2022年1月18日 星期二

2021一整年發生什麼事?很多人突然急著上廁所,身體不適和過敏等現象,都是一種自己與世界的場域轉換! What happened throughout 2021? Many people are suddenly anxious to go to the toilet, and the phenomenon of physical discomfort and allergies is a kind of field conversion between themselves and the world!

What happened throughout 2021? Many people are suddenly anxious to go to the toilet, and the phenomenon of physical discomfort and allergies is a kind of field conversion between themselves and the world!


That's because of the great conversion of their own personal field and world field¹. In 2021, I personally continue to travel back and forth and study the topic² in Taipei. Fortunately, in 2022, Taiwan has begun to build the 1-fields.


→ 5/10 forced eviction from the residence. I did not stay in Taipei, directly back to Yangmei³, and Taipei immediately followed by the outbreak of COVID-19.
→6/10 Launch the EN of [Void COVID-19 Virus, First Virtual, To Nothing].
→8/22 Launch the EN of [Cracking the COVID-19 Virus, Waiting for Taiwan to Recover, And Then Helping Other Countries].
→12/21, launch the EN of ["protecting other countries, the world is one", and prioritize the pyrolysis of COVID-19 in countries such as Europe, the United States and Africa, and even through the center of the earth].


https://covid-19.nchc.org.tw/dt_005-covidTable_taiwan.php (許多資訊仍被誤解,減少談論不了解的事,先停止抱怨,止傷為上!


I was stolen three times in the first half of 2021. Two laptops were lost, and in the five-minute gap when I rented YouBike, the bag five meters away was turned over! I had only one set of clothes left on my body, only a few dollars left. This is why I hope you will donate, all because the world field is decoupled and unbalanced. I walked more than 1/3 time last year to keep the Taiwan field clean and beautiful, and still share the power of the field with the world and turn the world upside down.

⭓合宜自清明 - 企業社會贊助捐款 - DONATE FOR PORSCHE⭓
吳時捷 富邦銀行 012 帳號 00330168682573
⭓Remittances from abroad⭓
WU SHIH JIE 00330168682573 +886902128182
銀行名稱 Bank Name: Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.
銀行地址 Address: No.50, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

3.〈平等持平 - 萬物共生〉
5.〈遊民翻轉 - 城市進化〉
8.〈反轉向上 - 好的循環〉

→6/10 COVID-19從每天100多例,又飆升到200多,那時【在中山堂發了COVID-19被虛無的意念指令】〈2nd返家〉昏睡幾天,隨即北上一個多月,之後〈3rd返家〉,一兩天又北上

⭓¹ 【場域】讓物質、分子或能量,安定存在某個空間。相關還有:
⭓¹ [Field] Let matter, molecules or energy exist in a certain space. Related also:
 1. [Field Power] The stability of the field, and then improve is [Field Suitable Power].
 2. [Field Collapse] All living beings in this field will definitely get sick or even die. Lake eutrophication is basically a process of field conversion(convert to oil field).
 3. [Clean Field] Basically, the field space has become relatively neat and clean, the visual lines are more streamlined and sleek(legato e slur), the vision is more clearly identifiable. When moving, the objects can also be continuously mediated and can be dynamically multi-poimt focused.

⭓² 台北各區、高樓大廈,及諸多停車場的各建築走動觀察;除了打開與關閉各樓層的紗網窗戶外,並反覆推開大樓裡一兩個...多至五個逃生門;為了就是【連通場域】,避免場域空間被收斂,因為裡面有許多我們每個人的散形意識。研究議題主要有:
⭓² Walk around and observe buildings in various districts, high-rise buildings, and many parking lots in Taipei;  in addition to opening and closing the screen windows on each floor, and repeatedly pushing open one or two...up to five escape doors in the building. In order to connect the fields, to avoid the field space being converged, because there are many scattered consciousnesses in each of us. The main research topics are:
 1. Double strand slalom ladder
 2. Swing the revolving door
 3. Transmission channel
 4. Parallel (mirror) world
 5. Energy level
 6. Mind initiation
 7. Field repair and construction, etc.

