that word appears in our hearts. We follow other people's thoughts and logic to look at the world and ourselves again." This is also a great inner method of "seeking your selves"! I will illustrate the phenomenon that has been repeatedly verified and observed so far in terms of EN (thought) systems and fields at all levels, taking the Czech Speaker of the House of Representatives Markéta Pekarová Adamová as an example.

【2024-03-03 Adamova的轉變和發文內容。 2024-03-03 Adamova’s conversion and published content】

(Source from the Facebook of Adamova) https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=964467311701768&set=pb.100044155253468.-2207520000

(CZ) Moc ráda jsem se opět po čase zúčastnila předávání cen inspirativním ženám z oboru advokacie.
(EN) I was very happy to once again participate in the presentation of awards to inspiring women from the field of advocacy.
(zh-TW) 我很高興再次參加為倡導領域鼓舞人心的女性頒獎。

→領域 field:就是我一直在談論的「場域」,可透過大自然和動植物暈散與傳遞。
It is the "field" I have been talking about, which can be rendered and interfaced through nature, animals and plants.

【2024-03-06 Adamova本人一定還沒有意識到言下之意有多層意義,但從發文內容可以看得出EGO已經介接與理解更多。 Adamova herself must not have realized the significance of her words, but from the content of the post, it can be seen that her EGO has been involved in and understood more.】

(Source from the Facebook of Adamova) https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=966564398158726&set=pb.100044155253468.-2207520000

(CZ) Nikdo z nás nevíme, kdy se ocitneme v obtížné životní situaci. A proto přicházíme s pokračováním Milostivého léta.
(EN) None of us know when we will find ourselves in a difficult life situation. And that's why we come with the continuation of the Summer of Grace.
(zh-TW) 我們都不知道什麼時候我們會發現自己陷入困境。這就是為什麼我們要繼續進行「恩典之夏」活動。

→夏 summer:代表了熱,即為「動力、暈散」,亦為「新陳代謝」,所以也可指向「腐涎」與「裂解」。
It represents heat, which is "power, rendering" and "metabolism", so it can also point to "rotten" and "cracking(lysis)".
恩典 grace:除了原來的意思和優雅之意外,更有「以禮待之的善意」之內涵。就時間的意義來說,特別指「在某事發生或必須做某事之前,剩餘或允許的一段時間」,就是我強調反轉向上的現在這段時間,也就是散形凝煉時空的這段期間。
In addition to the meaning of original grace and elegance, it also has the connotation of "kindness to treat others with courtesy". In terms of the meaning of time, it specifically refers to "the remaining or allowed period of time before something happens or something must be done." It is the period of time that I emphasize is reversed upward, that is, the time and space where time and space are condensed. During this period, if we ignore it, we might as well think about it quickly.
→grace noun (TIME): a period of time left or allowed before something happens or before something must be done →(Example) The exams have been postponed, so the students have a few days' GRACE before they start.
In the example, GRACE is the gift of time from space-time!

辭義解釋 Explanation of vocabulary https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/grace

【繼續介接各國,像是法國Emmanuel Macron、美國Bill Clinton、捷克歐洲議會議員Luděk Niedermayer、人權紀錄片影展Jeden svět / One World等,有些介接會呈現較差的狀態,原因為何,各位可以想想! Continue to connect with various countries, such as Emmanuel Macron of France, Bill Clinton of the United States, Luděk Niedermayer, a member of the European Parliament of the Czech Republic, Jeden svět / One World, a human rights documentary film festival, etc. Some of the connections will be in a poor state. You can think about the reasons why!】

2024-03-07 (Source from the Facebook of Adamova) https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=967102504771582&set=pb.100044155253468.-2207520000

2024-03-11 (Source from the Facebook of Adamova) https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=968920954589737&set=pb.100044155253468.-2207520000

2024-03-14 (Source from the Facebook of Adamova) https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=970409414440891&set=pb.100044155253468.-2207520000

Adamova was younger on 2024-03-27. Let us compare how Adamova looked the next day after Taiwanese officials visited the Czech Republic on 2023-07-25. She is just as beautiful as she was!】

2024-03-27 (Source from the Facebook of Adamova) https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=978183496996816&set=pb.100044155253468.-2207520000

After interfacing with ENs (thoughts) from Taiwan, is Adamova as young and beautiful as she was on 2024-03-27?


