2024年5月18日 星期六

以北京藝術家孫原和彭禹2016年作品【難自禁】為例。想學習如何自體增幅的人,可與自己對話(=意識的集合體,或自己的作品與言行)。依以下方式練習、嘗試與反覆確認。這是介接自己更多可能的方式,也就是反覆檢視自己的言行(反求諸己)。 Take Beijing artists Sun Yuan and Peng Yu’s 2016 work [can't help myself] as an example. People who want to learn how to reinforce themselves could have a dialogue with each of their selves (= consciousnesses[selves], or their own works, words and deeds). Practice, try and confirm repeatedly in the following way. This is a way to interface with your selves with more possibilities, that is, to review your words and deeds over and over again (seeking yourself through your selves/possibilities).

Take Beijing artists Sun Yuan and Peng Yu’s 2016 work [can't help myself] as an example. People who want to learn how to reinforce themselves could have a dialogue with each of their selves (= consciousnesses[selves], or their own works, words and deeds). Practice, try and confirm repeatedly in the following way. This is a way to interface with your selves with more possibilities, that is, to review your words and deeds over and over again (seeking yourself through your selves/possibilities). 北京藝術家孫原和彭禹2016年作品【難自禁】,透過低頻的聲響和機具運行的擺盪:「吳時捷,很謝謝(也很抱歉),(0:36)我們(這個作品)想(1:03)分享每一個自己,(2:07)願能(2:35)遇見(找到)(3:03)自己(透過縱觀凝觀/自我檢視來感知認識自己)」。
Works by Beijing artists: Sun Yuan and Peng Yu [can't help myself] through low-frequency sounds and the oscillation of machine operation: "Wu Shihjie, thank you (and excused me), (0:36) we (this work) want to (1:03) share each of selves, (2:07) might be able to see to (2:35) meet (find) (3:03) each of our selves (feel/know each of our selves through contemplation/self-examination)."

[can't help myself]
透過編程的方式讓一只機械手臂來回刷擺血色般的液體,並讓這液體固定匯流到機器周圍,這種類似血液的液體不斷滲出,觸發機器人的感應器,誘發機器將其鏟回原位。藝術家 “教導” 機器人執行32種不同的動作,刮、擦、搔癢到晃動,賦予它一種神秘而令人著迷的人性格。對孫原和彭禹而言,機器不斷試圖控制著無法受控的液體,回應藝術本質的難以捉摸。

Video Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS4Bpr2BgnE
Wiki about 孫原 Sun Yuan 和 彭禹 Peng Yu: https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E5%AD%99%E5%8E%9F%E5%92%8C%E5%BD%AD%E7%A6%B9

Thank you both for sharing this scene with us. We can't help but accept it when we see that one (any possibility that we covet and be obsessed with). Even if we might be manipulated, we just can't help but keep taking. This kind of thinking and tendency has actually been lost bit by bit all the time, because we are not able to see (blind) what we would not like to see, but stare tight at what we want to grab at the same time.

People who want to learn how to reinforce themselves could have a dialogue with each of their selves (= consciousnesses[selves], or their own works, words and deeds). Practice, try and confirm repeatedly in the following way. This is a way to interface with your selves with more possibilities, that is, to review your words and deeds over and over again (seeking yourself through your selves/possibilities).

1. 透過解讀(聆聽)意念開始。聲音、氣息、風,都是一種意念。
Begin by interpreting (listening to) EN (thought). Sound, breath, wind are all ENs (thoughts).

Newborn children listen to themselves and feel their selves in the midst of their cries.

How is this possible? If this is the case, what could we doubt? More importantly, what deep impact does this connotation and texture have on us and our children? The singing is also accompanied by the sound of the wind blowing the leaves: "Loneliness is more driven than hugs. Love makes people lose their minds. Would it be that I am too selfish? So I would not like to live a lonelier life. I can't let go and I can't see the future neither. Does this kind of imperfection make what love is really like?". How do we restore and reinforce ourselves through what I share?

2. 嘗試分辨與凝煉相合意的意念。可以從真心關心的事情出發。
Try to discern and converge the thoughts into the ones that agree with you. Start with something you concern genuinely.

