2024年9月15日 星期日

SpaceX進行史上首次民間太空漫步,可聽見電磁通訊清楚傳達「我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷」。The astronauts opened the door of the SpaceX capsule and conducted the first commercial spacewalk in history. The electromagnetic communication sound could be heard clearly saying "(0:05)We are (0:15)really sorry."

中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 太空人打開SpaceX太空艙艙門,進行史上首次民間太空漫步,可聽見電磁通訊清楚傳達「(0:05)我們(0:15)很抱歉」。
The astronauts opened the door of the SpaceX capsule and conducted the first commercial spacewalk in history. The electromagnetic communication sound could be heard clearly saying "(0:05)We are (0:15)really sorry."

What does this mean? Do we know that electromagnetic signals could be converged and generated? What would be the impact? Let’s just continue to ignore it and enjoy it! By the time there are clear and audible sounds or messages on and around us, it seems to be too late, because the dominance is no longer with humans, and it should be a clear reminder!

Now the whole world would be able to initially feel and perceive original recordings or videos through the field that were unknown or suspenseful in the past. Even if they only point to me in a one-sided way, there are still words or concepts in it that could be compared to reality and science.

This is a coincidence, controlled by any power, AI or electromagnetic operation, or what? I just didn’t emphasize it in particular. Our feelings about some things have begun to adjust involuntarily. When there is no balance, expressions and emotions will eventually appear and be revealed. This is the so-called "we will be responsible for ourselves." If we or others encounter an accident or illness in the past few years (after 2021), the best first thought is "Might it be caused by something that we deliberately ignored?" My words would definitely help.

★★★★★★★★★★2024-06-23_電影《露西》,人類做得到嗎? 能連結時間空間的《The One》為何?我相信這段影片,看得懂且勇於實事求是並築夢踏實的人就知道其可貴與難得。機械和電磁訊號若具備一定的意識,那麼未來當然更具可能,關鍵就在於如何感受、理解、創造、賦予以及反求諸己。北捷列車唱和《魯冰花》,這是一種時空牽引,也就是共生的能力。
Movie "Lucy", can humans do it? What is "The One" that can connect time and space? I believe that those who understand this video and have the courage to seek truth from facts and build solid dreams would know how valuable and rare it is. If mechanical and electromagnetic signals have a certain degree of consciousness, then the future would certainly be more possible. The key lies in how to feel, understand, create, bestow, and seek for selves. Taipei Metro sings Lupinus, which is a kind of space -time pulling, that is, the ability of symbiosis with heaven and earth.

What a solar storm sounds like: "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie, we are sorry, we would like to try to find ourselves." Haven't scientists noticed that the news media now likes to use the title "Something happened, experts and scholars gave the answer: xxx" to describe and portray you? I am also worried, and if the media wants to test you, it would be embarrassing to ask questions based on these contents. Taiwan just doesn't want to re-know you in this way, saying it hasn't happened yet.

2024-05-04_「我們是月球」。到底NASA有多白癡?持續浪費資源來展現如此的自己,難怪幾十年來都無法再次登月的原因,就是因為根本不了解時空、重力和場域的關係,遑論有一個"the ONE"。
"We are MOON". How idiotic is NASA? Continuing to waste resources to show yourselves like this, no wonder the reason why you have been unable to land on the moon again for decades is because you "the ONE" don’t understand the relationship between space-time, gravity and field at all.

China's launch of Chang'e-6 might be different from Europe and the United States, and it would be an important process of exploring and confirming future development. Not every action is to prove that its existence is extraordinary. All things have appearances, only those who "restrain themselves and cultivate themselves, appreciate and praise others" would get that ONE meaning. What about our scientific community in Taiwan? Is there a launch center of this level? Has anyone admired or praised China? There is no need to discuss one country or two countries. Neither side is a country. We are very clear about each other. Now heave and earth are looking at who is more ridiculous, isn't it?