I replied to the message to Adamova and shared it on my board on 2024-04-01. The content of the sharing is as follows:


Markéta Pekarová Adamová 真高興看見您遇見了年輕的自己,反轉之法也許我們都還不太理解,我相信每一個人都能協助他人,基於一份情感,一份感謝之情,由心而生。
I'm so happy to see you meet your younger self. Maybe we don't understand the method of reversal well, but I believe that each of us could help others, based on an emotion and a feeling of gratitude, born from the heart.

==More contents for India and each of us

President of India Narendra Modi 2024-03-04_魚兒透過天地意念(也是一種操控意念)示範相親相愛。未來協助他人更理解意念與上揚他人者,乃至於國家,天地都必然相助。並分享印度如何透過地熱發電場來建立印度的自然環境場域?
The fishes in my family demonstrate how to love and kiss each other through the EN (thought) of heaven and earth (also a kind of "manipulating EN"). In the future, those who help others better understand what EN is and uplift others and make them fly freely, , and even the country, heaven and earth will definitely help them. And share how India uses geothermal power plants to build India’s natural environment and field?


Also share with 臺灣電視台 公視新聞網 PNN 公視+ 聯合報 自由時報 udn.com 聯合新聞網 ETtoday新聞雲 NOWnews 今日新聞 三立iNEWS 加里·維納查克 Gary Vaynerchuk Nas Daily Nas Daily 中文 قناة الجزيرة مباشر - Aljazeera Mubasher Channel Al Jazeera Channel - قناة الجزيرة Liz Truss Rishi Sunak Olaf Scholz 岸田文雄 Emmanuel Macron Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón Ulf Kristersson The Presidency of the Republic of South Africa Justin Trudeau Halimah Yacob Andrés Manuel López Obrador Mark Rutte Sauli Niinistö Chris Hipkins MP Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו Lee Hsien Loong Presiden Joko Widodo Dr Lotay Tshering Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Jonas Gahr Støre Mette Frederiksen Katrín Jakobsdóttir Michael D Higgins Alexander De Croo Ignazio Cassis Andrzej Duda Petr Pavel Alexander Van der Bellen Novák Katalin Gitanas Nausėda Giorgia Meloni Klaus Iohannis

==想要更了解意念的人,除了透過Facebook和Blog研究我2021-06開始的所有內容和思考邏輯與內涵外,可從以下內容開始思考。People who want to understand EN (thought) more, in addition to studying all my content starting from 2021-06 through Facebook and Blog and thinking about the logic and connotation, can also start thinking from followings.==

Some of my descriptions (this is the basis for the gathering of EN lines).

I often say that the most regrettable thing for a person is that when he once loved something, but because he grew up or found a new love, he gave up his former hobbies and interests. Isn't that a lifelong thing?

一、★★★2022-10-26_我發的訊息很簡單,「習近平,給我立刻停止所有對台灣的威脅。」My message was simple, "Xi Jinping, stop all threats to Taiwan immediately."

In Xi Jinping's video at the BRICS meeting in South Africa, "We China are really sorry, Wu Shihjie" can be heard playing loudest.
YouTube https://youtube.com/shorts/GLccP_cj8yk

三、★★★2024-03-28_2021年的電影「沙丘 DUNE」43:03開始用0.5倍速大聲播放,也許,全台灣都聽得見美國道歉的電磁意念音,說著「我們美國真的很抱歉」。
The 2021 movie "DUNE" starts playing loudly at 0.5x speed from 43:03. Perhaps all of Taiwan can hear the electromagnetic voice of the United States' apology, expressing"We the United States are really sorry."
YouTube https://youtu.be/n7o0zzOetgI

How to make egrets and night herons speak Chinese in Daan Forest Park?
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37EW4Fb8x-Y

The EN messages of giant marine mammals can be converged into and sent out through the field. You can also think about what am I doing about the field? And is it similar to the logic of the unknown voices gathering across China?

An apology would be getting better too. This time the dog made the saying clearer. After crying for a long time, we will still laugh. As long as we have warm hearts and strike a balance among various differences, it is enough to hold up a sky. If we can feel the beauty of darkness and the splendor of evil from life, then our own so-called yearning (light) can grow.
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D44IB2BSFM

How do I currently work through EN system, and at what level would space-time be manifested?


吳時捷 WU SHIHJIE (Porsche Wu)
Living Area: 臺灣桃園市楊梅區 Yangmei, Taoyuan, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
Mobile Phone: +886902128182

【My content and profile】

Porsche Wu, Taiwan

Pondering as if it were from being;
Free-flowing, flexible and floodlighting.


