2023年10月5日 星期四

小犬颱風未登陸,天地又在說什麼?花蓮立霧溪口捲「驚人風吹沙」! Typhoon Koinu has not yet made landfall, what are heaven and earth saying? "Amazing wind-blown sand" appears in Hualien!

Typhoon Koinu has not yet made landfall, what are heaven and earth saying? "Amazing wind-blown sand" appears in Hualien!

People who speak Chinese can easily understand what the heaven and the earth are saying besides people speaking, right?

Source:三立新聞_(0:41)小犬颱風還沒登陸!花蓮立霧溪口捲「驚人風吹沙」 超扯畫面曝光


Sanxiantai East Coast real-time video, play it loudest and you can hear Typhoon Koinu coming to apologize. Can you hear it saying "We are really sorry, ???"?

Easy天文地科小站 你們不是有特別研究風躁的內容嗎?其實風或地表的擺盪,都能解譯出一定的訊息,但因模式是散行疊合的呈現,所以不容易察覺和解譯而已。
Didn't you specifically study the content of the noisy sound recorded by the wind? In fact, the wind or the oscillation of the ground surface can interpret certain messages, but because the pattern is scattered and homogeneous, it is not easy to detect and interpret.


Play it loudly, try to listen to the message (pattern) that the sound of rain can bring. I will help you understand the tendency of EN (thoughts). When you listen to it two or three times, you will definitely understand how the concepts of frequency and harmonics are manifested.


How to convert frequencies and harmonics from "We are really sorry" to "Thank you, Wu Shihjie" is the key to the concepts of gravity and black holes that scientists are looking for.

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