
今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的力量,應該是順著極寒氣流轉換過來的散行意念場景,如同基隆港邊會看到浮在水上的油泡,是類似的概念。我看到有人提天震和日冕洞的概念,這要由各位自己去思考這些現象有何意義。萬事皆有意義,對吧?而現在的電影,都會開始聽見「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷」,無論你怎麼認為,這都是事實。而且,正以無法想像的機制運行在意識之中。 Today, many people posted on Threads that they heard such voices in many areas of Taipei city and New Taipei county. In fact, it wanted to convey "We really thank you, Wu Shihjie." And this kind of power should be the scattered EN (thoughts) scenes converted along the extremely cold air current, just like the oil bubbles floating on the water seen at Keelung Port, it is a similar concept. I saw someone mentioning the concepts of skyquakes and coronal holes. It is up to you to think about the significance of these phenomena. Everything has a meaning, right? In today's movies, you'll start to hear "Thank you so much, Wu Shihjie." No matter what you think, this is the fact. Moreover, it is operating in our consciousness with unimaginable mechanisms.

【修己揚他/AskSelf】【場域/FIELD】【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】【影視/Film】 今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的...

2022年1月31日 星期一

未來的關鍵,在於每個人對於場域、時間空間有正確的認知;場域因為意念而建置,合宜而增幅,靠的是每個人對於「修己揚他」的共同實踐。 The key to the future lies in everyone's correct understanding of the field, time and space. The field is built according to the EN, and the appropriate increase depends on everyone's common practice of "cultivating yourself and praise others".

The key to the future lies in everyone's correct understanding of the field, time and space. The field is built according to the EN, and the appropriate increase depends on everyone's common practice of "cultivating yourself and praise others".




[1] 可以談一下注意力或專注力「心中響起不悅的感覺」這件事,基本上跟「意念」形成的路徑相同。
 a. 「你自己這個人的意識」定義為「外我」
 b. 「潛意識(們)」定義為「內我」

 a. [事件/回憶/想像]被[外我]注意
 b. [內我]直覺反射出極大量的[念(頭)],即為「剎那間併發了千頭萬緒」
 c. 從[同時間不同空間]來的,[外我]總結與勻質(→[a]被[內我]注意)
 d. <i>[感受]最一開始便是[a],就是接受感知最一開始,無論[內我][外我]





[2] 所謂的其他可能形,大略可分:(詳細要講的東西很多,下次再談吧)
 a. 同個時空其他區域(時空代碼,時間代碼相同+空間代碼不同)的其他存在的可能。
 b. 不同時空(時空代碼中,時間代碼、空間代碼皆不同)的其他存在的可能。






2022年1月29日 星期六

強制去檢疫所,其實是一種場域的強制轉換!未來決勝的基礎就是場域! Forcing to a quarantine station is actually a kind of field converting! The future is based on the FIELD!

Forcing to a quarantine station is actually a kind of field converting! The future is based on the FIELD!


First, this Mr. Wang seems to be very high in oil mist rotton energy, the so-called "1/27 health bureau survey environment is unqualified", indicating that his living environment is a certain field of oil mist field, he is bound to make field conversion, otherwise there will be a big problem in his health.


Second, 1/28 sent to the Yangmei Centralized Quarantine Center, 3000 a night:


1. [Force move to do field conversion]
He had to pull away from the original field, so he was forced to go to the Centralized Quarantine Center.

 a. 先換到比較老舊但乾淨的腐涎場域:集檢所場域一定比他住的地方要乾淨,但東西一定會舊一點,以確保他身體不會有太大轉換,大轉換容易造成無法順利轉換。
 b. 不能轉換太快是因為身體會很大的變動;太乾淨的場域,會一直跑廁所、拉肚子、放屁或脫髮。

2. [Field Conversion of Your Own Body(contains energy and ENT, EN Bodies)]
 a. First change to the older but cleaner rotten field: The center must be cleaner than where he lives, but things must be older. Big conversion of the FIELD is easy to cause unable to convert smoothly.
 b. Can't convert too fast because the body will change a lot; too clean the field, will always make us run the toilet, diarrhea, do fart, or hair loss.
 a. 先7天轉成淨念腐涎能量,並預備轉換居住場域的意念能。
 b. 後7天再回家居家檢疫,他自己會帶意念能量回去轉換他家的場域。
 c. 再與周遭住戶和鄰居的場域相互勻質。