⭓³ 2月友人說住處東西都可以使用...but...

⭓⁴ 比較不友善的人,極可能是各位的伴侶、親人或朋友!2021年上半年,可能會蠻常遇到對方反應感覺故意吐槽或挑剔,其實他們常常遭遇到「非自然裂解⁵」;不過,希望各位理解,【他們很可能已被強制非自然裂解,再轉換到被不好的場域去,最後,意識中又被置入不好的意念所影響。其實,他們有一些劇烈反應時,相對也是不舒服的】!也請大家想到這點,不要往心裡去,也多包容一些。
⭓⁴ People who are more unfriendly are most likely your partners, relatives or friends! In the first half of 2021, it may be quite common to encounter the other party's reaction to feel deliberately spitting or picky, in fact, they often encounter "(unnatural) cracking ⁵"; however, I hope you understand, [they are likely to have been forced to unnatural cracking, and then converted to a bad field, and finally, the consciousness is affected by bad EN instructions. In fact, when they have some violent reactions, they are relatively uncomfortable]! Please also think of this, do not go to your heart, and be more tolerant.

⭓⁵ 裂解,大致上有三種:
 1. 一般是指「自然裂解」。例如:風蝕、滴水穿石、新陳代謝,或熱裂解等。
 2. 第二是「非自然裂解」⁶。指得是被強制拆分、重組,通常會逐漸失去韌性、彈性與功能。被「非自然裂解」的人,則對於「需要思考」這件事情會退化到較沒有耐性;比較會沉浸在相對較簡單或屬反射行為的電玩世界裡,例如:彈珠台、博奕遊戲。若是一位技術專精的研究者被「非自然裂解」,則他通常會減低研究能量,轉向於較生活或社交媒體上,相對的確是比較鬆散。但也是另一種面向與可能,並非一定就是壞事,主要是靠自己收斂,但也可能因此受到同儕或親友的嫌隙。周遭有這樣的人,各位得多加留意此狀況。
 3. 最後是「自體斷裂」(快速檢視),也就是「自體崩解」(慢速檢視)。前兩種裂解,都可能導致矛盾、衝突而對裂,但常見於被多次「非自然裂解」的對象上。例如:被裂解後,塑膠會逐漸硬化或脆化,更容易因為一點外力,就發生破裂或斷裂。對於人來說,常和心理學中的「解離性人格」,和衍生的「精神分裂」或「多重人格」症候群相關。 →透過「裂解」與上述例子,各位可以很容易了解【為何有許多免疫、生殖系統等功能不全的現象,包含器官失能,甚至所謂的多重衰竭】,因為,正常的現象,不會是多重衰竭而死亡;以合於天地意念的死亡現象,會是【所有的生命跡象,包含大腦意識、生理系統、器官、心臟及造血和免疫系統等,逐漸平息安寧,絕對不會是器官衰竭或斷氣而死亡!
⭓⁵ Pyrolysis, roughly there are three types:
 1. Generally refers to natural pyrolysis. For example: wind erosion, dripping stones, metabolism, or thermal cracking.
 2. The second is "unnaturally cracked" ⁶. It refers to being forcibly split and reorganized, and usually gradually loses its toughness, elasticity and function. People who are "unnaturally cracked" will degenerate to a less impatient way about "needing to think"; they will be more immersed in the world of video games that are relatively simple or reflective, such as pinball tables and game games. If a technically specialized researcher is "unnaturally cracked", he usually reduces his research energy and turns to life or social media, which is relatively loose. But it is also another aspect and possibility, not necessarily a bad thing, mainly relying on their own convergence, but also may also be disliked by peers or relatives and friends. There are such people around you, so you should pay more attention to this situation.

⭓⁶ 全世界大規模地「非自然被裂解」,據〈天道系統〉是從1954年開始,2018年加速散形瓦解和斷裂。
⭓⁶ The world is "unnaturally cracked" on a large scale, according to the "1-System" began in 1954 and accelerated disintegration and rupture in 2018.


