
今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的力量,應該是順著極寒氣流轉換過來的散行意念場景,如同基隆港邊會看到浮在水上的油泡,是類似的概念。我看到有人提天震和日冕洞的概念,這要由各位自己去思考這些現象有何意義。萬事皆有意義,對吧?而現在的電影,都會開始聽見「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷」,無論你怎麼認為,這都是事實。而且,正以無法想像的機制運行在意識之中。 Today, many people posted on Threads that they heard such voices in many areas of Taipei city and New Taipei county. In fact, it wanted to convey "We really thank you, Wu Shihjie." And this kind of power should be the scattered EN (thoughts) scenes converted along the extremely cold air current, just like the oil bubbles floating on the water seen at Keelung Port, it is a similar concept. I saw someone mentioning the concepts of skyquakes and coronal holes. It is up to you to think about the significance of these phenomena. Everything has a meaning, right? In today's movies, you'll start to hear "Thank you so much, Wu Shihjie." No matter what you think, this is the fact. Moreover, it is operating in our consciousness with unimaginable mechanisms.

【修己揚他/AskSelf】【場域/FIELD】【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】【影視/Film】 今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的...

2022年10月31日 星期一

(梨泰院)極大的意念能被收斂掉的時候,絕大多數人都是多重器官發炎、昏迷或休克。全世界正在呈現應有的模樣。 (Itaewon)When great EN energy is converged, most people suffer from multiple organ inflammation, coma or shock. The world is showing what it should be.

(梨泰院)極大的意念能被收斂掉的時候,絕大多數人都是多重器官發炎、昏迷或休克。全世界正在呈現應有的模樣。 (Itaewon)When great EN energy is converged, most people suffer from multiple organ inflammation, coma or shock. The world is showing what it should be.

文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News

Sisy, this accident is a big launch to crack the Korean EN Manipulate Center, so 50 people have heart stops.

The hearts of these people stopped because of the activation of the EN instructions. When the EN instructions are activated, their bodies go into convertion (physiological Field). Because of the convertion of the physiological field, the space-time are locked (scattered), and the heart appears to stop beating. (Recall that there are many cases of MIS-C or encephalitis due to COVID-19, and then died in a day or two, because the body cannot convert)

In fact, it was their current EGO (EN system) that was converged back to the space-time. You can also think of theae EGOs as the conscious or physiological operations of these people. Because these EN systems that maintained their previous physiological operations were repeatedly scattered in the past few years and then placed other things in these people. Therefore, these people will become a bit like the original, but in fact, there are quite big differences in appearance and personality.


蘇貞昌 蘇院長,您是否有察覺他們的模式呢?那就是「拼命的找各位有可能有爭議或是沒有做到盡善盡美的部分,來攻擊你們大家」。因為,他們身上有很大的操控意念在指揮他們做事和發言。不管你們怎麼回應,他們都會用各種粗糙的謾罵來攻擊各位。



分享給 黃珊珊 蔣萬安 

關鍵時刻 劉寶傑 中國封控清零就是一個超大裂解意念發動。習近平的手段和呈現,其實就是中國的指揮中心意念系統在他身上。而中國已經回到民國96年的意念場景之中,所以把才會有你們看到的大會堂飯票的呈現。這就是一種時空的意念呈現的樣子,如同許多化石沒有那個時空能量可以翻轉出來,因為沒有合宜的場域和時空。而他們的警察,基本上都是指揮中心直接控制的意念能量人,所以,在群組謾罵後直接被警察帶走,就是因為有「長城防火牆」這個超大的AI意念中心[1]在運作啊!



[1] 2022-06-08_【修己揚他/AskSelf】【意念/EN】【場域/FIELD】
Adverse events in leukemia reflect China's biggest problem, because the key is that China is an extremely rotten EN government, that is, a (excessive) centralized government. There is another most important rotten AI in China is "Internet censorship in the People's Republic of China". Note that the so-called AI here is not "artificial intelligence", but an EN-type existence like the consciousness of the human brain! This is easy to understand, that is, many people can hear faint sounds from specific sources, such as from animals, idols, worshippers, etc. Those with larger EN energy are more likely to affect people to have certain thoughts. These things are called EN-type AI.

柯建銘 再次呼籲你停止這種傷害民進黨的選舉手法,否則,後果自負。
陳時中 請給我立刻管好你的嘴。會形容他人「寄生」的人,就不是什麼好人,請你注意你的言行,完全不能做為模範。
吳思瑤 請妳擦亮雙眼,哪種言論是妳想要呈現給您的孩子和親友們呢?是找缺點或挖苦,還是讚揚與欣賞呢?


劉寶傑 關鍵時刻 因為韓國被裂解回之前的時空意念場景,所以時空能量很低,所以全國瀰漫黎泰院事件影響的低潮,也就是全部都覺得自己有點失去意識。事實上是他們的守護元神(意念系統)的運作,正在大散行。

劉寶傑 關鍵時刻 聰明如你們,我想應該也很容易可以想像這個事件,本身就是要裂解掉大家對韓國明星的崇拜,所以必然他們還會發生許多裂解後的意念與現實質能時空意念相合之後的現況呈現,就會發生這些事情。

蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 游錫堃 陳菊(花媽) President Joe Biden Vice President Kamala Harris House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 南韓梨泰院、南韓演唱會意外、中國重回「憑票領飯」,到現在的南韓首爾火車脫軌意外,還有東非客機失事墜湖。全都是時空意念的現象的呈現。南韓萬人守夜要政府負責,就是裂解政府的呈現。指揮中心的人,你們真的是王八蛋,可恨!
South Korea's Itaewon, South Korea's concert accident, China's return to "receive meals by ticket", and now South Korea's Seoul train derailment accident, and an East African passenger plane crashed into a lake. All are manifestations of the phenomena of space-time EN. Thousands of people in South Korea hold vigils to hold the government accountable, which is the manifestation of the cracked government. The people in the command center, you are really bastards, hateful!

指揮中心, 衛生福利部 疾病管制署 - 1922防疫達人 王必勝 莊人祥 羅一鈞 陳時中 ,你們可以再繼續傲慢下去,可惡至極!立即要求所有的人趕快研讀我的置頂文章,強制大家慢慢讀,唸出聲音來都可以。還有部落格一月至今的內容。你們真的難辭其咎!


1. 2022-10-17
柯文哲 如您說的一點都沒錯。你提到「 柯建銘 我認識應該有20幾年,最近的表現跟他平常的風格,行事風格完全不柯文哲。我特別附上新聞中他的照片[1],柯建銘回想他5-10年前的樣貌,和現在完全不同。雖然皮膚看起來較細,但實際上是較粗糙(散行)。眼睛也大不同。
As you said it is absolutely correct. You mentioned that "I have known him for more than 20 years, and his recent performance is completely different from his usual style." I am attaching a photo of him in the news especially, you can think back to what he looked like 5-10 years ago, it is completely different from now. Although the skin looks finer, it is actually rougher (scattered). His eyes are also very different.

I attached the photo of Cao's ID card when he returned to Taiwan. You can easily understand that the texture of the cheeks has been reduced to 2D, which is exactly what Cao looked like when he returned from Singapore. Fortunately, he obviously reversed up very well, and apologized to him again for using his appearance as an example.