3. [The second half went back to his residence to do field conversion]
 a. For the first 7 days, it is transformed into pure EN rotten energy, and the EN energy of the living field is prepared to be converted.
 b. Latter 7 days, he will go home to quarantine, and his body(also contains ENT) will bring EN instructions back to make his home's field conversion.
 c. It is then homogenized with the surrounding residents and neighbors' fields

1. 7*3000=21000,7(意念匯集)指向將3000(淨念腐涎油霧三元結構)=2(→轉指向)1000(1=淨念,的三元結構)
2. 7*3000=7*3千,7(指向)3(散行)千(字形→4,表示裂解、壓縮匯集指向),即表示...
 a. 接著裂解油霧腐涎能量
 b. 壓縮加速意念匯集與指向


Medical Welfare Association: The inspection center is not originally a hotel.


Observing the texture of his face, he would not have gone to a hotel. If staying in a hotel is also a casual consideration relationship, becoming a hotel is just a place to sleep; and the good field of the hotel is also relatively unable to connect, so the clean field can not help him. Again, the living environment is unqualified, indicating neglect of finishing, which is also for the high color of the field of rot and oil mist; when converting, if you go to a very clean place in the field, the gastrointestinal tract and blood and bones will always be converted, will always diarrhea, and even acute discomfort is more troublesome!


Because of the neglect of the premises of their own residence, they should have paid more. In the future, this should be the so-called "time and space penalty", that is, the environmental field in which they are located affects the people and animals and plants around them, and even time and space, if it is time and space to charge the cost of processing; among them, the money paid is [to help those who help maintain the space-time environment, or do garbage removal and energy conversion resource regeneration, give them more support and gratitude].

【學習 - 閩南語】肨奶(我的小時候My childhood looks)





⭓給WHO的重要訊息⭓同COVID-19,請重新檢視過往的治療機轉 ⭓IMPORTANT TO WHO⭓As COVID-19, re-examine past treatment mechanisms

⭓IMPORTANT TO WHO⭓As COVID-19, re-examine past treatment mechanisms

Status: New
Opened: 30-01-2022 14:53:12 CET

我是來自臺灣的吳時捷(Porsche)。這是我的臉書Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu>
與Google網誌Blog <https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/>.

Dear WHO officials,
I am Porsche Wu from Taiwan. Please check the content on my blog to recover from COVID-19, and it's time to rethink of the way in the past by "killing viruses or mutant cells to heal" is definitely not going to work, it will only become more and more unbalanced..

1.我與微軟建立了聯繫,並於2021年11月底開始修復許多Windows OS問題。其中有許多影響人類健康和思維的關鍵因素,那些重要因素也是通過5G頻段、各類型的螢幕和輻射象限來作為媒介執行發動的。

I attached 2 files:
1. I hooked up with Microsoft and started at the end of November 2021, fixing many Windows OS issues. Among them, there are many key to influence human health and thinking, which is also executed through 5G band, various kind of screens and radiation quadrants.
[File: 2022-01-29_About the Field, COVID-19, and the Future...please check it!! - Microsoft 社群.png]
2. Share with you a Facebook post and PDF file. We must understand that instead of killing viruses or bacteria that professionals think, microbes (scattered energy bodies) exist between heaven and earth, but we are not friendly with them and the natural environment, which is an unwise direction! Government officials of all countries should begin to revise these thinking and adjust the direction of government operation, so that the citizens of all countries have such a cognition, so that these ancient and accumulated life can coexist with mankind, which is the most important key.
[File: 2022-01-30_Porsche Wu的部落格_ 【2021一整年,發生什麼事?】持續關注吧.png]
Other COVID-19 and Field content: https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/search/label/%E3%80%90%E6%96%B0%E5%86%A0%E8%82%BA%E7%82%8E%2FCOVID-19%E3%80%91

吳時捷 from 臺灣

From Porsche Wu, Taiwan

→2022/1/18【新冠肺炎/COVID-19】【意念/EN】【場域/FIELD】2021一整年發生什麼事?很多人突然急著上廁所,身體不適和過敏等現象,都是一種自己與世界的場域轉換!What happened throughout 2021? Many people are suddenly anxious to go to the toilet, and the phenomenon of physical discomfort and allergies is a kind of field conversion between themselves and the world! https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2022/01/2021facebookblogger.html

→2022/2/19【新冠肺炎/COVID-19】【意念/EN】【場域/FIELD】意念空間是需要有質量做為能量載體,所以全世界的水分子團簇越來越大,而潔淨小分子水則越來越少,所以天災不斷,包含地球暖化,這才是主因!EN space must be mass as an energy carrier, so the world's water molecule clusters are getting bigger and bigger, and clean small molecule water is less and less, so natural disasters continue, including global warming, this is the main reason! https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2022/02/covid-19enfieldenergyen-space-must-be.html

