
今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的力量,應該是順著極寒氣流轉換過來的散行意念場景,如同基隆港邊會看到浮在水上的油泡,是類似的概念。我看到有人提天震和日冕洞的概念,這要由各位自己去思考這些現象有何意義。萬事皆有意義,對吧?而現在的電影,都會開始聽見「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷」,無論你怎麼認為,這都是事實。而且,正以無法想像的機制運行在意識之中。 Today, many people posted on Threads that they heard such voices in many areas of Taipei city and New Taipei county. In fact, it wanted to convey "We really thank you, Wu Shihjie." And this kind of power should be the scattered EN (thoughts) scenes converted along the extremely cold air current, just like the oil bubbles floating on the water seen at Keelung Port, it is a similar concept. I saw someone mentioning the concepts of skyquakes and coronal holes. It is up to you to think about the significance of these phenomena. Everything has a meaning, right? In today's movies, you'll start to hear "Thank you so much, Wu Shihjie." No matter what you think, this is the fact. Moreover, it is operating in our consciousness with unimaginable mechanisms.

【修己揚他/AskSelf】【場域/FIELD】【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】【影視/Film】 今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的...

2023年10月21日 星期六

大聲聆聽來自金鐘的聲音,讓我雙目為之一亮,耳目一新,謝謝你們引吭歡呼。 Listening loudly, the voice from the Golden Bell Awards (GBA) makes my eyes light up and my ears are refreshed. Thank you for cheering.

Listening loudly, the voice from the Golden Bell Awards (GBA) makes my eyes light up and my ears are refreshed. Thank you for cheering.

2023年10月20日 星期五

2023-10-18_拜登抵達以色列首都,將直播開最大聲,聽見以色列的意念在道歉,「我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷,我們以色列真的很抱歉」。 Biden arrived in the Israeli capital. Please turn the live broadcast to the loudest and listen to the Israeli EN (thoughts) apologizing, "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie, we in Israel are really sorry."

Biden arrived in the Israeli capital. Please turn the live broadcast to the loudest and listen to the Israeli EN (thoughts) apologizing, "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie, we in Israel are really sorry."

Listen out loud why these things are apologizing to me. This is the most important connotation and the key to reversing many conflicts and contradictions. Can each of us think and understand it more deeply?

Source: (00:11:50-00:12:21) https://www.youtube.com/live/tCtPyAGeMSU

麻煩請協助傳達給Husam Zomlot、巴勒斯坦以及以色列政府,感謝您。我就是吳時捷本人,希望未來我能更多了解巴勒斯坦以及以色列,能為了你們,做出一點點貢獻。
Would you please help convey this facts to Husam Zomlot, the Palestinian 
and Israeli government. Thank you. I am Wu Shihjie. I hope I can learn more about Palestine and Israel in the future and make a little contribution for both of you.

You can also read my posts on the board and listen to the video I attached aloud to see what the world's response is to my thoughts. At least I provide a fact that everyone can refer to, right?

What is heaven and earth saying to me? Listen the loudest and you can hear the difference between physical sounds and EN (thought) sounds.

【My content and profile】

Also share with Wang Wenbin Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson 汪文斌 中华人民共和国外交部发言人办公室 中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署 President Joe Biden Joe Biden Vice President Kamala Harris Kamala Harris Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi Nancy Pelosi Speaker Kevin McCarthy Kevin McCarthy Rep. Lloyd Doggett Karine Jean-Pierre U.S. Department of State U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) The White House 美国之音中文网 The Hill Donald J. Trump Barack Obama BBC News 中文(繁體) The Guardian CNN International NHK NHK WORLD-JAPAN Chinese - traditional Reuters Asia GMA News The New York Times Chinese -Traditional    紐約時報中文網 華爾街日報中文版 The Wall Street Journal Fox News DW 中文 - 德國之聲 CCTV 中文 CCTV Asia Pacific قناة الجزيرة مباشر - Aljazeera Mubasher Channel Al Jazeera Channel - قناة الجزيرة ABC News ABC News China Press (中國報) Guangming Daily-光明日报 China Xinhua News 1NewsNZ ChannelNewsAsia 中央社就給你「國際新聞」 APnews Bloomberg 瑞士資訊中文網 swissinfo.ch Radio Free Asia Chinese 自由亚洲电台普通话 大紀元 epochtimes.com 新唐人亞太電視台 NTD 新唐人電視

Also share with 加里·維納查克 Gary Vaynerchuk 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama Sadhguru 佛光山 慈濟基金會 大愛電視 DaAi TV 法鼓山 法鼓山護法總會 Nas Daily 神韻 Shen Yun Narendra Modi Liz Truss Rishi Sunak Olaf Scholz 岸田文雄 Emmanuel Macron Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón Ulf Kristersson The Presidency of the Republic of South Africa Justin Trudeau Halimah Yacob Andrés Manuel López Obrador Mark Rutte Sauli Niinistö Chris Hipkins MP Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו Markéta Pekarová Adamová Lee Hsien Loong Presiden Joko Widodo Dr Lotay Tshering President of India Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Jonas Gahr Støre Mette Frederiksen Katrín Jakobsdóttir Michael D Higgins Alexander De Croo Ignazio Cassis Andrzej Duda Petr Pavel Alexander Van der Bellen Novák Katalin Gitanas Nausėda Giorgia Meloni Pope Francis - A Man of His Word Klaus Iohannis

2023年10月16日 星期一

(分享給柯文哲) 垃圾減量是一個想像(目標/口號),在過程中,更重要的是提升再利用(reuse)的層次,這一點可以先從最簡單(現有/已存在)的開始,而資源回收(recycle),我想應該可以先照舊來運作。 (Share with Ko) Garbage reduction is an vision(goal/slogan). In the process, it is more important to improve the concept of reuse. This can start with the simplest (what already exists), and resource recycling, I think it could operate as before first.

