2024年8月30日 星期五

(Share to 程天縱,曾任中國惠普總裁、德州儀器亞太總裁、富士康集團副總裁)「管理」和「領導」,最大的差異,在於「管理」以方法治理,而「領導」在於引路自動。任何造成國家、企業、個人氣質或氛圍★持續轉變★的人(力量),即為「領導」。 (Share to Terry Cheng, former President of Hewlett-Packard China, President of Texas Instruments Asia Pacific, and Vice President of Foxconn Group) The biggest difference between "management" and "leadership" is that "management" uses methods to govern while "leadership" is about guiding the direction and supporting others to move forward by their own selves. Anyone (any force) who causes ★sustained change★ in a country, company, personal temperament or atmosphere is a "leader".

(Share to 程天縱,曾任中國惠普總裁、德州儀器亞太總裁、富士康集團副總裁)「管理」和「領導」,最大的差異,在於「管理」以方法治理,而「領導」在於引路自動。任何造成國家、企業、個人氣質或氛圍★持續轉變★的人(力量),即為「領導」。
(Share to Terry Cheng, former President of Hewlett-Packard China, President of Texas Instruments Asia Pacific, and Vice President of Foxconn Group) The biggest difference between "management" and "leadership" is that "management" uses methods to govern while "leadership" is about guiding the direction and supporting others to move forward by their own selves. Anyone (any force) who causes ★sustained change★ in a country, company, personal temperament or atmosphere is a "leader".

程天縱 是的,十分認同。像是代為簽名、流於口頭允諾與兌現等現象,看似只是做了一些協助或幫忙的事,實則容易遮掩平常的疏漏之處,讓公司與管理階層常常誤以為企業狀況合於公司規範與期待。
Yes, totally agree. Phenomenons such as signing on behalf of others and making verbal promises and fulfillments may seem like they are just doing something to assist or help, but in fact, it is easy to cover up ordinary omissions, making the company and management often mistakenly believe that the company's status is in compliance with company standards, regulations and expectations.

When the development or layout is based on the existing system, these covered details would become unsatisfactory, whether in the system or in people's hearts.

As time goes by, colleagues in the enterprise or in the labor-management relationship would understand to some extent what is going on. Over time, it would become an internal injury that is difficult to detect and repair.


I personally think that "management" and "leadership" can be thought of from the original meaning of the word.

1. Management: Management is the convergence of "restraint"; management is the "method context".
2. Leadership: Leading means "carrying"; guiding means "pulling oneself (moving) by their own selves".

The biggest difference between "management" and "leadership" is that "management" uses methods to govern while "leadership" is about guiding the direction and supporting others to move forward by their own selves.

 Anyone (any force) who causes ★sustained change★ in a country, company, personal temperament or atmosphere is a "leader".

當然,我無法否認的是,宗教也算是一種, 而重點在於怎麼領導而已。
Of course, I cannot deny that religion is also a kind of leadership, and the focus is on how to lead.

For me, "finding yourself" is the first step; "how to lead (pull) yourself" is now the primary issue for all countries and people around the world.


After reading it, Terry Cheng responded to my sharing: "You are experienced."

Now, all living beings in the world are gathering this EN (thought), which is to "find/know yourself/your selves".

其實,我分享給 于美人 、 陳文茜 和 龍應台 的內容,對於理解這件事情都有助益!
In fact, the content I shared with them was helpful in understanding this matter!



