2024年6月4日 星期二

(Share to 呂紹嘉) 「音樂先想要走向何方,再回到自己,接著才餘音繞樑」。您可在未來印證此思維,對音樂一定更具貢獻,對台上音樂家也更具意義。我們的存在,是將心中珍視與動心的音樂和想法,分享給演出的團員和台下的聽眾,方不愧自己與天地。 "The music must first go where it wants to go, and then returns to ourselves, and then the sound lingers." You can prove such thinking in the future, and it would definitely contribute more to music and be more meaningful to the musicians on stage. Our existence is to share the music and thoughts that we treasure and touch in our hearts with performers and the audience, so that we can be worthy of our selves and the heaven and the earth.

【修己揚他/AskSelf】【意念/EN】【場域/FIELD】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】【影視/Film】【音樂/Music】 (Share to 呂紹嘉) 「音樂先想要走向何方,再回到自己,接著才餘音繞樑」。您可在未來印證此思維,對音樂一定更具貢獻,對台上音樂家也更具意義。我們的存在,是將心中珍視與動心的音樂和想法,分享給演出的團員和台下的聽眾,方不愧自己與天地。
"The music must first go where it wants to go, and then returns to ourselves, and then the sound lingers." You can prove such thinking in the future, and it would definitely contribute more to music and be more meaningful to the musicians on stage. Our existence is to share the music and thoughts that we treasure and touch in our hearts with performers and the audience, so that we can be worthy of our selves and the heaven and the earth.

You and Hsu Ching-Hsin are eager to block me, I'm afraid it's not out of my straightforwardness, but out of fear and arrogance. Let us enjoy what the next two would look like and perform, it’s exciting!

Many people's appearance and speaking voice have begun to become very different from before (decline), they seem looser off stage, and they would be even more exaggerated in the future.

Just hope you know how the world is running and just be responsible for yourself.

Let's take a look at Hsu Ching-Hsin's appearance. It would be even more shocking in the future, so enjoy it!
Look carefully, we could actually tell from the eyes that different people are different. Everyone should pay more attention to the eyes of others in the future!

This is not a cosmetic effect, but a misuse of other people's appreciation and ENs (thoughts), including students, peers, and children. The more we observe carefully, the more we can see the difference!

Source 2024-05-14
Source 2024-05-23

Some people appear outstanding on the stage through previously obtained ENs (thoughts), but they are lackluster in the daily life.

馬定一 的曲子您指的有點不知所云。不知道呂紹嘉您如何和樂團排練,這過程對你、團員和我們才是更重要的。看得出來有點指不下去(當然有其他原因,就不多說了)。我相信這也是因為我們心中並沒有在歌唱或表達,甚至,都忘了呼吸,對嗎?
Ma Ting Yi's music is a bit unclear. I don’t know how you rehearse with the orchestra, but I think this process is more important to you, the musicians on stage, and us. It can be seen that your conducting is a little bit inadequate(of course there are other reasons, but I won’t go into details). I believe this is also because we are not singing or expressing in our hearts, or even, forgetting to breathe, right?

The ENs (thoughts) of heaven and earth were recorded and presented in a whirling and oscillating texture. I think you can confirm the recording.

Music (sounds, thoughts) is like preparing to pour tea, then taking it back to taste, and then sharing the sweetness or bitterness.
We should also listen to Ma Ting Yi's description. Is it surprisingly similar to what I shared above, which I wrote later, but in the opposite direction!?

I. 聽到遠處傳來的聲音 Hear a distant sound
II. 逐漸接近那個聲音 Getting closer to that sound
III. 在森林裡有鐘聲響起 There are bells ringing in the forest

This piece is about being pulled by other sources, whereas my description of the music is about finding ourselves and stretching ourselves.

小提琴協奏曲很好聽,但此較古典的音樂緊盯著譜在指?因此,第一樂章也有點指不下去,連獨奏 薛志璋 都受到影響,我認為是因為環境在議論您是能感受到的,對嗎?第三樂章,獨奏和樂團有意會到如何傳遞與暈散音樂和聲響,所以讓人感到回神與勇敢嘗試。
This violin concerto is a very nice piece of music, but for this more classical music, how come you focus on the score? Therefore, the first movement was also a bit difficult of your conducting, even the solo is affected, and I think it is of course because you can feel that the environment was talking about you, right? In the third movement, the soloist and the orchestra realize how to transmit and render the music and sound, so it makes us feel that the music was refreshed and brave to try.

