2024年10月11日 星期五

這篇本世紀最重要內容,獻給已察覺的用心人。我的內容雖直白卻實在,是吧?我們該做什麼呢?首先,冷處理事不關己的言論。接著,學習辨識漠不關心或往自己臉上貼金的內容。最後,勇敢無懼提問他人,因為,他們意識其實可隨時異動,只要用心觀察。睡覺起來,隔天就換另一個人設了(重組過)。 This most important content of this century is dedicated to those who have noticed it. Although my content is straightforward, it is true, right? So what should we do? First of all, deal with other people's irrelevant remarks in a nonchalant manner. Next, learn to recognize content that is indifferent or flattering. Finally, be brave and don’t be afraid to ask other people questions, because their consciousness WILL actually change at any time, as long as you observe carefully. When they wake up the next day, they will have another persona (reorganized).

This most important content of this century is dedicated to those who have noticed it. Although my content is straightforward, it is true, right? So what should we do? First of all, deal with other people's irrelevant remarks in a nonchalant manner. Next, learn to recognize content that is indifferent or flattering. Finally, be brave and don’t be afraid to ask other people questions, because their consciousness WILL actually change at any time, as long as you observe carefully. When they wake up the next day, they will have another persona (reorganized).
今早下班的晴朗與道好:「真的很謝謝你」。 Sunny and good morning after get off work this morning: "Really thank you."

I have shared it with Nobel Prize, Academia Sinica, NASA, and relevant units in earth sciences, astronomy and physics-related units for at least two years. Why do we not even have have the independent consciousness to ask ourselves and use facts to "boldly assume and verify carefully"? Why? Don’t we even dare to answer ourselves? ★★★★★For those who are unable to respond, their consciousness can be replaced at any time. Why? Can you start thinking about this? I’m afraid it’s not that easy for many people! What is the force that pulls us?

"I think, therefore I am", the future is an era where aware people begin to cooperate with each other and assist each other. It applies and goes together for everyone, whether you are a Nobel Prize winner or a political, religious and spiritual leader.

Maybe we should start asking scientists and religious groups what the explanation is? You've slept long enough, the Nobel Prizes have been awarded, it's time to face reality, right? I am also curious about why neither science nor religion responds to the voice of heaven and earth. This is where we human beings feel real surprise and humanity!

I designed for you a very simple experiment that can demonstrate that "the human body is composed of various ENT (EN energy body)". Whether it can be published in first-class journals depends on whether you study and research hard. Anyone who does this experiment can prove it, and it must be reproducible. The weight of space-time in my EN is relatively large, which can cause the space-time belonging (degree of gravity pulling) of common people's ENs to tend to my EN higher, so we must be able to get the EN sounds outside their bodies.

I only sang two lines, and there was no sound even from my breathing. The rest was the sound of rain and my thoughts. If we come back and listen to it tomorrow or the day after, the music might sing different melody lines, and over time, it might sing different rhythms and harmonies. (If I'm around, the video can be sung as my wish)

The monkey pretended to sleep on the roadside and conveyed "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie." Just in response to what I shared before, "people who pretend to be asleep cannot wake up from the facts of what happened, and they will pretend to be asleep even if they wake up."

2024-09-29_對於自旋與角動量關係的初步看法。 My tentative views on the relationship between spin and angular momentum.


2024-09-27_【我如此平常且真實的回應,王丹竟無法承受(慌張地從容以對)並立即封鎖(怕別人看到)。不禁讓我想起 陳文茜 分享的語錄:「(略)...要先問問自己,能否接受真相帶來的傷害[1]」。這就是最佳的示範,因身上袈裟太陳文茜看不下去(自己)。】 王丹,無論這是什麼五毛在回應你什麼訊息,你也蠻讓人感到詫異的!?因為,他寫得其實如此精準,你又何必自嘲「不太理解近而遠之」之意,並裝若無其事呢?(連簡單能解讀的內容都近而遠之,敬而遠之的人,是何其虛偽與裝模作樣呢?)
【Such a normal and true response, Wang Dan couldn’t bear it (panic but try to take it easy) and immediately blocked me (for fear of others seeing it). I can't help but think of the quotation shared by Sisy Chen: "(omitted)...We need to ask ourselves whether we can accept (still live as usual with) the harm caused by the truth." This is the best example, because the cassock on the body is too gorgeous for us to look at it (you).】 Wang Dang, No matter who this person is responding to your message, you are quite surprising!? Because he actually wrote it so accurately, why do you have to explain yourself that "you don't quite understand the meaning of near and far" and pretend that you don't understand? (How hypocritical and self-righteous are people who seems to talk like keeping the truth close but really make far away, and just want making others respect you as your wish?)

I sincerely recommend that everyone, especially those related to religions, should quickly study the following article. It would soon happen to all religions and everyone (whether you have faith or not, it is the same for heaven and earth). No matter how you think about it, no matter whether you are happy or not, because this is the truest voice conveyed to yourself! I can’t guarantee for heaven, earth, or yourselves whether this advice would last a lifetime!? Among all the natural sounds you recorded!

