2024年5月24日 星期五

可以多聆聽自己身處場合所發出來的意念音,至少這可以了解到自己身上有一些力量和聲音是想和自己傳達什麼訊息!若民主自由真如賴清德、蕭美琴或Joe Biden所述一樣美好,怎麼國家不是向您們致謝呢?這也是中華人民共和國要深思如何調整過往將自己視為中國來發言的情況。 Also, you can listen more to the EN (thought) sounds emitted by the situations you are in. At least this way you could understand what messages the forces and sounds in you want to convey to yourselves! If democracy and freedom are as beautiful as what Lai Chingde, Xiao Bikhim or Joe Biden describe, why doesn't the country thank you? This is also why the People's Republic of China needs to think deeply about how to adjust its past situation of speaking as the entire China.

可以多聆聽自己身處場合所發出來的意念音,至少這可以了解到自己身上有一些力量和聲音是想和自己傳達什麼訊息!若民主自由真如賴清德、蕭美琴或Joe Biden所述一樣美好,怎麼國家不是向您們致謝呢?這也是中華人民共和國要深思如何調整過往將自己視為中國來發言的情況。
Also, you can listen more to the EN (thought) sounds emitted by the situations you are in. At least this way you could understand what messages the forces and sounds in you want to convey to yourselves! If democracy and freedom are as beautiful as what Lai Chingde, Xiao Bikhim or Joe Biden describe, why doesn't the country thank you? This is also why the People's Republic of China needs to think deeply about how to adjust its past situation of speaking as the entire China. 「(意念音)我們真的很抱歉,我是賴清德。(0:17)賴清德對於三軍統帥和總統的自我期許,略。(0:41)此時此刻,國際社會正高度關注民主台灣,而面對外在的挑戰與威脅,我們會持續捍衛自由民主的價值,守護區域的和平穩定。(1:11)(電磁音)我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷。(1:49)(風聲)我們真的很抱歉」。
"(EN sound) We are really sorry, I am Lai Chingde. (0:17) Lai Ching-de's self-expectations for the commander-in-chief and the president, EMITTED. (0:41) At this moment, the international community is paying close attention to democratic Taiwan, and in the face of external challenges and threats, we will continue to defend the value of freedom and democracy and protect regional peace and stability (1:11) (Electromagnetic Sound) We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie (1:49) (Wind Sound) We are really sorry".

1, 民主自由很好,但不用一直強調「民主台灣」,因為民主自由有非常多缺失和亂象,對嗎?請 賴清德 總統和 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 副總統提出三點民主自由引發的亂象,並以正在進行中的美國選舉來舉例。
Democracy and freedom are wonderful, but there is no need to keep emphasizing "democratic Taiwan" because there are many deficiencies and chaos in democracy and freedom, right? Please ask President Lai Chingde and Vice President Hsiao Bikhim to raise three points about the chaos caused by democracy and freedom, and use the ongoing US president election as an example.

This is the basic attitude of "self-restraint and self-cultivation", and it must bring you great stability to concern on your selves.

Those who want to challenge and achieve their own future must win the respect of others if they respond bravely and encourage those around them to reflect together.

Also, you can listen more to the EN (thought) sounds emitted by the situations you are in. At least this way you could understand what messages the forces and sounds in you want to convey to yourselves!

2. 賴清德總統總是喜歡反覆地強調「捍衛自由民主的價值」,請問中華人民共和國對於台灣的軍演,是因為台灣是採取民主國家制嗎?還是因為什麼呢?請民主國家的所有官員回應。
President Lai Chingde always likes to repeatedly emphasize"the need to defend the value of freedom and democracy." Is it because the People's Republic of China conducts military exercises against Taiwan because Taiwan adopts a democratic state system? Or why? All officials in democracies are invited to respond.

3. 檢視自己的言行,如今是否還留存於心呢?有更好的解了嗎?
Examine our words and deeds, and do they still remain in our heart? Is there a better solution or suggestions?

Greenpeace helps convey to society that "Virtue makes Taiwan win! But...garbage makes Taiwan unbeautiful."

蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 副總統擔任立委時,曾質詢關於「垃圾露天堆置」的問題。五年過去,立法委員成為副總統,而臺灣的垃圾堆置問題仍無解。請問,蕭美琴副總統現在會協助哪些關於自己曾反思過的事呢?
When Vice President Hsiao Bikhim was a legislator, you once asked about the issue of "open accumulation of garbage." Five years later, the legislator became the vice president, and Taiwan’s garbage accumulation problem remains unsolved. I would like to ask, what kind of things would Vice President Hsiao Bikhim help now about the things that you has once reflected on?

If I now convey to you for sure, "Reflect on our past words and deeds and compare them with whether we retain ourselves in the heart and keep working hard or not, it is strongly related to our body, mind, spirit and FUTURE INFLUENCE." Whether you are based on potential benefits, would you have different opinions about the whole concepts I remind you?