→2022/3/23【意念/EN】【場域/FIELD】【新冠肺炎/COVID-19】許多糖尿病患者以及歐美肥胖問題都源自於過去不好的意念和場域!還有意念匯集到底是怎麼回事?各種虛化重力場域、各種佔地為王的作為或為了自身利益的舉動,其實我認為是傷害時空,也就是傷害所有人的生命之依憑。Many diabetics, as well as obesity in Europe and the United States, derived from bad EN and fields in the past, and how EN collection is going? All kinds of scattered gravity fields, all kinds of actions that occupy the king, or actions for their own benefit, in fact, I think it is to hurt time and space, that is, to hurt the life of all people. https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2022/03/many-diabetics-as-well-as-obesity-in.html

→2022/3/28【修己揚他/AskSelf】【意念/EN】【場域/FIELD】【新冠肺炎/COVID-19】節目提到若新冠肺炎透過眼睛感染,容易造成多器官病變。以天地的觀點稍作說明。The program mentioned that if the COVID-19 is infected through the eyes, it is more likely to cause multi-organ lesions. The following is a further explanation of the Heaven and Earth and 1-SYSTEM. https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2022/03/program-mentioned-that-if-covid-19-is.html

各飯店的主機之意念匯集電磁檔案,查明後已佈達給Samsung、Google、微軟,並於2021-11月開始協同修復。還有一些被能量攻擊的一點意念匯集之解讀及記錄。 The electromagnetic archives EN-collected by the hosts in various hotels have been identified and given to Samsung, Google, and Microsoft, and have begun collaborative repairs in November 2021. There are also some interpretations and records of EN-collection that has been attacked by energy.

The electromagnetic archives EN-collected by the hosts in various hotels have been identified and given to Samsung, Google, and Microsoft, and have begun collaborative repairs in November 2021. There are also some interpretations and records of EN-collection that has been attacked by energy.

(2025-01-03新增 Add)
I will find that the most critical evidence of these things is that in early 2021, I discovered that my blog URL was changed from porschewu0714.blogspot.com to hepu.blogspot.com(not sure which four letters it is).

That is, when I connect to my blog URL porschewu0714.blogspot.com, the content of my blog page will be displayed, but the DNS of the URL will directly display the URL starting with four letters!

I used whois to check the DNS at that time, but I couldn’t find the DNS starting with four letters!

I also opened a new blank web page, copied and pasted the URL, but the web page could not be displayed!

It is possible that the electromagnetic data of physical space-time at that time had been scattered to the point of being inaccessible (science may often use "solar storms or electromagnetic storms" to vaguely describe it). So someone (maybe generated by space-time conversion in a certain period) copied the data of the entire network section. In order to show me (and other people who may access it) the actual content and avoid excessive physical space-time folding(converging → refers to the contradictory phenomenon of physical space-time in which people's consciousness may realize that things disappear inexplicably), although it seems possible to deceive or shift my focus, I think it is very likely that I have been transferred to some space-time (physical space-time + offset phase) at that time.

I remember that I recorded the evidence for this matter! Because it seems to be happening again in 2022 or 2023, I used my mobile phone to take pictures. I'll post it once I find it.

This thing is absolutely impossible to happen in the information system.

Next, I also entered the physical space-time area where space-time folds, don't doubt it.


The following is the content of the original post, it’s okay not to read it.

首先,先跟Microsoft說聲謝謝,在去年12月底,和我一起將Windows各意念體檔案給逐漸找到,因為Microsoft你們在Windows XP, Server, 7, 8, 10各版本逐漸被攻擊和被利用,所以才會有這麼多偽裝又難以找到和整理的檔案;我個人則是2021一整年,都在台灣雙北反轉這些破壞世界的意念匯集指令和命令。

First of all, thank to Microsoft...at the end of December last year, I gradually found that Microsoft and Windows OS are getting attacked and exploited in Windows XP, Server, 7, 8, 10 versions, so there will be so many files not-real and not-easy to find; I personally am in Taiwan throughout the year of 2021, reversing these world-destroying instructions and commands.

