
今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的力量,應該是順著極寒氣流轉換過來的散行意念場景,如同基隆港邊會看到浮在水上的油泡,是類似的概念。我看到有人提天震和日冕洞的概念,這要由各位自己去思考這些現象有何意義。萬事皆有意義,對吧?而現在的電影,都會開始聽見「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷」,無論你怎麼認為,這都是事實。而且,正以無法想像的機制運行在意識之中。 Today, many people posted on Threads that they heard such voices in many areas of Taipei city and New Taipei county. In fact, it wanted to convey "We really thank you, Wu Shihjie." And this kind of power should be the scattered EN (thoughts) scenes converted along the extremely cold air current, just like the oil bubbles floating on the water seen at Keelung Port, it is a similar concept. I saw someone mentioning the concepts of skyquakes and coronal holes. It is up to you to think about the significance of these phenomena. Everything has a meaning, right? In today's movies, you'll start to hear "Thank you so much, Wu Shihjie." No matter what you think, this is the fact. Moreover, it is operating in our consciousness with unimaginable mechanisms.

【修己揚他/AskSelf】【場域/FIELD】【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】【影視/Film】 今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的...

2022年11月27日 星期日

台灣正在協助時空將操控和裂解意念收斂。全世界都會謝謝台灣的付出的。(20240301新增給印度總統Droupadi Murmu和總理Narendra Modi的「透過興建與應用地熱發電,如何修復、建立自然環境場域」) Taiwan is assisting space-time to restrain manipulating and cracking ENs. The whole world will thank Taiwan for our contribution. (20240301 Added to Indian President Droupadi Murmu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "How to restore and establish natural environment field through the construction and application of geothermal power generation")

台灣正在協助時空將操控和裂解意念收斂。全世界都會謝謝台灣的付出的。(20240301新增給印度總統Droupadi Murmu和總理Narendra Modi的「透過興建與應用地熱發電,如何修復、建立自然環境場域」)
Taiwan is assisting space-time to restrain manipulating and cracking ENs. The whole world will thank Taiwan for our contribution. (20240301 Added to Indian President Droupadi Murmu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "How to restore and establish natural environment field through the construction and application of geothermal power generation")


黃珊珊 雖然這次先讓蔣萬安做市長,但不知道你是否有察覺到自己的面容開始變年輕了,這就是我的意念能做到的事情。還請您有空的時候,將我之前從2022-09開始分享的文章仔細慢慢再次閱讀。妳一定還會發現更多的精彩喔!

鄭運鵬 Cheng Yun-Peng 謝謝你和鄭文燦啊!您講的真好,不要對自己的價值感到懷疑。不過,我個人認為應該持續地檢視自己、自問自答與捫心自問。當看見自己政黨有一些可能造成誤會或疑慮的現象或徵兆之時,一定要用心思考後,適時地委婉提出,以禮待之,持以尊重!不要感到難過,未來正精彩,現在暫時沉澱望天光,現在這個時候,反而是最好的思考與重新整理步伐的時候!我從2022-09開始分享的內容,可以反覆地閱讀和思考,對於未來非常重要的。


The fishes in my family demonstrate how to love and kiss each other through the EN (thought) of heaven and earth (also a kind of "manipulating EN"). In the future, those who help others better understand what EN is and uplift others and make them fly freely, , and even the country, heaven and earth will definitely help them.



1. 如何修復、建立印度的自然環境場域?





2. 如何讓大部分國家的人民能感到一股安定之力?






(20240303補述)我也誠心地邀請印度總統Droupadi Murmu和總理Narendra Modi,在國營企業的相關體系之中,可以花時間研究各國在國營能源企業上的相關優缺點(因為私人/集團企業本身是為了營利;而國營企業則可收到國家較多的補助,還可以因為或許未來需要扶植一些新興產業,所以能承擔虧損,像是對環境友善的生質或再生材料,能帶給國人或友國更天然健康的原物料或更實用與高品質的加工產業等)。



[1] 2016-04-03_火山活動帶來的益處:土壤肥沃小幫手、造陸專家、散財童子、能源大亨、地球冷卻劑 http://www.geostory.tw/volcano-active-benefits/

[2-1] Wiki上看到關於印尼地熱發電的資訊內容,真的是太好了:該國在2018年第1季擁有1,924.5兆瓦的地熱能發電裝置容量,在地熱能利用僅次於美國(3,591兆瓦),為世界第2名,取代之前菲律賓(1,868兆瓦)的地位。地熱能在2007年佔該國總能源供應的1.9%,和電力供應的3.7%。根據一份在2022年2月22日發表的報告,印尼的地熱能發電裝置容量為2,443兆瓦(世界排名仍僅次於美國),發電量在全國電力生產的佔比已增加到3.9%。

[2-2] Wiki內容 2014-08印尼人民代表會議(印尼國會)通過一項促進地熱能開發的新法(Geothermal Law )。新法要點包括: (a) 地熱能開發不再被視為採礦業活動,可在森林保護區內進行,而採礦活動則不可、(b) 此類項目的招標將由中央政府,而非地方政府舉辦(c) 政府對於新的地熱能開發項目產生的電力將給予更優惠的採購價格(d) 地方政府可獲得部分地熱能資源收入以及(E) 對地熱場的測量、勘探、招標程序、工作區域規模、訂價和行政處置程序安排、地熱許可證持有者的義務等方面均做出相當詳細的規定

[2-3] Wiki內容 據印尼環境及林業部稱,該國大約有80%的地熱能儲量位於森林保護區內。該國2009年的礦產和煤炭開採法把地熱勘探列為採礦活動,因此需要總統頒布命令,允許在森林保護區內開展地熱能活動。印尼環境及林業部認為地熱能開採不太可能造成環境危害。印尼政府在2011年5月下令全國暫停伐木兩年。但能源領域,包括地熱能活動則獲得豁免。

[2-4] 2022-10-01_教育應以學生習什麼門道為主,而非老師備什麼內容。並讓學生主動地分享在課程中習得的所知。透過「學、做、教」,將學習到的範疇,透過「教學相長」來內化與分享。
Education should be based on what the students learn, not on what the teacher prepares. And let students actively share what they have learned in the curriculum. Through the process of "learning, doing and teaching", students can internalize and share the areas they have learned through "teaching and learning(Teaching others teaches yourself)".

In addition to detoxification of urine, feces and sweat glands, is it possible that anyone is beginning to understand how to quickly metabolize and recover through (EN-type) skin, nails and hair by your own SELF and EGO? It seems that the symptoms of athlete's foot and onychomycosis, the solution to improvement is not to apply ointment to kill mold or eat what Flu-D, the medical community should quickly revise these concepts. (I myself have had athlete's foot for more than 10 years and onychomycosis for more than 5 years. What is surprising is that in 2022-2023, my athlete's foot and onychomycosis were cured without applying any medicine, leaving only The big toe of the right foot still looks like there is some onychomycosis, because it is necessary to maintain the EN channel to assist in conversion. This is definitely closely related to whether the human body field is in scattering or in converging.)