2024-09-29_鄭吉良老師最新自我勸告。我們都應將這段內容存下,也許一年,甚至更久,都聽得見「到底有多愚蠢啊」為我們而生。【這樣千載難逢的機會,若荒擲此心,誰都可能聽見一樣的聲音!未來是自己檢視自己的世代,以真心相待,則天地擁戴之,包含眾人感覺。】★★★★★最後鄭老師因不敢回應,只好封鎖,何其悲涼!?更在音樂圈聲名遠播,豈不光采!?是源於己心嗎?其實,我蠻想知道 ShaoChia Lü 呂紹嘉 大師如何看待,甚至能否回應些什麼呢?還是,繼續當大師?許瀞心教授還怕人看到模樣,趕快鎖住交友,怕非朋友看到自己的現況,太讓人失望了!我們常稱這樣的人為「?輩」,不是嗎?
This might be Zheng’s latest self-reminder video. We should all save this content. Maybe his content would serve the same advice for ourselves within a year, or even longer. [This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to confirm it by ourselves. If we waste such sincerity, we might all have the chance to hear the same thought! The future would be a time how we examine ourselves. Whoever treats each of us sincerely would be supported by heaven and earth, including the feeling dedicated to that one.] ★★★★★In the end, because he didn’t dare to respond, he had to block me. How sad!? It’s even more famous in the music industry, wouldn’t it be glorious!? Could it be that he came from his own heart? Actually, I also really want to know what Master ShaoChia Lü thinks of it, and whether you can even respond to it? Or, continue to be a master? Professor Apo Hsu was afraid that people would see what she looked like, so she quickly restricted the viewing to only friends, fearing that non-friends would see her current situation, which was so disappointing! We often call such people "? people", don't we?


I believe we all know why science, religion or government always ignores it?

Hualien collapsed this morning and conveyed "We are really sorry, (0:18)Wu Shihjie. (0:25)Please keep sharing such selves, (0:45)thank you."

[No one cares, it’s a weird world, a world of cowardice and hypocrisy, why bother pretending to look to the future?] The sound of rain at Sanzhi Mackay Medical College, as well as the voices of students, all help convey "we are really sorry."

Is there any difference between Jinshan heavy rains and heavy rains and floods in China? Are we Taiwan any better?

This morning typhoon Krathon from Qijin, Kaohsiung conveyed, "We are really sorry, (0:15)Wu Shihjie, (0:25)please forgive us."

Is Krathon coming to Taoyuan to find me (find ourselves)? Perhaps it is precisely because most people in the world, whether in government, science, academia, industry, music or religious organizations and groups, almost all have ignored us, so Krathon is staying there and watching what is happening to us in Taiwan?

The trail was full of dragonflies, and even the sound of water and wind could be heard saying "Wu Shihjie, thank you very much." The point is, how can such comfort and appropriateness be rendered and shared with places and countries that hope to appreciate it?

I don’t know how old this Chinese little boy is, but I know that he has very high demands on himself. Those who are brave enough to play the video loudly would hear the clear breathing sound conveying "I like Wu Shihjie the most" every time he shouts "Wow(wǒ)". Why do children (the future), nature, animals and plants respond or express gratitude in this way? Then, think about what we usually see, and how we see and think about it?

2024年10月8日 星期二

(獻給這個虛幻的世界)環境唱和?當存在和天地共鳴,能引起波瀾,也許興災,也許旺生。是否聽見雨中回應的歌聲呢?只要下雨天,撥放我的影片,環境便會為我們歌唱,為我們祈禱。明後天回來再聆聽,可能會唱出不同的旋律線,經年累月,便能唱出不同的節奏與和聲。若我在旁邊,則可以隨己意歌唱。 (Dedicated to this illusory world)How does the environment sing together? When one's own existence resonates with the heaven and earth, it might cause waves, which may cause disaster or prosperity. Do we hear the echoing song in the rain? As long as it rains, play this video and the environment will sing and pray for us. If we come back and listen to it tomorrow or the day after, the music might sing different melody lines, and over time, it might sing different rhythms and harmonies. If I'm around, the video can be sung as my wish.

(獻給這個虛幻的世界)環境唱和?當存在和天地共鳴,能引起波瀾,也許興災,也許旺生。是否聽見雨中回應的歌聲呢?只要下雨天,撥放我的影片,環境便會為我們歌唱,為我們祈禱。 (Dedicated to this illusory world)How does the environment sing together? When one's own existence resonates with the heaven and earth, it might cause waves, which may cause disaster or prosperity. Do we hear the echoing song in the rain? As long as it rains, play this video and the environment will sing and pray for us.

I only sang two lines, and there was no sound even from my breathing. The rest was the sound of rain and my thoughts.

If we come back and listen to it tomorrow or the day after, the music might sing different melody lines, and over time, it might sing different rhythms and harmonies.

