2024年10月11日 星期五

這篇本世紀最重要內容,獻給已察覺的用心人。我的內容雖直白卻實在,是吧?我們該做什麼呢?首先,冷處理事不關己的言論。接著,學習辨識漠不關心或往自己臉上貼金的內容。最後,勇敢無懼提問他人,因為,他們意識其實可隨時異動,只要用心觀察。睡覺起來,隔天就換另一個人設了(重組過)。 This most important content of this century is dedicated to those who have noticed it. Although my content is straightforward, it is true, right? So what should we do? First of all, deal with other people's irrelevant remarks in a nonchalant manner. Next, learn to recognize content that is indifferent or flattering. Finally, be brave and don’t be afraid to ask other people questions, because their consciousness WILL actually change at any time, as long as you observe carefully. When they wake up the next day, they will have another persona (reorganized).

This most important content of this century is dedicated to those who have noticed it. Although my content is straightforward, it is true, right? So what should we do? First of all, deal with other people's irrelevant remarks in a nonchalant manner. Next, learn to recognize content that is indifferent or flattering. Finally, be brave and don’t be afraid to ask other people questions, because their consciousness WILL actually change at any time, as long as you observe carefully. When they wake up the next day, they will have another persona (reorganized).
今早下班的晴朗與道好:「真的很謝謝你」。 Sunny and good morning after get off work this morning: "Really thank you."

I have shared it with Nobel Prize, Academia Sinica, NASA, and relevant units in earth sciences, astronomy and physics-related units for at least two years. Why do we not even have have the independent consciousness to ask ourselves and use facts to "boldly assume and verify carefully"? Why? Don’t we even dare to answer ourselves? ★★★★★For those who are unable to respond, their consciousness can be replaced at any time. Why? Can you start thinking about this? I’m afraid it’s not that easy for many people! What is the force that pulls us?

"I think, therefore I am", the future is an era where aware people begin to cooperate with each other and assist each other. It applies and goes together for everyone, whether you are a Nobel Prize winner or a political, religious and spiritual leader.

Maybe we should start asking scientists and religious groups what the explanation is? You've slept long enough, the Nobel Prizes have been awarded, it's time to face reality, right? I am also curious about why neither science nor religion responds to the voice of heaven and earth. This is where we human beings feel real surprise and humanity!

I designed for you a very simple experiment that can demonstrate that "the human body is composed of various ENT (EN energy body)". Whether it can be published in first-class journals depends on whether you study and research hard. Anyone who does this experiment can prove it, and it must be reproducible. The weight of space-time in my EN is relatively large, which can cause the space-time belonging (degree of gravity pulling) of common people's ENs to tend to my EN higher, so we must be able to get the EN sounds outside their bodies.

I only sang two lines, and there was no sound even from my breathing. The rest was the sound of rain and my thoughts. If we come back and listen to it tomorrow or the day after, the music might sing different melody lines, and over time, it might sing different rhythms and harmonies. (If I'm around, the video can be sung as my wish)

The monkey pretended to sleep on the roadside and conveyed "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie." Just in response to what I shared before, "people who pretend to be asleep cannot wake up from the facts of what happened, and they will pretend to be asleep even if they wake up."

2024-09-29_對於自旋與角動量關係的初步看法。 My tentative views on the relationship between spin and angular momentum.


2024-09-27_【我如此平常且真實的回應,王丹竟無法承受(慌張地從容以對)並立即封鎖(怕別人看到)。不禁讓我想起 陳文茜 分享的語錄:「(略)...要先問問自己,能否接受真相帶來的傷害[1]」。這就是最佳的示範,因身上袈裟太陳文茜看不下去(自己)。】 王丹,無論這是什麼五毛在回應你什麼訊息,你也蠻讓人感到詫異的!?因為,他寫得其實如此精準,你又何必自嘲「不太理解近而遠之」之意,並裝若無其事呢?(連簡單能解讀的內容都近而遠之,敬而遠之的人,是何其虛偽與裝模作樣呢?)
【Such a normal and true response, Wang Dan couldn’t bear it (panic but try to take it easy) and immediately blocked me (for fear of others seeing it). I can't help but think of the quotation shared by Sisy Chen: "(omitted)...We need to ask ourselves whether we can accept (still live as usual with) the harm caused by the truth." This is the best example, because the cassock on the body is too gorgeous for us to look at it (you).】 Wang Dang, No matter who this person is responding to your message, you are quite surprising!? Because he actually wrote it so accurately, why do you have to explain yourself that "you don't quite understand the meaning of near and far" and pretend that you don't understand? (How hypocritical and self-righteous are people who seems to talk like keeping the truth close but really make far away, and just want making others respect you as your wish?)