Newborn children are in the company of others, to listen to others and to feel others.

What I really care about is not whether Rainie Yang was singing excellent or not, but that is how her life unfolds. All I know is that I'm not very good at singing on that stage, and we often forget to be respectful. I care about whether someone tramples on the beauty of others (nature) at will. In the process, I ponder and cherish, and collect the beauty (one piece) from daily life.

Why not do things that benefit others and ourselves? This process is discerning and concerning our selves.

If a performance by Rainie Yang, who is not very good at singing, can make Roxette who has established herself as a foreign vocal music critic unable to comment, then our Rainie Yang is also very good! Every one of us has been thirsty and high expectations on the competition stage.Therefore, I particularly cherish the process of going from not better enough to brave! Those who only want to steal or criticize others to achieve their own good, how would they be able to taste the sweetness! Worse situations can inspire and repeatedly verify everyone's selves. Who knows how to appreciate, how to encourage, and how to cherish? Who just likes to use their speech to criticize, ridicule, and trample? Isn't it? Do we appreciate someone trying to contribute, but what about ourselves?

3. 進一步透過感知來描繪意念線(自己),等同於透過觀察和思考來反覆檢視印證自己。
Further drawing the EN line of thought (your selves) through perception is equivalent to repeatedly examining and confirming one's selves through feeling (observing) and thinking.

Newborn children record others and drive themselves while perceiving and trying.

In music, it can be understood as harmony, melody, rhythm, tension, texture, structure, and even scripts, storyboards, scene transitions, perspective, focus or discussion of issues in various arts.

2024-04-27_(分享給朗朗和Sir Ian McKellen)越懂得「自問自答,反求諸己」與「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」的人,除了能力,還有更多的介接資源,因為珍惜「真心」和「用心」。各位發自真心地讚嘆和感受,必然會有他人來協助,無須多言。
(Shared with Lang Lang and Sir Ian McKellen) The more people know how to "ask and answer questions for yourselves, and seek yourselves" and "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", in addition to abilities, they also have more intermediary resources, because space-time cherishing "sincerity" and "intention". If we sincerely praise and express the feelings, others will surely assist in many things, so there is no need to say anything.

Religion is often defined as "spiritual enlightenment (psylink)", the so-called unknown influences (=processes of thinking =convergence of EN tendencies). In fact, many people do it through their own physical force (pretend to be like that status), and it is not true pulling from selves.

They are often partially manipulated and influenced by others (external forces), so please pay more attention to this. In fact, from a scientific perspective, it should be regarded as a kind of space-time pulling and tendency perception.

Pulling from selves is generated by the mutual gravitational pulling, tendency and convergence of one selves and space-time.

Videos of temples and deities of Shulin, there are some EN messages to share with all religions to improve and curb our own arrogance.

For religious and spiritual practitioners, I offer some methods to prevent you from being unable to recognize the facts.

Press the palms of both hands together and squeeze each other. After inhaling, slowly exhale until the force is evenly distributed throughout the body. Feel the overall changes in your body through the direction of force on your palms, fingers, arms, and also the rotation of your elbows.

When you do it for the first and tenth time, you would be able to definitely realize that the so-called spiritual enlightenment (spirit body) is just a kind of pulling and tendency caused by the body or external space-time gravity.

In fact, it is a change in the center of mass (Mass = devine and underworld = field) of space-time.

When we can clearly feel the difference, we would get that those loose spiritual enlightenments are of course external forces.

This understanding is of course relevant to why I own the ability to gather and induce changes in the environment, even if the running of time could be delayed, but more importantly is the impact after delay and how to reverse.

By working together with the whole nature and heaven and earth could we get twice the result with half the effort! This is to keep pace with the times. This is the basis for the operation of parallel space-time, not from twisting and dividing space-time. Otherwise, this would lead to the scattering of space-time and many disasters due to field incoherence and huge space-time fluctuations. This is the concept of the 1-FIELD and the basis of SYSTEM. It is now easier to understand why abnormal weather conditions in China, the United States and other countries may have occurred because of less thoughtfulness.