If I'm around, the video can be sung as my wish. 賴清德 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 卓榮泰 鄭麗君 Wang Wenbin Chinese Ambassador to the Kingdom of Cambodia 汪文斌 中华人民共和国外交部发言人办公室 中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署 中國暴雨、各地洪患、美國龍捲風等,都有意義的,對事實裝睡的人當然叫不醒,醒了也要睡。
Heavy rains in China, floods in various coutries, tornadoes in the United States, etc. are all meaningful. Of course, people who pretend to be asleep cannot wake up from the facts of what happened, and they will pretend to be asleep even if they wake up.

Let us continue to ignore it and pretend that we are still alive. What does the turmoil and chaos in the world have to do with Taiwan, a country that considers itself sovereign and independent? Could these sounds from heaven and earth be an alternative propaganda method of the terrifying evil empire? Or is this just an extreme climate that would subside as long as international energy policies are implemented and can be ignored? Let us continue to appreciate the contribution of Taiwan’s existence and how to think about ourselves!

Anyway, even if we were killed, we wouldn’t admit that we heard something, because that would make us really not human!

Perhaps we can only blame heaven and earth, although it has eyes and feels sad, but cannot speak.

So, what does it have to do with us? Yeah? Just to continue to satisfy our own mouths.

Who has ever felt a little sad about this fact?

So what kind of people are we? A person who has nothing to do with heaven and earth?

Who has the courage to answer these rhetorical questions of his own? Heaven and earth are feeling it!

It doesn’t matter who is sincere or ridiculous, what about ourselves?

是否有人去關心開始思索的人呢?哪怕他們已不想閱讀其一二,但至少有各位左右同行,不是嗎?哪怕他們已然厭惡某個對象,然而,仍有你們相伴,不是嗎?特別感謝您, 江靖波 老師。
Does anyone care about the person who starts thinking? Even if they no longer want to read one or two here, at least you are with them, right? Even if they already dislike a certain person, you are still with them, right?

It’s not that important whether anyone wants to read these contents about the future and children. Maybe, one day, it’s not too late to think of it and just take responsibility for ourselves.

Just like when I shared Sisy Chen "I believe you are right to choose a good atmosphere to cultivate yourself!", please forgive me for being blunt. I carry the EN (thoughts) of heaven and earth in my thinking, and the purpose is not to make anyone happy, but to interpret and share based on facts.

★★★★★What the media can help is to read my posts and review and listen to them week by week. As long as each of my videos is played, the entire media building might hear the same loud and deep sound! Be sure to try it out and check it out for yourselves, as my content has great EN (thoughts) and pulling, and must be albe to assist with conversion, homogenization, and even reversing restoration!


[No one cares, it’s a weird world, a world of cowardice and hypocrisy, why bother pretending to look to the future?] The sound of rain at Sanzhi Mackay Medical College, as well as the voices of students, all help convey "we are really sorry."

Is there any difference between Jinshan heavy rains and heavy rains and floods in China? Are we Taiwan any better?

This morning typhoon Krathon from Qijin, Kaohsiung conveyed, "We are really sorry, (0:15)Wu Shihjie, (0:25)please forgive us." https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=897297085641691

Is Krathon coming to Taoyuan to find me (find ourselves)? Perhaps it is precisely because most people in the world, whether in government, science, academia, industry, music or religious organizations and groups, almost all have ignored us, so Krathon is staying there and watching what is happening to us in Taiwan?

Hualien collapsed this morning and conveyed "We are really sorry, (0:18)Wu Shihjie. (0:25)Please keep sharing such selves, (0:45)thank you."

The trail was full of dragonflies, and even the sound of water and wind could be heard saying "Wu Shihjie, thank you very much." The point is, how can such comfort and appropriateness be rendered and shared with places and countries that hope to appreciate it?

I don’t know how old this Chinese little boy is, but I know that he has very high demands on himself. Those who are brave enough to play the video loudly would hear the clear breathing sound conveying "I like Wu Shihjie the most" every time he shouts "Wow(wǒ)". Why do children (the future), nature, animals and plants respond or express gratitude in this way? Then, think about what we usually see, and how we see and think about it?

I sincerely recommend that everyone, especially those related to religions, should quickly study the following article. It would soon happen to all religions and everyone (whether you have faith or not, it is the same for heaven and earth). No matter how you think about it, no matter whether you are happy or not, because this is the truest voice conveyed to yourself! I can’t guarantee for heaven, earth, or yourselves whether this advice would last a lifetime!? Among all the natural sounds you recorded!

