2024年6月10日 星期一

生物和自然的動靜之間都傳達著許多訊息,是人類自己傲慢到視而不見,沒耐心的人何能聽聞此言:「我最喜歡吳時捷哥哥」。生物行為常常是為了練習匯集重力與相互牽引,因為這會成就更細膩的物種演化及生物行為。 There are many messages conveyed between living beings and natural movements. Human beings are sometimes so arrogant that we turn a blind eye. How can an impatient person hear this: "I like Wu Shihjie the most." Biological behavior is often used to gathering gravity and mutual pulling, because this would achieve more delicate species evolution and biological behaviors.

There are many messages conveyed between living beings and natural movements. Human beings are sometimes so arrogant that we turn a blind eye. How can an impatient person hear this: "I like Wu Shihjie the most." Biological behavior is often used to gathering gravity and mutual pulling, because this would achieve more delicate species evolution and biological behaviors.

ENs (Thoughts) of turtles, jellyfish, fish, people and the ocean: "I like Wu Shihjie the most."

Listen loudly to the sounds of nature and ants, and those who understand Chinese will definitely understand what is being said. Sometimes, we personally hear certain things, and whether these things are meaningful to our lives is a matter of "living in the moment".

The noises of cicadas, frogs, birds, etc., are mainly to assist space-time to activate ENs and yhen homogenize. It is more related to the "self dynamics" pointing to the future, and an important starting point for our human beings return to humble, modesty and courtesy.

EN can help our voices to be transmitted and converged, which is why my thoughts (then into voices) can be converged in China. Regarding this point, I believe you can easily understand it through scientific oscillation, resonance and harmonics.


