The best example of observing EN/energy is my calf being continuously attacked by aggressive EN for decades. You can try to feel or delineate the energy path (with your fingers), which will be helpful for perceiving EN/energy and connecting the system, including the metaverse and the future; In addition, we can understand that the wonderful "NFT" is the "pure and beautiful idea" of space-time; through the comprehensive contemplation of each phase, it can give birth to the most possibilities, the best work in the space-time. And the work that fits into those "space-time NFT EN" is definitely a superior masterpiece.
4.運用「質性相向」的概念:透過介入環境場域,並暗藏穩定場域的意念物質。油霧色彩的意念物質,像是洗衣精、大筒油等;腐涎色彩的意念物質,最重要的就是灰塵,或是一些鏽蝕的金屬物質。透過這些意念物質,可以穩定該能量色彩或意念場域。讓已經收到該意念能量渲染後的身體,自行在身體中堆疊出破壞性的意念匯集執行命令在,再等大環境轉換時,發動意念能量的指令。像是2002/11 SARS、2012/9 MERS-CoV、2020/3/11 COVID-19,這3個流行疾病都是能量疾病[1],也是為了預置場域好發動裂解所有人。
Energy attacks have some paths:
1. Relying on mass-energy substances (fine particles such as PM2.5) to render into the body.
2. By rendering the energy of microorganisms, filtering viruses, etc.
3. Relying on the five senses to forcibly break into the human body, only one's own mind will actively intervene; mainly through the medium of light, radiation, etc., and through the sensory receptors to the inner field of the body, these senses include...
a. (eye) the image seen
b. (ear) the sound heard
c. (mouth) taste
d. (nose) the breath smelled
e. The nerves that are touched by (sense), the ideas that are radiated by (thoughts)
4. Use the concept of "parallel space-time property": By intervening in the environmental field, and hiding the EN matter that stabilizes the field. The EN matter of oil mist color, such as laundry detergent, large cylinder of oil, breaking events, etc.; the EN of rotten color, the most important thing is dust, or some rusted metal substances. Through these EN matter, the energy color or EN field can be stabilized. Let the body that has received the rendering of the energy of the EN stack up the destructive EN collection in the body to execute the command, and then wait for the change of the general environment to activate the EN command. Like 2002/11 SARS, 2012/9 MERS-CoV, 2020/3/11 COVID-19, these three epidemic diseases are all energy diseases [1], and they are also to pre-set the EN field of microbes to start cracking everyone.

On the two pictures in front of me, you can see the energy line on my face, I have drawn several! In the other two pictures, you can see that what I circled is the beard of the oil mist that is used to make the oil mist EN line, (EN) light shoots these beard, and the image is not clear that the oil mist is basically an energy type! (If the lines are discontinuous, it is a rotten field)
4.運用「質性相向」的概念:透過介入環境場域,並暗藏穩定場域的意念物質。油霧色彩的意念物質,像是洗衣精、大筒油等;腐涎色彩的意念物質,最重要的就是灰塵,或是一些鏽蝕的金屬物質。透過這些意念物質,可以穩定該能量色彩或意念場域。讓已經收到該意念能量渲染後的身體,自行在身體中堆疊出破壞性的意念匯集執行命令在,再等大環境轉換時,發動意念能量的指令。像是2002/11 SARS、2012/9 MERS-CoV、2020/3/11 COVID-19,這3個流行疾病都是能量疾病[1],也是為了預置場域好發動裂解所有人。
Energy attacks have some paths:
1. Relying on mass-energy substances (fine particles such as PM2.5) to render into the body.
2. By rendering the energy of microorganisms, filtering viruses, etc.
3. Relying on the five senses to forcibly break into the human body, only one's own mind will actively intervene; mainly through the medium of light, radiation, etc., and through the sensory receptors to the inner field of the body, these senses include...
a. (eye) the image seen
b. (ear) the sound heard
c. (mouth) taste
d. (nose) the breath smelled
e. The nerves that are touched by (sense), the ideas that are radiated by (thoughts)
4. Use the concept of "parallel space-time property": By intervening in the environmental field, and hiding the EN matter that stabilizes the field. The EN matter of oil mist color, such as laundry detergent, large cylinder of oil, breaking events, etc.; the EN of rotten color, the most important thing is dust, or some rusted metal substances. Through these EN matter, the energy color or EN field can be stabilized. Let the body that has received the rendering of the energy of the EN stack up the destructive EN collection in the body to execute the command, and then wait for the change of the general environment to activate the EN command. Like 2002/11 SARS, 2012/9 MERS-CoV, 2020/3/11 COVID-19, these three epidemic diseases are all energy diseases [1], and they are also to pre-set the EN field of microbes to start cracking everyone.

