2023年8月12日 星期六

這幾天(10,11)的雷鳴全都在講什麼?最大聲聽,真是一堆傲慢的人。置之不理與多行不義者,必自斃,荒唐! What are all the thunders these days (10,11) talking about? Listen to the loudest, what a bunch of arrogant people. Those who ignore it and do many unrighteous actions will kill themselves, absurd!

What are all the thunders these days (10,11) talking about?  Listen to the loudest, what a bunch of arrogant people. Those who ignore it and do many unrighteous actions will kill themselves, absurd!

Why does Heaven and Earth want to thank and apologize to me, and let you hear and see, ask yourself!

Do you think that disasters will not continue to happen in Taiwan?

It is caused by your self-righteousness.


Smart political programs, units or people who care about the country, hurry up and check the country's audio and video with the Central Weather Bureau, and then release it to all media, and ask the government to respond immediately!

This is the biggest scoop, and it's meaningful.

Examine and see what the hellish bastards are, just don't restrain themselves!

Also share with 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所 IAMS, Academia Sinica 中央研究院 資訊科技創新研究中心 國家科學及技術委員會 國家太空中心 TASA 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 工業技術研究院 國家中醫藥研究所-中醫藥文化記憶 國家中醫藥研究所 國發會 國研院台灣儀器科技研究中心 國研院 - 國家地震工程研究中心 國研院科政中心 臺灣太空科學聯盟 TSU 原能會 輻務小站 報天氣 - 中央氣象局 報地震 - 中央氣象局 報天文 - 中央氣象局 報氣候 - 中央氣象局 NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program NASA 360 NASA's James Webb Space Telescope NASA Sun Science NASA's Kennedy Space Center World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus World Trade Organization - WTO Discovery 國家地理雜誌 National Geographic Magazine China Daily Sci-Tech China Xinhua Sci-Tech CDC 衛生福利部 Nassim Haramein Resonance Science Foundation American Chemical Society Insider Science Max Planck Society Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 台灣太空產業發展協會-Taiwan Space Industry Development Association  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Energy Agency (IEA) International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) UN Environment Programme UN Climate Change COP27


