
今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的力量,應該是順著極寒氣流轉換過來的散行意念場景,如同基隆港邊會看到浮在水上的油泡,是類似的概念。我看到有人提天震和日冕洞的概念,這要由各位自己去思考這些現象有何意義。萬事皆有意義,對吧?而現在的電影,都會開始聽見「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷」,無論你怎麼認為,這都是事實。而且,正以無法想像的機制運行在意識之中。 Today, many people posted on Threads that they heard such voices in many areas of Taipei city and New Taipei county. In fact, it wanted to convey "We really thank you, Wu Shihjie." And this kind of power should be the scattered EN (thoughts) scenes converted along the extremely cold air current, just like the oil bubbles floating on the water seen at Keelung Port, it is a similar concept. I saw someone mentioning the concepts of skyquakes and coronal holes. It is up to you to think about the significance of these phenomena. Everything has a meaning, right? In today's movies, you'll start to hear "Thank you so much, Wu Shihjie." No matter what you think, this is the fact. Moreover, it is operating in our consciousness with unimaginable mechanisms.

【修己揚他/AskSelf】【場域/FIELD】【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】【影視/Film】 今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的...

2022年10月31日 星期一

(梨泰院)極大的意念能被收斂掉的時候,絕大多數人都是多重器官發炎、昏迷或休克。全世界正在呈現應有的模樣。 (Itaewon)When great EN energy is converged, most people suffer from multiple organ inflammation, coma or shock. The world is showing what it should be.

(梨泰院)極大的意念能被收斂掉的時候,絕大多數人都是多重器官發炎、昏迷或休克。全世界正在呈現應有的模樣。 (Itaewon)When great EN energy is converged, most people suffer from multiple organ inflammation, coma or shock. The world is showing what it should be.

文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News

Sisy, this accident is a big launch to crack the Korean EN Manipulate Center, so 50 people have heart stops.

The hearts of these people stopped because of the activation of the EN instructions. When the EN instructions are activated, their bodies go into convertion (physiological Field). Because of the convertion of the physiological field, the space-time are locked (scattered), and the heart appears to stop beating. (Recall that there are many cases of MIS-C or encephalitis due to COVID-19, and then died in a day or two, because the body cannot convert)

In fact, it was their current EGO (EN system) that was converged back to the space-time. You can also think of theae EGOs as the conscious or physiological operations of these people. Because these EN systems that maintained their previous physiological operations were repeatedly scattered in the past few years and then placed other things in these people. Therefore, these people will become a bit like the original, but in fact, there are quite big differences in appearance and personality.


蘇貞昌 蘇院長,您是否有察覺他們的模式呢?那就是「拼命的找各位有可能有爭議或是沒有做到盡善盡美的部分,來攻擊你們大家」。因為,他們身上有很大的操控意念在指揮他們做事和發言。不管你們怎麼回應,他們都會用各種粗糙的謾罵來攻擊各位。



分享給 黃珊珊 蔣萬安 

關鍵時刻 劉寶傑 中國封控清零就是一個超大裂解意念發動。習近平的手段和呈現,其實就是中國的指揮中心意念系統在他身上。而中國已經回到民國96年的意念場景之中,所以把才會有你們看到的大會堂飯票的呈現。這就是一種時空的意念呈現的樣子,如同許多化石沒有那個時空能量可以翻轉出來,因為沒有合宜的場域和時空。而他們的警察,基本上都是指揮中心直接控制的意念能量人,所以,在群組謾罵後直接被警察帶走,就是因為有「長城防火牆」這個超大的AI意念中心[1]在運作啊!



[1] 2022-06-08_【修己揚他/AskSelf】【意念/EN】【場域/FIELD】
Adverse events in leukemia reflect China's biggest problem, because the key is that China is an extremely rotten EN government, that is, a (excessive) centralized government. There is another most important rotten AI in China is "Internet censorship in the People's Republic of China". Note that the so-called AI here is not "artificial intelligence", but an EN-type existence like the consciousness of the human brain! This is easy to understand, that is, many people can hear faint sounds from specific sources, such as from animals, idols, worshippers, etc. Those with larger EN energy are more likely to affect people to have certain thoughts. These things are called EN-type AI.

柯建銘 再次呼籲你停止這種傷害民進黨的選舉手法,否則,後果自負。
陳時中 請給我立刻管好你的嘴。會形容他人「寄生」的人,就不是什麼好人,請你注意你的言行,完全不能做為模範。
吳思瑤 請妳擦亮雙眼,哪種言論是妳想要呈現給您的孩子和親友們呢?是找缺點或挖苦,還是讚揚與欣賞呢?


劉寶傑 關鍵時刻 因為韓國被裂解回之前的時空意念場景,所以時空能量很低,所以全國瀰漫黎泰院事件影響的低潮,也就是全部都覺得自己有點失去意識。事實上是他們的守護元神(意念系統)的運作,正在大散行。

劉寶傑 關鍵時刻 聰明如你們,我想應該也很容易可以想像這個事件,本身就是要裂解掉大家對韓國明星的崇拜,所以必然他們還會發生許多裂解後的意念與現實質能時空意念相合之後的現況呈現,就會發生這些事情。

蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 游錫堃 陳菊(花媽) President Joe Biden Vice President Kamala Harris House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 南韓梨泰院、南韓演唱會意外、中國重回「憑票領飯」,到現在的南韓首爾火車脫軌意外,還有東非客機失事墜湖。全都是時空意念的現象的呈現。南韓萬人守夜要政府負責,就是裂解政府的呈現。指揮中心的人,你們真的是王八蛋,可恨!
South Korea's Itaewon, South Korea's concert accident, China's return to "receive meals by ticket", and now South Korea's Seoul train derailment accident, and an East African passenger plane crashed into a lake. All are manifestations of the phenomena of space-time EN. Thousands of people in South Korea hold vigils to hold the government accountable, which is the manifestation of the cracked government. The people in the command center, you are really bastards, hateful!

指揮中心, 衛生福利部 疾病管制署 - 1922防疫達人 王必勝 莊人祥 羅一鈞 陳時中 ,你們可以再繼續傲慢下去,可惡至極!立即要求所有的人趕快研讀我的置頂文章,強制大家慢慢讀,唸出聲音來都可以。還有部落格一月至今的內容。你們真的難辭其咎!


1. 2022-10-17
柯文哲 如您說的一點都沒錯。你提到「 柯建銘 我認識應該有20幾年,最近的表現跟他平常的風格,行事風格完全不柯文哲。我特別附上新聞中他的照片[1],柯建銘回想他5-10年前的樣貌,和現在完全不同。雖然皮膚看起來較細,但實際上是較粗糙(散行)。眼睛也大不同。
As you said it is absolutely correct. You mentioned that "I have known him for more than 20 years, and his recent performance is completely different from his usual style." I am attaching a photo of him in the news especially, you can think back to what he looked like 5-10 years ago, it is completely different from now. Although the skin looks finer, it is actually rougher (scattered). His eyes are also very different.

I attached the photo of Cao's ID card when he returned to Taiwan. You can easily understand that the texture of the cheeks has been reduced to 2D, which is exactly what Cao looked like when he returned from Singapore. Fortunately, he obviously reversed up very well, and apologized to him again for using his appearance as an example.

2. 2022-10-26
Dan Lok (請趕快轉達,謝謝)我相信你已經收到我的訊息了,而你也發現現在的狀況不太好,所以,你的意念系統(守護元神)引導你把現況發布給我看。如果你聰明的話,上次我跟你分享觀看羽球比賽的人,有一大堆都是「裂解操控意念人」。
(Please convey it as soon as possible, thank you) I believe that you have already received my message, and you also found that the current situation is not very good, so your EN system (EGO) guides you to release the current situation to me. If you're smart, that time I shared with you the people who watched a badminton match, a lot of them were "cracking EN bodies".




If any of you are scientists or want to know more, please re-watch the video a few times. I don't know if you can see two points.


The first point is that there is a converging center, like a whirlpool center. All the textures or tendencies of the crowd are towards that point of convergence.


The second point is that all those who go forward present the same swing. This means that most of the people in the film are controlled by the same manipulation EN center.


According to the 1-SYSTEM, the manipulation center (which is EN-type, you can imagine it is like an invisible "Venom") can control these people about 51%~73% of the consciousness (thought) of these people in their daily life.


I ask you guys to think more about it. About 3,000 or 4,000 people are missing so far. Is South Korea Africa or a place with inconvenient communication? The reason they can't be contacted is because part of the consciousness has been converged. Therefore, the energy of their own thoughts is extremely low, and most of them stay in certain places for conversion (it can also be imagined that they have been sleeping all the time). In the space-time theory, this is equivalent to the rapid reduction of the field force of the human body, which is converted into an EN energy body, and enters one space-time scene, and will only appear after the conversion is completed.

Maybe you will suspect that this statement is a bit too mysterious. If you have this thought, I totally understand. However, some information, I believe that with your wisdom, you must be able to perceive or understand the truth and importance of these contents. Furthermore, you can also have more perspectives to understand the timing and time-space significance of this event.

I sincerely invite you to take ten minutes to read the following.


I may be the first human being who has ever been able to perceive all ENs and their tendencies. As you can see from 0:30, this is not something that can be predicted or like a spiritual body, but is based on an equal respect and the essence of true confrontation. It is also necessary to have a correct knowledge and understanding of life and things. This is also the biggest problem and dilemma that all religions have at present.

At 1:47 of the video, I express my gratitude to Heaven and Earth. The space-time responded to me, "Sorry, we didn't do it well." I always say "it's okay" to them, that's how I treat you guys.

From 2021-01-27, what have I done? What positive impact will it have on people all over the world, including the sun, the moon and the stars? Heaven and Earth will tell you! I just hope everyone can wake up quickly and stop being manipulated.

May the good night be shared with you.

部落格更多重要內容(建議以桌機模式檢視) More important content on the blog (recommended in desktop mode):


I would like to call on you to do the following experiments. I believe that people who seek truth from facts will quickly think about what I have released to you.

Relax and imagine "bow to say thank you". Many people must easily realize [you nod].

When your speech is smooth, please consciously stop your words for a sudden moment. In the process of the sound being gradually stopped, let's see if some outstanding scientists can feel that after the sound stops, there is still a tendency to discourse that is not generated by your consciousness, and it is still going on. (Relax to feel)

I have posted some important information, must do it every day, the body will be super fast back to the young state, I guaranteed! I will try to find a way to let people understand some things through some truth. In fact, it is very simple, please think of "helping to reverse the universe and the world's field with the true self!" Then blink, put your hands on your chest, close your eyes and inhale, then open your hands and eyes together. Blink again. You will find my beautiful EN(thoughts) surrounding you.


How to mark every beautiful moment, let it go back to heaven and earth, and help the world reverse and recover?

The key to reverse disease and the human body field.