2024-09-29_鄭吉良老師最新自我勸告。我們都應將這段內容存下,也許一年,甚至更久,都聽得見「到底有多愚蠢啊」為我們而生。【這樣千載難逢的機會,若荒擲此心,誰都可能聽見一樣的聲音!未來是自己檢視自己的世代,以真心相待,則天地擁戴之,包含眾人感覺。】★★★★★最後鄭老師因不敢回應,只好封鎖,何其悲涼!?更在音樂圈聲名遠播,豈不光采!?是源於己心嗎?其實,我蠻想知道 ShaoChia Lü 呂紹嘉 大師如何看待,甚至能否回應些什麼呢?還是,繼續當大師?許瀞心教授還怕人看到模樣,趕快鎖住交友,怕非朋友看到自己的現況,太讓人失望了!我們常稱這樣的人為「?輩」,不是嗎?
This might be Zheng’s latest self-reminder video. We should all save this content. Maybe his content would serve the same advice for ourselves within a year, or even longer. [This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to confirm it by ourselves. If we waste such sincerity, we might all have the chance to hear the same thought! The future would be a time how we examine ourselves. Whoever treats each of us sincerely would be supported by heaven and earth, including the feeling dedicated to that one.] ★★★★★In the end, because he didn’t dare to respond, he had to block me. How sad!? It’s even more famous in the music industry, wouldn’t it be glorious!? Could it be that he came from his own heart? Actually, I also really want to know what Master ShaoChia Lü thinks of it, and whether you can even respond to it? Or, continue to be a master? Professor Apo Hsu was afraid that people would see what she looked like, so she quickly restricted the viewing to only friends, fearing that non-friends would see her current situation, which was so disappointing! We often call such people "? people", don't we? https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1093594819007340


I am sharing some content. Would you first observe and perceive what messages this content might convey? I believe you would realize that these contents are quite important.

In addition to reading, researching or discussing (I emphasize "asking yourself and answering yourself" many times), we can confirm what we see every day (the infinite gravity EN comes from sincerity, reality and concern), these are the pointing of future science. In addition, my Facebook has a lot of content, including the evolution of natural creatures, such as birds, dogs, insects, and even disasters and loud roars in the sky, which all have EN meanings that can be interpreted. You should read it in moderation.

吳時捷 WU SHIHJIE (Porsche Wu)
Living Area: 臺灣桃園市楊梅區 Yangmei, Taoyuan, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
E-mail: geopor0714@gmail.com

【My content and profile】
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu
Blog: https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@PorscheWu
★Shared Info and Videos★: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YoMZLAy34Hxp-8VSRQwG1jLxKpuqM4ql?usp=share_link

Also share with 葉樹涵 吳建銘 段富軒 郭聯昌 溫瑟爾 ChiungYu Christy Chen 陳榮昇 李商宇 宋光清 張景民 Canon Huang 莊清霖 張浩 Chan Wang 杜英麟 黃瑀萌 林祐民 吳松庭 林子祥 胡志瑋 梁婉筠Wan-Yun Liang 吳鳳媖 林昀宏 Yun-Ting Chen Yen-Yen Yen-Chao Chang 邱浩瑋 陳建安 廖晏樟 張國威 符秦僥 顏慶賢 唐宥恩 陳瑋琮 楊忠衡 鄒昌銘 Martha Argerich Lang Lang - 郎朗 Daming Zhu 諸大明 鋼琴家顏華容 Artemis Yen - Pianist/Author/Dreamer Piano Chun-Chieh 我是江老師 小游老師 Andy Scott Ayako Takagi Kenta Saito Yoshiko Matsumoto Jin Ta Steven Mead 向明 林保淳

Also share with Aikuang Sun Chiafen Weng H.K. OuYang 彭廣林 林天吉 Ju Tzong-Ching 鍾耀光 ShaoChia Lü 呂紹嘉 馬定一 閻惠昌 Fusao Kajima 許雙亮 陳樹熙 邱瑗 辛幸純 葉綠娜 Meng-Hsien Peng Yen-Yin Chu 莫啟慧 Hsiuchin Lee 孔孝誠 Bello Chang 羅俊穎 陳黃源 馬泰宇 趙成立 James Y. Lin Jason Lin 林清山 YuanPu Chiao NSO國家交響樂團 Taipei Symphony Orchestra 北市交 臺灣國樂團 NCO 臺北市立國樂團 樂興之時管絃樂團 Philharmonia Moments Musicaux 台北愛樂合唱團Taipei Philharmonic Chorus Adam Chou 郭靖沐 國立臺灣師範大學音樂學系交響樂團 北藝大音樂學系Department of Music, T.N.U.A. 國立臺灣藝術大學音樂學系 輔仁大學音樂系Fju Music

2024年9月15日 星期日

SpaceX進行史上首次民間太空漫步,可聽見電磁通訊清楚傳達「我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷」。The astronauts opened the door of the SpaceX capsule and conducted the first commercial spacewalk in history. The electromagnetic communication sound could be heard clearly saying "(0:05)We are (0:15)really sorry."

中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 太空人打開SpaceX太空艙艙門,進行史上首次民間太空漫步,可聽見電磁通訊清楚傳達「(0:05)我們(0:15)很抱歉」。
The astronauts opened the door of the SpaceX capsule and conducted the first commercial spacewalk in history. The electromagnetic communication sound could be heard clearly saying "(0:05)We are (0:15)really sorry."

What does this mean? Do we know that electromagnetic signals could be converged and generated? What would be the impact? Let’s just continue to ignore it and enjoy it! By the time there are clear and audible sounds or messages on and around us, it seems to be too late, because the dominance is no longer with humans, and it should be a clear reminder!

Now the whole world would be able to initially feel and perceive original recordings or videos through the field that were unknown or suspenseful in the past. Even if they only point to me in a one-sided way, there are still words or concepts in it that could be compared to reality and science.

