2024年6月4日 星期二

(都聽不見,是嗎?也沒人要理會,是嗎?那就繼續做您們的大事吧!) 基隆山崩:「我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷」,整個台灣政府和科學家們充耳不聞,裝作沒這回事。是本人,還是助理小編們有問題呢?你們正在糟蹋自己的生命。 (You can’t hear it, right? No one should care about it, right? Then keep doing your big things!) Keelung landslide: "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie." The entire Taiwanese government and scientists turned a deaf ear and pretended that it didn't happen. Is it you or the assistant editors who have a problem? You are wasting your living time.

(都聽不見,是嗎?也沒人要理會,是嗎?那就繼續做您們的大事吧!) 基隆山崩:「我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷」,整個台灣政府和科學家們充耳不聞,裝作沒這回事。是本人,還是助理小編們有問題呢?你們正在糟蹋自己的生命。
(You can’t hear it, right? No one should care about it, right? Then keep doing your big things!)
Keelung landslide: "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie." The entire Taiwanese government and scientists turned a deaf ear and pretended that it didn't happen. Is it you or the assistant editors who have a problem? You are wasting your living time.

What happened to this world? I have been conveying the government and Academia Sinica for more than two years, including various scientific research institutions. If you all pretend to be dead, then Heaven and Earth could certainly know how to treat you dead, so why need to concern more?