4. 轉換各種不同的象限與相位來練習。
Practice by converting between various phase and aspects.

Newborn children examine themselves (restrain oneself) and improve themselves (cultivate oneself) through trials and errors.

The way to point to the future development is to gather together through your own "sincerity, reality, and concern."

You and heaven and earth can communicate with just your thinking, do you still not understand the meaning behind it? When researchers and scientists are thinking, you may wish to open this earthquake video and get closer to listen to it as loud as possible. According to our thinking, logic and attitude, and try to realize what heaven and earth respond. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

5. 協同共生與運行,則能產生現實世界(也就是物理性)的「時空牽引」,這是更巨幅地引動時空的聚合與裂變。
Cooperative symbiosis and operation can produce "space-time pulling" in the real world (physicality), which can trigger the aggregation and fission of space-time to a greater extent.

Newborn children imitate others (appreciate) and test themselves (praise others) through trials and errors, and gradually become able to coexist and operate together.

If we could restrain ourselves and cultivate ourselves, growth and prosperity belong to our selves;
If we could appreciate and praise others, the beauty of others (all one piece) would be unlimited to feel, touch, love and share.

We can confirm this with our heart, so criticize about others less and examine ourselves more.

The fishes in my family demonstrate how to love and kiss each other through the EN (thought) of heaven and earth (also a kind of "manipulating EN"). In the future, those who help others better understand what EN is and uplift others and make them fly freely, , and even the country, heaven and earth will definitely help them. And share how India uses geothermal power plants to build India’s natural environment and field?

Everyone presents several patterns and tendencies, I am not predicting, nor alarmist, I just know what happened to everyone [1]. In addition to letting the world know the reason, I also need to help everyone convert, and also try to improve the direction and tendencies of manipulating and cracking ENs.

It is very correct and important of "the key to QiGong is not meditation, but good thoughts" mentioned in the article. "Good thoughts" is the most important starting point for the first half of "The Cycle of Goodness": "Keep all the good, not the bad." In the other half, "As long as you don't die, beauty is the most important.", the key lies in "seeking yourself". I must honestly say that "seeking yourself" cannot be achieved by any physical exercise, whether through yoga or meditation. It depends on each person's repeated "self-inhibition and praise others" of their each existence. In the next few days, I will share the most important points, but just only five points. It's easy to say, but I think it's only after repeated practice that you can experience the most wonderful process. However, the most rare thing is "into the mind and personality".

Also share with 楊登嵙 釋見仙 柳藏經 行天宮五大志業 財團法人台北市艋舺龍山寺 台北霞海城隍廟 大甲鎮瀾宮 北港朝天宮 竹山紫南宮 烘爐地南山福德宮 鹿港天后宮 財團法人新北市樹林濟安宮 關渡宮 桃園景福宮 桃園慈護宮 達賴喇嘛西藏宗教基金會 Tibet Religious Foundation of HH the Dalai Lama 淡水無極天元宮 玻璃媽祖廟 馬鳴山鎮安宮五年千歲祖廟 阿猴媽祖(屏東慈鳳宮) 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama Pope Francis - A Man of His Word 佛光山 佛光大學佛教學系 FGU Department of Buddhist Studies 慈濟基金會 慈濟大學粉專-Tzu Chi University 法鼓山 法鼓山護法總會 法鼓山世界青年會 法鼓山 寶雲寺 法鼓山香港道場 DDMHK 法鼓文理學院 佛教學系 七葉佛教書舍 佛教慈悲志業基金會 妙禪師父 佛教如來宗 香港佛教聯合會 Hong Kong Buddhist Association 世界佛教總部 南海觀音佛教基金會 財團法人佛教功德山基金會 東禪佛教學院 四聖諦佛教 Four Noble Truths Buddhism 中華原始佛教會Original Buddhism Society 國際藏傳佛教研究會ཐེ་ཝན་རྒྱལ་སྤྱིའི་བོད་བརྒྱུད་ནང་བསྟན། 寧瑪巴喇榮三乘法林佛學會 蘭若精舍NANOSOFT 宗教聯盟 Interfaith Union 西藏台灣人權連線 Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan


