Garyvee shares the 12+1 Levers of Emotional Intelligence described in his new book, which I think fits the "Keep all the good" sharing.

Garyvee的新書《情商致勝: 完勝職場與人生的12.5堂課與實戰演練》有提到12個情商槓桿,他認為:當所有人都能認清「軟技能」就是「硬實力」時,無論是世界,還是商業界都會變得更好。然後遵循這個道理行動的人,也會變得更滿足和成功。而「善良的坦率」,則是他後來與我們分享的第13個必備要素。
Garyvee's new book 《Twelve and a Half: Leveraging the Emotional Ingredients Necessary for Business Success》 mentions 12 emotional intelligence levers, arguing that when everyone can recognize that "soft power" are "hard power," both the world and the business circles would get better. Then people who follow this principle will also become more satisfied and successful. And "well candor" was the 13th essential must-have element he later shared with us.
Garyvee's new book 《Twelve and a Half: Leveraging the Emotional Ingredients Necessary for Business Success》 mentions 12 emotional intelligence levers, arguing that when everyone can recognize that "soft power" are "hard power," both the world and the business circles would get better. Then people who follow this principle will also become more satisfied and successful. And "well candor" was the 13th essential must-have element he later shared with us.

之前分享了 Shared with you before...
好的全留下,壞的都丟掉;反正死不了,心美最重要。Keep all the good,not the bad;As long as you don't die,beauty is the most important.
Among the so-called 13 qualities, in my opinion, those belonging to "keep all the good" are:
1. Humble
2. Patient
3. Goodwill
4. Optimism
5. Grateful
Mainly because some elements are more personal, such as ambitions, beliefs and etc.. Otherwise, the others are easier to take for granted, which I think are empathy, responsibility, and well candor.
以上分享予你!Share the above with you!
另一篇有關於Garyvee分享的影片中,說道 In another video about Garyvee sharing, it says:
「這一切都是我的錯!」「那很好啊!這代表你完全有能力扭轉一切。當你一味地責怪他人,你就是在向自己承認,你已經完全失去對一切的控制權了。」"It's all my fault.""That's great! This means that you are fully capable of turning things around. When you're blaming others, you're admitting that you've completely lost control of everything."