I sincerely recommend that everyone, especially those related to religions, should quickly study the following article. It would soon happen to all religions and everyone (whether you have faith or not, it is the same for heaven and earth). No matter how you think about it, no matter whether you are happy or not, because this is the truest voice conveyed to yourself! I can’t guarantee for heaven, earth, or yourselves whether this advice would last a lifetime!? Among all the natural sounds you recorded!

2024-09-29_鄭吉良老師最新自我勸告。我們都應將這段內容存下,也許一年,甚至更久,都聽得見「到底有多愚蠢啊」為我們而生。【這樣千載難逢的機會,若荒擲此心,誰都可能聽見一樣的聲音!未來是自己檢視自己的世代,以真心相待,則天地擁戴之,包含眾人感覺。】★★★★★最後鄭老師因不敢回應,只好封鎖,何其悲涼!?更在音樂圈聲名遠播,豈不光采!?是源於己心嗎?其實,我蠻想知道 ShaoChia Lü 呂紹嘉 大師如何看待,甚至能否回應些什麼呢?還是,繼續當大師?許瀞心教授還怕人看到模樣,趕快鎖住交友,怕非朋友看到自己的現況,太讓人失望了!我們常稱這樣的人為「?輩」,不是嗎?
This might be Zheng’s latest self-reminder video. We should all save this content. Maybe his content would serve the same advice for ourselves within a year, or even longer. [This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to confirm it by ourselves. If we waste such sincerity, we might all have the chance to hear the same thought! The future would be a time how we examine ourselves. Whoever treats each of us sincerely would be supported by heaven and earth, including the feeling dedicated to that one.] ★★★★★In the end, because he didn’t dare to respond, he had to block me. How sad!? It’s even more famous in the music industry, wouldn’t it be glorious!? Could it be that he came from his own heart? Actually, I also really want to know what Master ShaoChia Lü thinks of it, and whether you can even respond to it? Or, continue to be a master? Professor Apo Hsu was afraid that people would see what she looked like, so she quickly restricted the viewing to only friends, fearing that non-friends would see her current situation, which was so disappointing! We often call such people "? people", don't we?


I believe we all know why science, religion or government always ignores it?

Hualien collapsed this morning and conveyed "We are really sorry, (0:18)Wu Shihjie. (0:25)Please keep sharing such selves, (0:45)thank you."

[No one cares, it’s a weird world, a world of cowardice and hypocrisy, why bother pretending to look to the future?] The sound of rain at Sanzhi Mackay Medical College, as well as the voices of students, all help convey "we are really sorry."

Is there any difference between Jinshan heavy rains and heavy rains and floods in China? Are we Taiwan any better?

This morning typhoon Krathon from Qijin, Kaohsiung conveyed, "We are really sorry, (0:15)Wu Shihjie, (0:25)please forgive us."

Is Krathon coming to Taoyuan to find me (find ourselves)? Perhaps it is precisely because most people in the world, whether in government, science, academia, industry, music or religious organizations and groups, almost all have ignored us, so Krathon is staying there and watching what is happening to us in Taiwan?

The trail was full of dragonflies, and even the sound of water and wind could be heard saying "Wu Shihjie, thank you very much." The point is, how can such comfort and appropriateness be rendered and shared with places and countries that hope to appreciate it?

I don’t know how old this Chinese little boy is, but I know that he has very high demands on himself. Those who are brave enough to play the video loudly would hear the clear breathing sound conveying "I like Wu Shihjie the most" every time he shouts "Wow(wǒ)". Why do children (the future), nature, animals and plants respond or express gratitude in this way? Then, think about what we usually see, and how we see and think about it?


