2023年4月15日 星期六

《姐姐的私廚 食べる女》不懂也沒關係,即使有無法理解之事,只要保有自我,其他事都是其次,都無所謂。 It doesn't matter if you don't understand, even if there are things you can't understand, as long as you keep yourself, other things are secondary, and it doesn't matter.

《姐姐的私廚 食べる女》不懂也沒關係,即使有無法理解之事,只要保有自我,其他事都是其次,都無所謂。
It doesn't matter if you don't understand, even if there are things you can't understand, as long as you keep yourself, other things are secondary, and it doesn't matter.

《姐姐的私廚 食べる女》

雖然介紹會看到這部電影的主題有關於吃和性,但我認為,實質上是透過各種視角來解讀如何擁抱生活。 故事講述了多位不同年齡、職業和個性的女性,她們在食物和愛情(其實就是指我們如何看待或體會生活)方面有著獨特的價值觀。
Although the introduction will see that the theme of this movie is about food and sex, but I think it is essentially a way to interpret how to embrace life through various perspectives. This is a story about women of different ages, professions and personalities who have unique values when it comes to taste and love (it's actually how we have or experience life).

==節錄 Excerpt

We are not who we were yesterday, just as the earth never stops spinning.

We also bravely move forward step by step every day.

No one knows what will happen in life, maybe you can see the light in the darkness ahead.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand, even if there are things you can't understand, as long as you keep yourself, other things are secondary, and it doesn't matter [1].

No matter when you are healthy, sick, satisfied, or lonely, please have a good meal, and your body and mind will be healed [2].

Then one day, you will finally meet the person in your heart [3].


[1-1] 2022-06-02_「氣功的重點不在於冥想,而是善念」非常正確且重要。「善念」是「善的循環」前半部「好的全留下,壞的都丟掉」的最重要之出發點;而後半部「反正死不了,心美最重要」,則關鍵在於「反求諸己」。我必須老實說,「反求諸己」是無法靠任何物理性的鍛鍊求得,無論是瑜珈或冥想等行為;靠得是每一個人存在時的「自抑揚他」。這幾天再把最重要的幾點分享給大家,不過就那五點。說起來十分容易,但我認為反覆實踐後,才能體會到最有趣的過程。只不過,最難得的是「入心成性」。
It is very correct and important of "the key to QiGong is not meditation, but good thoughts" mentioned in the article. "Good thoughts" is the most important starting point for the first half of "The Cycle of Goodness": "Keep all the good, not the bad."   In the other half, "As long as you don't die, beauty is the most important.", the key lies in "seeking yourself". I must honestly say that "seeking yourself" cannot be achieved by any physical exercise, whether through yoga or meditation. It depends on each person's repeated "self-inhibition and praise others" of their each existence. In the next few days, I will share the most important points, but just only five points. It's easy to say, but I think it's only after repeated practice that you can experience the most wonderful process. However, the most rare thing is "into the mind and personality".

[1-2] 2023-03-25_所有人都呈現幾種模式和趨向,我沒在預言,也沒在危言聳聽,只是知道所有人發生了什麼事。除了讓世界知道原因外,要協助所有人轉換,還要設法改善操控與裂解意念的走向。
Everyone presents several patterns and tendencies, I am not predicting, nor alarmist, I just know what happened to everyone [1]. In addition to letting the world know the reason, I also need to help everyone convert, and also try to improve the direction and tendencies of manipulating and cracking ENs.

It's okay to be ordinary, just respect others;
It's okay to be ignorant, to be interested in everything;
It's okay to be complicated, just leave life to ask yourself;
It’s okay to be confused, to be true to yourself.

Even if you are extraordinary, knowing, simple and wise, it's the same as usual, isn't it?

Living at ease is from living at usual.

[2] 2023-03-23_看看世界一流的企業家 加里·維納查克 Gary Vaynerchuk 是怎麼談論與分享一些經營和人生的方向與可實踐的方法吧!
Let's see how the world-class entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk talks about and shares some business and life directions and practical methods!

[3] 「修己揚他,反求諸己」,便是指向未來,與遇見自己的關鍵。
"Cultivate yourself and praise others, and ask yourself and seek yourself" is the key to pointing to the future and meeting yourself.

[3-1] 2022-07-01_謝謝伊本‧亞歷山大(Eben Alexander)醫師分享的親身經歷,文中再次論及了我所謂「意識」是多維度意念的疊合勻質而來。
I would like to thank Dr. Eben for sharing his personal experience. The article once again discusses that what I call "consciousness" is the superposition and homogeneity of multi-dimensional ENs.

[3-2] 2022-08-01_指向未來很簡單,唯有「修己揚他」與「反求諸己」。更重要的是科技與研究機構摒除學術地位之個人或國家利益,去介接更多優秀人才。
Pointing to the future is very simple, only "cultivate yourself and praise others" and "ask yourself and seek oneself". The more important is that technology and research institutions eliminate the personal or national interests of academic status, and connect with outstanding talents.


一、CATCHPLAY+ (正版影音 copyrighted version)