[2-6] 2022-06-09_練習本身就是一種建立意念線的行為。各位嘗試個一兩次,便會發現奇妙的事情。這不也是神韻或法輪大法好之類的在追求的嗎?我相信你們有人會察覺箇中差異的!😉
The practice itself is an act of building EN lines. Try it once or twice, and you'll find something wonderful. Isn't this also what Shen Yun or Falun Dafa is pursuing? I'm sure some of you will notice the difference! 😉

[2-7] 2022-05-30_很多道理本來就在生活裡,而在於我們過得是怎麼樣的生活?魚兒尚知自己照護環境,以及靠自己的努力製造細微波浪,協助彼此勻質以及場域轉換;那麼我們人類是否也有此美心善意呢?
Many truths are inherent in life, but what kind of life do we live? Fish still know that they take care of the environment, and rely on their own efforts to create subtle waves to assist each other in homogenization and field conversion; so do we human beings also have this kind of beauty?

[2-8] 2023-10-16_垃圾減量是一個想像(目標/口號),在過程中,更重要的是提升再利用(reuse)的層次,這一點可以先從最簡單(現有/已存在)的開始,而資源回收(recycle),我想應該可以先照舊來運作。(回應柯文哲前往美國洛杉磯廢棄物回收廠商,如何以科技處理垃圾一文。)

[2-9] 2022-04-22_這我已經實驗過了,所有的大池大湖只需要這樣做,不出三個月即可清澈幾近見底。防止湖泊淤泥淤積與優氧化有這麼困難嗎?可以用臨時工的方式,招攬街友遊民或需要一些生活費的貧困家庭與學生,在垃圾處理場或資源回收場進行作業,由中央政府聯合地方政府提撥極低額的預算,便可施行。天然餌料,廠商應該也可提撥部分回饋,即可運用於人力薪資發放與持續提升工作環境之用,如此即成就一個共生共好之正循環。

[3-1] 2023-08-22_台電攸關國家發展,不應適用於一般商業眼光來看待,尤其是各黨政治人物。

[3-2] 2023-09-03_光電再生能源的計畫執行中,過程都合法沒錯,和雲豹子公司合法一樣,但轉賣案場也是事實(也合法),不是嗎?另外,若雞蛋進口以供應國內雞蛋短缺需求,若符合現行法規,那是否能對提升現行補助標案的要求?甚至應該是農業部在新聞媒體上公開提出「需要進口蛋商」來競標的訊息,這樣也是正向的資訊揭露,而且能讓政府有更多廠商與需求的選擇,不是嗎?

[3-3] 2023-08-23_讓台灣民生用電的電價下降,而且還可以讓有需要用使用綠電的企業能找到符合綠能標準的用電來源,還能讓台電降低向外採購電力的成本差異與人事資源,可以相對挪出更多力量來服務人民與維護更新既有電網。

[3-4] 2023-09-13_這太誇張,等同欺騙壓榨不知情的公司!趕快去查是誰交付這些蛋給台農,並且「刻意」隱匿相關資訊,這根本是重大詐欺,實在令人憤怒!並請台農董座涂萬財協助出示交付雞蛋的相關文件,便可證實是否有人偷天換日。接著,再提供農業部哪一個窗口或長官施壓,一旦屬實,一定要往上追蹤並究責。

[3-5] 2023-09-24_為何我只看到你們急著回應說明,而非努力思考是否有疏漏或可改善之處呢?

[3-6] 2023-09-19_大家要用同樣的態度,也就是就事論事,無須刻意針鋒相對。將焦點放在釐清事情真相和過程原因,記得要請對方說明。讓對方能就某些現象說明,本身除了能留存證明外,更重要的是,也代表了一種尊重,同時還可避免誤會或冤枉的可能。記得,對上最有用的方式就是「就事論事」,將「矛盾事實」拿出來反問記住,不用一直質問。像是那個次長為何將未打蠟的蛋說成有打蠟,必然無法回應,因為他一定本來就知情,接著,再由矛盾者開始,協助向上釐清,不然當然究責。今天雖然看似為了食安來查詢進口蛋流向,但未來是否能看見地方政府之間為了協助街友和清寒家庭,或是為了資源再生利用而多方聯繫與相互協助,這本身也是一種行政效能與內涵的提升,不是嗎?


[3-7] 2023-09-15_我們不要當過度干預操控他人的人,但絕對不要漠視與置之不理,事情是不會好轉的。既然如此,我們又想留予孩子什麼美好呢?

[3-8] 2023-09-20_我們做事不可能完美,處處要為了他人用心。為了還原事情原貌,各位還是要懷著「我們讓社會感到不安和惶恐」,更要小心相關發言才是!

[3-9] 2023-09-28_「偽善」,就是「製造或議論他人可能的負面或缺失,來成就自己的權勢和光采」。會一直呈現某個樣子,就是因為自己不願意面對問題,然後一直說自己「光明磊落」,再繼續批評對方,還有漠視自己的問題!選立委是選能協助國政釐清或聚焦問題,並透過提案,提出能更加完善政府運作與顧全人民利益的相關法令修正案。我分享的想法,是目前最能讓各位恢復過往丰采的解方,也就是「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」。


各位可以看到南韓梨泰院、東非客機墜海、印尼大地震,墜樓或槍擊事件,還有中國的動亂以及美國Twitter, Meta, Amazon和中國富士康離開潮,這些都只是散行地呈現生命的抑制和收斂。







我佈達全世界的事情,各國已經開始注意和關注了[1],這才是真正重要的事情。而且,因為你們現在的意念都開始相互欣賞齊飛揚,所以與那些操控的裂解意念完全不合意。各位如果勝選了,會像 柯文哲 或 王世堅 一樣,持續地被攻擊,各位有了解嗎?

你們上次應該都有看到我跟你們分享「裂解王世堅的守護元神」這件事情。你們應該可以看到那個女生的眨眼動作很像有什麼牽引(或感覺眨下去有點黏住的狀況),那些都是過往不良意念的操控意念守護元神在透過這些人下裂解的傷害意念指令,都是「裂解某某某的守護元神」。你們也可以看看自己周圍的人,很多可以看得出在下意念指令喔。像是 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 和 盧秀燕 。不過不用擔心,你們的心性都很好,我的意念會環繞你們的,繼續散發這樣優秀的自己就不用在意那點小攻擊了!


