The influence of electromagnetic ENs on common people is about 21.31%; if it is affected by activation and tendency, it is about 42.4713%. In addition, the 7.2 strong earthquake in Taiwan is related to China and the United States. You can know a little bit about my content:
Strong wind warnings blew up thousands of tumbleweeds in Utah and Nevada, and an apology from the United States could be heard.
3/13 臺灣楊梅我家附近的幾十聲巨響,透過VLC慢速播放可聽見美國電磁意念致歉的聲音。
Dozens of loud bangs near my home in Yangmei, Taiwan. Through VLC slow playback, you can hear the apology of electromagnetic EN of the U.S..
3/20 01:51 可看見短時間內凝煉出皮毛屑與細毛,證實意念通道。
You can see dander and fine hair converged in a short period of time, confirming the EN tunnel.
3/21 17:20 證實意念場景的旋轉。
Confirm the rotation of the EN scene.
3/22 04:54 SpaceX發射計畫CRS2 SPX-30 (DRAGON),美國及SpaceX致歉的聲音
SpaceX launch plan CRS2 SPX-30 (DRAGON), the United States and SpaceX apologize
3/23 約15:00收到意念「賴清德(→美)意念系統有部分大幅散形」。
Received a EN at about 15:00 "Lai Chingde (→the U.S.) EN system is partially in scattering"
3/25 18:47 林道諾貝爾獲獎者會議委員自動回覆一年多前的email。
Lindau Nobel Laureate Conference Meetings member automatically responded to an email from more than a year ago

3/26 16:07 犬人意念系統透過狗兒對我致歉
The canine EN system apologized to me through the dog
3/26-27 聽見美國透過2021年的沙丘DUNE致歉的聲音
Hear the apology from the U.S. through 2021’s DUNE
3/27 (中美介接)習近平在北京人民大會堂見美國工商戰略學術代表
(China-U.S. Interfacing) Xi Jinping met with U.S. academic representatives on labor and commercial strategy at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing
3/27 內蒙古氣象局已發布最高級別沙塵暴紅色預警,預計大風沙塵天氣仍將持續
The Inner Mongolia Meteorological Bureau has issued the highest level red warning for sand and dust storms, and the windy and dusty weather is expected to continue
3/27 捷克眾議長Adamova根本是恢復年輕面貌
Czech Speaker of the House of Representatives Adamova actually regained her youthful appearance

4/1 01:42 臺灣場域分享:天氣很多都是意念的擺盪和勻質
The Taiwan field shares: Much of the weather is the fluctuation and homogenization of ENs (thoughts).
4/1 04:35 臺灣楊梅夜晚的光源(能量光)異常增幅
The light source (energy light) of Yangmei in Taiwan increased abnormally at night
4/3 00:38 寄Email給Adamova與相關人員,以及台灣政府和媒體
Send an email to Adamova and relevant personnel, as well as the Taiwanese government and media
Email Content PDF