This is a coincidence, controlled by any power, AI or electromagnetic operation, or what? I just didn’t emphasize it in particular. Our feelings about some things have begun to adjust involuntarily. When there is no balance, expressions and emotions will eventually appear and be revealed. This is the so-called "we will be responsible for ourselves." If we or others encounter an accident or illness in the past few years (after 2021), the best first thought is "Might it be caused by something that we deliberately ignored?" My words would definitely help.

★★★★★★★★★★2024-06-23_電影《露西》,人類做得到嗎? 能連結時間空間的《The One》為何?我相信這段影片,看得懂且勇於實事求是並築夢踏實的人就知道其可貴與難得。機械和電磁訊號若具備一定的意識,那麼未來當然更具可能,關鍵就在於如何感受、理解、創造、賦予以及反求諸己。北捷列車唱和《魯冰花》,這是一種時空牽引,也就是共生的能力。
Movie "Lucy", can humans do it? What is "The One" that can connect time and space? I believe that those who understand this video and have the courage to seek truth from facts and build solid dreams would know how valuable and rare it is. If mechanical and electromagnetic signals have a certain degree of consciousness, then the future would certainly be more possible. The key lies in how to feel, understand, create, bestow, and seek for selves. Taipei Metro sings Lupinus, which is a kind of space -time pulling, that is, the ability of symbiosis with heaven and earth.

What a solar storm sounds like: "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie, we are sorry, we would like to try to find ourselves." Haven't scientists noticed that the news media now likes to use the title "Something happened, experts and scholars gave the answer: xxx" to describe and portray you? I am also worried, and if the media wants to test you, it would be embarrassing to ask questions based on these contents. Taiwan just doesn't want to re-know you in this way, saying it hasn't happened yet.

2024-05-04_「我們是月球」。到底NASA有多白癡?持續浪費資源來展現如此的自己,難怪幾十年來都無法再次登月的原因,就是因為根本不了解時空、重力和場域的關係,遑論有一個"the ONE"。
"We are MOON". How idiotic is NASA? Continuing to waste resources to show yourselves like this, no wonder the reason why you have been unable to land on the moon again for decades is because you "the ONE" don’t understand the relationship between space-time, gravity and field at all.

China's launch of Chang'e-6 might be different from Europe and the United States, and it would be an important process of exploring and confirming future development. Not every action is to prove that its existence is extraordinary. All things have appearances, only those who "restrain themselves and cultivate themselves, appreciate and praise others" would get that ONE meaning. What about our scientific community in Taiwan? Is there a launch center of this level? Has anyone admired or praised China? There is no need to discuss one country or two countries. Neither side is a country. We are very clear about each other. Now heave and earth are looking at who is more ridiculous, isn't it?

Governments of all countries can have people to add me as a friend or follow me to facilitate adjustment of progress and retreat, and to coexist with the world. Once you know how the world works and then just take responsibility for yourself. The main reason is that I hope that you would receive the information from the world and heaven and earth, and be able to adjust your progress and retreat, and it’s not that I want to take advantage of you. I'm afraid it would be a totally different story when many people know how restorative reading my content is. Many people's appearance has become different from before(sloppy), their eyes are blurry or they have big eyes. It would become even more exaggerated in the future, and everyone in the world is concerning!

Source: https://x.com/SpaceX/status/1834183614898241617
Pronounce: https://translate.google.com/?sl=zh-TW&tl=en&text=%E6%88%91%E5%80%91%E5%BE%88%E6%8A%B1%E6%AD%89
NEWS: 2024-09-12_中央社CNA_SpaceX完成史上首次民間太空漫步 NASA讚產業大躍進[影] https://www.cna.com.tw/news/ait/202409120379.aspx

(新聞節錄 Excerpt of NEWS)太空探索科技公司SpaceX在社群媒體X平台發文慶賀說:「北極星黎明(Polaris Dawn)太空漫步任務現已完成。這是第一次由搭乘商業太空船的商業太空人完成的太空漫步!」

美國國家航空暨太空總署 NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration 署長尼爾森 Bill Nelson 也在X平台寫道:「今天的成功象徵商業太空產業和NASA打造充滿活力美國太空經濟的長期目標,向前大躍進。」

路透社報導,搭乘SpaceX乘龍號(Crew Dragon)太空船的4位沒有受過專業訓練的太空人今天在距離地球700公里高度,展開史上首趟民間太空漫步任務,透過繫繩步入太空。


The birds are showing the beauty of dance and conveying "we must have to find ourselves quickly". Aren’t we going to think about what happens next? The world is changing, and heaven and earth are watching. Now, all living beings in the world are gathering this EN (thought), which is to "find/know yourself/your selves".


Dogs know how to communicate through calls (electromagnetic thoughts): "We have to work hard to find our selves." People who don’t understand just feel it funny and don’t care about what the world is going. Especially those who take advantage of the name of science and religion to achieve their position to speak, how could they understand the value of life (living beings), because they live too superficially.