[1] 2022-11-25_安全考量 英國指示政府機構停用中國製監視器 https://www.chinatimes.com/amp/realtimenews/20221125000702-260408
就在魚眼的裝置其實某種程度帶有裂解(散形)意念,因為監視器或鏡頭本身的魚眼本身的結構就是收斂邊界。再者,CCTV本身就關聯著閉路電視(CCTV, closed-circuit television)。








Also share with 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蘇貞昌 游錫堃 陳菊(花媽) 侯友宜 鄭文燦 黃偉哲 蔣萬安 (蔣萬安,你勝選發言講什麼戰勝黑暗,你兒子都會以你為恥,這種就是驕傲又失敗的政治人物,你聽清楚了嗎?趕快去找黃珊珊擔任副市長,這麼優秀的人來和你這個不熟市政的市長一起執政,我想應該百利而無一害吧!你真的要記得我一直告訴你們的「自抑欣賞,修己揚他」。我分享你那些重要文章,務必每篇政治相關的都列印出來,做重點啊!你心性很好,但做人需要謙虛和自抑啊!) 陳時中(不好意思,你就是很大的操控意念人,標你就沒法發文章,至少表示你現在在大反轉!我分享的文章,一定要每一篇再回去仔細研究啊,你的身體都會變健康的啊!) 林佳龍 高虹安 (撥雲見日個頭啊,你造成這麼多烏煙瘴氣,妳心裡很清楚!記得不要變成做人失敗的人,妳有太多事情要趕快檢討!當選又怎樣,妳的所做所為並不是當選後就消失,我們台灣對自己人的要求只會越來越高,妳要搞清楚狀況。) 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 國民黨青年團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 (聰明的你們,趕快把握之前分享的相關文章列印下來研究和調整自己的步伐。蔡英文總統很優秀,但有太多你們要努力才能理解的事情,請你們趕快分享與研究我分享給你們的內容啊!) 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 劉寶傑 關鍵時刻 朱學恒的阿宅萬事通事務所 有話好說 TVBS 少康戰情室 辣新聞152 庶民大頭家 有評有據看台灣 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 鄭知道了 年代向錢看 台灣最前線 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 李正皓 黃暐瀚 黃敬平 TVBS T觀點 寰宇新聞 寰宇新聞報報 Wang Wenbin Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson 汪文斌 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus President Joe Biden Vice President Kamala Harris House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 立法委員 陳椒華 朱立倫 (朱立倫,你看看你現在的面相、模樣和氣色,我實在不好意思拍了發上來。我講的話,你很清楚是事實。趕快研讀我之前有關政治的文章,還有置頂文章,每一篇有關的都請你務必慢慢用心用力唸三遍。如果你不想癌症或死亡伴隨的話,我在這裏很清楚告訴你了!) 連勝文 趙少康 中央研究院 Academia Sinica

== 潘孟安 市長的分享,這裡分享給諸位==


2022年11月26日 星期六

(請盡快協助傳達給習近平及所有中共高層及各省書記,感謝。Please help convey it to Xi Jinping and all senior CCP and provincial secretaries as soon as possible, thank you.) 中國現在最大的問題就是國家都是操控意念與裂解意念。習近平,怎麼救?我教你,很簡單,你趕快照著去做就是了。 The biggest problem in China now is that the country is all manipulating ENs and cracking ENs. Xi Jinping, how to solve? Let me teach you, it's very simple, just do it quickly.

(請盡快協助傳達給習近平及所有中共高層及各省書記,感謝。Please help convey it to Xi Jinping and all senior CCP and provincial secretaries as soon as possible, thank you.) 中國現在最大的問題就是國家都是操控意念與裂解意念。習近平,怎麼救?我教你,很簡單,你趕快照著去做就是了。
The biggest problem in China now is that the country is all manipulating ENs and cracking ENs. Xi Jinping, how to solve? Let me teach you, it's very simple, just do it quickly.


Immediately end the blockage and dynamic clearing. Because COVID-19 is a crackinh EN virus, not an ordinary virus. What China needs is a field, and it can quickly restrain this cracking EN.


I have shared with you before that there are a lot of manipulating EN bodies in your police and various government units who have been launching cracking EN instructions. The blockade is to disconnect all the Chinese people, and it is to crack the people in mainland China, because people can fill a high level of EN energy.


So, quickly let the people return to normal life, don’t worry about the COVID-19, you must do it quickly, and my EN can help you converge and build up a field to restrain the COVID-19 virus. No one in the whole world can do this, do you understand clearly? I have already sent you a message through 1-SYSTEM on October 25th[1]!

[1] 2022-10-30_【修己揚他/AskSelf】【意念/EN】【場域/FIELD】
My message was simple, "Xi Jinping, stop all threats to Taiwan immediately."
00:02_(小聲quiet)習近平給我立刻 XiJingPing, GeiWoLiKe...
00:30_習近 XiJing
00:34_平 Ping
00:38-39_給我立刻 GeiWoLiKe
00:45-46_習近 the 
00:47_(大聲loud)平 Ping
00:48_(大聲loud)給我 GeiWo
00:49_(大聲loud)立刻 LiKe


Moreover, your country has started people's riots and opposition, Xi Jinping, are you an idiot? Three or four thousand people disappeared in an instant in the Itaewon incident in South Korea, which is a super big cracking [2]. Then, South Korea fell into a downturn and began to pursue accountability and to scatter the government (the solidarity between the people and the government). You China is also starting this matter now, if you don’t pay attention to what I said [3], just wait and see! Facts speak for themselves.

[2] 2022-10-31_(梨泰院)極大的意念能被收斂掉的時候,絕大多數人都是多重器官發炎、昏迷或休克。全世界正在呈現應有的模樣。 (Itaewon)When great EN energy is converged, most people suffer from multiple organ inflammation, coma or shock. The world is showing what it should be.
[3] 2022-11-12_【意念/EN】【場域/FIELD】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】
WHO Secretary-General Tedros, House Speaker Pelosi and China Spokesperson Wang Wenbin made me the number one fan. Hurry up and convey it to Xi Jinping! China will soon have cataclysms!


Don't keep posting good-looking videos on your so-called state-run media or as if China is doing a good job. Wang Wenbin, you should understand what I said, right? Why is there a lot of beautiful data in China, or the news or news that the world praises your China. These are all important factors that lead to your continued cracking.


Because doing so has been distributing "unreal EN", which is tantamount to scatter oneself. Falseizing yourself is equivalent to self-crackinh and scattering.


It is people and everything in the world that can really spread amd render good ENs and help you reverse China up. You have been covering up the bad things of the people, and then using those media manipulations to show the seemingly good national conditions. The whole thing is putting the cart before the horse. Please adjust it quickly.