4/3 07:58 花蓮外海規模7.2強震
A strong earthquake measuring 7.2 off the coast of Hualien
4/3 08:12 臺灣場域分享:(0:13)地震(0:21)勻質⁹穩定⁴,是因為(0:37)EN意念(1:01)相互牽引,所以(1:07)地震緩和
The Taiwan field shares the EN: (0:13) Earthquake (0:21) homogeneous⁹ and stable⁴, because (0:37) EN (1:01) pulling each other, so (1:07 )earthquake mitigated (relaxed)
4/4 08:39 中國青海規模5.5地震(第二次最大規模,上次是3/7)
Qinghai, China, magnitude 5.5 earthquake (the second largest, the last time was 3/7)
4/5 02:23 中美電磁意念發過來臺灣說明地震可能的原因
Electromagnetic ENs from China and the United States was sent to Taiwan to explain the possible causes of the earthquake
4/5 22:23 美國紐澤西州罕見規模4.8地震,紐約市民感受明顯晃動
A rare 4.8-magnitude earthquake occurred in New Jersey, USA, and New York residents felt obvious shaking
Earthquakes are of course related to the content I published. You are welcome to prove it through consulting the surface oscillation amplitude and publishing time for analysis. If we still don’t work hard to prove the causation, of course there would continue to be accidents and illnesses to assist in scattering and converting. In order to converge and interface with many ENs (thoughts) and EN scenes of the past and the future, it could be regarded as ENTs (EN Ties / EN bodies) about parallel space-time. That is, a huge pulling with the real space-time, why do we not try it for free?
You can look carefully and think clearly before deciding to take action or ignore it!
Also share with 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 國家科學及技術委員會 國家太空中心 TASA 中央大學太空科學科技中心 臺灣太空科學聯盟 TSU 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 工業技術研究院 國發會 國研院 - 國家地震工程研究中心 核安會 輻務小站 報天氣 - 中央氣象署 報地震 - 中央氣象署 報天文 - 中央氣象署 報氣候 - 中央氣象署 Easy天文地科小站 NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program NASA 360 NASA's James Webb Space Telescope Houston Association for Space and Science Education SpaceX Times NASA Sun Science NASA's Kennedy Space Center Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus World Trade Organization - WTO Home Run Taiwan Discovery Discovery頻道 國家地理雜誌 National Geographic Magazine HISTORY Historic Mysteries BBC Science News China Daily Sci-Tech China Xinhua Sci-Tech Nassim Haramein International Space Federation American Chemical Society Insider Science New Scientist Max Planck Society Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) CERN CMSexperiment 台灣太空產業發展協會-Taiwan Space Industry Development Association UN Environment Programme UN Climate Change
吳時捷 WU SHIHJIE (Porsche Wu)
Living Area: 臺灣桃園市楊梅區 Yangmei, Taoyuan, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
Mobile Phone: +886902128182
【My content and profile】
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中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 國研院 - 國家地震工程研究中心 各位科學家,如果從開頭輕微擺盪就算是地震,頂多10秒的劇烈波動是您們所謂的能量釋放,是嗎?根據地震研究科學,能量釋放後,馬上地表歸於平靜,可能嗎?地震可以好像根本沒有什麼S波和P波嗎?這是我們認知中的地震嗎?或有一種可能,是什麼牽引讓地表安定,是嗎?各位可知4/7(?)楊梅出現直上直下的擺盪,有這種板塊活動嗎?或有一種可能,地球正在散形凝煉自體勻質,是嗎?讓我們自問自答,可以嗎?
Dear scientists, if a slight fluctuation from the beginning is considered an earthquake, then a violent fluctuation of 10 seconds at most is what you call energy release, right? According to the science of earthquake research, after the energy is released, the surface of the earth immediately becomes calm. Is it possible? Would an earthquake seem to have no S-wave or P-wave at all? Is this an earthquake in our understanding? Or there's a possibility that there's some pulling force that stabilizes the surface, right? Do you know that on 4/7(?), Yangmei oscillated straight up and down? Is there such plate activity? Or there is a possibility that the earth is in the process of scattering and converging itself into a homogeneous body, right? Let’s ask and answer our questions sincerely, shall we?
And I now believe that the real reason why there was no power outage during the Hualien earthquake in Taiwan is more likely to be what I am trying to prove now, the relationship between ENs (thoughts) and space-time.
The fishes living in my family, and Heaven and Earth said through the little girl downstairs: "Thank you very much, this is his stabilizing EN(thought)!", and if you can’t tell, it’s definitely not the fishes' fault!
The Epoch Times specially reminded 【please turn on the sound】: "(0:19) We are really grateful to Wu Shihjie (from Taiwan)." It was confirmed by space-time and field to show the proportion in reality. The sky appears orange-red or bright blue, which might be related to the scatter or converge (reinforce) of sunlight and reality, or it might be the scattering or converging of the interface with the EN scene. The Epoch Times also try to make efforts about the scattered paths and levels to the scientific community and us to imagine.

