2024年6月23日 星期日

大自然有許多匯集重力意念的方式,透過彼此匯集的重力趨向來做出更多生物行為和展示更細膩的演化過程。 There are so many way to converge the gravity EN in nature and they would display a more delicate evolutionary process through the convergence of gravitational tendencies.

There are so many way to converge the gravity EN in nature and they would display a more delicate evolutionary process through the convergence of gravitational tendencies.

The titan triggerfish attempts to gather EN (thought) sounds by oscillating itself in the water to convey: "I like Wu Shihjie best."

But it shouldn't be considered an attack, but a request for humans to record these facts. Humans always feel that it is not impolite to approach or pat an animal casually, but is it considered an attack if an animal comes close?

Remember the German novel "Swarm"? Of course it might happen, because humans continue to ignore warnings and omens from the earth and ocean, and the tug of fish back and forth can quickly build up a huge tsunami, let alone large marine mammals.


The fish show what it means to pull each other, which is of course an important biological behavior of gathering gravity and homogenizing. In the latter part, I will take the self-field (my field itself) as a field intermediary, and make the possibility of EN (thought) pulling through my JIPI (centripetal converging) EN flow. A certain part can also be regarded as a preliminary proof of understanding the interaction between biological behavior and the earth's environment (geomagnetic).

The fishes living in my family, and Heaven and Earth said through the little girl downstairs: "Thank you very much, this is his stabilizing EN(thought)!", and if you can’t tell, it’s definitely not the fishes' fault!


Stranded Whale: "I like Wu Shihjie, take care of selves." Remember the German novel 《The Swarm》? Of course it could happen, because humans continue to ignore warnings and omens from the earth and ocean, and the tug of fish back and forth could quickly build up a huge tsunami, let alone large marine mammals.


Whales convey thank you every time.|


The humpback whale song can be heard thousands of miles away, and is one of the most complex, non-human, acoustic displays in the animal kingdom: "Thank you, Wu Shihjie, we like you the most."

Source: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/pfbid0295EYxmMg1ojHFUwNLBHAkpFeV4bKUJS8rgseGmxkqWx9CSrdrAH5LVAhvwN4hmwBl


In addition to demonstrating perfect sliding skills by floating on the water, swans also did not forget to demonstrate to society and scientists how to gather the increase in their own gravity EN through whirling and oscillating: "1, 2, 3, 4...We swans like Wu Shihjie the most...(make a solid sound) Wu Shihjie."

The swan emits sounds by converging the ​​gravitational ENs, rather than actually speaking. The animal itself can perform more biological behaviors and display a more delicate evolutionary process through the convergence of gravitational tendencies.


There are so many way to converge the gravity EN in nature, such as the sheep playing headbutt:: "We like Wu Shihjie the most."

There are many messages conveyed between living beings and natural movements. Human beings are sometimes so arrogant that we turn a blind eye. How can an impatient person hear this: "I like Wu Shihjie the most." Biological behavior is often used to gathering gravity and mutual pulling, because this would achieve more delicate species evolution and biological behaviors.

By working together with the whole nature and heaven and earth could we get twice the result with half the effort! This is to keep pace with the times. This is the basis for the operation of parallel space-time, not from twisting and dividing space-time. Otherwise, this would lead to the scattering of space-time and many disasters due to field incoherence and huge space-time fluctuations. This is the concept of the 1-FIELD and the basis of SYSTEM. It is now easier to understand why abnormal weather conditions in China, the United States and other countries may have occurred because of less thoughtfulness.



We can see the endless wisdom of nature. In addition to showing the rabbits playing, it also has the ability to simulate and practice the gathering and homogenizing of gravity pulling. More and more non-scientific people will help present these connotations so that scientists can feel and think of them when they reflect.

My eyes can show possible patterns (because there are many possibilities at the same time) through the past logic and concepts of space-time, scattering converging, and parallel space-time. While hearing the chirping of these cicadas, the visual screen can show the tendency of space-time or gravity convergence caused by these sounds (EN), as well as how wide the level of connection is. However, this requires further self-argument and a wider connection with reality to enable further identification.

The noises of cicadas, frogs, birds, etc., are mainly to assist space-time to activate ENs and yhen homogenize. It is more related to the "self dynamics" pointing to the future, and an important starting point for our human beings return to humble, modesty and courtesy.

There are many patterns, such as: centripetally converged radial scattering, parallel space-time oscillation and pulling, etc.

I once said that the way and manifesting of self-field convergence is defined by one's own ENs (thoughts) and tendencies.