2. 2022-10-26
Dan Lok (請趕快轉達,謝謝)我相信你已經收到我的訊息了,而你也發現現在的狀況不太好,所以,你的意念系統(守護元神)引導你把現況發布給我看。如果你聰明的話,上次我跟你分享觀看羽球比賽的人,有一大堆都是「裂解操控意念人」。
(Please convey it as soon as possible, thank you) I believe that you have already received my message, and you also found that the current situation is not very good, so your EN system (EGO) guides you to release the current situation to me. If you're smart, that time I shared with you the people who watched a badminton match, a lot of them were "cracking EN bodies".




If any of you are scientists or want to know more, please re-watch the video a few times. I don't know if you can see two points.


The first point is that there is a converging center, like a whirlpool center. All the textures or tendencies of the crowd are towards that point of convergence.


The second point is that all those who go forward present the same swing. This means that most of the people in the film are controlled by the same manipulation EN center.


According to the 1-SYSTEM, the manipulation center (which is EN-type, you can imagine it is like an invisible "Venom") can control these people about 51%~73% of the consciousness (thought) of these people in their daily life.


I ask you guys to think more about it. About 3,000 or 4,000 people are missing so far. Is South Korea Africa or a place with inconvenient communication? The reason they can't be contacted is because part of the consciousness has been converged. Therefore, the energy of their own thoughts is extremely low, and most of them stay in certain places for conversion (it can also be imagined that they have been sleeping all the time). In the space-time theory, this is equivalent to the rapid reduction of the field force of the human body, which is converted into an EN energy body, and enters one space-time scene, and will only appear after the conversion is completed.

Maybe you will suspect that this statement is a bit too mysterious. If you have this thought, I totally understand. However, some information, I believe that with your wisdom, you must be able to perceive or understand the truth and importance of these contents. Furthermore, you can also have more perspectives to understand the timing and time-space significance of this event.

I sincerely invite you to take ten minutes to read the following.


I may be the first human being who has ever been able to perceive all ENs and their tendencies. As you can see from 0:30, this is not something that can be predicted or like a spiritual body, but is based on an equal respect and the essence of true confrontation. It is also necessary to have a correct knowledge and understanding of life and things. This is also the biggest problem and dilemma that all religions have at present.

At 1:47 of the video, I express my gratitude to Heaven and Earth. The space-time responded to me, "Sorry, we didn't do it well." I always say "it's okay" to them, that's how I treat you guys.

From 2021-01-27, what have I done? What positive impact will it have on people all over the world, including the sun, the moon and the stars? Heaven and Earth will tell you! I just hope everyone can wake up quickly and stop being manipulated.

May the good night be shared with you.

部落格更多重要內容(建議以桌機模式檢視) More important content on the blog (recommended in desktop mode):


I would like to call on you to do the following experiments. I believe that people who seek truth from facts will quickly think about what I have released to you.

Relax and imagine "bow to say thank you". Many people must easily realize [you nod].

When your speech is smooth, please consciously stop your words for a sudden moment. In the process of the sound being gradually stopped, let's see if some outstanding scientists can feel that after the sound stops, there is still a tendency to discourse that is not generated by your consciousness, and it is still going on. (Relax to feel)

I have posted some important information, must do it every day, the body will be super fast back to the young state, I guaranteed! I will try to find a way to let people understand some things through some truth. In fact, it is very simple, please think of "helping to reverse the universe and the world's field with the true self!" Then blink, put your hands on your chest, close your eyes and inhale, then open your hands and eyes together. Blink again. You will find my beautiful EN(thoughts) surrounding you.


How to mark every beautiful moment, let it go back to heaven and earth, and help the world reverse and recover?

The key to reverse disease and the human body field.

2022年10月30日 星期日

我發的訊息很簡單,「習近平,給我立刻停止所有對台灣的威脅。」 My message was simple, "Xi Jinping, stop all threats to Taiwan immediately."

My message was simple, "Xi Jinping, stop all threats to Taiwan immediately."

I don't know what you think about it, but I can translate it to people all over the world to hear what I'm talking about, because it was I who sent the message to China to suppress Xi Jinping on 9/3. First, because my ENs were going to China, the field on their side was greatly converted, so there would be violent vibrations (because there are many fields in China that are discontinuous). Second, because my ENs are gathered all over China, people there will hear the contents when converging.

我只是有點生氣,我不懂他到底在搞什麼東西。這個意念至今還在匯集,到時候習近平會遇到什麼,請他自行負責。(請 CCTV CCTV 中文 CCTV Asia Pacific China Xinhua News China Daily Sci-Tech 協助傳達給習近平本人知曉,感謝)
I'm just a little upset, I don't know what he's up to. This EN is still converging, and Xi Jinping will be responsible for what will happen to him at that time.

You can listen to it a few more times, I believe that some of you should be able to easily hear what the sound of heaven and earth is making. Mainly because this is the voice of my speech, of course I know what the sound it was!

The original video was produced by The Epoch Times on October 26, 2022, and it was not my post-production.


00:02_(小聲quiet)習近平給我立刻 XiJingPing, GeiWoLiKe...

00:30_習近 XiJing
00:34_平 Ping
00:38-39_給我立刻 GeiWoLiKe

00:45-46_習近 the 
00:47_(大聲loud)平 Ping
00:48_(大聲loud)給我 GeiWo
00:49_(大聲loud)立刻 LiKe

更多資訊請見Blog,請搜尋「PorscheWu部落格」。 https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/

Share with United Nations 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 中央研究院 永續科學中心 Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica 國家科學及技術委員會 國發會 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 國家太空中心 NSPO 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蘇貞昌 游錫堃 陳菊(花媽) 朱立倫 柯文哲 侯友宜 鄭文燦 鄭運鵬 Cheng Yun-Peng 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 蔣萬安 黃珊珊 陳時中 林佳龍 林昶佐 Freddy Lim 林飛帆 林智堅 高虹安 無黨籍彰化市長候選人劉坤鱧 柯建銘 壯闊台灣 吳怡農 王世堅 總統府發言人 中華民國行政院 中華民國空軍 劉寶傑 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News HISTORY CNN International BBC News 中文(繁體) Al Jazeera English ABC News 大紀元 新唐人亞太電視台

2022年10月29日 星期六

我也許是有史以來第一位能感知所有意念和其趨向的人類。 I may be the first human being who has ever been able to perceive all ENs and their tendencies.

I may be the first human being who has ever been able to perceive all ENs and their tendencies.

中央研究院 Academia Sinica 國家科學及技術委員會 國家太空中心 NSPO 國發會 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 


Energy light can also vary greatly, because the quality of energy determines the quality of output in all walks of life in the future. The foundation of energy quality lies in the field. Because Taiwan's field has been established, officials from various countries have been visiting Taiwan. The world must pay more and more attention to this beautiful island.


In the video, you can see that the dazzling color of the street lights is not the texture that ordinary LED light sources can render. This means that the light source has more layers and beautiful EN in it.


You can appreciate the energy light , and preferably a PN(pure N) light energy. When passing through the slit, because the light itself has a gravity EN, it is not easy to oscillate and interfere. Instead, it is the presentation of clearly visible light and shadow, which is the right direction of vision in the future (4K, 16K resolution and above, and even surreal scenes).

Also share with 中央研究院 永續科學中心 Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 原能會 輻務小站 PanSci 科學新聞網 NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program NASA's James Webb Space Telescope NASA Sun Science ESA - European Space Agency Federal Aviation Administration World Trade Organization - WTO 科學最前線 Technews 科技新報 TechCrunch TechRadar Tech Insider Presents TechOrange 科技報橘 工業技術研究院 經濟部 經濟部能源局 經濟部工業局 Discovery 國家地理雜誌 National Geographic National Geographic Magazine National Geographic Adventure Animal Planet HISTORY Science ScienceAlert Science Insider Science News Magazine


What is so wonderful about the shadows of trees dancing, and how wonderful it is!? When the wind blows, what kind of beauty can our tree shadows show? This is still part of the Yangmei field, converted to the 12% level.

Only about 3% of Taiwan field has been converted. The big limitation is that many people are arrogant. In addition, we humans do not take good care of the natural environment, animals and plants. I've been emphasizing this concept for over half a year.

關於這一點,我認為 衛生福利部 、 疾病管制署和指揮中心,以及 陳時中 可能需要負一點責任。因為我已經盡我的能力反映給他們知道了。現在可以怎麼補救呢?那就是盡快傳達這些內容給中央流行疫情指揮中心的 王必勝 、 莊人祥 和羅一鈞,還有衛生福利部、疾病管制署和國家衛生指揮中心,請他們趕快協助宣達與執行。這樣至少我認為你們有盡一點道義責任。
In this regard, I think the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the CDC and the CECC, as well as Chen, may have to take a little responsibility. Because I have done my best to convey it to you all. How can we remedy it now? That is to convey these contents to Wang, Zhuang and Luo of CECC, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, CDC and NHCC as soon as possible, and ask them to assist in the publicity and implementation. So at least I think you have a little moral responsibility.

I may be the first human being who has ever been able to perceive all ENs and their tendencies. As you can see from 0:30, this is not something that can be predicted or like a spiritual body, but is based on an equal respect and the essence of true confrontation. It is also necessary to have a correct knowledge and understanding of life and things. This is also the biggest problem and dilemma that all religions have at present.

At 1:47 of the video, I express my gratitude to Heaven and Earth. The space-time responded to me, "Sorry, we didn't do it well." I always say "it's okay" to them, that's how I treat you guys.

From 2022-01-27, what have I done? What positive impact will it have on people all over the world, including the sun, the moon and the stars? Heaven and Earth will tell you! I just hope everyone can wake up quickly and stop being manipulated.

May the good night be shared with you.

==祝福與分享 Bless and share==

Through this post, share some of these most important thoughts that point to the future, hoping to help you make some decisions with more confidence.

Return to Zero, Treat with Courtesy;
Be Respectful, Treat as Equal.
Converge it,
Into yourself.

Keep all the good,
not the bad;
As long as you don't die,
beauty is the most important.

Living in the moment;
Symbiosis and co-goodness;
Asking yourself, seeking yourself.

==My Facebook, Youtube and Blog==


部落格更多重要內容(建議以桌機模式檢視) More important content on the blog (recommended in desktop mode):

Dan Lok 加里·維納查克 Gary Vaynerchuk 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蘇貞昌 游錫堃 陳菊(花媽) 朱立倫 柯文哲 侯友宜 鄭文燦 鄭運鵬 Cheng Yun-Peng 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 蔣萬安 黃珊珊 林智堅 林昶佐 Freddy Lim 林飛帆 壯闊台灣 吳怡農 林佳龍 韓國瑜 王世堅 柯建銘 高虹安 劉寶傑 龍應台 - Lung Yingtai 吳淡如 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 莎白 Elizabeth Iku老師/Ikulaoshi Lukas Engström【盧卡斯】 阿福Thomas 外國人在台灣-安德鏡頭下的世界 老飯骨 Amy英國奶奶 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus 達賴喇嘛 佛光山 大愛新聞 Narendra Modi Sadhguru 大紀元 epochtimes.com House Speaker Nancy Pelosi President Joe Biden 林之晨

2022年10月24日 星期一

相互對立或評判的言論,只會惡化各位的關係和親友的狀況。這些內斂的思維,才能讓各位快速反轉。我所言不虛且非常實在,日月可鑒,甚至日月都可以從中學到不少。Opposition to each other or judgmental remarks will only worsen our relationship and the condition of your relatives and friends. These introverted thinking can make you reverse quickly. What I said is true and very real, and the sun and the moon can prove and even learn from it.

Opposition to each other or judgmental remarks will only worsen our relationship and the condition of your relatives and friends. These introverted thinking can make you reverse quickly. What I said is true and very real, and the sun and the moon can prove and even learn from it.

柯文哲 柯市長,若我輕易地證明一些事,請您務必分享其他人,並以後少說兩句。(作為酬勞、自我練習,以及修己的進階內容)
Mayor Ko, if I prove something easily, please be sure to share it with others and say a few words less in the future. (As a reward, self-practice, and advanced content for self-cultivation)

[This is very important, please do it several times] Think hard first (the position of thinking is in the center of your brain, like you feel something impressive, do you understand?) two or three times: "I should send Chen a new book of mine". Next, I want you to think again, but when the thought comes to "I should send him...", think "n" instead. If you do it two or three more times, you will definitely be able to detect the existence of influences that do not belong to your thoughts! (I guess you may not have done this test and perception well before)

All of the above politicians should hurry up and keep your mouths shut!

Also share with 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蘇貞昌 游錫堃 陳菊(花媽) 朱立倫 侯友宜 (侯友宜,你注意你的眼睛樣子都變了,還不趕快做我置頂文章的事情) 鄭文燦 鄭運鵬 Cheng Yun-Peng 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 林佳龍 林智堅 林昶佐 Freddy Lim 立法委員 陳椒華 無黨籍彰化市長候選人劉坤鱧 高虹安 壯闊台灣 吳怡農 柯建銘 (柯建銘,請管好自己的嘴巴,趕快做我置頂文章分享給大家的資訊。 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10160341037584470 ) 劉寶傑 吳淡如 龍應台 - Lung Yingtai 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 國民黨青年團 民主進步黨 民進黨發言人 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 林之晨 Joe Biden President Joe Biden Vice President Kamala Harris Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi House Speaker Nancy Pelosi The White House Narendra Modi Sadhguru CCTV Asia Pacific 

Mayer Ko, I guess that you have seen the content I shared, and after comprehensive consideration, the trip to the auxiliary election was cancelled. I have a few thoughts to share with you.

一、 陳時中 說你可能是學到教訓什麼的[1]。請您學會不要被他人操弄。他人冷嘲熱諷,跟你有關係嗎?無論媒體是否問到他的發言,你都可以回應你的考量和真正的思維,不是嗎?例如,「有鑑於上次大雨,我有請相關部門再針對相關流程做改善與研擬。相較起來,輔選行程的確較不重要,所以我決定留守台北,這本來就是一個市長可以自由決定之事。」
First, Chen said that you may have learned a lesson [1]. Please learn not to be manipulated by others. Does it have anything to do with others being sarcastic? Whether or not the media asks you, you can express your considerations and real thinking, right? For example, "In view of the heavy rain last time, I have asked the relevant departments to improve and develop the relevant procedures. Compared with the auxiliary election itinerary, it is indeed less important, so I decided to stay in Taipei, which is originally a mayor can freely decide."

