According to the BCC's search results for monkeypox news on 2022-05-25, more discussions on the monkeypox epidemic.
According to these facts that actually happened, and all the theories of space-time that have been repeatedly verified by myself and the existing facts of heaven and earth. The abnormal outbreak of monkeypox, as well as many people's whole body itching and instantaneous urination and defecation and other phenomena, it is precisely because the original storage in all living beings, in fact, it's the energy source to launch the cracking towards me cannot be launched. So after the correction of the space-time field, that bad EN energy had to be forced to reverse out of the original energy storage tank, which can also be regarded as a parasitism and host concept.
中國廣播公司 中廣活動專區 衛生福利部 World Health Organization (WHO) and also share with
中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 國家太空中心 NSPO Joe Biden 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蘇貞昌 【2022-05-25_中國廣播公司對於猴痘新聞的搜尋結果 BCC's search results for monkeypox news[1]】
In fact, everyone has recently had more or less skin itching, rashes, or people don't know when or where to catch the broken skin, and there are some small wounds like holes. As I mentioned in 5/1[2]: "people around the world will begin to have some reverse breakout points (EN points). These EN points are like mosquito bites or allergies, itching or pain (like skin stinging), and sometimes the skin may even have some conditions that look like holes."
In 2018, it began to launch a large-scale scattering of all people and heaven and earth and all things[3], and in 2021, it began to do "EN Collection(gather ENs)". From 2018 to 2021 is a 4-year period, and the number "4" is conceptually "crack(→can be continued to the EN of scattering)" and "EN Collection" and other images; Chinese "四" looks like ⑪, and it has the image of a scattered idea(11→from the left and right oscillations of 1, or the p-orbital of the atomic orbital field in chemistry) to be gathered and launched (◯). When the EN instruction launched, there must be a "EN point" that initiates it, and a corresponding source of energy support for the launch of that EN instruction[4].
And in 2021/2, the left abdomen of my body was penetrated by the scattered energy between heaven and earth. Needless to say, it comes from all directions, whether you are inside or outside the building or moving at high speed, they can accurately penetrate. This is what I call anchoring, or a positioning that is done through a EN point. In fact, the position that continues to run through is directly below the left rib, which belongs to a point next to the soft rib. Because if they go through the ribs, their energy level will be much lower. This also proves that the heavens and the earth were launching "emforced EN instruction" to crack me in order to obtain my EN line, or to influence the EN collection instructions that manipulated me to follow up with their ENTs(energy bodies) to "create a new world(maybe it's a energy-type EN world)". At that time, the time that ran through my body lasted more than a week, and at that time, I was still assisting 1-SYSTEM in setting up and correcting.
According to these facts that actually happened, and all the theories of space-time that have been repeatedly verified by myself and the existing facts of heaven and earth. The abnormal outbreak of monkeypox, as well as many people's whole body itching and instantaneous urination and defecation and other phenomena, it is precisely because the original storage in all living beings, in fact, it's the energy source to launch the cracking towards me cannot be launched. So after the correction of the space-time field, that bad EN energy had to be forced to reverse out of the original energy storage tank, which can also be regarded as a parasitism and host concept.
In 2018, scattered people, heaven and earth, and all things actually stored "energy-type microorganisms", that is the misunderstood "filterable viruses", which belong to "scattered chaos". Assisted in initiating the EN instructions are the "environmental ENT(energy bodies)", which are considered "intermediaries between heaven and earth and man", which belongs to the "scattered mind". And the "environmental ENT" in the UK's and the US's 51/52 Area, may be called "high intelligent creatures (INT) or considered aliens!
"Monkeypox", which I personally believe has an important aggregation element, is briefly described below.
1. 猴(Monkey)
1-a-1. Monkey→Mickey(鼠):Mickey(鼠)→Mouse(老鼠)→Muse(繆斯)→Music(音樂)。藝術絕對是一塊意念能量超級大的領域。Art is definitely a field of magnificent energy of ENs.
