整個台灣的擺盪,以及時空的重力牽引,何不認清事實呢? Why not recognize the fact that the entire Taiwan is oscillating, and the gravitational pulling of space-time?
I personally can cause the gravitational pulling of space-time, why not face the facts?
2022-10-30_我發的訊息很簡單,「習近平, 給我立刻停止所有對台灣的威脅。」
My message was simple, "Xi Jinping, stop all threats to Taiwan immediately."
The original video was produced by The Epoch Times on October 26, 2022, and it was not my post-production.
Let's start with the most basic, please think of "thank you", and your head will be pulled.
2022-07-27_放鬆想像“點頭表示謝謝”。 很多人都會察覺【點頭】的現象。
Relax and imagine "bow to say thank you". Many people must easily realize [you nod].
Reflect on the facts, let go of your identities as scientists, and return to and learn from zero.
2022-12-05_ 我誠摯地希望各位科學家們多研究我們的生活現象, 而非一直想用科學來驗證。你們是描述不了生命的啊, 千萬要保持謙和的心,持續歸零學習啊!
I sincerely hope that all scientists will do more research on the phenomena of our lives, instead of trying to use science to verify them all the time. You can’t describe life, you must keep a humble heart and continue to learn from zero!
各位何不從現在開始研究「時空轉換」造成之擺盪, 因為我隨時可以讓各位感受擺盪。
Why don't you start studying the oscillation caused by "space-time conversion" from now on, because I can let you feel the space-time pulling at any time.
2023-03-12_可明顯看到「時空擾動」, 這是一種時空轉換最常見的現象,可視為一種「時空牽引」。 另一種常見方式,則是「向心凝煉」來勻質。無法辨識者, 我也提供各位練習方法了。
You can clearly see "space-time interference", which is the most common phenomenon of space-time conversion, and can be regarded as a kind of "time-space pulling". Another common method is "centripetal convergence" to homogenize. For those who cannot identify, I also provide practice methods for you.
希望科學家與研究人員以努力求證來替代各位的嗤之以鼻或漠視, 不然,天地當然會看見各位狹隘的科學心態。
I hope that scientists and researchers will replace your sneer or indifference with efforts to prove it, otherwise, the world will of course see your narrow scientific mentality.
同理而論,這些醫療機構,諸如WHO和CDC,不是一樣嗎? 你們不希望世界的醫療水準大躍進嗎?
In the same way, aren't these medical institutions, such as WHO and CDC, aren't you the same? Don't you want a great leap forward in the world's medical standards?
還有UN與COP等關注全球暖化與極端氣候的組織,不是一樣嗎? 你們不希望全世界的環境大反轉嗎?
There are also UN and COP and other organizations concerned with global warming and extreme climate, aren't you the same? Don't you want the world's environment to reverse up?
各位如果要如往常一樣剛愎自用也沒關係,請你們自己找安靜的地方 錄音,接著放最大聲自己聆聽,何必要欺騙自己呢?
It doesn’t matter if you want to be headstrong, self-willed and obstinate as usual, please find a quiet place to record, and then listen to it at the loudest, why deceive yourself?
Try to understand, it will be of great benefit to your health, including relatives and friends!
As long as you have an intention, ENs will help you, because you are of the same essence.
最大聲播放,有這麼難嗎?物理聲音和意念聲音的量級差異很大, 當然有差別!
Is it that hard to play it loudest? The magnitude of the physical sound and the EN sound is very different, of course there is a difference!
跟頻傳的地震極相關的重力,各位請一定要親自確認, 不然真的沒大開眼界呢!。
The gravity that is extremely related to the frequent earthquakes, you must confirm it yourself, otherwise you really won't grow wise!
這幾段宇宙的聲音不是我錄的, 讓我們一起大聲聽聽諸位科學家們是否比我還熟識他們(重力、 日月星河、宇宙和時空)呢!
I did not record these sounds of the universe, let us listen out loud to see if you scientists are more familiar with them (gravity; sun, moon, galaxy; universe and space-time) than I am!
Do you still insist on distorting the facts with your own sight, or even look down on or not immediately grasp and pursue it?
請大聲地播放,真實(事實或真相)具備無限重力意念, 各位是否有抓到重點?
Please play it loudly, reality (fact or truth) has infinite gravity EN, do you get the key point?
The other two are "each of moment" and "eyes".