For some other people's opinions or comments, all politicians can respond to the media, "I respect other people's thoughts and opinions." Are you so easily manipulated? As long as someone pokes you, will you jump once?

If he continues to talk like this, he will not be elected. So please focus on the good things.

Second, What should you do? A good role model mayor, also be an author with profound background? You really should quickly send the book to the three Taipei City candidates Chen, Huang, and Jiang, and express "(for example) these are some of my management skills from the era of study until now in politics. The content of the book hopes to share with you. If you have any ideas or suggestions, you are welcome to share them with me.”

Share the management mentality with them sincerely, so that they can better understand some of your ideas. In this way, wouldn't they be more aware of some of your intentions and better connect with Taipei City after the election?

Moreover, give them books and sincerely invite their suggestions back. Who are the beneficiaries who really continue to receive different ideas and advice?

我是誠摯地希冀您能多些自我抑制,並能主動地自我練習。這對於您太太 陳佩琪Peggy 陳佩琪姐姐在意念關係連接上,有十分大的反轉力量啊!
I sincerely hope that you can restrain yourself more and take the initiative to practice. This has a great reversal power for your wife Peggy in the EN connection of relationships!

The bad EN in the past was to reduce Peggy's mentality, so that she couldn't help you to suppress your speech as usual, so that you often made inappropriate metaphors or over-spoken unconsciously. Didn't you realize that Peggy is not even fluent in speaking now? I have reminded you many times, please be aware of this!

三、你的不適當比喻就在眼前,就是「他(陳時中)沒有出國留過學」,你這樣真的很差勁。我大學聯招全班最高分,但我決定念完大學就不念了,而且還延畢。我看到無數的人根本毫無方向去念碩士和博士。我30歲後才規劃過幾次亞洲國家的旅遊,你是一位醫生還有留過學,有任何地方可以讓你變得傲慢或了不起嗎? (我只是點醒你這句話有多糟糕)
Third, your inappropriate metaphor is right in front of you, that is "he (Chen) never studied abroad", it really sucks. I had the highest score in the JCEE, but I decided not to go to graduate school after I finished it, and I also postponed my graduation. I see countless people who have no direction at all to pursue masters and doctoral degrees. And I only planned a few trips to Asian countries after I was 30 years old. You are a doctor and have studied abroad. Is there anything that can make you arrogant or amazing? (I'm just reminding you how bad that statement is)

請你看一下 為台灣而教 Teach For Taiwan - TFT 的劉安婷(請將我置頂的文章內容,分享給劉安婷本人和你們的團隊,感謝您們的付出與用心),是如何描述自己從普林斯頓畢業後,回來台灣奉獻己力的演說啊。(她在更早的演說片段,是說自己只是很幸運有親愛的父母和這些資源啊!)
Please take a look at how Anting Liu from Teach for Taiwan, TFT (Please share the content of the article I pinned with Liu Anting herself and your team, thank you for the dedication and hard work), described her speech when she returned to Taiwan after graduating from Princeton to devote herself to it. (In her earlier speech, she said she was just lucky to have dear parents and these resources!)

(Pull down the arrow on the right, there is subtitle text for reference. I suggest you watch the first three minutes, if you can think calmly, in fact, many political tasks are fighting for broken cookies, really need to improve quickly!)

I would like to ask Mayor Ko, is there any relationship between SOP and whether you have ever studied abroad? On this point, please consciously take the initiative to force yourself to shut your mouth! (I have my intentions, please do this. You can naturally detect the thoughts and trends that make you talk nonsense.)

四、(分享給 黃珊珊 )如果有人在河堤內,一定有方法可以引導民眾出來,並非用「不關水門」處理。[2]
Fourth, (shared with Huang) If someone is in the embankment, there must be a way to guide the people out, not by "not closing the water gate". [2]

Please convey what method to everyone in media reports, rather than just saying that there is a method in your speech! Like me, only know that there will be a very high staircase to walk a certain way, is there anything else? When you help deliver a good and right message to the public, aren't you improving the situation and contributing?

In addition, Mayor Ko, if there are people who really don’t know much about it, then the SOP itself has space for review, right?

五、(分享給 蔣萬安 )陳是市政「大外行」,「如果只有口號,無心市政,是沒有辦法解決市政問題的!」[3]
Fidth, (shared with Jiang) Chen is a "big layman" in municipal administration. "If there is only a slogan and no municipal administration, there is no way to solve municipal problems!" [3]

Jiang WanAn, I will only share one important point with you, but I will show you how to use this idea [to make each other better]. Do you want to do things that "benefit others and benefit yourself"? Do it first or do it later? (Although just an idea, it can actually have a significant impact on you)

"Ask yourself first. Even if you can do it, what we should think about is how to help others be better, right?"

So, according to this standard, I hope you will ask yourself a few questions first.

1. 我市政很內行嗎?
Am I good at municipalities?
2. 假設陳時中市政是外行的,那我們三位的選舉是場好選舉嗎?
Assuming that Chen's municipal administration is a layman, would the election of the three of us be a good election?
3. 對於市政外行的人,能怎樣「致其婉曲」[4],協助他變成內行呢?(假設你當上台北市長,這個問題不是一個非常重要的挑戰嗎?)
How can a person who is a layman in the municipality and help him become an expert in "euphemistical and tricked"[4] way? (Assuming you become the mayor of Taipei, isn't this a very important challenge?)
4. (恕我講話直接)立即指出「水門」相關的各處室與部門之前後對應的流程,以及必要評估指標、可能衍生之風險,以及後續應變與救災、維修、檢測和補助政策與相關法規為何。
(Excuse me for speaking directly) Immediately point out the corresponding processes of the various offices and departments related to "Watergate", as well as the necessary evaluation indicators, possible risks, and follow-up response and disaster relief, maintenance, inspection and subsidy policies and related regulations and laws.

If you can't reply me fluently, please say sorry to yourself right away. Please think hard! "Jiang Wan'an, I'm sorry, I should speak more restrainedly, and I should use this to think clearly about the relevant precess and flow!" (I have my intentions, please be sure to think these words three times, blink, close your eyes, stop breathing and pause for three minutes.)

Mayor Ko and all the politicians, I encourage you all to do this, just think hard of sorry to yourself for several times (as i mentioned)! It is hoped that you will gradually be able to perceive the existence of your own EN system (EGO), which will guide you to reverse and recover your own field.

Sixth, I hope that all politicians, business owners and personnel at all levels can realize whether our words have value and significance of spece-time or not.

Every time we talk about things, is there a greater focus on key points and issues? Have you helped others, or provided yourself with an opportunity to reflect?

About the current situation, is there more clarity or further improvement? Do the people involved understand each other better and are willing to help each other? Does it make the whole environment more comfortable and appropriate?

