Bela Borsodi 的創作 for VLP – Terrain
大家可以看看攝影師Bela Borsodi為VLP - Terrain封面的創作,看他如何巧妙地運用一個檯燈的臂架,製造這樣分隔照片的視像錯覺!錯覺中的視覺真相
上面的創作不禁讓我想到包拉托(Beau Lotto)非常精采的演說《錯覺中的視覺真相》(Optical illusions show how we see),而我最喜歡的片段如下:
“So, color enables us to see the similarities and differences between surfaces, according to the full spectrum of light that they reflect. But what you've just done is, in many respects, mathematically impossible. Why? Because, as Berkeley tells us, we have no direct access to our physical world, other than through our senses. And the light that falls onto our eyes is determined by multiple things in the world -- not only the color of objects, but also the color of their illumination, and the color of the space between us and those objects. You vary any one of those parameters, and you'll change the color of the light that falls onto your eye.”
“the light that falls on to your eye, sensory information, is meaningless, because it could mean literally anything.”
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Beau Lotto |