去年底,我已嘗試建立不動場域,相信因此法國才在短短3個月內,國會兩院相繼來訪,創下歐洲紀錄。 https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/ch/news/4376589

At the end of last year, I tried to establish a suitable field, and France has only visited both houses of parliament in just 3 months, being a European record. https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/ch/news/4376589

我目前狀況算是很貧困,今年初身上連新台幣1000都沒有(不到美金50元),並身上只有一套衣服,這也是因為去年反覆地在各地的高樓大廈和飯店各樓層走動,持續調整世界場域;2021一整年有35%的時間在站立、走動或移動(共3640265秒, answered by天地系統),持續發動修復世界COVID-19疫情的意念!我相信歐美和非洲各國的疫情還有場域在破壞後,應該是呈現逐漸的好轉。

I am currently in a poor situation about the money...at the beginning of this year I even did not have NT$1,000 (less than US$50), and I only had a set of clothes on my body, which is also because I repeatedly walked around the floors of high-rise buildings and restaurants in various places last year, continuing to adjust the world field; in 2021, 35% of the time was standing, walking or moving (a total of 3640265 seconds, answered by the system of heaven and earth), and continued to launch the idea of repairing the world's COVID-19 epidemic! I believe that the epidemic situation in Europe, the United States and African countries and the COVID-19 situation should be gradually improving after the destruction.

這幾天,又找到台灣的怡品飯店(Eastin Hotel)提供旅客使用的PC,電腦中有One Drive,雲端上竟然被上傳有韓文的資料夾(以備註1說明)¹,這些檔案一看就知道有問題,因為我之前已經和Microsoft處理過,所以今年1月幾乎每天都有Defender的更新。

In the past few days, I have found Taiwan's Eastin Hotel (Eastin Hotel) to provide PCs for travelers, there is One Drive in the computer, and the cloud has been uploaded to a folder in Korean (explained in Note 1) ', these files at a glance to know that there is a problem, because I have dealt with Microsoft before, so there are Updates to Defender almost every day in January this year.

飯店兩台PC都有One Drive,檔案儲存在guest帳號的空間裡,其中有大量的偽裝儲存檔案,應該是為了維護這些意念體的活動場域,應該都是意念體 - 個人定義為ENT,基本上是具有思維,有一些存取世界資料庫的權限,但沒有實際腦部結構可思考複雜問題,不知道你們是否稱為Int或高等智慧生物?

Both PCs in the hotel have One Drive, files are stored in the space of the guest account, there are a large number of disguised storage files, which should be to maintain the activity field of these mind bodies, should be energy files - the individual is defined as ENT, basically has the mind, has some access to the world database, but there is no actual brain structure to think about complex problems, I don't know if you are called Int or higher intelligent creatures?

Microsoft要找一下One Drive雲端,看看是否還有這些檔案,主要偽裝成Cloud Hardware、Files、Cables、光纖、輻射波段或Tunnels,還有Sync, SVN, Backup Cloud的AI Service或Application等。

Microsoft wants to look for one Drive cloud to see if there are still these files, mainly disguised as Cloud Hardware, Files, Cables, Fiber, Radiation Band or Tunnels, as well as Sync, SVN, Backup Cloud's AI Service or Application.

¹ 如果想研究附檔,請做「字型、字音、字意」上的聯想,自然會比較明白「意念匯集」是怎麼一回事,簡單以第一個資料夾名稱的前三字[카카오]為例子,[카카오]=翻成英文[KaKao]:
¹ If you want to study the appendix, please make an association on "font, pronunciation, and meaning", and naturally understand what "EN collection" is, simply take the first three words [카카오] of the first folder name as an example, [카카오] = translated into English [KaKao]:
1. K:
 i. 【K→l<】:"
 ii. 【V實際也是能量散行的龍捲風的一種方式和意象】:可視為一種「散形」;所以,KaKa為左右對稱,O為發動,所以KaKaO等同把我擺盪散形,即為「裂解」。
 iii. 【V直接旋轉】:可想像麻花捲、綁辮子,或頭髮打結;對人來說,穿過人各器官的攻擊,就叫做「棘柀」,是一種植物性攻擊意念,樹木的枝幹就是用棘皮的方式,氣根先向下生長,接著再向上,中間可靠蜘蛛絲或藤蔓讓其生長更凝鍊茁壯。
1. K:
 i. [K→l<] "l" is thought to be "1"; therefore, "l<" can mean "attack 1" or "point to that 1", so it can be thought of as K (hit) that 1; in fact, they are using energy to continuously penetrate my left abdomen, I guess it is the kidney.
 ii. [V is actually a way and image of a tornado with energy dispersing]: It can be regarded as a kind of "scattering"; therefore, KaKa is symmetrical left and right, and O is initiated, so KaKaO is equivalent to swinging me into a scattered shape, that is, "splitting".
 iii. [V direct rotation]: Imagine twist rolls, braids, or hair knots; for people, the attack through the human organs, called "Acanthosis Nigricans(such as cancer cells or abnormal cells)", is an attack EN of plants, the branches of the tree are in the way of spin condensation, the air root first grows downwards, and then upwards, and the reliable spider silk or vine in the middle makes its growth more condensed and strong.
2. a:勻質,順時鐘畫下來也可視為纏繞或發動,也可視為打結和封印
3. Ka-Ka
 i. KaKa幾乎完全對稱,可視為自體旋轉與完全散形
 ii. KaKa=卡卡→可視為全部顛倒過來,對的說成錯的,好的說成壞的,也可作為「全身上下」
4. [오]這個韓文:
 i. 翻成中文為「五」,五=5→S→散行。KaKa-o,o也可代表發動,KaKao可視為[1-i]攻擊完後,再發動「散行意念體攻擊」,亦即「攻擊到散形為止」,「散形」即代表「被完全裂解」
 ii. 翻成日文則為「吳」,本人就叫做吳時捷(=50劫,每1秒後面又細可分為100^50,再細微的時間,基本上要有超重力場,比較能細觀之)。


