2013年7月11日 星期四

10 Business Lessons From Jeff Bezos

Inside的《從亞馬遜CEO學到的生意10堂課看到這篇文章,但也只是從36Kr稍微潤飾一下,本來的翻譯就有點...了,像是「那就是我們對使用者體驗的關注就好像一道雷射一樣」,而36Kr的《Jeff Bezos 的十句话,生意场上的十堂课原文是「那就是我们对用户体验的关注就好像一束激光一样」,我想「一道雷射」跟「一束激光」都不是重點,重點是看不懂又好笑。

根據wiki說明:傑弗里•普雷斯頓•貝佐斯(Jeffrey Preston Bezos, 1964-),Amazon.com的創辦人和CEO,曾獲選《時代》雜誌1999年的年度風雲人物。
Jeffrey Preston Bezos

Jeff Bezos在medium.com發表《10 Business Lessons From Jeff Bezos》(Jeff Bezos的十堂商業課),發人內省的十個重點原文(我順便修改了翻譯,並為我身有同感的重點翻譯加註):

  1. We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It's our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.(客戶就好像派對來賓,而我們是派對主人。讓使用者體驗在每個方面每天都提升那麼一點,是我們的工作。)
  2. The best customer service is if the customer doesn't need to call you, doesn't need to talk to you. It just works.(最好的客服就是使用者根本不須致電,不須跟你講,服務本身就能解決使用者問題。)
  3. If there's one reason we have done better than all of our peers in the Internet space over the last six years, it is because we have focused like a laser on customer experience, and that really does matter, I think, in any business.(如果有個我們在過去六年的網路領域裡,能做的比其他同行好的原因,那就是我們極致專注於使用者體驗上,這一點真的很重要,任何領域都 一樣。)
  4. If you decide that you're going to do only the things you know are going to work, you're going to leave a lot of opportunity on the table.(如果你決定只做那些行得通的事,你也放棄了很多攤在眼前的機會。)
  5. We are willing to go down a bunch of dark passageways, and occasionally we find something that really works.(我們願意前去嘗試那些看不清的方向,而偶爾會發現一些真的可行的東西。)
  6. The thing about inventing is you have to be both stubborn and flexible, more or less simultaneously. If you're not stubborn, you'll give up on experiments too soon. And if you're not flexible, you'll pound your head against the wall and you won't see a different solution to a problem you're trying to solve.(創造的關鍵在於你得同時執著兼靈活。如果不夠執著,你可能會太早放棄;同樣地,如果不夠靈活,你會不斷撞牆,而且對於你想嘗試解決的問題, 也無法發現不同方案。)
  7. It's very important for entrepreneurs to be realistic. So if you believe on that first day while you're writing the business plan that there's a 70 percent chance that the whole thing will fail, then that kind of relieves the pressure of self-doubt.(對一個企業家來說,實事求是非常重要的。如果在寫商業計劃書的第一天,你就知道這個計劃70%會失敗,這種認知自會紓解自我懷疑 的壓力。)
  8. There are two ways to extend a business. Take inventory of what you are good at and extend out from your skills. Or determine what your customers need and work backwards, even if it requires learning new skills.(擴展業務的方式有兩種。其一是盤點自己擅長哪些,從這些點出發;另一種是搞清楚客戶要什麼,然後反向思考怎麼作,即使有時候需要學新技 能。)
  9. There'll always be serendipity involved in discovery.(在探索的路上,總有意想不到的收穫。)
  10. Mediocre theoretical physicists make no progress. They spend all their time understanding other people's progress.(二流理論物理學家沒進展,是因為他們將時間都都花在了解別人的進步上。)