Opposition to each other or judgmental remarks will only worsen our relationship and the condition of your relatives and friends. These introverted thinking can make you reverse quickly. What I said is true and very real, and the sun and the moon can prove and even learn from it.

==祝福與分享 Bless and share==

Through this post, share some of these most important thoughts that point to the future, hoping to help you make some decisions with more confidence.

Return to Zero, Treat with Courtesy;
Be Respectful, Treat as Equal.
Converge it,
Into yourself.

Keep all the good,
not the bad;
As long as you don't die,
beauty is the most important.

Living in the moment;
Symbiosis and co-goodness;
Asking yourself, seeking yourself.

==My Facebook and Blog==

部落格更多重要內容(建議以桌機模式檢視) More important content on the blog (recommended in desktop mode):

[1] 2022-10-23 ETtoday新聞雲 柯文哲要送《柯P管理學》 陳時中競辦:收到錯誤教案很可惜 https://www.ettoday.net/news/20221023/2364488.htm

[2] 2202-02-23 ETtoday新聞雲 堤外有人車就不關水門? 黃珊珊批陳時中「搞清楚再來講」 https://www.ettoday.net/news/20221023/2364387.htm

[3] 2022-10-23 上報 關水門爭議掀藍綠戰火 蔣萬安轟陳時中「市政大外行、大說謊」 https://www.upmedia.mg/news_info.php?Type=24&SerialNo=157164



2022年10月18日 星期二

請您們有空就「想好的念頭」,並放輕鬆多嘗試幾次我分享的「眨眼(keep)→閉開(暈散)→眨眼(執行)」,絕對有很大的幫助。我的意念會引導你們(如同想「謝謝」一定能感覺到「點頭」一樣)。你們一定要努力用想的來驅動自己的守護元神運作,我相信你們逐漸地能察覺到意念守護在你們大家身邊的! When you have time, please "think of good thoughts" and relax and try it a few times about what I shared, "Blink (keep) → close then open (render) → Blink (confirm)", it will definitely help a lot. My EN will guide you (just like you must feel a "nod" when you think "thank you"). You must work hard to use your thoughts to drive the operation of your EGO. I believe that you will gradually be able to realize that ENs are guarding all of you!

When you have time, please "think of good thoughts" and relax and try it a few times about what I shared, "Blink (keep) → close then open (render) → Blink (confirm)", it will definitely help a lot. My EN will guide you (just like you must feel a "nod" when you think "thank you"). You must work hard to use your thoughts to drive the operation of your EGO. I believe that you will gradually be able to realize that ENs are guarding all of you!

中央研究院 Academia Sinica 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蘇貞昌 陳菊(花媽) 柯文哲 侯友宜 鄭文燦 鄭運鵬 Cheng Yun-Peng 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai

我還真的是這樣在做事情的,這是之前寄給衛福部疾病管制署署長信箱的回信(寄信時間:2022/06/11 14:24:59)。很多人的看法或指教,我想除了謝謝之外,請各位多想想自己比較實在,少評論他人,多做協同修正和改善建議,感謝你們。

This is the reply letter sent to the mailbox of the Director of Disease Control of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (Mailing time: 2022/06/11 14:24:59). Many people's opinions or advice, I think in addition to thank you, please think more about yourself more realistic, less comment on others, make more coordinating corrections and improvement suggestions, thank you.


When you have time, please "think of good thoughts" and make your body relax and try it a few times about what I shared, "Blink (keep) → close then open (render) → Blink (confirm)", it will definitely help a lot. It is also helpful in tired or slightly uncomfortable areas of the body.


My EN will guide you (just like you must feel a "nod" when you think "thank you"). You must work hard to use your thoughts to drive the operation of your EGO. I believe that you will gradually be able to realize that ENs are guarding all of you!

Also share 朱立倫 林智堅 林昶佐 Freddy Lim 壯闊台灣 吳怡農 蔣萬安 黃珊珊 陳時中 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨青年團 國民黨立法院黨團 民主進步黨 民進黨發言人 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 總統府發言人 疾病管制署 - 1922防疫達人 World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus United Nations Joe Biden President Joe Biden Vice President Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi House Speaker Nancy Pelosi The White House Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 國家科學及技術委員會 大紀元 epochtimes.com

==以下為剛寄出的內容 The following is the content that has just been sent==

請將我呼籲的訊息列印出來給署長本人,並請 衛生福利部 、 疾病管制署 和指揮中心所有同仁閱覽。不然,我一定會轉達蔡英文總統、賴清德副總統、蘇貞昌院長等人追究此事!我吳時捷從今年6/24發布「反轉疾病與人體場域的關鍵。The key to reverse disease and the human body field.」後,數十次發布訊息給貴單位。但你們諸多官員自以為是,根本不理解COVID-19的發動和運行路徑,卻持續胡亂作為。許多人已經陸陸續續開始接收我的佈達訊息了,包括加拿大成交之王,也是亞洲之龍的丹駱 Dan Lok 、柯文哲、蔣萬安、鄭運鵬、 NASA Sun Science 、 國家太空中心 NSPO 、 The Hill 國會山報、 美国之音中文网 美國之音VOA、 South African Government 、印度薩古魯 Sadhguru 創辦之Savel Soil Earth Buddy等對象。

Please print out my message to the Director himself and read it to all colleagues in the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Department of Disease Control and the National Health Command Center. Otherwise, I will definitely convey to President Tsai, Vice President Lai, Premier Su and others to review this matter! I Wu Shih-Jie released" the key to reversing the field of disease and the human body" on June 24 this year and I have sent messages to your organization dozens of times. But many of you officials are arrogant, do not understand the path through which COVID-19 was launched and operated, but still continue to act indiscriminately. Many people have begun to receive my messages, including Dan Lok, Taipei Mayor Ko, Jiang Wan'an, Cheng Yun-peng, NASA Sun Science, National Space Organization (NSPO), The Hill, Voice of America (VOA), South African Government, Sadhguru in India and others.


I solemnly say once again, please ask all colleagues to do all the following and read the relevant articles, please do it yourself! If there is anything you don't understand, please feel free to contact me.

==2022-10-20編輯 Edited==

加里·維納查克 加里·維納查克 Gary Vaynerchuk Gary,我不知道你有沒有照著我分享給你的內容練習。 9/2我提出眨眼暈散的觀念,我認為你的意念形元神因為收到我的分享,所以在9/17的貼文中,你特別用了這兩個貼圖。你也許並不清楚為什麼,我會給你幾個步驟,你照著做便是。記得不要在移動間做這件事情,最好是穩定地坐著的時 候。下面每一點都是全身放輕鬆,但是必須用力想(印象深刻的感覺)。 Gary, I don't know if you practiced what I shared with you. On 9/2, I put forward the concept of blinking and rendering. I think your EN EGO received my sharing, so in your post on 9/17, you specially used these two icons. You may not know why, but I will give you a few steps to follow. Remember not to do this while on the move, preferably while sitting still. Each of the following points is to relax the whole body, but must think hard (impressive feeling).