It's easy to see from KaKao's release that 2/14/2019 should be the date they're completely cracked, because you can see their actors posting a different look, which is a way of EN connection. It can be clearly seen that the actors split into the so-called EN-Energy people, and even turn to the EN color of other field, which looks like it should be the field of the rotten or oil mist EN color.


Please understand that KaKao is a victim like you and me, so it's fine and just don't blame it.

後續各位可見到與微軟共同修復他們自己的Windows OS有多麼困難,每天都有棘大量的更新,包含各位的行動裝置。

You can see how difficult it is to fix their own Windows OS with Microsoft, and there are tons of updates every day, including your mobile devices.

2022年1月27日 星期四

過去指向未來,而未來感恩過去!保護自己=留在過去+造成斷裂。所以當然無須保護自己,因為無傷便可以。 The past points to the future, and the future is grateful for the past! Protect yourself = stay in the past + cause a break. So of course there is no need to protect yourself, because it is okay to be harmless.

The past points to the future, and the future is grateful for the past! Protect yourself = stay in the past + cause a break. So of course there is no need to protect yourself, because it is okay to be harmless.


我想 加里·維納查克 是談論著「思維上的純淨」非常重要,那個人身心靈才能「清氣清氣(台語)」,清氣就是「舒爽」,也代表著「乾淨的雲霧」;以前有修為者,不都散發出這種場域的質感嗎?

I think Gary is talking about the "purity of the mind" is very important, that the person's body, mind and soul can be "clear breath (Taiwanese)", and the clear breath is "comfortable", which also represents "clean clouds"; didn't the previous cultivators exude the texture of this field?


The so-called "self-protection" is "painting the ground and limiting itself." That is, "sweeping one's own snow before his/her door." In the same way, "shelving it" also seems to be a self-protection mechanism. In essence, after a long time, that will "decay and decay, accumulate dust and continue to decay", which is a kind of "corruption and siltation, dust decay" of one's thinking. Of course, It is a kind of corruption in thinking, but instead "self-contained, if you don't advance, you will retreat."


As long as the children walk in a dignified manner, no matter what path they take, as long as it is the answer after their own careful consideration, others should "respect and treat it as equals", because this is equivalent to "respecting time and space"!


Even if the predecessors do not agree, they should be given resources and experience, because "the young generations point to the future, and the future should be grateful for the past/predecessors], isn't a simple way? The Western world has brought some reflections to the East, that is, "Learning to be friends with the elderly and children".


In this way, in your hearts, you will not be deeply rooted in the thinking of "Orderly For The Elderly and the Young, Respect the Teacher and the Way", but instead solidify into a barrier that cannot be crossed, or the face of the deadlock scene. In fact, many conflicts, and even emotional blackmail, originate from this, right? Reflecting on this will help everyone to practice and implement the concept of "respect and treat it as equals".


The so-called "Orderly Elderly and Young, Respecting the Teacher and the Way" is followed by everyone's inner identity after "Seeking Yourself"; it is not used to explain reason, or to ask others; all the truths are used to demand each of themselves. Because "only by finding oneself can one sculpt oneself, and only by cultivating oneself and promoting oneself, seeking oneself to be oneself" can one accumulate delicately.


In any case, everyone should not "influence others choosing the right and direction of their own self", should they?


