2013年8月13日 星期二

R for初學者的教學影片

這串由Google Developer提供的教學影片:第一部分是最基礎的,包含了基本輸入指令、向量、變數或作運算等;第二、三部分,進入了較複雜一點的data frame和list概念,還有一些寫程式的結構,到了第四部分,也許你就能寫一個自己的函式出來。


點此看整個教學的watch list,點此可看到如下的細向的教學內容:
R 1.1 - Initial Setup and Navigation
R 1.2 - Calculations and Variables
R 1.3 - Create and Work With Vectors
R 1.4 - Character and Boolean Vectors
R 1.5 - Vector Arithmetic
R 1.6 - Building and Subsetting Matrices
R 1.7 - Section 1 Review and Help Files
R 2.1 - Loading Data and Working With Data Frames
R 2.2 - Loading Data, Object Summaries, and Dates
R 2.3 - if() Statements, Logical Operators, and the which() Function
R 2.4 - for() Loops and Handling Missing Observations
R 2.5 - Lists
R 3.1 - Managing the Workspace and Variable Casting
R 3.2 - The apply() Family of Functions
R 3.3 - Access or Create Columns in Data Frames, or Simplify a Data Frame using aggregate()
R 4.1 - Basic Structure of a Function
R 4.2 - Returning a List and Providing Default Arguments
R 4.3 - Add a Warning or Stop the Function Execution
R 4.4 - Passing Additional Arguments Using an Ellipsis
R 4.5 - Make a Returned Result Invisible and Build Recursive Functions
R 4.6 - Custom Functions With apply()


