2024年5月7日 星期二

國外拍到許多看似外星生物或幽浮的畫面或光點,很多應該都是意念場景,存在於能量形場域。歐美場域的意念解讀大多會聯想到不明(外星)的可能,因為很多都流於原本的自然景觀(觀光和傳統畜牧等)或金融貨幣的限制。 Many images or light spots that look like alien creatures or UFOs have been photographed abroad. Many of them might be EN scenes, existing in some energy-type (scattered) fields. Interpretations of ENs in European and American fields mostly associate with unknown (alien) possibilities, because many of them are restricted by the original natural landscapes (tourism and traditional animal husbandry, etc.) or financial and monetary restrictions.

Many images or light spots that look like alien creatures or UFOs have been photographed abroad. Many of them might be EN scenes, existing in some energy-type (scattered) fields. Interpretations of ENs in European and American fields mostly associate with unknown (alien) possibilities, because many of them are restricted by the original natural landscapes (tourism and traditional animal husbandry, etc.) or financial and monetary restrictions. 特異光圈說什麼呢?「吳時捷,真的很抱歉,我們是意念場景」。
What does special aperture convey? "Wu Shihjie, really sorry, we are EN (thought) scenes."

Many images or light spots that look like alien creatures or UFOs have been photographed abroad. Many of them might be EN scenes, existing in some energy-type (scattered) fields. Interpretations of ENs in European and American fields mostly associate with unknown (alien) possibilities, because many of them are restricted by the original natural landscapes (tourism and traditional animal husbandry, etc.) or financial and monetary restrictions.

China or Taiwan rarely notice it, because we rarely look at the sky all the time, unless ancient stargazers or national mentor observe celestial phenomena, etc. This is the difference between Eastern and Western cultures. Therefore, most people in the East might perceive that human-shaped EN scenes (because they are EN nodes), and they might be only revealed in low-light fields, that is, in the woods at night or around dark places on walls.

Source https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=991174322790536

★★★★★2022-04-24_去年一整年從意念場景(一般人所謂的冥界)走過一千多個不一樣的場域(世界)回到現在的時空座標下。(影片是2021-08-27拍攝。 The video was shot on 2021-08-27.)
I walked through more than 1,000 different fields (worlds) from the EN field(the so-called underworld) and returned to the current time and space coordinates last year (2021).

★★★★★2024-04-18_4/1 04:35我家廚房外面拍出去的影片,平常是相對模糊的,而今天拍起來異常清晰。可以比較2021-08-27的影片,是否是同樣的質感呢?場景裡看到的不算是人,這個場景當目光與屋內的真人相介接時,是會破裂轉換出實際的場景,我看過很多次了。
4/1 04:35 The video taken outside the kitchen is usually relatively blurry, but today it was extremely clear. We can compare the videos of 2021-08-27 to see if they have the same quality? What is seen in the scene is not a person. When the eyes are connected with the real person in the room, the scene would break (crack) and convert into an actual scene. I have seen it many times.

At noon, I felt the heat dissipating around my body gradually disappearing. After thinking about it, I heard Arulo again.

The field reinforced again, (0:55) the grid of the gauze is clearly visible after being zoom in x10, and the field converting sound "Arulo" can be heard again.

In 2023-2024, the unique field conversion sounds at certain moments can sometimes be reproduced. (Be sure to listen, we would definitely encounter it in the future!)

The sixth major EN (thought) system, Verona’s EN line melody. (very clear)

Field sound can sing naturally in a space or the entire environment for several hours, and even I cannot interfere with its operation. Do we know what this means? This represents the conversion in the entire environment.

★★★★★2024-05-04_「我們是月球」。到底NASA有多白癡?持續浪費資源來展現如此的自己,難怪幾十年來都無法再次登月的原因,就是因為根本不了解時空、重力和場域的關係,遑論有一個"the ONE"。
"We are MOON". How idiotic is NASA? Continuing to waste resources to show yourselves like this, no wonder the reason why you have been unable to land on the moon again for decades is because you "the ONE" don’t understand the relationship between space-time, gravity and field at all.

Foreign scientists who think this is a youth adventure story, please be merciful and think carefully about the message I shared with the Chinese launch station. Try to be more mature and steady, okay?

Can you tell us what's wrong with NASA or what problems are there? Is it too difficult to ask questions?

The message I shared with the Chinese launch station is briefly described below.

1. 未來最重要指向,便是「真心、真實與目光關注」。
The most important pointing towards the future is "sincerity, reality and concern/attention."

2. ★★★透過多濾鏡鏡片來顯示的場景中間很可能是斷層,因為穿越時需要大幅地擺盪來進行轉換。可能多數皆存在於時空內能低的微光場域。而當用較高能光來偵測時,我認為有可能場域會破裂,也就是和原來觀測的景象不同!因為我看過一些在地表建築物中,意念場景[3]破裂後,顯露出遮蓋層的內在的現象!就是指意念場景散形暈散後,是另外的人走出來,我只是不想講這麼明白。這在老舊建築巷弄間多得要命,台灣高貴的科學家們怎麼樣都看不見,那不是很弔詭嗎?
The superimposed scene displayed through a multi-filter lens is likely to have a gap in the middle, because it requires a large oscillating to make the conversion. Perhaps most of them exist in low-energy fields of space-time. And when using higher energy light for detection, I think it is possible that the field would break, that is, it might be different from the original observed scene! Because I have seen some phenomena in surface buildings where after the EN scenes are broken, the inner parts of the covering layer are revealed! It means that after the EN scene scattered, another person comes out. I just don’t want to make it so clear. There are so many of EN scenes in the old buildings and alleys that even Taiwan’s noble scientists can’t see them. Isn’t that weird?

3. 仍然可以發展太空科技或觀察與研究,但需要留意的是,倘若我們都將目光焦點放在探索宇宙邊界,那麼需要凝煉意念的場域的範圍就會變得更大。若在重力意念與時空意識不足的情況下,地球必散以求全。散形沒關係,若是又沒有更豐厚的意念來源,所以現在全世界的災難,得捫心自問,自行負責。
It is still possible to develop space technology, observe and research, but we should take care of that if we all focus on exploring the boundaries of the universe, the scope of the field that needs to be converged must become larger. If there is insufficient space-time awareness and gravity EN, the earth have to scattered to make a wider field. It doesn't matter if it is scattered, and if there is no richer source of ENs, we have to ask ourselves and take responsibility for the current disaster in the world.

Seeing that the United States had questions about the falling giant point of light, I helped the world imagine and slightly understand the possible meaning and content.

Yangmei banged three important bang messages in a row, the recording equipment can confirm and the source of the apology includes China and NASA.

I am sharing some content. Would you first observe and perceive what messages this content might convey? I believe you would realize that these contents are quite important.

In addition to reading, researching or discussing (I emphasize "asking yourself and answering yourself" many times), we can confirm what we see every day (the infinite gravity EN comes from sincerity, reality and concern), these are the pointing of future science. In addition, my Facebook has a lot of content, including the evolution of natural creatures, such as birds, dogs, insects, and even disasters and loud roars in the sky, which all have EN meanings that can be interpreted. You should read it in moderation.

吳時捷 WU SHIHJIE (Porsche Wu)
Living Area: 臺灣桃園市楊梅區 Yangmei, Taoyuan, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
E-mail: geopor0714@gmail.com

【My content and profile】
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu
Blog: https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PorscheWu
★Shared Info and Videos★: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YoMZLAy34Hxp-8VSRQwG1jLxKpuqM4ql?usp=share_link

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