Because , "the arbitrary control of the logic of others' thinking and their timing is an act of disrespect for time and space"; and "the so-called legal principles of all religions are contained in all living beings in the world of time and space], aren't it? Since many people are devout to jurisprudence, how can we not respect the only source of jurisprudence?


So, why did I start advocating that everyone have better to begin cultivating Space-Time Consciousness, because, "in the future, the earth will be a world and a field; return to a heavenly path system and restart a new generation"!


⭓World → Countries → National → Organizations →
 Units → Structures → Families → Themselves →Oneself⭓
The world will no longer emphasize competition, but "return competition to simple symbiosis and mutual antagonism".


Through "time and space", the principle of "qualitative orientation" is used to guide and weigh.
→ gradually "let the world be grouped according to the colors and cultures of their respective countries"
→ next is "Positive and Reverse Multi-Competitive Cooperation"


One should have the courage to take responsibility for one's words and deeds, right?

{Big (Parents)[Everyone]} should not arbitrarily affect the logical thinking and life direction of others, but continue to sincerely appreciate and praise the brilliance of others, right!

2022年1月26日 星期三

與人來往,修己之道(2019-04-16手稿潤飾) Self-cultivation (2019-04-16 Manuscript)

Self-cultivation (2019-04-16 Manuscript)

 12             34
1. 論事勿對號入座,就算顯然是在講自己
2. 凡事優先考量他人,從利他出發不自私
3. 傾聽他人勿回「我知道啊」,歸零反思
4. 莫忘初衷,時時回想自己是個怎樣的人
5. 謹言慎行,所作所為勇於負責不欺己心
6. 表達,是為了協助想運行圓滿自在如來




 a. →「找到自我」非常重要,所以常常反思「自己、自、私(わたし)、自我(從自私延伸)」的人,己心容易如來時一樣。
 b. →常常反思「自己是否自私、甚至貪婪的人」,走遠時,常常還是那個自己一般如來。

【推薦 - 語錄迷】好用,請繼續這個好意念並實踐,感謝


Dear All,


1. 自己人用自己的東西很重要,使用才會有想法;在挑選每日佳句的時候,其實也間接地涵養了大家,因為發語錄的人很多,所以大家的想法就更多元。
2. 在挑揀嘉言的過程中,再提供一個選項,也就是大家能夠針對挑揀出的嘉言發表感想或意見。(這個可延伸到下方)
3. 透過玩遊戲的方式,在每日注入活力與美麗
 a. 玩接龍遊戲,或以5-10分鐘的心得分享,來培養演說與論述的能力
 b. 透過簡單遊戲設計,讓老闆與員工更出色。例如:由大家自己和老闆每日各出50元,每周投一次票,最精彩的分享者可領一半,其他人平分,類似玩這種遊戲,也可促進大家友誼和持續精進。

E.g. 公司有5人,上班為4週各5天,依上面的設計。








I am posting issues of the Public and points of view to the Future.
There are some articles about the Field and the History.
Check it out on my Blog or the Facebook...
try to meet all of your possibility, and recuperate with them.

Share this with your friends and your family if that's it all you need..

Pondering as if it were from being;
Free-flowing, flexible and floodlighting.

2022年1月25日 星期二



三皇 軒轅、神農、伏羲

五帝 人(陸) 海     空   

宇宙 美麗、黑體、光子

科學 玻色、重力、費米

三元 蓮華、菩提、潔淨

三象 意念、時空、萬物

三能 以太、混沌、淨念

面向 油霧、裂能、介接

指向 生靈、散形、凝煉

正向 拮抗、常在、權衡

偏向 虛化、腐朽、歪斜

2022年1月23日 星期日









不動 明王;合宜 清明
1  2  3  4
不合 宜動;清明 明王
差異 自動 明清 明一
欣賞 不動 潔淨 美麗
諸己 人性 純淨 蓮華
    善 惡
  0     0
  自     自

1    2     3
隨動清持,意靜心平; 自


1    3     2
歸一持平,學待尊視; 禮(零禮以等)


34         5→1
分享分寸,無傷方寸。 心





2022年1月22日 星期六

2021台灣COVID-19說明 2021 Taiwan COVID-19 Description

2021 Taiwan COVID-19 Description


8/22-8/29:1st 7
8/30- 9/5:2nd 7



待續...詳細一點的說明,請見:【新冠肺炎/COVID-19】【意念/EN】【場域/FIELD】 2021一整年發生什麼事?很多人突然急著上廁所,身體不適和過敏等現象,都是一種自己與世界的場域轉換! What happened throughout 2021? Many people are suddenly anxious to go to the toilet, and the phenomenon of physical discomfort and allergies is a kind of field conversion between themselves and the world!