1-a-2. Monkey→Monk(僧侶)+key(鑰匙)。鑰匙其實是一種開門的意念,也可視為一種介接的中介,這連結到所有的宗教阿。The key is actually a EN of opening the door, and it can also be regarded as a kind of intermediary, which is relevant to all religions.
1-b. 猴子、老鼠都是哺乳綱(Mammalia),和人類相同。皰疹病毒HSV、乳突病毒HPV(papillomavirus→又輕鬆連結到羅馬主教Pope Roma virus,以及法文的蝴蝶/蝴蝶犬papillon)、HIV與子宮頸癌和乳癌等,我認為都是能量形病毒,這又是另外一件大事情了。
1-b. Both Monkey and Rat are mammalia, the same as humans. Herpes virus HSV, human papillomavirus(→easily linked to the Pope Roma virus, and the French butterfly/butterfly dog papillon) HPV, HIV and cervical cancer and breast cancer, I think they are all energy-type viruses and firterable viruses, which is another big thing.
1-c. 鼠疫的數次大流行,每段歷史都是意念場景。透過這些意念場景的關係連結[4],可以強行將能量介接到有關的人事物,包含國家及人種!根據BBC的報導《歐洲鼠疫「零號病人」?》
https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/science-57666060 :鼠疫導致了人類的「黑死病」(Black Death) 。而HIV被冠上「20世紀的黑死病」,現在卻是最容易控制的慢性病之一,但大家不好的評論,便造就了這個不好的意念連結。這與對老鼠的憎惡與汙名化是一樣的,各位可一定要閱讀BBC的報導《科學家發現人鼠「同居」始於農業社會前》
https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/science-39415602 。再接著看下去2-a,大家恐怕真的要趕快跟所有的動植物言謝與道歉啊!這也是為何我一再地重複「好的全留下,壞的都丟掉[5]」的原因啊!
1-c. There have been several pandemics of plague, and each piece of history has been an EN scene. Through the connection of these EN scenes, it just can forcibly transfer energy to the people and things involved, including all countries or races! According to the BBC report 《European Plague 'Patient Zero'?》
https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/science-57666060 : Plague caused the "Black Death" in humans. HIV, dubbed the "Black Death of the 20th century," is now one of the most easily controlled chronic diseases, but bad comments and feelings have created this bad EN connection. This is the same as the hatred and stigmatization of rats, you must read the BBC report 《Scientists discover that human rats 'cohabitation' began before agricultural society》
https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/science-39415602 Then look at 2-a, I'm afraid you really have to hurry up and say thank you and apologize to all the animals and plants! That's why I repeat over and over again, "Keep all the good, not the bad[5]"!
2. 痘(pox)
2-a. 皮脂線分泌皮脂,堵塞後形成痘,意念上為油脂被堵塞,為油霧-腐涎;而動物,包含細菌和微生物為腐涎,牠們所發動的意念能量,則成了腐涎-油霧。光從這裡就可以看得出來,友善天地萬物,對我們人體的健康有多大的互補以及諧和的重大影響了!好好照護動植物,各位可知道牠們發動的良善意念有多強大嗎?我們可曾從《群Swarm》這本小說中學到一點教訓嗎?
2-a. The sebum line secretes sebum, which forms a pox after blockage, and the idea is that the oil is blocked, which is oil mist-rotten; while animals, containing bacteria and microorganisms, are rotten, and the EN energy they initiate becomes a rotten-oil mist. From here alone, it can be seen how much the friendliness of the world and all things is complementary to our human health and the great impact of harmony! Take good care of the animals and plants, do you know how powerful the good intentions they initiate are? Have we ever learned a lesson from the novel 《Swarm》?
