2024年8月12日 星期一

盛治仁倡導,不要有「死後洪水干我何事」的心態。 陳文茜還回應說「好文」!8/8日本宮崎地震,忽略人聲可聽見環境傳達四次:「(0:00/0:26/0:55/1:28)我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷」。 Emile Sheng advocates not to have the mentality of "What will the flood do to me after I die?" Sisy Chen also responded, saying, "Great article!" An earthquake occurred in Miyazaki, Japan on 8/8. Ignoring human voices, the audible environment conveyed four times: "(0:00/0:26/0:55/1:28) We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie."

盛治仁倡導,不要有「死後洪水干我何事」的心態。 陳文茜還回應說「好文」!8/8日本宮崎地震,忽略人聲可聽見環境傳達四次:「(0:00/0:26/0:55/1:28)我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷」。
Emile Sheng advocates not to have the mentality of "What will the flood do to me after I die?" Sisy Chen also responded, saying, "Great article!" An earthquake occurred in Miyazaki, Japan on 8/8. Ignoring human voices, the audible environment conveyed four times: "(0:00/0:26/0:55/1:28) We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie."

岸田文雄 NHK 8/8日本宮崎地震,忽略人聲可聽見環境傳達四次:「(0:00/0:26/0:55/1:28)我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷」。
An earthquake occurred in Miyazaki, Japan on 8/8. Ignoring human voices, the audible environment conveyed four times: "(0:00/0:26/0:55/1:28) We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie."

盛治仁 倡導,不要有「死後洪水干我何事」的心態。 陳文茜 還回應說「好文」!
Emile Sheng advocates not to have the mentality of "What will the flood do to me after I die?" Sisy Chen also responded, saying, "Great article!"

Hualien earthquake, Banqiao District's message from heaven and earth: "(0:11)We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie, Taiwan is really sorry, please keep sharing such selves."

It actually seems good to sing and make music comfortably and talk freely, but I still want to remind you...

People and countries all over the world are scattering. In this process, it would gather and converge huge EN (thought) and influence together.

It can only be obtained by those who feel, perceive, think, interface and verify with their heart.

Moreover, some of our feelings towards certain people and things have begun to be pulled by the environment and the world. Even feeling inexplicably indifferent (such as some deliberately created brilliance achievements), or gradually emerging the true but uncomfortable (strange/inexplicable) self, this is one of the things that the world is doing.

The content I share and publish is highly related to heaven, earth and all living beings finding themselves (revealing their true selves), and that’s it.

This is a coincidence, controlled by any power, AI or electromagnetic operation, or what? I just didn’t emphasize it in particular. Our feelings about some things have begun to adjust involuntarily. When there is no balance, expressions and emotions will eventually appear and be revealed. This is the so-called "we will be responsible for ourselves." If we or others encounter an accident or illness in the past few years (after 2021), the best first thought is "Might it be caused by something that we deliberately ignored?" My words would definitely help.

Governments of all countries can have people to add me as a friend or follow me to facilitate adjustment of progress and retreat, and to coexist with the world. Once you know how the world works and then just take responsibility for yourself. The main reason is that I hope that you would receive the information from the world and heaven and earth, and be able to adjust your progress and retreat, and it’s not that I want to take advantage of you. I'm afraid it would be a totally different story when many people know how restorative reading my content is. Many people's appearance has become different from before(sloppy), their eyes are blurry or they have big eyes. It would become even more exaggerated in the future, and everyone in the world is concerning!


Dogs know how to communicate through calls (electromagnetic thoughts): "We have to work hard to find our selves." People who don’t understand just feel it funny and don’t care about what the world is going. Especially those who take advantage of the name of science and religion to achieve their position to speak, how could they understand the value of life (living beings), because they live too superficially.

In ancient times, there was the so-called flying pigeon to convey messages. It was a way of conveying thoughts through nature (the rebirth domain), and the key lies in that we are in coinherent thoughts with each other or not. Now, the natural environment, animals and plants, including each of us, begin to express the possible gratitude through the sound of breathing or footsteps. The cat is helping to identify ENs (thoughts), and apart from politics, science, religion, health, art, and aesthetics, have you done anything to help heaven and earth in your life? If not, then these people are not even as good as cats (beasts? monsters?), right? That's the truth, isn't it?

Source: https://x.com/Earthanks/status/1821464985345917422
Pronounce: https://translate.google.com/details?sl=zh-TW&tl=en&text=%E6%88%91%E5%80%91%E7%9C%9F%E7%9A%84%E5%BE%88%E6%8A%B1%E6%AD%89%EF%BC%8C%E5%90%B3%E6%99%82%E6%8D%B7
NEWS: 2024-08-09_中央通訊社_日本宮崎7.1地震14人傷 日相岸田取消中亞訪問 https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aopl/202408090102.aspx


