
今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的力量,應該是順著極寒氣流轉換過來的散行意念場景,如同基隆港邊會看到浮在水上的油泡,是類似的概念。我看到有人提天震和日冕洞的概念,這要由各位自己去思考這些現象有何意義。萬事皆有意義,對吧?而現在的電影,都會開始聽見「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷」,無論你怎麼認為,這都是事實。而且,正以無法想像的機制運行在意識之中。 Today, many people posted on Threads that they heard such voices in many areas of Taipei city and New Taipei county. In fact, it wanted to convey "We really thank you, Wu Shihjie." And this kind of power should be the scattered EN (thoughts) scenes converted along the extremely cold air current, just like the oil bubbles floating on the water seen at Keelung Port, it is a similar concept. I saw someone mentioning the concepts of skyquakes and coronal holes. It is up to you to think about the significance of these phenomena. Everything has a meaning, right? In today's movies, you'll start to hear "Thank you so much, Wu Shihjie." No matter what you think, this is the fact. Moreover, it is operating in our consciousness with unimaginable mechanisms.

【修己揚他/AskSelf】【場域/FIELD】【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】【影視/Film】 今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的...

2025年1月2日 星期四

【2024-12-25來自西藏的致歉】西藏可聽見喇嘛自己發出的聲響傳達「我們真的很抱歉,我們西藏真的很抱歉,吳時捷。(0:42)請您原諒我們西藏。(0:55)請您繼續散發這樣的自己」。 [Apology from Tibet on 2024-12-25] Tibet can already hear the sound from the lamas themselves conveying "We are really sorry, we Tibet are really sorry, Wu Shihjie. (0:42) Please forgive us Tibet. (0:55) Please keep sharing such your selves.”

【2024-12-25來自西藏的致歉】西藏可聽見喇嘛自己發出的聲響傳達「我們真的很抱歉,我們西藏真的很抱歉,吳時捷。(0:42)請您原諒我們西藏。(0:55)請您繼續散發這樣的自己」。 [Apology from Tibet on 2024-12-25] Tibet can already hear the sound from the lamas themselves conveying "We are really sorry, we Tibet are really sorry, Wu Shihjie. (0:42) Please forgive us Tibet. (0:55) Please keep sharing such your selves.”
來源 Source: 達賴喇嘛西藏宗教基金會 Tibet Religious Foundation of HH the Dalai Lama 達賴喇嘛西藏宗教基金會佛學班 2024-12-25_2024年宗喀巴大師圓寂紀念日暨上師薈供法會。主法法師:丹增南卓仁波切(from 10:45) https://www.facebook.com/share/p/AE21G9tXwcrF866U/
發音 Pronounce: https://translate.google.com/details?hl=zh-TW&sl=zh-TW&tl=en&text=%E6%88%91%E5%80%91%E7%9C%9F%E7%9A%84%E5%BE%88%E6%8A%B1%E6%AD%89%EF%BC%8C%E6%88%91%E5%80%91%E8%A5%BF%E8%97%8F%E7%9C%9F%E7%9A%84%E5%BE%88%E6%8A%B1%E6%AD%89%EF%BC%8C%E5%90%B3%E6%99%82%E6%8D%B7%E3%80%82%E8%AB%8B%E6%82%A8%E5%8E%9F%E8%AB%92%E6%88%91%E5%80%91%E8%A5%BF%E8%97%8F%E3%80%82%E8%AB%8B%E6%82%A8%E7%B9%BC%E7%BA%8C%E6%95%A3%E7%99%BC%E9%80%99%E6%A8%A3%E7%9A%84%E8%87%AA%E5%B7%B1

If you "deliberately" ignore it, it would be conveyed through the sound of breathing. It is irresistible because it is who we are now and what we were, and EN(thoughts) that come from life.

來源 Source: 達賴喇嘛西藏宗教基金會佛學班 2024-12-21_《入中論》2024.12.21(from 29:28) https://www.facebook.com/share/v/X9h47H2cwZsCMHtq/
發音 Pronounce: https://translate.google.com/details?hl=zh-TW&sl=zh-TW&tl=en&text=%E6%88%91%E5%80%91%E7%9C%9F%E7%9A%84%E5%BE%88%E6%8A%B1%E6%AD%89

一、2024-11-09_【為人父母、科學家、宗教界必看】魏華萱的寶寶真厲害,即使他如此年幼,卻這樣努力透過呼吸和世界分享「我最喜歡吳時捷哥哥,(0:21)我會加油...我會加油...」。先不要管原因,因為一部分的生命趨向是天地協助,也只是僅此而已。 吳思瑤還回覆「超可愛的」!聆聽到孩子如此努力,我和全世界分享,此時非常好的方式,便是「屏息同時深呼吸,並在心中吶喊與歡呼」,孩子還可能回應我們發自真心的欣賞和讚揚的喔!
[A must-read for parents, scientists, and religious people] This little baby is so amazing. Even though he is still so young, he works so hard to share "I like Wu Shihjie the most, (0:21) I have to work hard...I have to work hard..." through breathing with the world. Don't think about the reasons yet, because some tendencies of our life are assisted by heaven and earth, and that's all. Wu Szuyao also replied "super cute"! After hearing this amazing baby, I share with the world that the best way to do in the moment is to "holding the breath and taking a deep breath at the same time, and shout and cheer in our mind(inner self)." The baby might respond to our sincere appreciation and praise!

