[A must-read for parents, scientists, and religious people] This little baby is so amazing. Even though he is still so young, he works so hard to share "I like Wu Shihjie the most, (0:21) I have to work hard...I have to work hard..." through breathing with the world. Don't think about the reasons yet, because some tendencies of our life are assisted by heaven and earth, and that's all. Wu Szuyao also replied "super cute"! After hearing this amazing baby, I share with the world that the best way to do in the moment is to "holding the breath and taking a deep breath at the same time, and shout and cheer in our mind(inner self)." The baby might respond to our sincere appreciation and praise!
I don’t know how old this little boy is, but I know that he has very high demands on himself. Those who are brave enough to play the video loudly would hear the clear breathing sound conveying "I like Wu Shihjie the most" every time he shouts "Wow(wǒ)".
【連立法委員蔡易餘都忍不住按下讚】鄭運鵬 鄭運鵬 Cheng Yun-Peng 在Threads分享札幌冰雨,相信有感受到環境巨大聲響在傳達:「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷」。也有看到 吳思瑤 回應「不要這樣羨煞人」(也許一部分的您是在說:因為我們現階段就是無法...)。相信檯面上的人有其考量,所以不能分享這些事實,但我知道我們都正慢慢積累自己生命之輕重和嚮往。
Cheng Yun-Peng shared Sapporo Icy Rain on Threads. I believe that he also felt the huge sound of the environment conveying: "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie." Wu Szuyao responsed: "Don't make others envious." (Maybe part of you is saying: Because we just can't... at this moment.) I believe that the people on the stage have their own considerations, so they cannot share these facts, but I know that we are all gradually accumulating the balance and yearning of our lives.
Why do children (the future), nature, animals and plants respond or express gratitude in this way?
Then, think about what we usually see, and how we see and think about it?
Why do these words of like, thank you, or apology come from? It doesn’t matter what I did, what was the intention (reason, direction)? Only in this way can everyone who appreciates it regain a comfortable and appropriate self and the future (extended self → children → future)!
As time gradually extended, that feeling naturally arises in the heart and comes alive. Whether it wants to say hello to yourself or express something.
If you want to know why children are expressing similar feelings, you can see these two articles:
[Play it loudly and be sure to listen] Would anyone be moved after hearing this? What connotation makes children willing to protect and cherish? The pandas hug each other closely and convey: "Thank you very much, (0:20) Wu Shihjie. (0:29) Please keep sharing such your selves, thank you very much."
二、2024-04-27_(分享給朗朗和Sir Ian McKellen)越懂得「自問自答,反求諸己」與「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」的人,除了能力,還有更多的介接資源,因為珍惜「真心」和「用心」。各位發自真心地讚嘆和感受,必然會有他人來協助,無須多言。
(Shared with Lang Lang and Sir Ian McKellen) The more people know how to "ask and answer questions for yourselves, and seek yourselves" and "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", in addition to abilities, they also have more intermediary resources, because space-time cherishing "sincerity" and "intention". If we sincerely praise and express the feelings, others will surely assist in many things, so there is no need to say anything.
Heaven and earth speak, and I can help the world understand these through facts. My name can be heard in recordings instead of the gods and Buddhas. It comes from different ways of understanding. Who is thanking and apologizing to me? Isn’t this reflection interesting? The first thing for all living beings is to "find yourself".
In the past few months, many people have begun to be friends to receive these messages. It does not mean anything, but it is so that we can receive some important facts to move forward together in the future and rethink about ourselves. The heart and courage of these people are worth sharing. For the future of Taiwan and China, it might be batter for relatively powerful people and the media to receive this information, including the content I share about China, the United States, and the world. The future is related to cognition, and you can follow or add friends to receive the most beautiful and true voices and content in the world, and move forward into the future together!
來源 Source: https://www.threads.net/@huaxuanwei/post/DCGhDACSQ1j?xmt=AQGzOQJFI3Sf3DiN1FAYX5dqpcpuWFupS5Vx1VJSjTx94A
發音 Pronouce: https://translate.google.com/details?sl=zh-TW&tl=en&text=%E6%88%91%E6%9C%80%E5%96%9C%E6%AD%A1%E5%90%B3%E6%99%82%E6%8D%B7%E5%93%A5%E5%93%A5
The birds are showing the beauty of dance and conveying "we must have to find ourselves quickly". Aren’t we going to think about what happens next? The world is changing, and heaven and earth are watching. Now, all living beings in the world are gathering this EN (thought), which is to "find/know yourself/your selves".
The crocodile and the snake help convey "we must have to find ourselves quickly". That nature responds to my thoughts with such density and frequency is absolutely crucial to all mankind.
This monkey and dog help convey that "we must have to find ourselves quickly."
While feeding, the lion continued to express "I like Wu Shihjie the most." I believe many people are open-minded and even glad to see it. But sometimes we humans are quite strange. Even if we understand, we still respond by saying, "I don't understand, they are not talking at all." Because if we say that we understand, many people cannot explain it, so it must be "ununderstood", right? Do you agree, especially in the scientific and religious communities, especially spiritual leaders, temple abbots, and scientific research and education personnel?
I also want to say, "If you have the guts, turn it up louder, and then listen carefully to the sounds of air conditioners, electromagnetic equipment, etc. Will it really produce a huge reverberation?" This is certainly the best way to help science, religion and government gradually face reality without having to broadcast these news.
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