If even the voices of heaven and earth are ignored, why bother to worship gods and ancestors hypocritically?
We will see more people become lagging people, which is true.
我們可以看到有人行動和說話都遲緩lag 70%,是無法順暢地表達和說話。
We can see someone is lagging 70% in action and speech, and is unable to express and speak smoothly.
1-SYSTEM is launching this EN instruction since September last year.
A life became like this in an instant, and I clearly knew what happened to him.
Because I assisted in initiating the convergence of the EN instruction last year.
各位也許可以嘗試以學習及體悟到的科學新知(道理、價值觀) 來揣測與解釋。我的論述,天地就可以回應。
You may try to speculate and explain with the new scientific knowledge (principles, mindset) you have learned and realized. Heaven and Earth can show you what I explained.
希望各位都能遇見更好的自己,實事求是與齊進未來的每個你( 意念)。
I hope that everyone can meet a better self, seek truth from facts and advance each of you (ENs) in the future.
Even if you often talk about the truth, goodness and beauty, you just can't get them because of non-sincerity.
What is the reason for the scattering?
因為這些人的意念系統(元神,或我之前所謂的「意念形指揮中心」 )正在意識「將有大事正在發生」,並正在從一些現象與內容中, 嘗試感受並察覺那美好。
Because the EN system of these people (EGO, or what I called the "EN-type command center") is realizing that "a great thing is happening", and is trying to feel and perceive the beauty from some phenomena and content.
所以,從台灣開始向全世界呈現「蓮華時空轉換」,即「懺生懺滅, 生生不息」的過程。Therefore, starting from Taiwan, the "Lotus space-time conversion" is manifesting to the whole world, that is, the process of "Beginning from the end, reverse up and newborn".
根據天道系統1-SYSTEM, 從台灣至全世界各地的第一次合宜轉換,就需要大概7年, 當然這只是粗估。
According to 1-SYSTEM, it will take about 7 years for the first appropriate space-time conversion from Taiwan to other parts of the world. Of course, this is only a rough period.
人類身為靈長類,是因為可以凝煉與散發「意念」。但這些意念要能 妥善地運行,更需要天地萬物、平行時空、重力意念、神冥重生域( 整個大自然與天地的重力概念)來匯集。
Human beings are primates precisely because we can converge and distribute "EN". However, in order for these ENs to operate properly, it needs all things in the world, parallel space-time, gravity EN, and the rebirth domain of gravity (the concept of gravity in the entire nature and heaven and earth).
Human beings living(thinking, restraining themselves, praising others, sharing), to achieve success.
Heaven and Earth operating(converging, purity, beauty, Bodhi), for all living beings.
This is the true meaning of "it is up to people to make things happen, but it is up to heaven to plan things (to carry all living beings)".
2023-02-21_和天地用想的就能溝通, 各位還不理解背後的意義嗎?待各位研究人員與科學家思考時, 不妨將這段地震影片開最大聲靠近聆聽。看看各位的思考、 邏輯與態度,天地回應什麼,豈不妙哉。
You and heaven and earth can communicate with just your thinking, do you still not understand the meaning behind it? When researchers and scientists are thinking, you may wish to open this earthquake video and get closer to listen to it as loud as possible. According to our thinking, logic and attitude, and try to realize what heaven and earth respond. Wouldn't that be wonderful?
環境意念體能夠直接讀懂每個人的思想,各位以為時空系統( 天道系統)是我憑空捏造嗎?
The environmental EN bodies can directly understand everyone's thoughts. Do you think that the space-time system (1-SYSTEM) is fabricated by me out of the imagination or dreaming?
透過這篇發文,分享這些最重要能指向未來的一些想法, 希望能協助各位更有信念地做出一些決定。
Through this post, share some of these most important thoughts that point to the future, hoping to help you make some decisions with more confidence.
Return to Zero, Treat with Courtesy;
Be Respectful, Treat as Equal.
Converge it,
Into yourself.
Keep all the good,
not the bad;
As long as you don't die,
beauty is the most important.
Living in the moment,
Living together for mutual benefit (Co-existing and co-goodness);
Cultivate yourself and praise others,
Ask yourself, seek yourself.
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Porsche Wu, Taiwan
Pondering as if it were from being;
Free-flowing, flexible and floodlighting.
Pondering as if it were from being;
Free-flowing, flexible and floodlighting.