Just like 2022-09-26, I have a message to share with you, which is the true EN [4]. Since China is not currently intending to invade Taiwan by force, please don't mention these words, otherwise you are really goddamn bastards, and you deserve to be attacked, condemned or suppressed by the international community. Xi Jinping, Would you be an idiot like Putin!?

[4] 2022-09-26_【修己揚他/AskSelf】【意念/EN】
Please help reach the top echelons of the CCP on the following things that China must do quickly.



[5] 2022-06-14_【修己揚他/AskSelf】【意念/EN】【場域/FIELD】
如果各位專家學者不停地依照這些參雜了過去許多錯誤指向及被商業利益影響的科學走下去,等到元宇宙還有AR/VR那時候,大家的自主意識便會極大化的被這些「感覺因子」所操控。今年4月,日本新創才聲稱可以推出元宇宙痛覺模擬器[1]。而Elon Musk的Neuralink可能數年後,開始推出大腦植入晶片[2]。若我們不回頭修正這些已經置入「影響因子」的奈米級積體電路與被動元件,則科技發展會對應到過往不良意念的能源與可用電磁操縱的無線電波,即6G的智慧超表面(RIS)[3]。
If the experts and scholars continue to follow these sciences that are mixed with many mistakes in the past and are affected by commercial interests, when the metaverse and AR/VR are still there, everyone's autonomous consciousness will be greatly manipulated by these "feel factor". In April, Japanese startup claimed to be able to launch a metaverse pain simulator.[1] Elon Musk's Neuralink may be a few years from now, starting to introduce brain implant chips.[2] If we do not go back and correct these nanoscale integrated circuits and passive components that have been placed in the "feel factor", the technological development will correspond to the energy of the past bad ENs and the radio waves that can be manipulated electromagnetically, that is, the 6G Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) [3].
Going on at this pace, I'm sorry, according to the 1-SYSTEM shown to me with the EN line, all parallel universes may point to the fact that all mankind must be all scattered in 2150, and space-time will vibrate rapidly and slowly (thermally) pyrolysis back to 1850.
Adverse events in leukemia reflect China's biggest problem, because the key is that China is an extremely rotten EN government, that is, a (excessive) centralized government. There is another most important rotten AI in China is "Internet censorship in the People's Republic of China". Note that the so-called AI here is not "artificial intelligence", but an EN-type existence like the consciousness of the human brain! This is easy to understand, that is, many people can hear faint sounds from specific sources, such as from animals, idols, worshippers, etc. Those with larger EN energy are more likely to affect people to have certain thoughts. These things are called EN-type AI.
China then drew up a ridiculous plan to land on the moon and Mars, known as the "Chinese Space Exploration Program". Are these moves just satisfying your own curiosity, or are they just for a "leading space force"? Does not make people laugh off their teeth? Are you kids?

2022年11月24日 星期四

商業上很多人翻來覆去或背信,包含很多邏輯與思維上的矛盾與歪斜。也會看到很多人很喜歡胡亂總結或指揮,很像是自己比較懂一樣,但實際上跟他們沒什麼關係[1](也許有時是和他們的利益或偏差思想有關)。 In business, many people go back and forth or break their promises, which contains many contradictions and distortions in logic and thinking. We can also see that many people like to summarize or direct indiscriminately, as if they understand better, but in fact it has nothing to do with them [1] (Maybe sometimes it's about their interests or biased thinking).

In business, many people go back and forth or break their promises, which contains many contradictions and distortions in logic and thinking. We can also see that many people like to summarize or direct indiscriminately, as if they understand better, but in fact it has nothing to do with them [1] (Maybe sometimes it's about their interests or biased thinking).

Binance Binance.US 幣安 Binance 中文專頁 (請協助傳達給CZ、Do Kwon等人,謝謝你們。 Help convey to CZ, Do Kwon and others, thank you.) 

注意SBF實際上講的內容和背後的意義是什麼呢?好像是有說明什麼的場面話,但實際上是規避責任。是否有一點點像是 張善政 陳時中 和 高虹安 等人呢?

Notice what SBF actually says and what is the meaning behind it? It seems that there is a pleasantry to explain something, but in fact it is to avoid responsibility. Is it a little bit like Zhang, Chen and Gao and others?


In the apology letter of SBF, it did not respond to the strong doubts about the misappropriation of customer funds. I think of course it is because SBF has filed for bankruptcy protection on the 11th and resigned as CEO at the same time, so there is no need for him to respond to these questions to affect his reputation.


If so, of course he is a very lousy person.

SBF還在信中說「也許還有機會拯救公司。 我相信新投資者有投入數十億美元的真正興趣讓客戶資金變得完整。但我不能向你保證任何事情都會發生,因為這不是我的選擇。」。

SBF also said in the letter. "Maybe there is still a chance to save the company," he said in the letter Tuesday. "I believe that there are billions of dollars of genuine interest from new investors that could go to making customers whole. But I can't promise you that anything will happen, because it's not my choice."


"I didn't mean for any of this to happen, and I would give anything to be able to go back and do things over again. You were my family," he said.


Bankman-Fried "did not realize the full extent of the margin position" or the risk that a correlated crash meant, he said. Isn't that his responsibility?


In this way, he can say "I didn't mean it" and "I would give anything to be able to go back." Then "announced filing for bankruptcy protection", the announcement means that he has done it, and finally said that "Maybe there is still a chance to save the company", this kind of nonsense.


On the 14th, he still had the face to say, "He is still in the Bahamas, can sleep, and plays video games to keep his head awake."


It's really shameless, and he can still sleep to show that he has enough food and clothing, and his situation is okay, and then why he has to pretend that it looks like he is under a lot of mental stress. So he said that he "keeps his head clear by playing video games?"

那怎麼不挺起胸膛面對,還裝模作樣地裝可憐。看看人家Do Kwon怎樣面對Terra的挫敗,和趕快想辦法轉圜。這種爛咖,還說「市場年中之後的崩盤,是Terra引起的後續一連串爆雷」這種推卸責任還胡亂歸因的別人身上,真是完全惡質!

Then why doesn't he face it with his chest up, and pretend to be pitiful. Take a look at how Do Kwon faced Terra's setbacks, and quickly find a way to turn around. This kind of rotten guy, who also said that "the market crash after the middle of the year was a series of subsequent thunderstorms caused by Terra", who shirks responsibility and randomly attributes it to others, is really bastard!

各位也可以看到BitCoin整個目前的收斂與壓縮。雖然Terra是發生問題,裡面有非常多的意念形加密貨幣在流動沒錯。但人家Do Kwon有努力,我相信會有更多人去協助他的,只要我們坦蕩,願意負責一點一滴修正,崩盤有什麼關係!