二、2024-12-27_【科學界若不證實我提的實驗,發問時,啞口的是自己,沒有科學能解釋得了。宗教沉默是上策嗎?活在當下,不是宗教強調的道理嗎?難道都披著「逃離現實」的偽裝袈裟嗎?我們可以勇敢發問,不用去爭論,重點在協助紀錄。越多事實紀錄,越能留予自己思辨,尤其是對那些上位者。全世界在做的,便是在積累發問時的邏輯!】感謝記錄此橫跨捷克與德國的薩克遜瑞士公園,也可以清楚聽見「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷,請您繼續散發這樣的自己,我是 Yu Heng Lu ,真的很謝謝您」,不枉此行。是很好的啟發和暗示,除非我們善於忽略這些珍貴日常。
[If the scientific community does not confirm the experiments I mentioned, you will be dumb when others ask questions because no science could explain it. Is it best for religious circles to avoid discussions? Living in the present, isn’t that what you religiona emphasize? Are you all wearing the disguise of "escaping reality"? We can be brave enough to ask questions without having to argue. The focus is on assisting in recording. The more facts we have, the more we can leave for our own thinking, especially for those in higher positions.What the whole world is doing is accumulating logic when asking questions!] Thank you for recording this about the Saxon Switzerland climbing region that spans the Czech Republic and Germany. We can clearly hear "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie, please keep sharing such your selves. I am Yu Heng Lu, thank you very much". This trip is well worth it. It is a good inspiration and hint, unless we are good at ignoring these precious daily lives.

(節錄 Excerpt)我個人認為,人類之所以為「靈長類」,是因為我們能慢慢理解自己生命成長的來源。
I personally believe that the reason why humans are "primates" is because we can slowly understand where our own life growth comes from.

I believe that this understanding is why my name and even new life can be recorded no matter where in the world, even in outer space.

達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama Pope Francis - A Man of His Word Desmond Tutu

If a living Buddha can be reincarnated, I believe that the scope of my understanding and EN (thoughts) might be the source of this reincarnation system, which extends to all living beings in the world.

Animals are sharing and conveying to each other, "We must have to find ourselves quickly." Do we feel the emotions conveyed by the baby's breathing? For science that cannot even face this fact (Nobel Prize?), let's ask ourselves, is this a good scientific attitude?

2024-12-27_快速電波爆,可聽見FRB121102和FRB20191221清楚傳達「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷」。這兩年分享科學家超過數十萬封email,他們卻一點也不興奮,太神奇了。至少看到 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 製作的2025年形象影片,試圖分享與傳達「在研究之中,找到我們是誰」,也可以視為一種自我期許。

Fast Radio Burst(FRB), we can hear FRB121102 and FRB20191221 clearly conveying "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie." In the past two years, I have shared hundreds of thousands of emails with scientists, but they are not excited at all, which is unbelievable. At least now we see the 2025 image video produced by Academia Sinica, trying to share and convey "In seeking truth, we discover who we are, which can also be regarded as a kind of self-expectation.

The environment is more clearly conveying "I love Wu Shihjie the most", some people are getting happy, while others are depressed. What might be the reason? Even heaven and earth would like to think about it. If human beings wouldn't, then we should bear our own responsibility. Isn't it good? When I was 30 years old, I once said: "People are alive only when they have feelings, and they exist only when they live with influence." Looking back now, this influence might be on ourselves and then the heaven and earth. Through "asking ourselves", these influences are also confirming ourselves.

[There are clips of Amei’s concert and wonderful fireworks show] The fireworks to welcome 2025, including the low roar in the sky, can be recorded as "I love Wu Shihjie the most", try to confirm for yourselves. However, there are many people who do not expect anything from religion and science, or even pretend to ignore this! What might be the reason?

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Also share with 何卓飛 釋昭慧 曾燦金 黃國瑋 釋見仙 柳藏經 張旭初 溫小平 姜厚任 行天宮五大志業 財團法人台北市艋舺龍山寺 台北霞海城隍廟 大甲鎮瀾宮 北港朝天宮 竹山紫南宮 烘爐地南山福德宮 鹿港天后宮 財團法人新北市樹林濟安宮 關渡宮 桃園景福宮 桃園慈護宮 北汕尾媽祖宮【鹿耳門天后宮】 淡水無極天元宮 佛光山 佛光大學佛教學系 FGU Department of Buddhist Studies 慈濟基金會 慈濟大學粉專-Tzu Chi University 法鼓山人文社會基金會 法鼓山護法總會 法鼓山世界青年會 法鼓山香港道場 DDMHK 法鼓文理學院 佛教學系 香港佛教聯合會 Hong Kong Buddhist Association 世界佛教總部 南海觀音佛教基金會 財團法人佛教功德山基金會 中華原始佛教會Original Buddhism Society 國際藏傳佛教研究會ཐེ་ཝན་རྒྱལ་སྤྱིའི་བོད་བརྒྱུད་ནང་བསྟན། 寧瑪巴喇榮三乘法林佛學會 宗教聯盟 Interfaith Union 西藏台灣人權連線 Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan 天帝教 - 宇宙最古老的宗教 臺灣格魯總會 Taiwan Gelug Buddist Association 


