2023年8月22日 星期二

這是一個非常好辨識散行意念的影片,我會先讓我的散行意念凝煉成一個行星的模樣在擺盪,接著改變運行模式到∞。 This is a very good video for identifying scattered EN. I will first converge my scattered EN into a planet shape that oscillates, and then change the operation mode to the shape of ∞.

This is a very good video for identifying scattered EN. I will first converge my scattered EN into a planet shape that oscillates, and then change the operation mode to the shape of ∞.

Because the energy of scattered EN is very low, it needs to be easily recognized by the naked eye in a dim environment or at night. Of course, you must have a certain ability to distinguish. Most people only need to work hard to detect changes to be able to know.

There are many things that can be easily proved, for example, my body is almost surrounded by a large amount of scattered EN energy flow every day, which can be easily detected by energy detection devices or instruments.

The reason is that the heaven and the earth are now converging into the EN 1-SYSYEM of space-time and me. It's converging and manifesting through the movement of the sun, moon and stars, the pulling of the tides and winds and clouds, and the oscillation of Taiwan, matter, and even the human body.


You can clearly see "space-time interference", which is the most common phenomenon of space-time conversion, and can be regarded as a kind of "time-space pulling". Another common method is "centripetal convergence" to homogenize. For those who cannot identify, I also provide practice methods for you.

Moreover, many scientists are really idiots, IMHO. If you can't even recognize the most basic scattered ENs (or EN scattering), and you can't even recognize the basic space-time oscillations and conversion, what kind of universe and space science do you want to study?

(scattered ENs)
2022-11-16_透過我的手指,是觀察「散行意念」或「意念散行」的最佳時機。 Through my fingers, it's the best time to observe "scattered EN" or "EN scattering".

(scattered EN flow)
2022-11-08_大內心法我還真的是盡全力分享給這世界,大家的身體健康,只能請各位多用心。皮膚會發光,似乎有能量在飛翔,諸位可曾多思量? I really tried my best to share the Great Inner Force to the world. For your health, I can only ask you to be more attentive. The skin will glow, and it seems that energy is flying. Have you ever thought about it?
Can see energy flow after 1:35

(時空擺盪 Space-time Oscillation)
2022-07-31_各位科學家如果用心觀察,便可以很容易察覺天空凝煉下來的意念場景的轉換。從宇宙→天空→地表的意念發動的路徑,我實際上畫給各位科學家看。 If scientists observe carefully, you can easily detect the conversion of the EN scene converged from the sky. I actually drew the EN path from the universe → sky → surface to show the scientists.


COP27 UN Climate Change UN Environment Programme International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Energy Agency (IEA) International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) 一直執著於「淨零碳排放」可緩解「全球暖化」的思維,是「治標不治本」。
The thinking that has been obsessed with "net zero carbon emissions" can alleviate "global warming" is "a temporary solution, not a permanent cure".

In 2022, in the "Climate Shock, Adaptation and Vulnerability" report released by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), "protecting at least 30% of the natural environment and improving climate resilience" is the top priority.

However, what is really important is how to protect the environment and live with it with the right ENs (thoughts) and attitudes.

[1-1] 2023-03-12_中天新聞網_史上最長壽!熱帶氣旋「弗萊迪」成形已33天 二度登陸莫三比克肆虐 https://ctinews.com/news/items/KwnK5zDma
2023-03-14_自由時報_熱帶氣旋弗萊迪回馬槍重創東非 馬拉威暴增至190死 https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/4239918
[1-2] 2023-03-13_FOCUS全球新聞/方念華_暖化惡果!加州水淹不停,阿根廷熱浪逼40度

[2] 2022-06-24_反轉疾病與人體場域的關鍵。 The key to reverse disease and the human body field.

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