2024年5月21日 星期二

連美國前總統Barack Obama都發文鼓勵我們要關心與留意周遭的世界,並盡一份心讓它更好。我的「用心」,便是為何全世界現在面臨到看似的天災,而大自然卻在致意的緣故。照以下步驟嘗試、反思、反覆確認、和現實印證,開始分享介接者,必然感到天地環繞,以我版上的內容之天地內涵都願協助。 Even former US President Barack Obama wrote an article encouraging us to care and be aware of the world around us, and do our part to make it a better place. My "sincerity and concern" is why the world is now facing seemingly natural disasters, but nature is expressing its respects. We who follow the steps below to try, reflect, repeatedly check, confirm with reality, and begin to share and interface would definitely feel that heaven and earth are surrounding us, and the ENs (thoughts) on my board is willing to help any sincere living being with the connotation of heaven and earth.

連美國前總統Barack Obama都發文鼓勵我們要關心與留意周遭的世界,並盡一份心讓它更好。我的「用心」,便是為何全世界現在面臨到看似的天災,而大自然卻在致意的緣故。照以下步驟嘗試、反思、反覆確認、和現實印證,開始分享介接者,必然感到天地環繞,以我版上的內容之天地內涵都願協助。
Even former US President Barack Obama wrote an article encouraging us to care and be aware of the world around us, and do our part to make it a better place. My "sincerity and concern" is why the world is now facing seemingly natural disasters, but nature is expressing its respects. We who follow the steps below to try, reflect, repeatedly check, confirm with reality, and begin to share and interface would definitely feel that heaven and earth are surrounding us, and the ENs (thoughts) on my board is willing to help any sincere living being with the connotation of heaven and earth.

2024-05-13_各地災難和環境都在表達「真的很謝謝你/真的很抱歉,吳時捷」是為何?河北暴風雨襲來,白天轉黑夜! 西安陰雲密布,暴風雨猛烈! 五月的青海下雪了! 廣西暴雨,城市大片地區淹水!意念並非為了守護現況,因為很多國家、社會、科學和人心都溢於其表。而現行的時空意識則在於顯露各國和每個人真實的自己。
Why are disasters and environments everywhere expressing "Thank you very much/We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie"? Day turns into night in seconds as violent storm hits Hebei! Xi'an is covered with dark clouds and violent storms! It snows in Qinghai in May! Heavy rains in Guangxi, flooded large areas of the city! ENs which are consistent with me are not to protect the present, because many countries, societies, sciences and people's minds have exceeded their true situation. And the current consciousness of space-time is to reveal the true selves of each country and each being.

Say what you call others to yourself first in your mind, and then say it for yourself. Heaven and earth are reviewing our words and deeds. When China’s Shenzhou-18 was launched and there was heavy rain or strong winds blowing across Taiwan, they all tried to express the gratitude. And we should practice "asking and answering ourselves" and ask ourselves bravely instead of always trying to appeal to others.

It seems like disasters, but why do Hualien, Tainan, and Pingtung still try to express their gratitude despite strong earthquakes and heavy rains? Why is this so? Let’s take a look at what kind of behavior and speech we should learn from humbly! I also emphasized in the content sent to political parties and government officials on March 31, "Heaven and earth would verify the true appearance according to what each of us encounters at the moment. Therefore, it is easy to have Great power to present something of ourselves".

What are the countless hums in the sky? Why do countries around the world apologize one after another? What does it have to do with the fact that countries themselves continue to show reversals that look like disasters? Aren’t these floods, earthquakes, and the emergence of nature a possibility for growth? It depends on how people feel and convey it.


Now, we can pay more attention and find ways to carefully detect and perceive the coercive forces operating in yourself or others, such as sudden emotions, agitation, deliberate making things difficult or dislike, etc.

Because these reactions are originally the true voice of a part of our own hearts.

I believe that many people feel that a lot of good things are happening in Taiwan, but at the beginning of 2021, many people have begun to fall and show different selves. The reasons are for each of us to take our time to feel, think and ask ourselves!

Many of us are killing ourselves without even realizing it. If you encounter these coercive forces and know how to "restrain yourself and appreciate others", you would think about "are these words or deeds that I think are appropriate? Is there a better way to express them? The behavior of others in the conversation, are they conveying or demonstrating something?”