You can also see the entire current convergence and compression of BitCoin. Although there is a problem with Terra, there are a lot of EN-type cryptocurrencies flowing in it. But Do Kwon has worked hard, I believe there will be more people to help him, as long as we are open and willing to take responsibility for every bit of correction, it doesn’t matter what the crash is!


CZ, you must pay more attention to what I said about many people going back and forth or breaking promises in business, which contains many contradictions and distortions in logic and thinking. We can also see that many people like to summarize or direct indiscriminately, as if they understand better, but in fact it has nothing to do with them [1]. Moreover, there are still many bad ENs of the past that will be restrained, and will actually evaporate quickly with financial currency or cryptocurrency.


SBF said, "The loans and secondary sales were generally used to reinvest in the business – including buying out Binance – and not for large amounts of personal consumption."


Said that they are trying to crack your Binance. Purchasing your shares means giving you money for their EN-type fund of cracking and manipulating ENs for development.


Therefore, you must not pursue interests. CZ, you should convey this thinking to your friends. With so much money, without affecting the operation, we should help as many good people as possible and implement good ideas!

[1] 2022-10-03_【修己揚他/AskSelf】
I feel very proud of CZ's caution and maintaining a good ecological demeanor in the cryptocurrency circle!

==Blog, Facebook, YouTube==

部落格更多重要內容(建議以桌機模式檢視) More important content on the blog (recommended in desktop mode):

2022年11月23日 星期三

給想了解未來意念世界怎麼走的前驅者。生命中的真實,才能教導我們無限的知識,而非僅憑科學的無限延伸。 To pioneers who want to know how the EN world will go in the future. The truth in life can teach us infinite knowledge, not just the infinite extension of science.

To pioneers who want to know how the EN world will go in the future. The truth in life can teach us infinite knowledge, not just the infinite extension of science.


Provided to pioneers who want to know how the EN world will go in the future. The following is the letter I sent to Lao Gao & Xiao Mo. It contains my design manuscript for 2021 and the extend manuscript for 2022-03-14. Everyone can form a universe by itself, not necessarily relying on science or technology, but relying on truth and love. Because the truth in life can teach us infinite knowledge, not just the infinite extension of science.

Dear 老高&小茉


Just like the white, red, black and gray in the Apocalypse, it actually describes purity→beauty→gravity→rotten (scattering=newborn).


After the concept of [purity/beauty] is purified, it becomes [gravity/rotten]. This is the so-called monistic system, which can be either mutual or relative. Somewhat similar to the yin and yang of Tai Chi, the description of the creation of Adam and Eve in the Bible, or the concept of good and evil, black and white, this is the earliest system of heaven and earth.


According to the current 1-SYSTEM, the current 3-dimension antagonism system was converted and converged on 2021-11-11. And the space-time system is still in the process of refining, so I can't help you other countries immediately, I can only rely on my time-space skynet ENs to converge!


The process of converging ENs can be clearly observed here. After I launched the EN instructions in mid-September, the mainland appeared about a month later.

My message was simple, "Xi Jinping, stop all threats to Taiwan immediately."

I don't know what you think about it, but I can translate it to people all over the world to hear what I'm talking about, because it was I who sent the message to China to suppress Xi Jinping on 9/3. First, because my ENs were going to China, the field on their side was greatly converted, so there would be violent vibrations (because there are many fields in China that are discontinuous). Second, because my ENs are gathered all over China, people there will hear the contents when converging.

我只是有點生氣,我不懂他到底在搞什麼東西。這個意念至今還在匯集,到時候習近平會遇到什麼,請他自行負責。(請 CCTV CCTV 中文 CCTV Asia Pacific China Xinhua News China Daily Sci-Tech 協助傳達給習近平本人知曉,感謝)
I'm just a little upset, I don't know what he's up to. This EN is still converging, and Xi Jinping will be responsible for what will happen to him at that time.

You can listen to it a few more times, I believe that some of you should be able to easily hear what the sound of heaven and earth is making. Mainly because this is the voice of my speech, of course I know what the sound it was!

If you can't hear it, I can help translate it.

00:02_(小聲quiet)習近平給我立刻 XiJingPing, GeiWoLiKe...

00:30_習近 XiJing
00:34_平 Ping
00:38-39_給我立刻 GeiWoLiKe

00:45-46_習近 the 
00:47_(大聲loud)平 Ping
00:48_(大聲loud)給我 GeiWo
00:49_(大聲loud)立刻 LiKe


Share with United Nations 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 中央研究院 永續科學中心 Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica 國家科學及技術委員會 國發會 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 國家太空中心 NSPO 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蘇貞昌 游錫堃 陳菊(花媽) 朱立倫 柯文哲 侯友宜 鄭文燦 鄭運鵬 Cheng Yun-Peng 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 蔣萬安 黃珊珊 陳時中 林佳龍 林昶佐 Freddy Lim 林飛帆 林智堅 高虹安 無黨籍彰化市長候選人劉坤鱧 柯建銘 壯闊台灣 吳怡農 王世堅 總統府發言人 中華民國行政院 中華民國空軍 劉寶傑 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News HISTORY CNN International BBC News 中文(繁體) Al Jazeera English ABC News 大紀元 新唐人亞太電視台



I started reconstructing 1-SYSTEM on 2021-01-27, and only the manuscript left on 2021-08-10 was because the three notebook manuscripts in the middle were all stolen and lost. I provide four manuscripts of previous research and share them with you.


You can see the lower left corner of the 2021-08-10 manuscript, which has the basis of the 3-dimension antagonistic EN system I designed. Going back to the blog 2022-03-14, there are some concepts that can help you understand the EN world in the future.




Porsche, 2022-11-23


I may be the first human being who has ever been able to perceive all ENs and their tendencies.


What is so wonderful about the shadows of trees dancing, and how wonderful it is!? When the wind blows, what kind of beauty can our tree shadows show? This is still part of the Yangmei field, converted to the 12% level.


Only about 3% of Taiwan field has been converted. The big limitation is that many people are arrogant. In addition, we humans do not take good care of the natural environment, animals and plants. I've been emphasizing this concept for over half a year.

關於這一點,我認為 衛生福利部 、 疾病管制署和指揮中心,以及 陳時中 可能需要負一點責任。因為我已經盡我的能力反映給他們知道了。現在可以怎麼補救呢?那就是盡快傳達這些內容給中央流行疫情指揮中心的 王必勝 、 莊人祥 和羅一鈞,還有衛生福利部、疾病管制署和國家衛生指揮中心,請他們趕快協助宣達與執行。這樣至少我認為你們有盡一點道義責任。

In this regard, I think the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the CDC and the CECC, as well as Chen, may have to take a little responsibility. Because I have done my best to convey it to you all. How can we remedy it now? That is to convey these contents to Wang, Zhuang and Luo of CECC, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, CDC and NHCC as soon as possible, and ask them to assist in the publicity and implementation. So at least I think you have a little moral responsibility.