In ancient times, there was the so-called flying pigeon to convey messages. It was a way of conveying thoughts through nature (the rebirth domain), and the key lies in that we are in coinherent thoughts with each other or not. Now, the natural environment, animals and plants, including each of us, begin to express the possible gratitude through the sound of breathing or footsteps. The cat is helping to identify ENs (thoughts), and apart from politics, science, religion, health, art, and aesthetics, have you done anything to help heaven and earth in your life? If not, then these people are not even as good as cats (beasts? monsters?), right? That's the truth, isn't it?


Why do nature, all things in the world, disasters, and some people involuntarily make sounds of thanks and apology through breathing, head or body oscillating? What are the possible reasons? Use my content and video from the original source to directly ask seniors or superiors in various fields. I can guarantee that all scientists must notice that the statements and facial expressions of these superiors would become a little weird. As long as you dare to ask, you will definitely get the proof.

Also share with 國家科學及技術委員會 國家太空中心 TASA 臺灣太空科學聯盟 TSU 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 工業技術研究院 國發會 國研院 - 國家地震工程研究中心 核安會 輻務小站 報天氣 - 中央氣象署 報地震 - 中央氣象署 報天文 - 中央氣象署 報氣候 - 中央氣象署 Easy天文地科小站 台灣太空產業發展協會-Taiwan Space Industry Development Association NOAA Climate.Gov NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program NASA 360 NASA's James Webb Space Telescope NASA Sun Science NASA's Kennedy Space Center Nature Discovery 國家地理雜誌 Nassim Haramein International Space Federation Max Planck Society Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Science Foundation (NSF) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) CERN CERN - The Large Hadron Collider CMS Experiment at CERN SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory AAAS - The American Association for the Advancement of Science North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves 科學人 Home Run Taiwan 阿愷報氣象 台灣氣候聯盟Taiwan Climate Partnership 賈新興 中華民國氣象學會 Meteorological Society of the Republic of China - Taiwan 林得恩 李錫堤 眭澔平 劉燕明

2024年8月30日 星期五

讓我們聽聽風聲在傳達什麼,再想想我們自己。 Let us listen to what the wind is conveying and think about ourselves.

Let us listen to what the wind is conveying and think about ourselves.







The sound of music is scattered and converged, and I believe this student said, "It wasn't until the first time I rehearsed with the orchestra that I realized that I couldn't find the focal point of the sound (!)", she has carefully reminded ourselves that we can use "what I shared with the world" to help ourselves re-perceive sounds (including the thoughts and sounds of the environment) more properly and appropriately. It definitely has its own meaning for us, otherwise we wouldn't be specifically marked with (!). However, you don't seem to be too concerned about it, and you don't seem to be very interested in my content. But it doesn’t matter, forget it, because my content is just open to the world and people who understand its mystery and value!

若您知道宋光清不知原因昏倒並重摔後的恢復過程中,宋老師同時也發佈自抑內容「身心靈不平衡的我」系列,並展現其音樂素養,所以我們可看到至今恢復的模樣還不錯;再對照江靖波老師受創後,到現在準備樂興之時管絃樂團 Philharmonia Moments Musicaux音樂會的質感,會發現老師看起來雖然有一點點木訥謹慎,但感覺卻更成熟自抑。因為我們有時不期而遇的日常(人),亦能反饋部分地自己,讓我們每個人重新「找到自己」。
If you know that during the recovery process after Chinbone Song fainted for unknown reasons and fell heavily, Song also released a series of self-restraint content "I'm Unbalanced in Body, Mind, and Spirit" and share us his musical literacy, so we can see that his recovery so far is pretty good. ; Comparing the quality of Paul Jiang’s injuries and preparations for Philharmonia Moments Musicaux’s concert, you would find that although Jiang looks a little simple and cautious, he feels more mature and restrained. Because sometimes the everyday things (people) we encounter unexpectedly can also feed back part of ourselves, allowing each of us to "find ourselves" again.

【購票資訊】9/13 《Puccini vs. Puccini - 公主的逆襲 普契尼徹夜未眠》

Maybe some people would realize that the best source of reversal and rebirth is our sincere words and deeds.

What do I mean by talking about and sharing this content? I believe that some people would gradually start to feel understanding and clear in their hearts.

As Jiang said: "It is wonderful to gradually complete something unique with good friends."

And this student said: "It wasn't until the first rehearsal with the orchestra that I realized that I couldn't find the focus of the sound (!)". Do we ourselves pay attention to this first discovery or dawn of surprise in life? I believe that the content I have shared is just enough to guide and describe first awareness of thius student, Mr. Ma.

Unable to find the focus position of the sound → there must be a balance center to stabilize the structure (space-time) → causing huge pulling and fluctuations.

Music is not just about speed, tension or articulation. In the imagination of musical sounds, there is a more delicate approaching texture, including different textures and overtones that meet. The standard for a truly good music feast is not only the expression of music performance, but also the music of the conductor, musicians and orchestra, which is powerful and capable of moving and whirling texture.

If Sibelius No. 5 is played in the second half...