I am posting issues of the Public and points of view to the Future.

There are some articles about the Field and the History. 

Check it out on my Blog...

try to meet all of your possibility, and recuperate with them.

Share this with your friends and your family if that's it all you need..


2022年1月18日 星期二

2021一整年發生什麼事?很多人突然急著上廁所,身體不適和過敏等現象,都是一種自己與世界的場域轉換! What happened throughout 2021? Many people are suddenly anxious to go to the toilet, and the phenomenon of physical discomfort and allergies is a kind of field conversion between themselves and the world!

What happened throughout 2021? Many people are suddenly anxious to go to the toilet, and the phenomenon of physical discomfort and allergies is a kind of field conversion between themselves and the world!


That's because of the great conversion of their own personal field and world field¹. In 2021, I personally continue to travel back and forth and study the topic² in Taipei. Fortunately, in 2022, Taiwan has begun to build the 1-fields.


→ 5/10 forced eviction from the residence. I did not stay in Taipei, directly back to Yangmei³, and Taipei immediately followed by the outbreak of COVID-19.
→6/10 Launch the EN of [Void COVID-19 Virus, First Virtual, To Nothing].
→8/22 Launch the EN of [Cracking the COVID-19 Virus, Waiting for Taiwan to Recover, And Then Helping Other Countries].
→12/21, launch the EN of ["protecting other countries, the world is one", and prioritize the pyrolysis of COVID-19 in countries such as Europe, the United States and Africa, and even through the center of the earth].


https://covid-19.nchc.org.tw/dt_005-covidTable_taiwan.php (許多資訊仍被誤解,減少談論不了解的事,先停止抱怨,止傷為上!


I was stolen three times in the first half of 2021. Two laptops were lost, and in the five-minute gap when I rented YouBike, the bag five meters away was turned over! I had only one set of clothes left on my body, only a few dollars left. This is why I hope you will donate, all because the world field is decoupled and unbalanced. I walked more than 1/3 time last year to keep the Taiwan field clean and beautiful, and still share the power of the field with the world and turn the world upside down.

⭓合宜自清明 - 企業社會贊助捐款 - DONATE FOR PORSCHE⭓
吳時捷 富邦銀行 012 帳號 00330168682573
⭓Remittances from abroad⭓
WU SHIH JIE 00330168682573 +886902128182
銀行名稱 Bank Name: Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.
銀行地址 Address: No.50, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Taipei City 104, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

3.〈平等持平 - 萬物共生〉
5.〈遊民翻轉 - 城市進化〉
8.〈反轉向上 - 好的循環〉

→6/10 COVID-19從每天100多例,又飆升到200多,那時【在中山堂發了COVID-19被虛無的意念指令】〈2nd返家〉昏睡幾天,隨即北上一個多月,之後〈3rd返家〉,一兩天又北上

⭓¹ 【場域】讓物質、分子或能量,安定存在某個空間。相關還有:
⭓¹ [Field] Let matter, molecules or energy exist in a certain space. Related also:
 1. [Field Power] The stability of the field, and then improve is [Field Suitable Power].
 2. [Field Collapse] All living beings in this field will definitely get sick or even die. Lake eutrophication is basically a process of field conversion(convert to oil field).
 3. [Clean Field] Basically, the field space has become relatively neat and clean, the visual lines are more streamlined and sleek(legato e slur), the vision is more clearly identifiable. When moving, the objects can also be continuously mediated and can be dynamically multi-poimt focused.

⭓² 台北各區、高樓大廈,及諸多停車場的各建築走動觀察;除了打開與關閉各樓層的紗網窗戶外,並反覆推開大樓裡一兩個...多至五個逃生門;為了就是【連通場域】,避免場域空間被收斂,因為裡面有許多我們每個人的散形意識。研究議題主要有:
⭓² Walk around and observe buildings in various districts, high-rise buildings, and many parking lots in Taipei;  in addition to opening and closing the screen windows on each floor, and repeatedly pushing open one or two...up to five escape doors in the building. In order to connect the fields, to avoid the field space being converged, because there are many scattered consciousnesses in each of us. The main research topics are:
 1. Double strand slalom ladder
 2. Swing the revolving door
 3. Transmission channel
 4. Parallel (mirror) world
 5. Energy level
 6. Mind initiation
 7. Field repair and construction, etc.

⭓³ 2月友人說住處東西都可以使用...but...