下半場因為您較熟悉幻想交響曲,才透過eye contact給了較多的支持,所以音樂較悅耳且明確許多。然而,聲部語法的統一性、音樂的交會疊合等,都可以更用心引導團員。
In the second half, because you are more familiar with Symphonie Fantastique, you gave more support through eye contact, so the music is more pleasant and clear. However, the unity of the articulation, the interplay and superposition of the music, etc., can all more carefully share with the orchestra members.

不應認為 北藝大音樂學系Department of Music, T.N.U.A. 他們只是音樂系管弦樂團,而應該做更多的努力和準備。很多事情,得「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」,況且,也只有下半場才能感受到您預備拍的呼吸,對嗎?
They should not be thought of as just the music department orchestra, but we ourselves should make more efforts and preparations. For many things, we have to "restrain ourselves and cultivate ourselves, appreciate and praise others." Moreover, only the second half would we be able to feel your breath of the preparatory beat, right?

The attached video shows me taking my thoughts to sing "Lupinus" with the insects.


2024-04-27_(分享給朗朗和Sir Ian McKellen)越懂得「自問自答,反求諸己」與「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」的人,除了能力,還有更多的介接資源,因為珍惜「真心」和「用心」。各位發自真心地讚嘆和感受,必然會有他人來協助,無須多言。
(Shared with Lang Lang and Sir Ian McKellen) The more people know how to "ask and answer questions for yourselves, and seek yourselves" and "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", in addition to abilities, they also have more intermediary resources, because space-time cherishing "sincerity" and "intention". If we sincerely praise and express the feelings, others will surely assist in many things, so there is no need to say anything.

Music is not just about speed, tension or articulation. In the imagination of musical sounds, there is a more delicate approaching texture, including different textures and overtones that meet. The standard for a truly good music feast is not only the expression of music performance, but also the music of the conductor, musicians and orchestra, which is powerful and capable of moving and whirling texture.

Music is not just about speed, tension or articulation. In the imagination of musical sounds, there is a more delicate approaching texture, including different textures and overtones that meet. The standard for a truly good music feast is not only the expression of music performance, but also the music of the conductor, musicians and orchestra, which is powerful and capable of moving and whirling texture.

Also share with Apo Hsu Aikuang Sun Chiafen Weng 簡文秀 H.K. OuYang 彭廣林 林天吉 Ju Tzong-Ching 鍾耀光 Hsing-Chwen Giselle Hsin 葉綠娜 彭孟賢 Meng-Hsien, Peng Meng-Hsien Peng Yen-Yin Chu 莫啟慧 Hsiuchin Lee 孔孝誠 Bello Chang 羅俊穎 張玉胤 陳黃源 馬泰宇 趙成立 James Y. Lin Jason Lin Sabrina ChenPing Wesley Chia Wei Lin 錢宏洋 林清山 唐孝良 郭靖威 沈伯駿 余濟倫 YuanPu Chiao NSO國家交響樂團 Taipei Symphony Orchestra 北市交 臺灣國樂團 NCO 臺北市立國樂團 台北愛樂合唱團Taipei Philharmonic Chorus Theodora Pavlovitch Ekaterina Shelehova Adam Chou 黃偉傑 蔣啟真 郭靖沐 Tonic 5 李長昆 蔣仲杰 王淞賢 郭恩慈 John Huang Brian Hanz

Also share with 葉樹涵 吳建銘 段富軒 郭聯昌 溫瑟爾 ChiungYu Christy Chen 江靖波 陳榮昇 李商宇 宋光清 張景民 Canon Huang 鄭吉良 莊清霖 張浩 杜英麟 陳一夫 黃瑀萌 林祐民 吳松庭 林子祥 胡志瑋 梁婉筠Wan-Yun Liang 林昀宏 Yun-Ting Chen Yen-Yen Yen-Chao Chang 邱浩瑋 陳建安 廖晏樟 張國威 符秦僥 顏慶賢 唐宥恩 陳瑋琮 楊忠衡 劉仰智 陳彥豪 Martha Argerich Lang Lang - 郎朗 Daming Zhu 諸大明 鋼琴家顏華容 Artemis Yen - Pianist/Author/Dreamer Piano Chun-Chieh 我是江老師 小游老師 Andy Scott Ayako Takagi Kenta Saito Yoshiko Matsumoto Jin Ta Steven Mead