This kind of profit consideration is the key reason why we are facing many tests.

It also includes the recent inability of the world to face those seeming disasters!

I have shared the content of the past three years. If you haven’t seen it, of course you are responsible for it, or you must immediately convey it to your assistants, editors, and related information processing personnel. What is meant by “Don’t judge the connotation of speech based on that person’s achievements.”

If you or the person receiving the message have problems or cannot understand the logic of the following content I have attached, then I suggest that you learn semantics as soon as possible or read it over and over, and speak less.

2024-02-23_要是我作為,立刻請政府發函Nobel Prize諾貝爾獎委員會,請所有委員,在聯繫所有過往獲獎者後,立刻排除萬難,於一週內回覆台灣統一來台參訪與研究的時間;逾時的話,請自己安排,眼睛和罩子放亮點,可能不適合擔任此關乎未來發展與走向的獎項之相關委員。台灣,立刻躍登世界最熱門搜尋、各國爭相拜訪與未來最重要的研究樞紐。如此簡單的作為,絲毫沒有言過其實,不是嗎?我們的政府,賴清德、蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao和蔡英文Tsai Ing-wen,加油。
If I were to take action, I would immediately ask the government to send an official letter to the Nobel Prize Committee, requesting all committee members to immediately overcome all difficulties after contacting all past winners and respond within a week to unify the time for Taiwan to visit and conduct research. If they are overdue, please make their own arrangements and be smarter. They may not be suitable to serve as relevant committee members of this award related to future development and direction. Taiwan immediately became the world’s most popular search topic, attracting many countries to visit and becoming the most important research hub in the future. Such a simple act is not exaggerated at all, is it? Our government, Lai Ching-te, Bi-khim Hsiao, and Tsai Ing-wen, please do it for the sake of our children, the future of Taiwan and the world, and yourselves.
強烈建議 賴清德 與 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao ,如何在520就職前,迅速獲得 侯友宜 、柯文哲和各黨更多支持與尊重。那就是,請蕭美琴協助賴清德就之前演講中被提問的那些沒有正面回應之問題,做統一整理並再次回應,除了聚焦或釐清關鍵問題之外,更應該簡單扼要來描述「實際可執行之建議方案」。這部分,本來就是賴清德可以響應 柯文哲 發佈的自省文一樣來反省自己,過去那些全都避免正面回答的提問,如今應該全部回覆具有實際可執行的建議方案,兩位是否覺得這正該是即將接任的正副總統應最優先來執行的事情,當然是「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」!
2024-05-21_520就職大典上,透過戰鬥機打招呼: 賴清德,蕭美琴,我是吳時捷。請你們「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」,請協助改善立法院和議會文化,謝謝。
Greetings through fighter jets at the 520 inauguration ceremony: Lai Chingde, Hsiao Bi-khim, I am Wu Shihjie. Would you please "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", and help improve the culture of the Legislative Yuan and parliament, thank you.


Apologies for disasters everywhere. What could be the reason? What could be the reason? What is the connection with conversion and field? Tornadoes have hit the United States in recent days, hitting various places hard and gradually moving towards New York and Washington. Canadian wildfires are approaching the oil-rich town, burning an area of ​​​​10,000 hectares Heavy rains in Afghanistan and Brazil have flooded many provinces, and the number of casualties continues to rise.

2024-05-13_各地災難和環境都在表達「真的很謝謝你/真的很抱歉,吳時捷」是為何?河北暴風雨襲來,白天轉黑夜! 西安陰雲密布,暴風雨猛烈! 五月的青海下雪了! 廣西暴雨,城市大片地區淹水!意念並非為了守護現況,因為很多國家、社會、科學和人心都溢於其表。而現行的時空意識則在於顯露各國和每個人真實的自己。
Why are disasters and environments everywhere expressing "Thank you very much/We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie"? Day turns into night in seconds as violent storm hits Hebei! Xi'an is covered with dark clouds and violent storms! It snows in Qinghai in May! Heavy rains in Guangxi, flooded large areas of the city! ENs which are consistent with me are not to protect the present, because many countries, societies, sciences and people's minds have exceeded their true situation. And the current consciousness of space-time is to reveal the true selves of each country and each being.

Also share with 卓榮泰 鄭麗君 林佳龍 潘孟安 鄭文燦 陳世凱 行政院發言人 國防部發言人 總統府發言人 柯文哲 朱立倫 王婉諭 趙少康 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 關鍵時刻 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 94要客訴 突發琪想 57爆新聞 新聞龍捲風 新聞深喉嚨 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 新台派上線 年代向錢看 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News FACENEWS/新聞面對面 TVBS T觀點 董事長開講 新聞大白話 關我什麼事 TVBS 國民大會 新聞大破解 新聞大小事 大新聞大爆卦 美麗島電子報 政知局 公民審議-立委監督專區 一刀未剪 正常發揮