1. 想「謝謝」 Think "thank you" 
→是否有「點頭」? Is there a "nod"? 
(有就下一步,沒有就再做幾次 If there is, go to the next step, if not, do it a few more times)

2.想「我是誰?」 Think "Who am I?" 
→身體、眼睛或頭,是否有感覺 「Gary Vaynerchuk」的擺盪或輕微晃動?
Do you feel the swaying/swinging or slight shaking of "Gary Vaynerchuk" in your body, eyes, or head?

3. 想「請時空協助我反轉意念系統,並強制轉換」。眨眼。暈散 (閉眼1234後打開,如這兩個猴子貼圖)。再想「執行」後,眨一次眼。
Think about "Please SPACE-TIME help me reverse the EGO system and forcibly convert", Blink. Render (close your eyes and count for 1234, then open, like these two monkey icons). Then think about "execution" and blink again.
Take a slow, deep breath through your nose. Then closed your eyes, thinking about the Chinese word "inhale" in your mind. There should be a tendency leading your hand, head or body to move, just do it.

4. 之後你也可以問自己「吳時捷是誰?」或「下一步要怎麼進行」?
After that, you can also ask yourself "Who is Porsche Wu?" Or "what to do next"? 
Do the following, and you'll be back in better status quickly! (If he doesn't understand, then help me translate it to him, thank you.)





Please pass it on to Garyvee in full, and ask him to take 10 minutes to do it all. DON'T JUST READ. If he doesn't do it, please ask him to immediately do it after you have done it!

Also share Dan Lok 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蘇貞昌 陳菊(花媽) 柯文哲 侯友宜 鄭文燦 鄭運鵬 Cheng Yun-Peng 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 蔣萬安 黃珊珊 陳時中 林昶佐 Freddy Lim 壯闊台灣 吳怡農 林智堅 林飛帆 游錫堃 朱立倫 立法委員 陳椒華 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 國民黨青年團 民主進步黨 民進黨發言人 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 中華民國行政院 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 國家科學及技術委員會 國家太空中心 NSPO Joe Biden President Joe Biden Vice President Kamala Harris Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi House Speaker Nancy Pelosi The White House CCTV 中文 CCTV CCTV Asia Pacific China Xinhua News Nas Daily Nas Daily 中文 請各位編輯務必傳達給他們本人(中國大陸請往上傳給習近平,謝謝),還有你們的最高主管,再麻煩您們了。 Please be sure to convey it to them (Mainland China please forward it to Xi Jinping, thank you), as well as to your top supervisor. Thank you again.

==2022-10-23 祝福與分享 Bless and share==

Through this post, share some of these most important thoughts that point to the future, hoping to help you make some decisions with more confidence.

Return to Zero, Treat with Courtesy;
Be Respectful, Treat as Equal.
Converge it,
Into yourself.

Keep all the good,
not the bad;
As long as you don't die,
beauty is the most important.

Living in the moment;
Symbiosis and co-goodness;
Asking yourself, seeking yourself.

==My Facebook and Blog==

部落格更多重要內容(建議以桌機模式檢視) More important content on the blog (recommended in desktop mode):



I would like to call on you to do the following experiments. I believe that people who seek truth from facts will quickly think about what I have released to you.

Relax and imagine "bow to say thank you". Many people must easily realize [you nod].

如果各位專家學者不停地依照這些參雜了過去許多錯誤指向及被商業利益影響的科學走下去,等到元宇宙還有AR/VR那時候,大家的自主意識便會極大化的被這些「感覺因子」所操控。今年4月,日本新創才聲稱可以推出元宇宙痛覺模擬器。而Elon Musk的Neuralink可能數年後,開始推出大腦植入晶片。若我們不回頭修正這些已經置入「影響因子」的奈米級積體電路與被動元件,則科技發展會對應到過往不良意念的能源與可用電磁操縱的無線電波,即6G的智慧超表面(RIS)。
If the experts and scholars continue to follow these sciences that are mixed with many mistakes in the past and are affected by commercial interests, when the metaverse and AR/VR are still there, everyone's autonomous consciousness will be greatly manipulated by these "feel factor". In April, Japanese startup claimed to be able to launch a metaverse pain simulator. Elon Musk's Neuralink may be a few years from now, starting to introduce brain implant chips. If we do not go back and correct these nanoscale integrated circuits and passive components that have been placed in the "feel factor", the technological development will correspond to the energy of the past bad ENs and the radio waves that can be manipulated electromagnetically, that is, the 6G Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS).
When your speech is smooth, please consciously stop your words for a sudden moment. In the process of the sound being gradually stopped, let's see if some outstanding scientists can feel that after the sound stops, there is still a tendency to discourse that is not generated by your consciousness, and it is still going on. (Relax to feel)

I have posted some important information, must do it every day, the body will be super fast back to the young state, I guaranteed! I will try to find a way to let people understand some things through some truth. In fact, it is very simple, please think of "helping to reverse the universe and the world's field with the true self!" Then blink, put your hands on your chest, close your eyes and inhale, then open your hands and eyes together. Blink again. You will find my beautiful EN(thoughts) surrounding you.

How to mark every beautiful moment, let it go back to heaven and earth, and help the world reverse and recover?

The key to reverse disease and the human body field.
寄信時間:2022/10/15 05:13:28


照片內容 Image Info:

I may be the first human being who has ever been able to perceive all ENs and their tendencies. As you can see from 0:30, this is not something that can be predicted or like a spiritual body, but is based on an equal respect and the essence of true confrontation. It is also necessary to have a correct knowledge and understanding of life and things. This is also the biggest problem and dilemma that all religions have at present.

At 1:47 of the video, I express my gratitude to Heaven and Earth. The space-time responded to me, "Sorry, we didn't do it well." I always say "it's okay" to them, that's how I treat you guys.

From 2022-01-27, what have I done? What positive impact will it have on people all over the world, including the sun, the moon and the stars? Heaven and Earth will tell you! I just hope everyone can wake up quickly and stop being manipulated.

May the good night be shared with you.

My message was simple, "Xi Jinping, stop all threats to Taiwan immediately."

You can listen to it a few more times, I believe that some of you should be able to easily hear what the sound of heaven and earth is making. Mainly because this is the voice of my speech, of course I know what the sound it was!

If it doesn't make sense, I can help translate.

00:02_(小聲quiet)習近平給我立刻 XiJingPing, GeiWoLiKe...

00:30_習近 XiJing
00:34_平 Ping
00:38-39_給我立刻 GeiWoLiKe

00:45-46_習近 the 
00:47_(大聲loud)平 Ping
00:48_(大聲loud)給我 GeiWo
00:49_(大聲loud)立刻 LiKe

I walked through more than 1,000 different fields¹ (worlds) from the EN field(the so-called underworld) and returned to the current time and space coordinates last year (2021).


Notice that the video is exactly the same texture as when I stand outside the window of this person's house, and I have observed many of these scenes created by this inner field in those months. In essence, the neighbors around your house seem to have lights on, and it seems that there are people moving. But in fact, these scenes are superimposed through the light and shadow in the (inner) field, and are influenced by the EN scenes that are placed in bodies, and are imaged with the inertia of past visual reflections. And this imaging is equivalent to a kind of disguise that breaks the connection between people, so many people have had the idea that "there seems to be no one living around my house?" Or, "There are only a few families in this building!". So why is there such a phenomenon of imaging influenced by energy bodies or ENTs? Because, after the bad EN instructions of the past were launched, a lot of EN scenes or EN units are placed in these places.