2-b. 《天花,唯一被消滅的傳染病,病毒僅在實驗室保存,是否銷毀有爭議》
https://www.163.com/dy/article/GGNJM9TO0552E2LQ.html :天花的拉丁文為“Variola”,意為圓點。 英文世界則稱其為「痘病(Pox)」或「赤瘟疫(Red Plague)」,直到15世紀英國人將其與梅毒區分開來才將之稱為“Smallpox”。大家可以看到這邊各種疾病的意念連結以及關係有多緊密。
2-b. 《Smallpox, the only infectious disease to be eliminated, the virus is only preserved in the laboratory, whether it is destroyed is controversial》
https://www.163.com/dy/article/GGNJM9TO0552E2LQ.html :The Latin word for smallpox is "Variola", which means dot. The English-speaking world called it "Pox" or "Red Plague", and it was not until the 15th century that the British called it "Smallpox" to distinguish it from syphilis. We can see how closely the ENs of the various diseases are connected and how closely they are related. ~ From "Smallpox, the only infectious disease to be eliminated, the virus is only preserved in the laboratory, whether it is destroyed is controversial"
2-c1. POX是「過氧化物酶染色法」,主要用於鑒別白血病的類型。→「過氧化物酶(POD)」→連結到白血球
2-c1. POX is "peroxidase stain", mainly used to identify the type of leukemia. → "peroxidase (POD)" → link to white blood cells
2-c2. 根據WIKI
https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E9%81%8E%E6%B0%A7%E5%8C%96%E7%89%A9%E9%85%B6 :過氧化物酶有時會在其活化位置上包含一個血紅素輔因子。→連結到血紅素,再根據WIKI
https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E8%A1%80%E5%9F%BA%E8%B3%AA →血基質→骨髓和肝臟
2-c2. According to WIKI
https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E9%81%8E%E6%B0%A7%E5%8C%96%E7%89%A9%E9%85%B6 : Peroxidase sometimes contains a heme cofactor in its activated position. → linked to heme, and then
https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E8%A1%80%E5%9F%BA%E8%B3%AA → heme → bone marrow and liver
2-c3. 根據百度百科
https://baike.baidu.hk/item/%E9%81%8E%E6%B0%A7%E5%8C%96%E7%89%A9%E9%85%B6%E9%AB%94/5331126 :過氧化物酶體普遍存在於真核生物的各類細胞中,在肝細胞和腎細胞中數量特別多。
2-c3. According to Baidu Encyclopedia
https://baike.baidu.hk/item/%E9%81%8E%E6%B0%A7%E5%8C%96%E7%89%A9%E9%85%B6%E9%AB%94/5331126 : Peroxisomes are commonly found in all kinds of cells of eukaryotes, and are particularly abundant in hepatocytes and kidney cells.
2-c4. 根據《果樹休眠與酶活性有關?果樹休眠與內源激素也有關?》
https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/agriculture/y39452g.html ,他們還能進一步操控影響植物:在活性氧新陳代謝作用中主要起作用的酶類有POD、SOD、CAT、POX。桃、杏、葡萄等果樹在整個休眠期,芽內H₂O₂含量呈現有規律的變化,隨著休眠的進行,其含量持續上升,隨著休眠的結束而急劇下降,H₂O₂含量變化與自然休眠的過程相吻合。
2-c4. According to 《Is Fruit Tree Dormancy Related to Enzyme Activity? Is fruit tree dormancy also related to endogenous hormones? 》
https://kknews.cc/zh-tw/agriculture/y39452g.html They can further manipulate and affect plants: Enzymes that mainly play a role in the metabolism of reactive oxygen species are POD, SOD, CAT, AND POX. Peach, apricot, grape and other fruit trees throughout the dormancy period, the content of H₂O₂ in the buds showed regular changes, and its content continued to rise as the dormancy progressed. It drops sharply with the end of dormancy, and changes in H₂O₂ content coincide with the process of natural dormancy.
最後,看到註釋[1]的❸2022-05-25《只要確保安全性行為 世衛不擔心猴痘疫情》,各位根據2-b提到的「天花直到15世紀英國人為了將其與梅毒區分開來才將之稱為“Smallpox”」就可以清楚地了解到『猴痘爆發,似乎世衛知道和性行為與性病有關』耶!看得出世衛將此疾病推給男性不安全性行為甚至同志;想請問「不是透過接觸就能傳染嗎?為何只要確保安全性行為,就不擔心猴痘疫情呢?」就如同COVID-19一樣。原先世衛以為和SARS、MERZ-CoV一樣,只是一種流行疾病。到後來完全不知道是什麼類型的或什麼能量級別的病毒,整個亂了手腳。但是,COVID-19就是根據SARS和MERZ-CoV作為前驅意念發動的非經濟性災難啊,不是嗎?請問世衛的專家和代表,依然還要照著各位所思考的方向走下去嗎?