The Epoch Times specially reminded 【please turn on the sound】: "(0:19) We are really grateful to Wu Shihjie (from Taiwan)." You can hear that the intention and tendency of wanting to say "from Taiwan" is much lower, and it actually means "Wu Shihjie's EN is not exclusive to Taiwan", and it was confirmed by space-time and field to show the proportion in reality. We could also hear the Chinese lady saying: "(0:33) It's family, each of fields in China has one piece (→ elder → advanced people), come and claim it."
The sky appears orange-red or bright blue, which might be related to the scatter or converge (reinforce) of sunlight and reality, or it might be the scattering or converging of the interface with the EN scene. Generally speaking, mist and rain usually belong to the scattered field, usually for the preparation of the EN (→space-time) path, or it might be that the EN scene is originally in a scattered field.
The Epoch Times also try to make efforts about the scattered paths and levels to the scientific community and us to imagine.The Epoch Times specially reminded 【please turn on the sound】: "(0:19) We are really grateful to Wu Shihjie (from Taiwan)." It was confirmed by space-time and field to show the proportion in reality. The sky appears orange-red or bright blue, which might be related to the scatter or converge (reinforce) of sunlight and reality, or it might be the scattering or converging of the interface with the EN scene. The Epoch Times also try to make efforts about the scattered paths and levels to the scientific community and us to imagine.
The Epoch Times specially reminded 【please turn on the sound】: "(0:19) We are really grateful to Wu Shihjie (from Taiwan)." You can hear that the intention and tendency of wanting to say "from Taiwan" is much lower, and it actually means "Wu Shihjie's EN is not exclusive to Taiwan", and it was confirmed by space-time and field to show the proportion in reality. We could also hear the Chinese lady saying: "(0:33) It's family, each of fields in China has one piece (→ elder → advanced people), come and claim it."
The sky appears orange-red or bright blue, which might be related to the scatter or converge (reinforce) of sunlight and reality, or it might be the scattering or converging of the interface with the EN scene. Generally speaking, mist and rain usually belong to the scattered field, usually for the preparation of the EN (→space-time) path, or it might be that the EN scene is originally in a scattered field.
Inner Mongolia encounters "strong sandstorm".
There are also "sandstorms" in Beijing, Hebei and other places.
Some areas in Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian and other places have "magnitude 8-10 thunderstorm winds" or "hail weather".
If we draw the possible routes to the various places mentioned in this news, we could at least imagine that there is a possibility, which is connected to Taiwan. However, I think the pure EN field of Taiwan and China overlap to a certain extent.

On March 27, the Inner Mongolia Meteorological Bureau has published the highest level red warning for sand and dust storms, and it is expected that windy and dusty weather will continue. And today on April 4, the largest earthquake in history with a magnitude of 5.5 really occurred in Qinghai. The last time was on March 7 of this year (2024). It may be a manifestation of field interfacing.
If scientists carefully consider the various contents and connotations shared before, I believe you would gradually feel what are the possible paths for the activation or conversion of space-time?
In addition to the easily imaginable oscillation of space and light, and the acceleration or deceleration of time EN, there are also temperature changes, field changes (smoke or odor molecules), high and low air pressure and other climate changes, sea waves and tidal, plant growth and decline, day and night changes, solar and lunar eclipses, migration of migratory birds or animals, metabolism and biological behavior, emotional ups and downs of humans or animals and plants, unexpected accidents and diseases, scattering and restoring of consciousness after falling asleep, spin or self-rotation etc., are all types of space-time conversion.
[1] 2024-03-27_大紀元_內蒙古遭遇強沙塵暴。北京、
[2] 2024-04-04_大紀元_4/4早上,
吳時捷 WU SHIHJIE (Porsche Wu)
Living Area: 臺灣桃園市楊梅區 Yangmei, Taoyuan, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
【My content and profile】
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