「自抑修己」的基本功夫,會帶給各位和國家很大的安定。 The basic attitude of "self-restraint and self-cultivation", and it must bring you great stability to concern on your selves and all countries. 希望各位知道世界正在如何運行而已,對自己負責便可以。 Just hope you know how the world is running and just be responsible for yourself. 歡迎政府、公司企業、政治家、決策者或團隊與我聯繫,我都是用心且適度了解狀況後才提出反問或建議(無償)。只要具備想法、勇氣與願意聆聽者,我將分享一些觀察到的Feedback。如若暫時無解或想不到的,我也會直言,因為我不喜歡假裝自己在行,那不是我待人處事的方式。我專注於「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」,各位呢? Governments, companies, politicians, policymakers or teams are welcome to contact me. I will carefully and appropriately understand the situation before I ask questions or suggestions (I do not charge a fee). As long as anyone has ideas, courage and is willing to listen, I would share some feedback of my observations. If I don’t have a solution or something I can’t think of, I will speak up because I don’t like to pretend that I’m good at it. That’s not the way I treat people. I focus on "restraining myself and cultivating myself, appreciating and promoting others." What about you? 我分享近三年的內容,如果你們沒看到,當然自己要負責,或立即傳達給助理、小編與相關訊息處理的人員,何謂「不以人廢言」。 I have shared the content of the past three years. If you haven’t seen it, of course you are responsible for it, or you must immediately convey it to your assistants, editors, and related information processing personnel. What is meant by “Don’t judge the connotation of speech based on that person’s achievements.” 如果您或接收訊息的人就以下內容的邏輯之解讀有問題或看不懂,那我建議各位可以進修語意學或反覆閱讀。 If you or the person receiving the message have problems or cannot understand the logic of the following content, then I suggest that you learn semantics or read it over and over. 2024-05-29_美國連假不平靜!龍捲風狂襲至少18人罹難,家園全毀了...德州1/3地區進入災難狀態。不僅撕裂了德州加油站的牆壁,還挾帶直徑7cm的巨大冰雹。 The United States is having trouble even with the holiday! A tornado killed at least 18 people and destroyed all their homes... 1/3 of Texas entered a state of disaster. Not only did it rip through walls of the Texas gas station, it also brought huge hailstones 7cm in diameter. https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2024/05/18137cm-united-states-is-having-trouble.html 2024-06-04_德國南部「百年一遇」暴雨成災,多地緊急狀態:「真的很謝謝你,吳時捷。(0:26)我們德國真的很抱歉。(0:55)請您繼續散發這樣的自己。(2:06)您是...(3:40)福心...大自抑尊己心」。 The "once-in-a-hundred-year" torrential rain in southern Germany caused disasters, and many places declared a state of emergency: "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie. (0:26) We Germany are really sorry. (0:55) Please keep shaing such selves. (2:06) You are... (3:40) a blessing person with a grand self-restraint and others-selves-respecting heart." 現在各國的災難或國家傳來的認證(也要人能解讀並意識到,不然也是枉然,並不會合意)都在介接,同時印證所有人的心性和時空意識與級別,透過我們所有人的言行。 Nowadays, disasters in various countries or certifications from the country (those people must be able to interpret, feel it and got it, otherwise it would be in vain and would not be coinherient) are interfacing, and at the same time confirming the ENs (thoughts), space-time consciousness and level of each of us, through all of our words and deeds. https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2024/06/026055206340-once-in-hundred-year.html 2024-05-21_520就職大典上,透過戰鬥機打招呼: 賴清德,蕭美琴,我是吳時捷。請你們「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」,請協助改善立法院和議會文化,謝謝。 Greetings through fighter jets at the 520 inauguration ceremony: Lai Chingde, Hsiao Bi-khim, I am Wu Shihjie. Would you please "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others", and help improve the culture of the Legislative Yuan and parliament, thank you. https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2024/05/520-greetings-through-fighter-jets-at.html 2024-05-23_5/20有去觀禮的各位,在11:04聽到噴射機的巨大聲響傳達訊息後,若有注意中午開始離場後,很多穿著鮮豔卻不亮麗的年長者,個個僵硬且臉上毫無表情的詭異,還有蕭美琴上午臉上不只笑不出來,還帶著好幾分低迷和板著面孔,不是嗎?當台灣明顯有一股力量能撼動世界與中美,未來大有可為時可能是什麼表情?若真心希望台灣走向合宜且展望的未來,那麼,這些人是否會感到興奮與期待?想了解現在台灣是什麼環境的人,這篇的自問自答,必有助益! https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2024/05/5201104.html 2024-04-27_把呼籲他人的內容,先在腦中對自己說,再從自己口中說出來,天地正在檢視我們的言行。★★★★★中國神舟18號發射及台灣各地磅薄大雨或狂風呼嘯時,都想表達感謝之意。而我們應該好好練習「自問自答」,勇敢地問自己,而不是一直想要呼籲他人。 Say what you call others to yourself first in your mind, and then say it for yourself. Heaven and earth are reviewing our words and deeds. When China’s Shenzhou-18 was launched and there was heavy rain or strong winds blowing across Taiwan, they all tried to express the gratitude. And we should practice "asking and answering ourselves" and ask ourselves bravely instead of always trying to appeal to others. https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2024/04/18-say-what-you-call-others-to-yourself.html 2024-05-24_可以多聆聽自己身處場合所發出來的意念音,至少這可以了解到自己身上有一些力量和聲音是想和自己傳達什麼訊息!若民主自由真如賴清德、蕭美琴或Joe Biden所述一樣美好,怎麼國家不是向您們致謝呢?這也是中華人民共和國要深思如何調整過往將自己視為中國來發言的情況。 Also, you can listen more to the EN (thought) sounds emitted by the situations you are in. At least this way you could understand what messages the forces and sounds in you want to convey to yourselves! If democracy and freedom are as beautiful as what Lai Chingde, Xiao Bikhim or Joe Biden describe, why doesn't the country thank you? This is also why the People's Republic of China needs to think deeply about how to adjust its past situation of speaking as the entire China. https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2024/05/joe-biden-also-you-can-listen-more-to.html 2024-05-13_各地災難和環境都在表達「真的很謝謝你/真的很抱歉,吳時捷」是為何?河北暴風雨襲來,白天轉黑夜! 西安陰雲密布,暴風雨猛烈! 五月的青海下雪了! 廣西暴雨,城市大片地區淹水!意念並非為了守護現況,因為很多國家、社會、科學和人心都溢於其表。而現行的時空意識則在於顯露各國和每個人真實的自己。 Why are disasters and environments everywhere expressing "Thank you very much/We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie"? Day turns into night in seconds as violent storm hits Hebei! Xi'an is covered with dark clouds and violent storms! It snows in Qinghai in May! Heavy rains in Guangxi, flooded large areas of the city! ENs which are consistent with me are not to protect the present, because many countries, societies, sciences and people's minds have exceeded their true situation. And the current consciousness of space-time is to reveal the true selves of each country and each being. https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2024/05/why-do-countries-apologize-and-express.html 2024-05-20_科學家們可能可以解釋「線狀雨」,但這種1m寬度的降雨範圍,有任何科學家能回應的嗎?我猜想是沒有。畫面其實是在提醒科學家「自抑修己」並誠實面對現實,還特別戲謔地說:這是雨嗎?你們說這是「雨」?這恐怕肯定是哪個神仙內急從天上尿尿吧!? Scientists may be able to explain "linear rain", but can any scientist respond to this 1m wide rainfall range? My guess might be no one. This film also reminds scientists to "restrain yourselves and cultivate yourselves" and face reality and facts honestly. It also expresses jokingly: "Is it raining? You tell me this is "rain"? There must be someone peeing from the sky!? https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2024/05/1m-scientists-may-be-able-to-explain.html

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