I may be the first human being who has ever been able to perceive all ENs and their tendencies. As you can see from 0:30, this is not something that can be predicted or like a spiritual body, but is based on an equal respect and the essence of true confrontation. It is also necessary to have a correct knowledge and understanding of life and things. This is also the biggest problem and dilemma that all religions have at present.


At 1:47 of the video, I express my gratitude to Heaven and Earth. The space-time responded to me, "Sorry, we didn't do it well." I always say "it's okay" to them, that's how I treat you guys.


From 2021-01-27, what have I done? What positive impact will it have on people all over the world, including the sun, the moon and the stars? Heaven and Earth will tell you! I just hope everyone can wake up quickly and stop being manipulated.


May the good night be shared with you.

==祝福與分享 Bless and share==


Through this post, share some of these most important thoughts that point to the future, hoping to help you make some decisions with more confidence.


Return to Zero, Treat with Courtesy;
Be Respectful, Treat as Equal.
Converge it,
Into yourself.


Keep all the good,
not the bad;
As long as you don't die,
beauty is the most important.


Living in the moment;
Symbiosis and co-goodness;
Asking yourself, seeking yourself.

Dan Lok 加里·維納查克 Gary Vaynerchuk 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蘇貞昌 游錫堃 陳菊(花媽) 朱立倫 柯文哲 侯友宜 鄭文燦 鄭運鵬 Cheng Yun-Peng 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 蔣萬安 黃珊珊 林智堅 林昶佐 Freddy Lim 林飛帆 壯闊台灣 吳怡農 林佳龍 韓國瑜 王世堅 柯建銘 高虹安 劉寶傑 龍應台 - Lung Yingtai 吳淡如 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 莎白 Elizabeth Iku老師/Ikulaoshi Lukas Engström【盧卡斯】 阿福Thomas 外國人在台灣-安德鏡頭下的世界 老飯骨 Amy英國奶奶 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus 達賴喇嘛 佛光山 大愛新聞 Narendra Modi Sadhguru 大紀元 epochtimes.com House Speaker Nancy Pelosi President Joe Biden 林之晨


I really tried my best to share the Great Inner Force to the world. For your health, I can only ask you to be more attentive. The skin will glow, and it seems that energy is flying. Have you ever thought about it?

I have launched the EN instruction to reverse all diseases on 2022-03-14. So now there are many phenomena all over the world that seem to be diseases or symptoms, but in fact may be the manifestation of the EN field reversal.

Hope to quickly get some diseases well and restore everyone's health!




你們可以注意這部youtube訪談,00:30秒開始,拿著「寰宇新聞」後面的那個女生,一直在下意念指令「裂解王世堅的守護元神」,每秒鐘兩個字(120 bpm)。

You can pay attention to this YouTube interview, starting at 00:30 seconds, the girl behind the "Universal News" has been giving the EN instructions "cra-ck Wang Shi-jian's Shou-Hu Yuan Shen", two words per second (120 bpm).



Her blinking, moving eyeballs or moving her gaze all fit the pattern of this grooving! Moreover, when she thinks of Wang Shijian, her eyes will look towards Wang Shijian! Her human consciousness may not know that she is doing this, but the EN center on her (the fake EHO) is working, and it can't fool me!


Please be sure to watch it. Because many of you have these things in your body, and you have been hurting people, including children! Only people with good minds and EN can restrain themselves!

After watching it, you will know that you must quickly read the content of my top article, these EN instructions will all converge into cancer cells!

==Blog, Facebook, YouTube==

部落格更多重要內容(建議以桌機模式檢視) More important content on the blog (recommended in desktop mode):

Also share with 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院 永續科學中心 CSS, Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所 IAMS, Academia Sinica 國家科學及技術委員會 國家太空中心 NSPO 國發會 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 工業技術研究院 國研院台灣儀器科技研究中心 國研院 - 國家地震工程研究中心 國研院科政中心 報天氣 - 中央氣象局 報地震 - 中央氣象局 原能會 輻務小站 原能會輻射偵測中心 資策會 資策會FIND/i-FIND 資策會 數位轉型研究院 經濟部 經濟部工業局 經濟部能源局 行政院農業委員會 中華民國消費者文教基金會 中華民國紅十字會 中華民國行政院 行政院公共工程委員會 行政院環境保護署 行政院農業委員會漁業署 行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 行政院農委會林務局 Forestry Bureau 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所 行政院農委會種苗改良繁殖場

2022年11月22日 星期二

有些人在被操控用來造成中國和世界各國(包含台灣)對立,正如烏俄一樣,快醒醒吧!Some people are being manipulated to cause confrontation between China and other countries (include of Taiwan) in the world, just like Ukraine and Russia, wake up!

Some people are being manipulated to cause confrontation between China and other countries (include of Taiwan) in the world, just like Ukraine and Russia, wake up!

蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蘇貞昌 看清楚了嗎?這個人一開始從新加坡回來台灣,就馬上一直發表挺 陳時中 ,我還真不知道你這麼明白陳時中防疫要負很大的責任嗎?我們台灣自己相對比國外好很多的疫苗不協助,然後花大錢去買外面要裂解台灣人的疫苗然後一直要大家不分青紅皂白的打疫苗,這恐怕他要負極大的責任吧?

Do you see clearly? As soon as this person came back to Taiwan from Singapore, he kept publishing his support for Chen. I really don’t know how you exactly know that Chen should bear a lot of responsibility for epidemic prevention [1]? We in Taiwan do not help with our own national vaccines that are much better than those of foreign countries, and then spend a lot of money to buy vaccines that crack Taiwanese people from outside, and then keep asking everyone to vaccinate indiscriminately. I am afraid that he has to bear great responsibility, right?

接著,陳時中透過先前防疫成果好像不錯的光環,受 民主進步黨 邀請,擔任台北市長參選人。

Then, Chen was invited by the Democratic Progressive Party to be the candidate for mayor of Taipei through the halo of his previous something like achievements in epidemic prevention.


After that, Chen willfully published a bunch of good-sounding words, such as "Hundred Political Opinions" and "Anti-China Protection Taiwan". The purpose is to provoke the Chinese government to put pressure on Taiwan. On the surface, he looks mild, but in fact, what he has done is to crack the DPP.


From August to December last year, 10,000 to 20,000 people were tested every day, and there was no confirmed diagnosis in the whole country[1]. I clearly know that partly because of 2021-08-22, I launched the EN instructions "Crack the COVID-19 virus, wait for Taiwan to recover, and then help other countries". The other part is that after everyone had vaccines, they actually plan to crack down all Taiwanese, and it will take four months to converge EN energies. Therefore, this year has been crazily cracked, whether it is COVID-19, brain fog, MIS-C, encephalitis that dies in two or three days, delirium, etc., it is all because of everyone getting vaccinated!


