
今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的力量,應該是順著極寒氣流轉換過來的散行意念場景,如同基隆港邊會看到浮在水上的油泡,是類似的概念。我看到有人提天震和日冕洞的概念,這要由各位自己去思考這些現象有何意義。萬事皆有意義,對吧?而現在的電影,都會開始聽見「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷」,無論你怎麼認為,這都是事實。而且,正以無法想像的機制運行在意識之中。 Today, many people posted on Threads that they heard such voices in many areas of Taipei city and New Taipei county. In fact, it wanted to convey "We really thank you, Wu Shihjie." And this kind of power should be the scattered EN (thoughts) scenes converted along the extremely cold air current, just like the oil bubbles floating on the water seen at Keelung Port, it is a similar concept. I saw someone mentioning the concepts of skyquakes and coronal holes. It is up to you to think about the significance of these phenomena. Everything has a meaning, right? In today's movies, you'll start to hear "Thank you so much, Wu Shihjie." No matter what you think, this is the fact. Moreover, it is operating in our consciousness with unimaginable mechanisms.

【修己揚他/AskSelf】【場域/FIELD】【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】【影視/Film】 今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的...

2022年5月14日 星期六

以下是我的部分貼文之節錄內容,也可以看得出現在疫情反轉爆發的一些原因。條列這些摘要後,提供給所有目前身體較不舒服的人,希望你們能趕快閱讀我的發文,並想辦法去實踐我在各篇發文中所做的事情。像是照顧環境還有周邊的親友,這些才是能加速修復各位身體的最重要關鍵。Below are excerpts from some of my posts, which can also be seen as some reasons for the outbreak of the reversal of the epidemic. After listing these summaries, I provide them to all those who are currently unwell, and I hope that you all could read my post and going to implement what I have done in this post. Such as taking care of the environment and the relatives and friends around you, these are the most important keys to repair your body more quickly.

Below are excerpts from some of my posts, which can also be seen as some reasons for the outbreak of the reversal of the epidemic. After listing these summaries, I provide them to all those who are currently unwell, and I hope that you all could read my post and going to implement what I have done in this post. Such as taking care of the environment and the relatives and friends around you, these are the most important keys to repair your body more quickly.

大紀元 epochtimes.com 我有點武斷地說,前兩劑疫苗絕對有很大的問題,主要是因為場域的關係。在去年2021年1月起,全部都在腐涎或腐涎油霧,甚至是更差的場域,所有的東西品質和能量全部都大幅度下降!到了去年2021年10月,台灣開始建立起不動合宜場域後,無論是光線、物質、人體的質量才逐漸反轉向上。(這邊要特別注意,是因應全世界的重力場域修復回來,所以全世界無論是人的健康、光線的柔和、反光面的潔淨、室內空間等等,都有自動變新的情形。台灣的道路空間更已經增大超過5%)
但事實上,人體是淨念體,是可以自我強化的,那是靠自己的散形意念來強化,再請看我的Facebook,謝謝。 https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10160056234069470

全世界的人身上開始會有一些反轉破出點(意念點)。這些意念點像是蚊蟲咬或是過敏,會有搔癢或是疼痛(像是皮膚被螫到),有時皮膚甚至會產生一些像是窟窿的狀況。大多數的破出點,會產生在血管和經絡的外側;若是身體內部或臟器的反轉破出,則會產生腸道些微外推的現象(上廁所擦拭肛門口時,會感到微微刺痛,有點像是痔瘡的刺痛)。這些情況,大概要進行一個月左右會比較好轉;轉換完後,大家的身體都會變比較好。people around the world will begin to have some reverse breakout points (EN points). These EN points are like mosquito bites or allergies, itching or pain (like skin stinging), and sometimes the skin may even have some conditions that look like holes. Most of the breakout points will occur on the outside of the blood vessels and meridians; if the inside of the body or the organs are reversed and broken, there will be a slight extrapolation of the intestine (when you go to the toilet to wipe the anus, you will feel a slight tingling pain, a bit like the sting of hemorrhoids). These situations, about a month or so, would be better; after the conversion, everyone's body will become stronger and healthier. https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10160047818594470

大家的嘴唇和牙齒,大概又要持續好多天透出更苦澀的味道,請多漱口補充水分。Everyone's lips and teeth will probably have a more bitter taste for many days, so please rinse your mouth more and have water.

大家的嘴唇或牙齒可能兩週又會不定時透出苦澀的味道。如果希望自己身體更加健康,遠離癌細胞、內分泌失調或老化失智等現象,請多看我發的內容,包含我的部落格。Everyone's lips or teeth may have a bitter taste from time to time for two weeks. If you want to be healthier and free from cancer cells, endocrine disorders or aging and dementia, please read more of my content, including my blog.