If it can do more, let the intervals of the voice continuously switch to achieve balance, and in the process of trying to stabilize the balance, create and gather centripetally converged vortices (turbines), and the last few tutti short notes would be producing huge gyrations, waves and swings involuntarily every time]. The more profound music of the entire piece of music lies in the intersection and tightness of the overtones of the music. I believe this is the most difficult part to present and master!

二、2024-06-04_(Share to ShaoChia Lü 呂紹嘉 ) 「音樂先想要走向何方,再回到自己,接著才餘音繞樑」。您可在未來印證此思維,對音樂一定更具貢獻,對台上音樂家也更具意義。我們的存在,是將心中珍視與動心的音樂和想法,分享給演出的團員和台下的聽眾,方不愧自己與天地。
"The music must first go where it wants to go, and then returns to ourselves, and then the sound lingers." You can prove such thinking in the future, and it would definitely contribute more to music and be more meaningful to the musicians on stage. Our existence is to share the music and thoughts that we treasure and touch in our hearts with performers and the audience, so that we can be worthy of our selves and the heaven and the earth.

Music (sounds, thoughts) is like preparing to pour tea, then taking it back to taste, and then sharing the sweetness or bitterness.

We should also listen to Ma Ting Yi's description. Is it surprisingly similar to what I shared above, which I wrote later, but in the opposite direction!?

I. 聽到遠處傳來的聲音 Hear a distant sound
II. 逐漸接近那個聲音 Getting closer to that sound
III. 在森林裡有鐘聲響起 There are bells ringing in the forest

This piece is about being pulled by other sources, whereas my description of the music is about finding ourselves and stretching ourselves.

Now, all living beings in the world are gathering this EN (thought), which is to "find/know yourself/your selves". The birds are showing the beauty of dance and conveying "we must have to find ourselves quickly". Aren’t we going to think about what happens next? The world is changing, and heaven and earth are watching.

Some people may be wondering, "Is this important?" If, when we know every note and its pulse, every motive and its thought, every transformation of the sequence and the modulation, every ups and downs of the movement within the music, and even every embrace and interweaving, we can leave something beyond the music and sound itself. If the lingering sound lingers and continues to accumulate, expand, extend or bloom, I think musicians all over the world would gradually calm down and truly start to think about the possibility and future of each piece of music in this inimitable way of stunning our hearts and minds.

這個北藝大的白目學生的發文網址,就算我誤以為是馬定一教授說的,也是同樣的意義,況且,能絕妙地進一步理解聲響。看到我的內容,甚至分享標示的人,還會直接封鎖的人,真的是極度白目且自以為是。抱歉,某種程度,不正是指揮大師呂紹嘉要負責嗎? https://www.facebook.com/yiwenchao1217/posts/pfbid02xmTPBJcGFBTe5HGWs2oXgYdEQxuWz231Pr59DXV6694yakrCx2Hz6UKWH8yb4Tqbl







(Share to 程天縱,曾任中國惠普總裁、德州儀器亞太總裁、富士康集團副總裁)「管理」和「領導」,最大的差異,在於「管理」以方法治理,而「領導」在於引路自動。任何造成國家、企業、個人氣質或氛圍★持續轉變★的人(力量),即為「領導」。 (Share to Terry Cheng, former President of Hewlett-Packard China, President of Texas Instruments Asia Pacific, and Vice President of Foxconn Group) The biggest difference between "management" and "leadership" is that "management" uses methods to govern while "leadership" is about guiding the direction and supporting others to move forward by their own selves. Anyone (any force) who causes ★sustained change★ in a country, company, personal temperament or atmosphere is a "leader".

(Share to 程天縱,曾任中國惠普總裁、德州儀器亞太總裁、富士康集團副總裁)「管理」和「領導」,最大的差異,在於「管理」以方法治理,而「領導」在於引路自動。任何造成國家、企業、個人氣質或氛圍★持續轉變★的人(力量),即為「領導」。
(Share to Terry Cheng, former President of Hewlett-Packard China, President of Texas Instruments Asia Pacific, and Vice President of Foxconn Group) The biggest difference between "management" and "leadership" is that "management" uses methods to govern while "leadership" is about guiding the direction and supporting others to move forward by their own selves. Anyone (any force) who causes ★sustained change★ in a country, company, personal temperament or atmosphere is a "leader".

程天縱 是的,十分認同。像是代為簽名、流於口頭允諾與兌現等現象,看似只是做了一些協助或幫忙的事,實則容易遮掩平常的疏漏之處,讓公司與管理階層常常誤以為企業狀況合於公司規範與期待。
Yes, totally agree. Phenomenons such as signing on behalf of others and making verbal promises and fulfillments may seem like they are just doing something to assist or help, but in fact, it is easy to cover up ordinary omissions, making the company and management often mistakenly believe that the company's status is in compliance with company standards, regulations and expectations.

When the development or layout is based on the existing system, these covered details would become unsatisfactory, whether in the system or in people's hearts.

As time goes by, colleagues in the enterprise or in the labor-management relationship would understand to some extent what is going on. Over time, it would become an internal injury that is difficult to detect and repair.


I personally think that "management" and "leadership" can be thought of from the original meaning of the word.