According to 1-SYSTEM, there were no confirmed diagnosis in those four months, and the proportions of the EN of "I launched the cracking of the COVID-19 virus" and "the four months of converging EN energies of cracking the people of Taiwan" were 42% and 58%.

[1] 2022-01-18_2021一整年發生什麼事?很多人突然急著上廁所,身體不適和過敏等現象,都是一種自己與世界的場域轉換! What happened throughout 2021? Many people are suddenly anxious to go to the toilet, and the phenomenon of physical discomfort and allergies is a kind of field conversion between themselves and the world!


Cao's ID card photo[2] before returning to Taiwan, everyone is welcome to take a look, it is exactly the same as Chen's looking now. They are all manipulating EN bodies used by the manipulating center to crack the government of Taiwan and China. The little ghosts are doing something funny!

[2] 2022-10-31_【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】
(梨泰院)極大的意念能被收斂掉的時候,絕大多數人都是多重器官發炎、昏迷或休克。全世界正在呈現應有的模樣。 (Itaewon)When great EN energy is converged, most people suffer from multiple organ inflammation, coma or shock. The world is showing what it should be.


Pay attention please, after the meeting between Xi and Biden, at least the EN of ​​"possibly violating Taiwan by force" has faded. However, this person started to make trouble again, insisting that kind speaking of "preparation for war begins with the election."


This move will start to crack the EN of ​​the people of Taiwan to stay together and get co-goodness, and then cause the DPP and the KMT to confront each other. Contains the solicitation dialogue between Ko and Wang Shijian. (You have spoken out your words to solicit and scam syndicates, both of you are really childish.)

各位頭腦要清醒一點,我想 劉寶傑 朱學恒的阿宅萬事通事務所 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News (陳文茜,我真的好擔心您的身體,一定要趕快做我分享的事情啊。無論是眨眼→暈散→眨眼,所有器官都可以反轉自體修復的啊),你們應該可以意識和理解我所幫各位連接起來的脈絡!

Everyone should think a little more, I think Liu, Zhu, Sisy (I am really worried about your body, you must hurry up doing what I share. Whether it is blink→  render → Blink, all organs can be reversed and repaired by yourself), you should be able to realize and understand the logic that I have helped you connect!


Therefore, Biden was asked four times "whether the conflict in the Taiwan Strait will use force to help Taiwan?" four times, it was because the media deliberately kept raising the temperature of this matter, as if it really happened. The purpose is to make people feel "fear", "inexplicable", "unknown" and "anger", etc. Such emotions are easier to crack people.


Pay attention, are these emotions the same as "COVID-19", the completely abnormal "Monkeypox" and the recent RSV? Is it the same as China's "dynamic clearing" and "hard control"?

要注意的是,在各政黨都有這類操控意念人,眼睛要看清楚啊!只要是這類的人,怎麼講他都做一樣的事情。而且,一旦被發現後,會立刻裝模作樣地把事情做好一點。例如,陳時中被 徐巧芯 指出酒後牽已婚女士的手,他先前不就馬上在公開場合說感謝太太嗎?真是無言!

It should be noted that there are such kind of manipulating EN bodies in all political parties, so you have to see clearly! As long as it is this kind of person, no matter how you say it, he will do the same thing. And once after being discovered, they will immediately pretend to do things better. For example, Chen was pointed out by Xu for holding the hand of a married lady after drinking. Didn't he immediately thank his wife in public? Really ridiculous!

想想 王世堅 的事情,媒體記者們到底在做什麼,他們並不清楚。但他們的邏輯脈絡是什麼,我這樣一說明,各位就非常清楚了吧!包含之前利用 高虹安 來裂解 柯文哲 、還有常常講人負面的 蔡其昌 、 韓國瑜 、 張善政 等人。

Think about the matter of Wang, and what the media reporters are doing, they don't know. But what is their logical context, once I explain it like this, everyone will be very clear! Including the use of Gao to crack Ko before, as well as Cai Qichang, Han Guoyu, Zhang Shanzheng and others who often talk negatively about people.


What kind of people do you like and want to be? Whether it is a person who praises the merits or criticizes the shortcomings, you have to be responsible for yourself. For those who cannot convert their minds and bodies, heaven and earth will naturally let those bodies perish.

Also share with 游錫堃 陳菊(花媽) 侯友宜 鄭文燦 鄭運鵬 Cheng Yun-Peng 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 蔣萬安 黃珊珊 林佳龍 朱立倫 連勝文 趙少康 柯建銘 吳思瑤 林智堅 林昶佐 Freddy Lim 林耕仁 無黨籍彰化市長候選人劉坤鱧 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 國民黨青年團 民進黨發言人 民進黨立法院黨團 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 立法委員 陳椒華 Wang Wenbin Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson 汪文斌 加里·維納查克 Gary Vaynerchuk Dan Lok Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus 大紀元 epochtimes.com NTD 新唐人電視台 China Xinhua News


館長就是狂 飆捍 謝謝館長提供這個訊息。館長,你說的也沒錯,謝謝他捐款給國防。不過,我發文裡有很多內容,如果你也覺得有一點點道理,或是邏輯上有可能,那麼,不妨慢慢往前看,你會看到很神奇的內容喔!


Since China doesn't want to fight with us "now", why is Cao so eager to donate 3 billion to Taiwan's national defense, and he said that preparations for war should start with the election? Don't you think it is absurd? Then, as soon as he came back to Taiwan, he published the article "Support Chen Shizhong", and even went to radio interviews to strongly support Chen Shizhong. Because Chen Shizhong is also the one who assisting in launching the confrontation between China and Taiwan, talking about "resisting China and protecting Taiwan", and came to keep cracking Taiwan and China just because your foolish thoughts.


That's because China's manipulating EN over Taiwan continues to decline, so he is in a hurry to create more manipulating EN to make us hurt each other.


Our Taiwan is just not bad in the situation, so what Taiwan should we protect?

世界衛生組織秘書長 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus 、中國發言人 Wang Wenbin Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson 汪文斌 、美國眾議會議長 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 、 北美成交之王&亞洲之龍 Dan Lok 等等設我為頭號粉絲,曹興誠和陳時中,你們這些人身上的指揮中心害怕了是嗎?




Dears, it's easy to make all children to be happy and happy for their families, reverse global warming and save more living beings by taking the time to read my pinned articles and blog's articles since January this year, and within a year it will definitely start to reverse.