四、2022-07-28_Twitter上第一個跟隨我的是Savel Soil Earth Buddy,這是由印度有名的薩古魯Sadhguru發起的一項全球行動。隨即有加拿大的成交之王,也是亞洲之龍的丹駱Dan Lok回應,接著是奧斯洛的天使投資人David Holm跟隨,並發訊息聯繫我。(神奇的是,我的推特Tweet馬上被永久停權!?)
The first to follow me on 2022-07-28_Twitter was "Savel Soil Earth Buddy", a global initiative initiated by India's famous Sadhguru. Then Dan Lok, Canada's king of deals and the dragon of Asia, responded, followed by David Holm, an angel investor in Oslo, and sent me messages. (Miraculously, my Twitter was immediately permanently suspended!?)

五、2022-08-11_亞洲之龍Dan Lok親自交代一位Dan Lok Office的AB到台灣聯繫我,只是我當時沒有時間,所以他並沒有見到我,後來便離開台灣了。
2022-08-11_Asia Dragon Dan Lok personally asked AB from Dan Lok Office came to Taiwan to contact me, but I didn't have time at the time, so he didn't see me and left Taiwan later.

六、2022-09-17_Gary Vaynerchuk的守護元神,在他的發文中清楚地表達我分享的「暈散」的方式。
2022-09-17_Gary Vaynerchuk's EGO, clearly expresses the way I share the "rendering" in his post.

七、2022-09-27_The Hill(國會山報,現時美國最大的獨立政治新聞網站)。美國之音中文網(VOA,是美國政府對外設立和資助的國有非軍事國際廣播宣傳機構,由美國國際媒體署管理,經費由美國國會撥款,美國納稅人出資。它是美國資助的最大、歷史最悠久的國際廣播公司)。台灣原聲教育協會(是一個致力於山區台灣原住民學童教育的非政府組織)
2022-09-27_The Hill (Capitol Hill Newspaper, currently the largest independent political news website in the United States). Voice of America Chinese (VOA, is a state-owned non-military international broadcasting and propaganda agency established and funded by the US government, managed by the US International Media Agency, fund-agreed by the US Congress, funded by the US taxpayers. It is the largest and oldest international broadcaster funded by the United States. Vox Nativa Association, Taiwan (a non-governmental organization dedicated to the education of schoolchildren of Taiwanese aborigines in mountainous areas).

八、2022-10-8_台北市長 柯文哲,台北市市長參選人 蔣萬安,桃園市長參選人 鄭運鵬,udn聯合報,知名YouTuber Amy奶奶同時設我為頭號粉絲
2022-10-8_Taipei Mayor Ko, Taipei Mayor Candidate Jiang Wan'an, Taoyuan Mayor Candidate Cheng Yun-Peng, United Daily News (udn) Group, well-known YouTuber Grandma Amy also set me as the number one fan

九、2022-10-14_這是之前寄給衛福部疾病管制署署長信箱的回信(寄信時間:2022/06/11 14:24:59)
This is the reply letter sent to the mailbox of the Director of Disease Control of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (Mailing time: 2022/06/11 14:24:59)

十、2022-10-23_2022-10-15分享後,加拿大的成交之王,也是亞洲之龍的丹駱Dan Lok,WTO好朋友杜力,還有腦洞烏托邦同時設我為頭號粉絲。後兩者都是2022-10-22才分享
2022-10-23_Dan Lok, Canada's king of deals and the dragon of Asia; Dooley, my good friend from WTO; XiaoWu, set me as the number one fan. The latter two are shared only on 2022-10-22

These are all AI accounts in automatic replying, I don't know if these are Facebook itself or plug-ins. They crawled on Facebook and immediately directed people to a specific account on Instagram to contact after they found the entry point, which must have been a big problem. I think those accounts on IG are all controlled by the Cracking Rotten ENT(energy bodies). The pictures and texts also overlap the cracking EN instructions.

(2)2022-10-26_我有發布一大堆「AI人」(我猜想Garyvee稱之為演算法,我覺得這個稱呼還蠻聰明的!)在 Meta for Business 的粉絲頁面上活動。這些AI人不存在於這個世界,他們是等於是「裂解意念指令」的一部分,也可以視為「意念元件」。他們在做的事情就是一直關連,像蜘蛛網一樣,然後執行裂解和操控你的意念指令。
Also, I've posted a whole bunch of "AI people" ("I guess Garyvee calls it an algorithm, which I think is pretty clever!) on Meta for business fan page . These AI people do not exist in this world, they are equal to part of the "cracking EN instructions", and can also be regarded as "EN components". What they're doing is connecting all the time, like a spider's web, and then activating the EN instructions to crack and manipulate you.

The way they crack you is simple.

對於Dan Lok,是透過讓你覺得自己很成功,感覺很有影響力來裂解最初的純淨的自己。你的資產裡面一定有許多帶有腐涎意念的意念錢(你可以視為透過黑市、暗網或加密貨幣的路徑,產生出來的錢。這種錢賺越多越不好,都存在於金融體系富有人的圈子裡)。
For Dan Lok, it's about cracking your original pure self by making you feel successful and influential. There must be a lot of EN money with rotten EN in your assets (you can think of it as money generated through the black market, darknet or cryptocurrency. The more money you make, the worse it is, it all exists in finance and the top circle of the rich people).

加里·維納查克 加里·維納查克 Gary Vaynerchuk 而對於Garyvee,則是利用很多酸民和不好聽的話,來刺激他產生負向的情緒。Gary小時候被裂解到有閱讀障礙,表示他本人其實是很內斂的。但現在被裂解成說話很多的狀態,我不認為這個是最原來的他自己。我認為Garyvee的本質是無傷(天真無邪即無傷,美麗這些都是意念的屬性特質,所以他才被裂解成閱讀障礙),後來轉美麗(為爸爸努力),再轉無傷美麗(表面上看起來不在意的無傷,但心中的聲音,還有很多回應會故意刺激和提醒他那些負面情緒)。再利用商場上的成功來放大Garyvee他自己,當說話變多的時候,自然就容易虛化自己,這也是「言多必失」的真義(這裡可以指迷失或失去什麼,都是虛化自己)。依Garyvee目前談話的方式,因為常常會強調「善良」和「擊退負面情緒」,所以當然心中有傷,但他很努力在修復自己。
As for Garyvee, he used a lot of sour and unpleasant words to stimulate him to have negative emotions. Gary was cracked to have dyslexia when he was a child, indicating that he himself is actually very restrained. But now it has been cracked into talking a lot, and I don't think this is the most original of himself. I think the essence of Garyvee is innocent (Innocence and beauty are attributes of the EN, that's why it was cracked into dyslexia), then turned to beauty (working hard for dad), and then turned to fake-innocence beauty (on the surface it doesn't seem to care, but the voice in the heart, there are many responses that will deliberately stimulate and remind him of those negative emotions). Then use the success in the business to magnify Garyvee himself. When he talks more, it is easy to blur himself. This is also the true meaning of "too much talk will get lost" (Here it can refer to being lost or losing something, which is all scattering oneself). According to the way Garyvee talks now, because he often emphasizes "kindness" and "repelling negative emotions", of course he is inner hurt, but he is trying very hard to repair himself.