1. Management: Management is the convergence of "restraint"; management is the "method context".
2. Leadership: Leading means "carrying"; guiding means "pulling oneself (moving) by their own selves".

The biggest difference between "management" and "leadership" is that "management" uses methods to govern while "leadership" is about guiding the direction and supporting others to move forward by their own selves.

 Anyone (any force) who causes ★sustained change★ in a country, company, personal temperament or atmosphere is a "leader".

當然,我無法否認的是,宗教也算是一種, 而重點在於怎麼領導而已。
Of course, I cannot deny that religion is also a kind of leadership, and the focus is on how to lead.

For me, "finding yourself" is the first step; "how to lead (pull) yourself" is now the primary issue for all countries and people around the world.


After reading it, Terry Cheng responded to my sharing: "You are experienced."

Now, all living beings in the world are gathering this EN (thought), which is to "find/know yourself/your selves".

其實,我分享給 于美人 、 陳文茜 和 龍應台 的內容,對於理解這件事情都有助益!
In fact, the content I shared with them was helpful in understanding this matter!


2024年8月12日 星期一

拜登總統在沙灘上,並透過環境清楚傳達:「我是(0:09)喬·(0:18)拜登,(0:34)我們(0:44)感到(0:54)很抱歉」。 President Joe Biden conveyed on the beach through the environment: "I am (0:09)Joe (0:18)Biden (0:34)We (0:44)feel (0:54)so sorry."

【修己揚他/AskSelf】【意念/EN】【場域/FIELD】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】【影視/Film】 Vice President Kamala Harris Kamala Harris Donald J. Trump 拜登總統在沙灘上,並透過環境清楚傳達:「我是(0:09)喬·(0:18)拜登,(0:34)我們(0:44)感到(0:54)很抱歉」。 President Joe Biden Joe Biden conveyed on the beach through the environment: "I am (0:09)Joe (0:18)Biden (0:34)We (0:44)feel (0:54)so sorry."

Wang Wenbin Chinese Ambassador to the Kingdom of Cambodia 汪文斌 中华人民共和国外交部发言人办公室 中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署 陝西暴雨,環境淒厲地吶喊「我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷」,有誰在意呢?恕我直言,不少人事不關己;然而,也一些人分享影音的質感,一看便知是否有心。就讓我們一起欣賞下去吧!
There are heavy rains in Shaanxi and the environment screams "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie". Who cares? With all due respect, many people know these facts and pretend it's nothing to do with them; however, I have also seen some sharings, and I can tell at a glance depends on their videos whether they care about it or not. Let's contunue to appriciate it together!

Can we ourselves begin to understand that children's actions and thoughts are pulled by many forces? And I have begun to further understand for everyone since 2021/2. Do some people still have to pretend to be ignorant and let their children lose the opportunity to perceive and understand the world? Would they thank us or have any other feelings about us?

I believe that each of us can answer it, but we just can’t answer it for ourselves. This is the biggest contradiction!

For those who want to perceive the connotation of "restraining oneself and cultivating oneself, appreciating and praising others" through my ENs (thoughts), in fact, starting from the content I shared in 2021, that person (even a company or a country) would "inevitably" grow stronger.

I'm afraid it would be a totally different story when many people know how restorative reading my content is.

Let me remind you a little more, if we continue not to read, like, share, concern, and think, it would eventually be revealed in ourselves, that’s all.

What I said is true. If heaven and earth are not operating as the reality manifest, what I am saying would not be so conclusive. This is the key point to know.

2024-08-10_ 岸田文雄 NHK NHK WORLD-JAPAN 8/8日本宮崎地震,忽略人聲可聽見環境傳達四次:「(0:00/0:26/0:55/1:28)我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷」。
An earthquake occurred in Miyazaki, Japan on 8/8. Ignoring human voices, the audible environment conveyed four times: "(0:00/0:26/0:55/1:28) We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie."

Source: https://x.com/Reloaded7701/status/1822544264217415895
Pronounce: https://translate.google.com/?sl=en&tl=zh-TW&text=I%27m%20really%20sorry%2C%20Wu%20Shihjie%2C%20please%20keep%20sharing%20such%20selves
NEWS: 2024-08-11_Sky NEWS_US: President Biden was seen relaxing at the beach with First Lady Jill Biden and granddaughter Naomi

Also share with 賴清德 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi Nancy Pelosi Rep. Lloyd Doggett Karine Jean-Pierre Barack Obama President Bill Clinton Congressman Chris Smith Congressman Dan Crenshaw Speaker Kevin McCarthy U.S. Department of State U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) The White House 美国之音中文网 The Hill BBC News The Guardian CNN Reuters GMA News Research The New York Times The Wall Street Journal Fox News DW News CCTV 中国东方卫视 Phoenix TV 鳳凰衛視 China Press (中國報) Guangming Daily-光明日报 China Xinhua News CNA 中央社就給你「國際新聞」 AP Radio Free Asia Chinese 自由亚洲电台普通话 大紀元時報 - 台灣(The Epoch Times - Taiwan) 新唐人亞太電視台 NTD 新唐人電視台 Bloomberg