2022年9月24日 星期六

想著「(任何好念頭)」。然後眨個眼,雙手置於胸前,眼睛閉起來吸氣,然後手和眼睛一起打開,再眨一次眼。你們會發現我這份美好意念環繞於你們的。 Gently close your eyes and think, "(Any good EN, thoughts)" Then blink, put your hands on your chest, close your eyes and inhale, then open your hands and eyes together. Blink again. You will find my beautiful EN(thoughts) surrounding you.

"(Any good EN, thoughts)" Then blink, put your hands on your chest, close your eyes and inhale, then open your hands and eyes together. Blink again. You will find my beautiful EN(thoughts) surrounding you.


I have posted some important information, must do it every day, the body will be super fast back to the young state, I guaranteed! I will try to find a way to let people understand some things through some truth. In fact, it is very simple, please think of "helping to reverse the universe and the world's field with the true self!" Then blink, put your hands on your chest, close your eyes and inhale, then open your hands and eyes together. Blink again. You will find my beautiful EN(thoughts) surrounding you.

重要訊息轉貼在下面,或看我的FB。Repost my messages here, or see my FB:https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu
更多資訊 More Info:https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/

==一篇分享給Dan Lok==

Dan Lok 若能看見我的留言,請想著「願我所有的努力與貢獻之意念與能量,能協助修復這世界的場域,並反轉所有身陷操控之人」。然後眨個眼,雙手置於胸前,眼睛閉起來吸氣,然後手和眼睛一起打開。再眨一次眼。你們會發現我這份美好意念環繞於你們的

If you can see my message, gently close your eyes and think, "May all the will and energy of my efforts and contributions help to repair the field of our world and reverse all those who are caught in control and manipulation." Then blink, put your hands on your chest, close your eyes and inhale, then open your hands and eyes together. Blink again. You will find my beautiful EN(thoughts) surrounding you.

也請Dan Lok Office的諸位做同樣的事情,你們必然會感到我的存在的。再麻煩你們轉達丹駱。

I also wish all of you at the Dan Lok OfficeI doing the same, you must feel my presence. I would like you to do me a favor to convey Dan Lok.


Finally, think about the following slowly and do it again. I think you're going to have the most amazing day of your life. I wish you all happiness and well-being.


Keep all the good,
not the bad;
As long as you don't die,
beauty is the most important

==另一篇分享給Gary Vaynerchuk==

(致影片中的男士 To the men in the film)您要將自己如何持續地面對毒癮及酒癮的這個過程,分享給那些還在受其困擾,或是有心改變的路途中人。若您能看見我的留言,輕輕將雙眼閉上,並想著「願我所有自制自抑的意念與能量,能反轉所有身陷其中之人」。接著吸氣壓縮,然後輕輕反彈張開雙眼。您必然會感到不可思議的意念環繞於您

You will share the process of how you continue to face drug and alcohol addiction to those who are still suffering from it, or who are on the road to change. If you can see my message, gently close your eyes and think, "May all my self-control and self-repressed EN(thoughts) and energy reverse all those who are caught in it." Then inhale, compress, and rebound to open your eyes slightly. You must feel incredible EN(thoughts) surrounding you.

「每個人都叫我他媽的魯蛇 Everyone calls me a fucking loser.」
「不,重要的是你自己呢?你怎麼看自己? No, what you call yourself」


Yes, it doesn't matter what others think of you. What is important is how we ourselves can gradually improve our lives and have more leeway in various encounters and situations.



I also wish Gary doing the same, you must feel my presence.


Finally, think about the following slowly and do it again. I think you're going to have the most amazing day of your life. I wish you all happiness and well-being.


Keep all the good,
not the bad;
As long as you don't die,
beauty is the most important.


