2014年11月7日 星期五

微軟釋出免費Android/iOS Office Mobile App囉

微軟副總裁凱斯(John Case, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Office)發佈標題為“More Office. Everywhere you need it.”(更多Office,當你所需時無所不在)的內容如下:

Today we're taking the next major step to bring Office to everyone, on every device, and I'm excited to announce that Office apps customers love are coming to Android tablets with the start of our Office for AndroidTM tablet Preview. We're also delivering Word, Excel, and PowerPoint apps for iPhone® and updates for the iPad apps–to ensure a consistently beautiful and productive Office experience on every device. Our vision of Office everywhere wouldn't be complete without Windows, so I'm pleased to confirm that new, touch-optimized Office apps for Windows 10 are in the works and we'll have more to share soon.
凱斯表示為了確保在各個裝置上,始終如一完好且具生產力的Office體驗,所以宣布提供Word, Excel和PowerPoint apps給Andoid和iOS平台來使用!




完成註冊後,再回到行動裝置登入你的Microsoft ID即可,該服務為雲端服務,有其他測試再新增內容。

而凱斯也敘述,如果是Office 365的訂購用戶的話,會提供更多進階功能、整合服務、無限OneDrive空間和與Dropbox的整合等更多服務:
Of course Office 365 subscribers will continue to benefit from the full Office experience across devices with advanced editing and collaboration capabilities, unlimited OneDrive storage, Dropbox integration and a number of other benefits.