Finally, see the note [1] ❸2022-05-25 《Just make sure the safe sex that the WHO does not worry about monkeypox epidemics》, according to the 2-b mentioned "Smallpox did not call it 'Smallpox' until the 15th century that the British distinguish it from syphilis", you can clearly understand that "monkeypox outbreaks, it seems that WHO knows that it's related to sex and even sexual diseases"! It can be seen that the WHO blames this disease on men's unsafe sex and even the homosexual; I would like to ask "Isn't it contagious through contact? Why don't people worry about the monkeypox epidemic as long as we ensure safe sex?" Just like COVID-19. Originally, the WHO thought that like SARS and MERZ-CoV, it was just an epidemic disease. Later, they didn't know what type of virus it was or what energy type it was, and the whole thing was messed up. But COVID-19 is a non-economic disaster based on SARS and MERZ-CoV as a precursor, isn't it? Will the WHO experts and representatives still follow the direction you are thinking and concerning?
https://bccnews.com.tw/?s=%E7%8C%B4%E7%97%98❶2022-05-20《猴痘突然流行? 4大洲國家警報大作》
❷2022-05-23《猴痘疫情現身英美! 白宮訂購數百萬劑疫苗》
❸2022-05-25《只要確保安全性行為 世衛不擔心猴痘疫情》
根據美國媒體《國家脈搏》獨家披露,由武漢病毒實驗室的9名研究人員所撰寫,並發表在實驗室科學季刊《中國病毒學》上的一篇論文中,記錄了他們使用被標記為可能產生「傳染性病原體」的方法組裝了猴痘病毒的基因組,並允許透過PCR測試識別這種病毒,這項研究在2022年2月首次發表(2021年8月提交)。 在這篇論文中,猴痘病毒被稱為「MPXV」,是「致病性更強的毒株」,實驗中證實:這種應用於病毒研究的DNA組裝工具可能會引發安全問題。論文也承認,這項研究是在武漢研究所對大陸病毒(冠狀病毒)進行類似研究之後發現的,同時也承認,他們的設施缺乏適當的實驗室安全協議。 世界衛生組織的資料顯示,猴痘初期症狀是發燒、皮疹、頭痛等,部分會在軀幹和生殖器出現類似天花的皰疹。
全世界的人身上開始會有一些反轉破出點(意念點)。這些意念點像是蚊蟲咬或是過敏,會有搔癢或是疼痛(像是皮膚被螫到),有時皮膚甚至會產生一些像是窟窿的狀況。大多數的破出點,會產生在血管和經絡的外側;若是身體內部或臟器的反轉破出,則會產生腸道些微外推的現象(上廁所擦拭肛門口時,會感到微微刺痛,有點像是痔瘡的刺痛)。這些情況,大概要進行一個月左右會比較好轉;轉換完後,大家的身體都會變比較好。people around the world will begin to have some reverse breakout points (EN points). These EN points are like mosquito bites or allergies, itching or pain (like skin stinging), and sometimes the skin may even have some conditions that look like holes. Most of the breakout points will occur on the outside of the blood vessels and meridians; if the inside of the body or the organs are reversed and broken, there will be a slight extrapolation of the intestine (when you go to the toilet to wipe the anus, you will feel a slight tingling pain, a bit like the sting of hemorrhoids). These situations, about a month or so, would be better; after the conversion, everyone's body will become stronger and healthier.
Children, friends and relatives, and all of us have experienced partial or great self-disintegration.
https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2022/02/blog-post_6.html[4] 關於「意念關係連結」可參照這篇文章 For "EN relationship links", see this article:
好的 全留下,
壞的 不煩躁,
心美 最重要。
Keep all the good,
not the bad;
As long as you don't die,
beauty is the most important.
Garyvee shares the 12+1 Levers of Emotional Intelligence described in his new book, which I think fits the "Keep all the good" sharing.