2024年5月1日 星期三

孩子哭鬧聲也是一種意念訊息:「我們最喜歡吳時捷哥哥」。牽引孩子們成長的力量,除了父母的愛之外,還有一部分,來自於環境與天地的趨向。 The crying of children is actually an EN (thought) message: "We like Wu Shihjie the most." In addition to the love of parents, the influence that leads children to grow up also comes partly from the environment and the tendencies of heaven and earth.

The crying of children is actually an EN (thought) message: "We like Wu Shihjie the most." In addition to the love of parents, the influence that leads children to grow up also comes partly from the environment and the tendencies of heaven and earth.

The crying of children is actually an EN (thought) message: "We like Wu Shihjie the most."

Children's clean EN system might originate from nature. Maybe the children are conveying some messages to parents. I hope the babies will not cause too much commotion, but try to feel, observe, think, experience and grow.

This is why I continue to explain and emphasize the importance of sharing and interfacing.

I am sharing some content. Would you first observe and perceive what messages this content might convey? I believe you would realize that these contents are quite important.

In addition to reading, researching or discussing (I emphasize "asking yourself and answering yourself" many times), we can confirm what we see every day (the infinite gravity EN comes from sincerity, reality and concern), these are the pointing of future science. In addition, my Facebook has a lot of content, including the evolution of natural creatures, such as birds, dogs, insects, and even disasters and loud roars in the sky, which all have EN meanings that can be interpreted. You should read it in moderation.

2024-04-27_(分享給朗朗和Sir Ian McKellen)越懂得「自問自答,反求諸己」與「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」的人,除了能力,還有更多的介接資源,因為珍惜「真心」和「用心」。各位發自真心地讚嘆和感受,必然會有他人來協助,無須多言。
(Shared with Lang Lang and Sir Ian McKellen) The more people know how to "ask and answer questions for yourselves, and seek yourselves" and "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", in addition to abilities, they also have more intermediary resources, because space-time cherishing "sincerity" and "intention". If we sincerely praise and express the feelings, others will surely assist in many things, so there is no need to say anything.

吳時捷 WU SHIHJIE (Porsche Wu)
Living Area: 臺灣桃園市楊梅區 Yangmei, Taoyuan, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
E-mail: geopor0714@gmail.com

【My content and profile】
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu
Blog: https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PorscheWu
★Shared Info and Videos★: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YoMZLAy34Hxp-8VSRQwG1jLxKpuqM4ql?usp=share_link