十二、2022-01-29_⭓怡品電腦發現KaKao的韓文電磁檔案_About the Field, COVID-19, and the Future...please check it!! - Microsoft 社群
2022-01-29_⭓I found KaKao's Korean Electromagnetic Archive in YiPin Hotel's Computer_About the Field, COVID-19, and the Future... please check it!! - Microsoft Community

十三、2022-01-31_寫給WHO告知場域觀念與共生之重要_Gmail - INC2561681 - ⭓重要訊息IMPORTANT⭓同COVID-19,請重新檢視過往的治療機轉(As with COVID-19, re-examine past treatment mechanisms)
2022-01-31_Write to WHO to inform the importance of field concept and symbiosis_Gmail - INC2561681 - ⭓ Important Information IMPORTANT⭓ Same as COVID-19, Please Re-examine Past Treatment Mechanisms

十四、2022-04-22_寄給俄國總統普丁Russian President Putin的信件內容
2022-04-22_Content of the letter sent to Russian President Putin

十五、2022-04-23_回應Mark Zuckerburg關於META元宇宙後續發展之內容
2022-04-23_Respond to Mark Zuckerburg's content on the future development of the META metaverse

2022-06-18_More than 200 emails were sent to the presidents and vice presidents of the Academia Sinica and research scholars, as well as the National Space Center NSPO, NASA and FAA

十七、2021-04-12_⭓寫給Samsung CEO文本資料_Gmail - [Re]The compensation request of S10 problem
2021-04-12_⭓Text to Samsung CEO_Gmail - [Re]The compensation request of S10 problem

十八、2021-04-30_⭓預備寫給Google的內容_Google Search網址和Google PLAY的異常_2022-02-02發Facebook
2021-04-30_⭓Prepared content for Google_Google Search URL and Google PLAY abnormality_2022-02-02 ready to send to Facebook

2021-09-29_Share the post by the poet Rob Luo, and remind Jamie Lin, the general manager of Taiwan Mobile, whether he has missed the news about the merger process, which may lead to misunderstandings by the public. Jamie Lin himself responded, "Thank you very much for your reminder, I will keep it in my mind."

2022-11-01_NTDTV is the media sponsorship partner of Shen Yun Chinese Dance and Shen Yun Symphony, known as "the world's first show", Tedros is the current Secretary-General of the World Health Organization, and Sisy Chen was praised by "Asia Weekly" "with a deep understanding of the political culture of the DPP, few people in the media circle surpass it"

The editor of President Biden of the United States has received my message. President Tsai Ing-wen, sorry for dragging you into the water. Because I privately told the editor that if they have any questions, they can contact me or you directly, sorry again.

二十二、2022-11-10_之前戴資穎設定我為頭號粉絲一次,但現在這個時空的戴資穎又設定我一次(你們可以看到鑽石跟以前不一樣好一陣子了)。Nancy Pelosi為美國眾議院議長,也是國會發言人,她的守護元神和我很熟喔。汪文斌這個就有點來頭了,現任中華人民共和國外交部發言人(中國發言人),另一位是趙立堅,痞痞又還算帥氣的那位(雖然他講話有時候有點想把他抓來打一頓)。
Tai Tzu Ying set me as the number one fan once before, but now Tai Tzu Ying in this space-time has set me up again (you can see that diamonds are not the same for a while). Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and Speaker for the Congress, her EN EGO is very familiar to me. Wang Wenbin is a bit of a story. He should be the current spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. The other is Zhao Lijian, who is a handsome ruffian (although I would sometimes like to catch him and beat him when he speaks).

2022年10月14日 星期五

這全部都是AI帳號在自動回覆,我不知道這些是Facebook本身的或外掛進來的。他們在Facebook爬文,發現切入點後就立刻引導到Instagram的特定帳戶去聯繫,其中一定大有問題。我認為IG上那些帳號全都是裂解意念體在操控的。圖文裡面也都藏著裂解意念指令。 These are all AI accounts in automatic replying, I don't know if these are Facebook itself or plug-ins. They crawled on Facebook and immediately directed people to a specific account on Instagram to contact after they found the entry point, which must have been a big problem. I think those accounts on IG are all controlled by the Cracking Rotten ENT(energy bodies). The pictures and texts also overlap the cracking EN instructions.

These are all AI accounts in automatic replying, I don't know if these are Facebook itself or plug-ins. They crawled on Facebook and immediately directed people to a specific account on Instagram to contact after they found the entry point, which must have been a big problem. I think those accounts on IG are all controlled by the Cracking Rotten ENT(energy bodies). The pictures and texts also overlap the cracking EN instructions.


These are all AI accounts in automatic replying, I don't know if these are Facebook itself or plug-ins. They crawled on Facebook and immediately directed people to a specific account on Instagram to contact after they found the entry point, which must have been a big problem. I think those accounts on IG are all controlled by the Cracking Rotten ENT(energy bodies). The pictures and texts also overlap the cracking EN instructions.


From this, it can be seen that many of the Internet soldiers you encounter or who will faint after reading it should be treated as whose thugs it is. Still, hurry up and ask yourself not to criticize others!

證據 Evidence

1. 發文沒多久立即回文,且內容意思一樣,只是用字不同。

Not long after the posting, the text is immediately replied, and the content has the same meaning, but the words are different.

2. 請注意Everlyn Enchantress的相片中,車窗的景象是貼上去的意念場景貼圖。而Neyo Scott在畫畫那張照片,他沒有臉,只有臉頰(各位看過平面的3D造景吧,就是你可以站上去拍出立體照的那種)。而畫筆的頭基本上可以視為在畫布那個平面象限,而畫筆根本就無法成像。這些照片是用AI產生出來的。

Note that in Everlyn Enchantress's photo, the view of the car window is a stamp(sticker) of the EN scene pasted on it. And the picture that Neyo Scott was painting, he had no face, only cheeks (You have seen the 3D landscaping of the plane, that is, you can stand up and take a stereoscopic photo). The head of the brush can basically be seen as in the flat quadrant of the canvas, and the brush simply cannot be imaged. These photos were generated using AI.

3. 注意,他們給的IG連結裡的參數,其實是一個時空意念體(可視為時空意念場景)的編號。=YmMyMTA2M2Y=這個以MT的中間為擺盪中心,然後左右擺盪散形後,呈現p軌域的分布方式

Note that the parameters they gave to the IG link are actually the id of the space-time ENT (which can be regarded as a space-time EN scene). =YmMyMTA2M2Y=, this one takes the middle of MT as the center of the pendulum, and then the left and right pendulum scatters the shape, showing the distribution of the p-orbit domain.


I hope you will wake up soon. I would like experts, scholars and scientists to do what I said! Even Google's AI is mistaken for conscious, but that is these "AI people" activating manipulating and cracking EN instructions.


If you don't understand it, you can ask me, okay?


These "AI people" are converted from the "EN scene" to the "space-time EN scene"! Then, continue to render to bodies of each us, it is really the most tragic event of all human beings and all living beings!