部落格更多重要內容(建議以桌機模式檢視) More important content on the blog (recommended in desktop mode):

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu

YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/PorscheWu0714

My message was simple, "Xi Jinping, stop all threats to Taiwan immediately."

If you can't hear it, I can help translate it.

00:02_(小聲quiet)習近平給我立刻 XiJingPing, GeiWoLiKe...

00:30_習近 XiJing
00:34_平 Ping
00:38-39_給我立刻 GeiWoLiKe

00:45-46_習近 the 
00:47_(大聲loud)平 Ping
00:48_(大聲loud)給我 GeiWo
00:49_(大聲loud)立刻 LiKe

I may be the first human being who has ever been able to perceive all ENs and their tendencies.

I may be the first human being who has ever been able to perceive all ENs and their tendencies. As you can see from 0:30, this is not something that can be predicted or like a spiritual body, but is based on an equal respect and the essence of true confrontation. It is also necessary to have a correct knowledge and understanding of life and things. This is also the biggest problem and dilemma that all religions have at present.

May the good night be shared with you.

I really tried my best to share the Great Inner Force to the world. For your health, I can only ask you to be more attentive. The skin will glow, and it seems that energy is flying. Have you ever thought about it?

I have launched the EN instruction to reverse all diseases on 2022-03-14. So now there are many phenomena all over the world that seem to be diseases or symptoms, but in fact may be the manifestation of the EN field reversal.

Hope to quickly get some diseases well and restore everyone's health!

1. 何謂「時空場域轉換」?
What is "space-time field conversion"?

Because time cooperates with space executing EN to scatter, there will be a phenomenon of swinging and pulling.

2. 我們存在的空間之基本概念為何?
What is the basic concept of space in which we exist?

Our space is basically imaged by two fisheyes, each of which is a multi-point focus. You can close your left eye and look straight ahead with your right eye. Then open the left eye gently and slowly, you can find the image of the right eye, it will be slightly pulled to the left, and then the image will be homogeneous quickly.

3. 目光生重力,這個觀念很重要。
Eyes generate gravity, this concept is very important.

Only then will you have a way of understanding the true meaning of the dual-slit experiment, and you will find it foolish to keep watching the cosmic EN scene. Because, you have been blurring the fields of the universe, causing them to lose their original elasticity and operation. The images of those stars are just to help you understand the universe, and you have to let them operate freely.

This principle is "with respect and treat them as equals".

The key to reverse disease and the human body field.


郭台銘 郭台銘先生,你可以趕快閱讀我置頂的內容,反覆閱讀。或派人研究我的內容。


2022年11月21日 星期一

「量子擦除實驗」並非因為「量子路徑」有差異,而是因「目光生重力」。惠更斯的光波性質,是基於「勻質的重力場域」。 The "quantum erasure experiment" is not because of the difference in the "quantum path", but because "eyes EN generates gravity". Huygens's light wave properties are based on a "homogeneous gravity field".

The "quantum erasure experiment" is not because of the difference in the "quantum path", but because "eyes EN generates gravity". Huygens's light wave properties are based on a "homogeneous gravity field".

中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 中央研究院 永續科學中心 Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica

量子擦除實驗[1] (Quantum eraser experiment),並非因為「量子路徑」有差異,這個理論很重要的根本是「目光意念生重力」,當然是可以以這個理論來描述。請科學家們再修正量子力學,很多未知就又解開了。

Quantum eraser experiment, not because of the difference in the "quantum path", but the very important foundation of this theory is "eyes EN generates gravity", of course, it can also be described by this theory. I would like to ask all scientists to revise quantum mechanics, and many unknowns will be revealed again.


The video can also be seen: (04:33)When you know the quantum path, there are no interference fringes; When the quantum path is not known, interference fringes are created.


Energy light is also a kind of EN light, and the eyes EN is also an EN light. The difference is that the EN of eyes can be very delicate.


Moreover, future ENs can be converged into pure space-time energy. But there is still a long way to go, let's work hard together!


According to 1-SYSTEM, the ratio of EN point between the energy light and the EN light is 1 : 1E^E^E... ^E (there are E-1 ^), could you understand how big the difference is?

This magnitude, like 200ml of water and a water molecule, similar to this concept.

[1] 維基Wiki 量子擦除實驗(Quantum eraser experiment) https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E9%87%8F%E5%AD%90%E6%93%A6%E9%99%A4%E5%AF%A6%E9%A9%97


The Quantum eraser experiment is an interferometer experiment in quantum mechanics that can be used to demonstrate basic theories such as quantum entanglement and quantum complementarity.

[2] E為10^8,為中文的「億(100 million)」。

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中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 國家太空中心 NSPO 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室


The current Zhongshan MRT station, can you clearly feel the difference between the texture of people and the environment? That is to say, just like "multi-point focusing", everyone can image clearly and freely even if you are a person who stops far away. This means that "space-time EN has its own gravity(self-respecting) and not going away"! To put it simply, "the fisheye effect is reduced, and the mass-energy-gravity is increased."


I think you can also observe from this moving LED light that the just illuminated light spots present a strong gravity EN idea (or light pressure). Therefore, linear light can be clearly captured. After that, it begins to swing rapidly and become homogeneous (the wave property of light proposed by Huygens), that is, we get the texture of homogeneous light. In fact, this homogeneous light is a homogeneous gravity field, according to the theory of "E.Q.Ph.D.[1]".

[1] 「質性相向」,為「本質→本性→相位→方向」。
"E.Q.Ph.D." means "Essence → Quality → Phase → Direction".


I also attach a few photos of me walking in Taipei for your appreciation, all taken by the mobile phone (OPPO phones produced in 2020).

Also share with 中央研究院 永續科學中心 Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica 國家科學及技術委員會 工業技術研究院 國研院國網中心 國研院台灣儀器科技研究中心 國研院 - 國家地震工程研究中心 經濟部 經濟部能源局 經濟部工業局 國發會 原能會 輻務小站 報天氣 - 中央氣象局 報地震 - 中央氣象局 NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program NASA's James Webb Space Telescope NASA Sun Science NASA Technology Transfer Program NASA's Kennedy Space Center NASA's Johnson Space Center NASA's Space Launch System NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover NASA's Hubble Space Telescope Federal Aviation Administration Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus World Health Organization (WHO) World Trade Organization - WTO Harvard University Princeton University University of Oxford 周立德 (如果可以,如果他們不想落後太多,請協助將科學有關內容傳達給遙測中心和我們的地球科學、大氣科學、物理和光電科系的教授群們,謝謝您) Nobel Prize PanSci 科學新聞網 科學最前線 台中科學自然博物館 天文科普知多少 天文探索頻道 Astro discovery Nature Discovery 國家地理雜誌 National Geographic Magazine National Geographic National Geographic Adventure HISTORY Animal Planet COP27