全世界所有人大約有三四天左右,持續嘴唇都會透出苦苦的味道,可以多漱口和補充水分;另外,神經、關節或血管也會有持續有微微刺痛,為了所有人的未來,請多補充蔬果和好的油脂並多休息,謝謝。Everyone in the world will have a bitter taste on the lips for about 3-4 days. You can rinse your mouth and have more water. In addition, the nerves, joints or blood vessels will continue to have slight tingling. For the future of everyone , please eat more fruits, vegetables and good oil, and rest more, thank you.

現在的場域已經修正到還不錯,但尚缺大家一起參與維護。今天很高興在龍潭看到許多一同帶著吐司來餵魚們、鵝和鴨群等的朋友喔(全聯一整條37)。其實,大家這樣一起做,新冠肺炎很快就消弭,大家的身體也會愈加健康的。The current field has been to a good level, but there is just need for everyone to participate. Today, I am glad to see many friends in Longtan who brought toast to feed the fish, geese, and ducks. In fact, if everyone does this together, the COVID-19 will soon be subside, and everyone's body will also get healthier. https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10160001707189470
各位的嘴唇持續會透出一點苦苦的味道,沒事漱口吐掉即可。大約半天的時間,還請各位多喝水或出去走走散步是最好的喔。Your lips will continue to reveal a bit of bitter taste, just rinse your mouth and spit it out. For about half a day, it is best to ask everyone to drink more water or go out for a walk.

這一兩天時空重整,地球會持續有輕微震動。大家的身體也會有較大轉換,請多補充水份和多吃點東西喔!In these two days, the space-time will be reorganized, and the earth will continue to vibrate slightly. Moreover, everyone's body will undergo a little stronger conversion. Please have more water and food!

從今天3/30的深夜開始,大家大概都會有大約一週(約至4/7)的身體修復期,所有人都會感覺到自己的身體裡面有一兩層細網在移動甚至旋轉。另外,時空還要把之前傷害大家的不良意念抽離,所以有些人可能晚上會有一些類似惡夢的畫面,甚至講一些夢話或發出驚嚇的聲音,請勿太過擔心。Starting from the middle of the night on 3/30 today, everyone will have a body repair period of about a week(approximately ~4/7), and everyone will feel that there is a layer or two of fine meshes moving or even rotating in your body. In addition, the space-time also need to get rid of the bad ENs that hurt everyone before, so some people may have some nightmare-like images at night, or even have a little sleep talk or make some frightening sounds, don't worry too much. https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10159991309984470

小分子水即為潔淨能量水,絕對是修復各位身體和逆轉全球暖化的最重要關鍵;前提是每個人對於這個時空有著清晰的輪廓與概念,而不是想著有車有房就該退休安享晚年或育兒養老這種獨佔天地的思維。Small molecule water, that is, clean energy water, is definitely the most important key to repairing your body and reversing global warming; the premise is that everyone has a clear outline and concept to this time and space, rather than thinking that if you have a car and a house, you should retire and enjoy your old age or parenting and pension. https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10159983204219470

所有的天地萬物生靈都在大翻轉,希望我們真的是靈長類,而非劃地自限佔地為王的人,能真的開始意識到時空的珍貴!空間可以延展,而時間當然也可以加速與減緩,這取決於人是否有一顆自抑揚他與反求諸己的心。All the beings in heaven and earth are flipping, and I hope that we are really primates, not those who are kings who have carved up their own land and just landing, and can really begin to realize the preciousness of time and space! Space can extend, and time can of course accelerate and slow down, depending on whether a person has a heart that inhibits himself and seeks himself.


要明白並不是透過殺死各位專業人士以為的病毒或細菌,就是治療或緩解疾病,微生物們(散形能量體)本來就存在天地間一起生活,但我們顯然搞錯方向,不友善大自然環境,本來就是錯誤的!所有各國家的政府官員,都應該開始修正這些思維並調整政府運行的方向,讓各國國民都有這樣的認知,才能讓這些遠古積累至今的生命能與人類共生,這是最重要的關鍵。We must understand that instead of killing viruses or bacteria that professionals think, microbes (scattered energy bodies) exist between heaven and earth, but we are not friendly with them and the natural environment, which is an unwise direction! Government officials of all countries should begin to revise these thinking and adjust the direction of government operation, so that the citizens of all countries have such a cognition, so that these ancient and accumulated life can coexist with mankind, which is the most important key.