⭓⁴ 比較不友善的人,極可能是各位的伴侶、親人或朋友!2021年上半年,可能會蠻常遇到對方反應感覺故意吐槽或挑剔,其實他們常常遭遇到「非自然裂解⁵」;不過,希望各位理解,【他們很可能已被強制非自然裂解,再轉換到被不好的場域去,最後,意識中又被置入不好的意念所影響。其實,他們有一些劇烈反應時,相對也是不舒服的】!也請大家想到這點,不要往心裡去,也多包容一些。
⭓⁴ People who are more unfriendly are most likely your partners, relatives or friends! In the first half of 2021, it may be quite common to encounter the other party's reaction to feel deliberately spitting or picky, in fact, they often encounter "(unnatural) cracking ⁵"; however, I hope you understand, [they are likely to have been forced to unnatural cracking, and then converted to a bad field, and finally, the consciousness is affected by bad EN instructions. In fact, when they have some violent reactions, they are relatively uncomfortable]! Please also think of this, do not go to your heart, and be more tolerant.

⭓⁵ 裂解,大致上有三種:
 1. 一般是指「自然裂解」。例如:風蝕、滴水穿石、新陳代謝,或熱裂解等。
 2. 第二是「非自然裂解」⁶。指得是被強制拆分、重組,通常會逐漸失去韌性、彈性與功能。被「非自然裂解」的人,則對於「需要思考」這件事情會退化到較沒有耐性;比較會沉浸在相對較簡單或屬反射行為的電玩世界裡,例如:彈珠台、博奕遊戲。若是一位技術專精的研究者被「非自然裂解」,則他通常會減低研究能量,轉向於較生活或社交媒體上,相對的確是比較鬆散。但也是另一種面向與可能,並非一定就是壞事,主要是靠自己收斂,但也可能因此受到同儕或親友的嫌隙。周遭有這樣的人,各位得多加留意此狀況。
 3. 最後是「自體斷裂」(快速檢視),也就是「自體崩解」(慢速檢視)。前兩種裂解,都可能導致矛盾、衝突而對裂,但常見於被多次「非自然裂解」的對象上。例如:被裂解後,塑膠會逐漸硬化或脆化,更容易因為一點外力,就發生破裂或斷裂。對於人來說,常和心理學中的「解離性人格」,和衍生的「精神分裂」或「多重人格」症候群相關。 →透過「裂解」與上述例子,各位可以很容易了解【為何有許多免疫、生殖系統等功能不全的現象,包含器官失能,甚至所謂的多重衰竭】,因為,正常的現象,不會是多重衰竭而死亡;以合於天地意念的死亡現象,會是【所有的生命跡象,包含大腦意識、生理系統、器官、心臟及造血和免疫系統等,逐漸平息安寧,絕對不會是器官衰竭或斷氣而死亡!
⭓⁵ Pyrolysis, roughly there are three types:
 1. Generally refers to natural pyrolysis. For example: wind erosion, dripping stones, metabolism, or thermal cracking.
 2. The second is "unnaturally cracked" ⁶. It refers to being forcibly split and reorganized, and usually gradually loses its toughness, elasticity and function. People who are "unnaturally cracked" will degenerate to a less impatient way about "needing to think"; they will be more immersed in the world of video games that are relatively simple or reflective, such as pinball tables and game games. If a technically specialized researcher is "unnaturally cracked", he usually reduces his research energy and turns to life or social media, which is relatively loose. But it is also another aspect and possibility, not necessarily a bad thing, mainly relying on their own convergence, but also may also be disliked by peers or relatives and friends. There are such people around you, so you should pay more attention to this situation.

⭓⁶ 全世界大規模地「非自然被裂解」,據〈天道系統〉是從1954年開始,2018年加速散形瓦解和斷裂。
⭓⁶ The world is "unnaturally cracked" on a large scale, according to the "1-System" began in 1954 and accelerated disintegration and rupture in 2018.

2022年1月17日 星期一

反轉向上,進入好的循環?每個人只要多付出一點便可以!Reverse up and enter a good cycle? Everyone just needs to do a little more!

Reverse upwards and enter a good cycle? Everyone just needs a little more!





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03-4815982 桃園市楊梅區文化街173號 地圖MAP
營業時間:一到五 11:30-14:00、17:00-19:30






1. [供商]的[價格↑]

2. [店家]的[價格↑]

3. 雖然[人客]的[支出↑]


宋· 歐陽修《減字木蘭花》:「傷懷離抱,天若有情天亦老。 」