On the two pictures in front of me, you can see the energy line on my face, I have drawn several! In the other two pictures, you can see that what I circled is the beard of the oil mist that is used to make the oil mist EN line, (EN) light shoots these beard, and the image is not clear that the oil mist is basically an energy type! (If the lines are discontinuous, it is a rotten field)
Many of the filter viruses of the past few decades have been artificially created to attack people, in order to manipulate everyone for their own benefit. All parallel thought spaces point to the fact that humanity will go on a rampage and become extinct; because to understand things and make the real thing come back, try to correct it to the right track. Because this trajectory of extinction repeats itself over and over again, I was born naturally, trying to understand the causes and unravel all the problems.
a. S上半部自體旋轉即為3,即為m
b. A上下一折,像是自體迴旋即得E
c. SARS=AR散形,AR=擴增實境=實景=過去未來各級場域景象=古今場域=時空
d. MERS介接SARS意念,S→M讓散行意念(S)成為介接轉換連通道(天橋)和擺盪裂解中心(M)
e. -CoV,附加(-)一起(Co)裂解、意念匯集、釘象限(V)
f. CoVid,Co-id指多重人格、散行串接意識、(平行意念空間中)利用非自然裂解的異變散行意念體,取代原本自體拮抗意識意念體;接著是,再擺盪裂解(V)這些Co-id散行意念體,所以本來的人(意識體)就會不知不覺變得耐心耐性降低、邏輯和智能皆鬆散,且容易躁動破壞;可以想一想ADHD專注力不足症候群的過動兒,或是遲緩兒和先天發育不良孩童,我認為皆源於此。
g. Co-id的-和V加起來,其實就是A的倒型,而aA即為盤旋迴旋迴歸(a,也代表「觀自在」、「盛如來」),以及凝練壓縮反轉向上(A);—V放在一起,為「大」的倒型,把所有大家長倒置,即破壞神冥域,破壞時空及萬物良善意念。
h. MERS-CoV介接到COVID,其實是CoV+id,每個人(IDV=individual)代表-凝練積累或分享(V)的本質與能力,所以變成「無法凝練積累成自己,又無法分享互生拮抗」,想想新冠肺炎之前呼籲大家什麼?不就是「斷開人與人的連結」,應該很容易理解這部分了吧?
i. CoV+id,其中的CoV表示被釘象限的錨點=攻擊者所創造散行後的意念空間;+id其實是一種人造人、生化人的概念,像是賽博格人(Cyborg),或是各位身體在動手術時被置入一些意念物質,甚至是失聰者或聽力降低的人需配戴的助聽器等都會被置入一些不好的意念,讓這些人受到最上面的影響與控制。這也是為什麼我一直在外面走動,因為我最無法接受的就是,他人任意地影響或操控別人對於自我的追求,那些操控的舉動,都顯然傷害時空無極限萬象發展的層級!儘管已貧困到身無分文,亦依然故我,如我小學每一學年,老師一定都給我「擇善固執」的評語建議一樣;我想,這個牛脾氣可能是遺傳到我爸爸對於孝,以及我媽媽對於良善的堅持喔!
Many of the filter viruses of the past few decades have been artificially created to attack people, in order to manipulate everyone for their own benefit. All parallel thought spaces point to the fact that humanity will go on a rampage and become extinct; because to understand things and make the real thing come back, try to correct it to the right track. Because this trajectory of extinction repeats itself over and over again, I was born naturally, trying to understand the causes and unravel all the problems.
a. S上半部自體旋轉即為3,即為m
b. A上下一折,像是自體迴旋即得E
c. SARS=AR散形,AR=擴增實境=實景=過去未來各級場域景象=古今場域=時空
d. MERS介接SARS意念,S→M讓散行意念(S)成為介接轉換連通道(天橋)和擺盪裂解中心(M)
e. -CoV,附加(-)一起(Co)裂解、意念匯集、釘象限(V)
f. CoVid,Co-id指多重人格、散行串接意識、(平行意念空間中)利用非自然裂解的異變散行意念體,取代原本自體拮抗意識意念體;接著是,再擺盪裂解(V)這些Co-id散行意念體,所以本來的人(意識體)就會不知不覺變得耐心耐性降低、邏輯和智能皆鬆散,且容易躁動破壞;可以想一想ADHD專注力不足症候群的過動兒,或是遲緩兒和先天發育不良孩童,我認為皆源於此。
g. Co-id的-和V加起來,其實就是A的倒型,而aA即為盤旋迴旋迴歸(a,也代表「觀自在」、「盛如來」),以及凝練壓縮反轉向上(A);—V放在一起,為「大」的倒型,把所有大家長倒置,即破壞神冥域,破壞時空及萬物良善意念。
h. MERS-CoV介接到COVID,其實是CoV+id,每個人(IDV=individual)代表-凝練積累或分享(V)的本質與能力,所以變成「無法凝練積累成自己,又無法分享互生拮抗」,想想新冠肺炎之前呼籲大家什麼?不就是「斷開人與人的連結」,應該很容易理解這部分了吧?
i. CoV+id,其中的CoV表示被釘象限的錨點=攻擊者所創造散行後的意念空間;+id其實是一種人造人、生化人的概念,像是賽博格人(Cyborg),或是各位身體在動手術時被置入一些意念物質,甚至是失聰者或聽力降低的人需配戴的助聽器等都會被置入一些不好的意念,讓這些人受到最上面的影響與控制。這也是為什麼我一直在外面走動,因為我最無法接受的就是,他人任意地影響或操控別人對於自我的追求,那些操控的舉動,都顯然傷害時空無極限萬象發展的層級!儘管已貧困到身無分文,亦依然故我,如我小學每一學年,老師一定都給我「擇善固執」的評語建議一樣;我想,這個牛脾氣可能是遺傳到我爸爸對於孝,以及我媽媽對於良善的堅持喔!