2024年4月23日 星期二

楊梅巨響連續呈現三次重要訊息,錄音設備都可以印證,道歉的意念來源包含中國和NASA。 Yangmei presented three important bang messages in a row, the recording equipment can confirm and the source of the apology includes China and NASA.

Yangmei banged three important bang messages in a row, the recording equipment can confirm and the source of the apology includes China and NASA.

一、(04:10AM) 楊梅天空清楚可聽見「吳時捷,真的很謝謝你,我們中國真的很謝謝你」。
It can be heard clearly "Really thank you, Wu Shihjie, We China really thank you."

二、(4:34AM) 傳來巨形鳥鳴聲在說著「真的很謝謝你」。
There was a sound like a giant bird chirping, "Really thank you."

三、(04:54AM) 吳時捷,真的很抱歉,我們NASA真的很抱歉,請您原諒我們。
Wu Shihjie, really sorry. We NASA are really sorry. Please forgive us.