During the process, if after we do or say something, we feel that we have no problems or no need of improvement, then we would begin to produce these patterns in ourselves, which is equivalent to establishing, examining and cultivating our own thinking, logic or It is a habit of dealing with others. Heaven and earth would not care whether it is a good habit or a bad habit. It is something that everyone accepts voluntarily under various circumstances, and it's just making us be forced to face it.

What benefits would come to those who know how to ask themselves everything? What about the people who give others excuses and possibilities?

This is left to you to think, make your decision and explore on your own. The world is right feeling us, isn't it?

Take responsibility for yourselves, everything happens for a reason, but we just would not like to face it.

So far in my life, I have never gloated over misfortunes, I have only done my best, and that was through sharing, conveying, or speaking out when appropriate.

Obama: 人們經常問我如何在不確定的時期保持希望。 我告訴他們,這是因為我遇到的年輕人——包括我們在歐巴馬基金會共事的許多領導人——他們關心周圍的世界,並盡自己的一份力量讓世界變得更好。 這是一個有同樣想法的人的觀點——值得一讀。
Obama: People often ask me how I stay hopeful in uncertain times. I tell them it's because of the young people I come across – including many of the leaders we work with at the Obama Foundation – who care about the world around them and are doing their part to make it a little bit better. Here’s a perspective from someone who feels the same way – it’s worth a read.



How is this possible? If this is the case, what could we doubt? More importantly, what deep impact does this connotation and texture have on us and our children? The singing is also accompanied by the sound of the wind blowing the leaves: "Loneliness is more driven than hugs. Love makes people lose their minds. Would it be that I am too selfish? So I would not like to live a lonelier life. I can't let go and I can't see the future neither. Does this kind of imperfection make what love is really like?". How do we restore and reinforce ourselves through what I share?

We who follow the steps below to try, reflect, repeatedly check, confirm with reality, and begin to share and interface would definitely feel that heaven and earth are surrounding us, and the ENs (thoughts) on my board is willing to help any sincere living being with the connotation of heaven and earth.

1. 嘴巴閉起來,緩慢的深呼吸。
Close the mouth and take a slow, deep breath.
2. (繼續緩慢的深呼吸)把想法的焦點,想到整個頭部的位置。
(Continue to take slow deep breaths) Focus the thoughts on the position of the entire head.
3. (繼續緩慢的深呼吸)大聲播放附上的影片,跟著風和樹葉的聲響來想(嘴巴閉著),包含聲音旋律的方向,和歌詞的意象,都要一起在整個頭部想像!
(Continue to take slow, deep breaths) Play the attached video loudly, and think about it with the sound of the wind and leaves (with the mouth closed), including the direction and tendency of the sound melody and the vision of the lyrics, all have to be imagined and gathered in the entire head!
4. 做了並嘗試與調整幾遍者,便知道這有什麼重要的影響和修復之力。
Those who have done it and tried and adjusted it several times would feel and even know the important impact and repairing power it has.
5. ★★★★★★★★★★反覆確認身體狀況,轉換(散形)時休息,反轉(凝煉)時自抑修己與欣賞揚他。用我分享的內容,每一則影片都必然能修復自己。
Repeatedly confirm the condition of the body, rest when converting (scattering), restrain ourselves and appreciate others when reversing (converging). With what I share, every video is bound to strength and reinforce our health, mind and spirit.

風吹拂樹葉的聲響也能唱和 張惠妹 A-mei/A-mit 的《真實》 :「孤獨比擁抱更真實,愛讓人失去了理智。會不會是我太自私?拒絕更寂寞的日子。放不開也看不見未來,難道這種不完美,才是愛情真實的樣子?」。
The singing is also accompanied by the sound of the wind blowing the leaves: "Loneliness is more driven than hugs. Love makes people lose their minds. Would it be that I am too selfish? So I would not like to live a lonelier life. I can't let go and I can't see the future neither. Does this kind of imperfection make what love is really like?".

Also share with 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen 鄭文燦 侯友宜 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 周春米 柯文哲 黃珊珊 朱立倫 趙少康 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 總統府發言人 關鍵時刻 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 94要客訴 突發琪想 57爆新聞 新聞龍捲風 新聞深喉嚨 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 新台派上線 年代向錢看 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News FACENEWS/新聞面對面 TVBS T觀點 董事長開講 新聞大白話 關我什麼事 TVBS 國民大會 新聞大破解 新聞大小事 大新聞大爆卦 民間特偵組 正常發揮 邱毅『談天論地話縱橫』 范世平 黃暐瀚


