2024年8月12日 星期一

陝西暴雨,環境淒厲地吶喊「我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷」,有誰在意呢?恕我直言,不少人事不關己;然而,也一些人分享影音的質感,一看便知是否有心。就讓我們一起欣賞下去吧! There are heavy rains in Shaanxi and the environment screams "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie". Who cares? With all due respect, many people know these facts and pretend it's nothing to do with them; however, I have also seen some sharings, and I can tell at a glance depends on their videos whether they care about it or not. Let's contunue to appriciate it together!

Wang Wenbin Chinese Ambassador to the Kingdom of Cambodia 汪文斌 中华人民共和国外交部发言人办公室 中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署 陝西暴雨,環境淒厲地吶喊「我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷」,有誰在意呢?恕我直言,不少人事不關己;然而,也一些人分享影音的質感,一看便知是否有心。就讓我們一起欣賞下去吧!
There are heavy rains in Shaanxi and the environment screams "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie". Who cares? With all due respect, many people know these facts and pretend it's nothing to do with them; however, I have also seen some sharings, and I can tell at a glance depends on their videos whether they care about it or not. Let's contunue to appriciate it together!

This is a coincidence, controlled by any power, AI or electromagnetic operation, or what? I just didn’t emphasize it in particular. Our feelings about some things have begun to adjust involuntarily. When there is no balance, expressions and emotions will eventually appear and be revealed. This is the so-called "we will be responsible for ourselves." If we or others encounter an accident or illness in the past few years (after 2021), the best first thought is "Might it be caused by something that we deliberately ignored?" My words would definitely help.

I just didn't go any further and said what the impact might be on children's development and how would they think of us?

Can we ourselves begin to understand that children's actions and thoughts are pulled by many forces? And I have begun to further understand for everyone since 2021/2. Do some people still have to pretend to be ignorant and let their children lose the opportunity to perceive and understand the world? Would they thank us or have any other feelings about us?

I believe that each of us can answer it, but we just can’t answer it for ourselves. This is the biggest contradiction!

For those who want to perceive the connotation of "restraining oneself and cultivating oneself, appreciating and praising others" through my ENs (thoughts), in fact, starting from the content I shared in 2021, that person (even a company or a country) would "inevitably" grow stronger.

I'm afraid it would be a totally different story when many people know how restorative reading my content is.

Let me remind you a little more, if we continue not to read, like, share, concern, and think, it would eventually be revealed in ourselves, that’s all.

What I said is true. If heaven and earth are not operating as the reality manifest, what I am saying would not be so conclusive. This is the key point to know.

What China, Taiwan, and other governments around the world need to think about is why we don’t have the power to act and think freely about the causes of these phenomena. It is precisely because we are often unable to face the facts, so we say we don’t know what we know, and we pretend not to hear something when we seem to have heard it. I believe that many people know it in their hearts, but they just can’t say it (to themselves) because they vaguely know what kind of person they are (for example, based on the facts, it would cause their power or glory to be compromised, because they have already they have been pretending not to know for a while).

An earthquake occurred in Miyazaki, Japan on 8/8. Ignoring human voices, the audible environment conveyed four times: "(0:00/0:26/0:55/1:28) We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie."

盛治仁 倡導,不要有「死後洪水干我何事」的心態。 陳文茜 還回應說「好文」!
Emile Sheng advocates not to have the mentality of "What will the flood do to me after I die?" Sisy Chen also responded, saying, "Great article!"

Finally, What I want to ask is, are there any people who consciously agree with this mentality and still see action (words and deeds)?

Source: https://x.com/Earthanks/status/1821772804469272915
Pronounce: https://translate.google.com/?sl=zh-TW&tl=en&text=%E6%88%91%E5%80%91%E7%9C%9F%E7%9A%84%E5%BE%88%E6%8A%B1%E6%AD%89%EF%BC%8C%E5%90%B3%E6%99%82%E6%8D%B7
NEWS: 2024-08-09_中時新聞網_8月8日20時至8月9日淩晨5時,志丹縣遭遇了區域性大暴雨和局地特大暴雨,全縣平均降雨量達到124.8公釐,最大降雨量突破歷史極值,達到179.1公釐。

Also share with 賴清德 Bi-khim Hsiao 卓榮泰 鄭麗君 林佳龍 潘孟安 陳世凱 國防部發言人 總統府發言人 柯文哲 朱立倫 王婉諭 趙少康 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 關鍵時刻 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 94要客訴 突發琪想 57爆新聞 新聞龍捲風 新聞深喉嚨 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 新台派上線 年代向錢看 FACENEWS/新聞面對面 TVBS T觀點 董事長開講 新聞大白話 關我什麼事 TVBS 國民大會 新聞大破解 新聞大小事 大新聞大爆卦 政知局 公民審議-立委監督專區 一刀未剪 正常發揮