Governments of all countries can have people to add me as a friend or follow me to facilitate adjustment of progress and retreat, and to coexist with the world. Once you know how the world works and then just take responsibility for yourself. The main reason is that I hope that you would receive the information from the world and heaven and earth, and be able to adjust your progress and retreat, and it’s not that I want to take advantage of you. I'm afraid it would be a totally different story when many people know how restorative reading my content is. Many people's appearance has become different from before(sloppy), their eyes are blurry or they have big eyes. It would become even more exaggerated in the future, and everyone in the world is concerning!

Source: https://x.com/SpaceX/status/1834183614898241617
Pronounce: https://translate.google.com/?sl=zh-TW&tl=en&text=%E6%88%91%E5%80%91%E5%BE%88%E6%8A%B1%E6%AD%89
NEWS: 2024-09-12_中央社CNA_SpaceX完成史上首次民間太空漫步 NASA讚產業大躍進[影] https://www.cna.com.tw/news/ait/202409120379.aspx

(新聞節錄 Excerpt of NEWS)太空探索科技公司SpaceX在社群媒體X平台發文慶賀說:「北極星黎明(Polaris Dawn)太空漫步任務現已完成。這是第一次由搭乘商業太空船的商業太空人完成的太空漫步!」

美國國家航空暨太空總署 NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration 署長尼爾森 Bill Nelson 也在X平台寫道:「今天的成功象徵商業太空產業和NASA打造充滿活力美國太空經濟的長期目標,向前大躍進。」

路透社報導,搭乘SpaceX乘龍號(Crew Dragon)太空船的4位沒有受過專業訓練的太空人今天在距離地球700公里高度,展開史上首趟民間太空漫步任務,透過繫繩步入太空。


The birds are showing the beauty of dance and conveying "we must have to find ourselves quickly". Aren’t we going to think about what happens next? The world is changing, and heaven and earth are watching. Now, all living beings in the world are gathering this EN (thought), which is to "find/know yourself/your selves".


Dogs know how to communicate through calls (electromagnetic thoughts): "We have to work hard to find our selves." People who don’t understand just feel it funny and don’t care about what the world is going. Especially those who take advantage of the name of science and religion to achieve their position to speak, how could they understand the value of life (living beings), because they live too superficially.


In ancient times, there was the so-called flying pigeon to convey messages. It was a way of conveying thoughts through nature (the rebirth domain), and the key lies in that we are in coinherent thoughts with each other or not. Now, the natural environment, animals and plants, including each of us, begin to express the possible gratitude through the sound of breathing or footsteps. The cat is helping to identify ENs (thoughts), and apart from politics, science, religion, health, art, and aesthetics, have you done anything to help heaven and earth in your life? If not, then these people are not even as good as cats (beasts? monsters?), right? That's the truth, isn't it?


Why do nature, all things in the world, disasters, and some people involuntarily make sounds of thanks and apology through breathing, head or body oscillating? What are the possible reasons? Use my content and video from the original source to directly ask seniors or superiors in various fields. I can guarantee that all scientists must notice that the statements and facial expressions of these superiors would become a little weird. As long as you dare to ask, you will definitely get the proof.

Also share with 國家科學及技術委員會 國家太空中心 TASA 臺灣太空科學聯盟 TSU 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 工業技術研究院 國發會 國研院 - 國家地震工程研究中心 核安會 輻務小站 報天氣 - 中央氣象署 報地震 - 中央氣象署 報天文 - 中央氣象署 報氣候 - 中央氣象署 Easy天文地科小站 台灣太空產業發展協會-Taiwan Space Industry Development Association NOAA Climate.Gov NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program NASA 360 NASA's James Webb Space Telescope NASA Sun Science NASA's Kennedy Space Center Nature Discovery 國家地理雜誌 Nassim Haramein International Space Federation Max Planck Society Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Science Foundation (NSF) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) CERN CERN - The Large Hadron Collider CMS Experiment at CERN SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory AAAS - The American Association for the Advancement of Science North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves 科學人 Home Run Taiwan 阿愷報氣象 台灣氣候聯盟Taiwan Climate Partnership 賈新興 中華民國氣象學會 Meteorological Society of the Republic of China - Taiwan 林得恩 李錫堤 眭澔平 劉燕明