(分享給柯文哲) 垃圾減量是一個想像(目標/口號),在過程中,更重要的是提升再利用(reuse)的層次,這一點可以先從最簡單(現有/已存在)的開始,而資源回收(recycle),我想應該可以先照舊來運作。
(Share with Ko) Garbage reduction is an vision(goal/slogan). In the process, it is more important to improve the concept of reuse. This can start with the simplest (what already exists), and resource recycling, I think it could operate as before first.


Use waste organic matter to [cultivate] ecological natural restoration: select appropriate waste food (such as fruit peels and fruit cores), and feed it to lakes, ponds, swamps and other wetlands from time to time. Within three months, the water quality would inevitably begin to become clear. Therefore, the fish school would inevitably become more active (able to organize the environment by themselves), and the surrounding hinterland would inevitably start to have bees, butterflies and birds begin to circle, forming a reversal of the natural ecology. I have tested this and it must be effective.









1. 2023-02-02_回應黃珊珊與分享給蔣萬安之內容:我個人認為iTrash這個模式之前,還可以有一個模式來普及。那便是政府採用民營的子母垃圾車模式,對吧?也就是「公家回收站」。可補強清潔隊定時收垃圾的缺點,補強家庭垃圾丟至街道垃圾桶的現象,同樣符合垃圾不落地的目標,重點是更容易啟動,也相對便宜。可以像是迷你倉的模式,設置一空間或子母垃圾車,讓有需要的人放置垃圾和回收物,有點類似社區自己設立的垃圾資源回收區。穩定後,可直接升級成「合於社區回收站」的可能,也就是讓有想法的社區來委託統籌規劃,可集結附近的社區推廣與運轉此事。而且,很多社區本來就已經有這些站點了。自可成一種良性的社會與政府之共同實踐。



2. 2022-12-25_針對香火紙錢之焚燒,是否趕快要求環保局研擬公告。除了希望寺廟能自主構思替代方案外,更必須要求香灰之排放傾倒切勿直接置於土壤或溝渠之中。一定要溶於水後,方可廢棄。








Also share with 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen 鄭文燦 蘇貞昌 侯友宜 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 潘孟安 周春米 柯文哲 黃珊珊 朱立倫 趙少康 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 總統府發言人 行政院發言人 國防部發言人 劉寶傑 關鍵時刻 張雅琴主播 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 94要客訴 突發琪想 57爆新聞 新聞龍捲風 新聞深喉嚨 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 鄭知道了 年代向錢看 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 黃暐瀚 FACENEWS/新聞面對面 TVBS T觀點 董事長開講 新聞大白話 關我什麼事 TVBS 國民大會 品觀點

2023年10月15日 星期日

大聲聆聽,幾段宇宙和地球的聲音,我相信會說中文的科學家們,能清楚識別在說什麼。有時我在想,科學家遇到這些事,怎麼一點都不興奮,而且還噤聲不語?避談這些事實,是為了什麼呢? Listen loudly, I believe that scientists who can speak Chinese can clearly identify the several voices of the universe and the earth. Sometimes I wonder why scientists are not excited at all when they encounter these things, and why they remain silent? Why avoid talking about these facts?

Listen loudly, I believe that scientists who can speak Chinese can clearly identify the several voices of the universe and the earth. Sometimes I wonder why scientists are not excited at all when they encounter these things, and why they remain silent? Why avoid talking about these facts?

Listen loudly to the sounds of nature and ants, and those who understand Chinese will definitely understand what is being said. Sometimes, we personally hear certain things, and whether these things are meaningful to our lives is a matter of "living in the moment".

Source: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=3461257634138868


(Listen loudly) What a wonderful moment it is when wild animals have delicious flowers, vegetables, and fruits to eat and we can understand when they say "Thank you very much."

1. 「真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」,從擺盪、頻率和諧波,便可清楚聽到宇宙的聲音。
"Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie." From the oscillation, frequency and harmonics, you can clearly hear the sound of the universe.
The sound of black hole(?, I don't think so.) https://youtube.com/shorts/dFG5bwu2wLE

Source: https://www.facebook.com/reel/1244309689760617

2. 我覺得我可以幫各位當宇宙和意念的翻譯官,這段錄音在說「真的很謝謝你,真的很謝謝你」。
I think I can be the translator of the universe and EN (thoughts) for you. This recording is saying "Thank you very much, thank you very much."
The sound of universe https://youtu.be/98OxY8zB0OE

3. 我覺得我可以幫各位當宇宙和意念的翻譯官,這段錄音在說「我們真的很抱歉,真的很抱歉」。
I think I can be the translator of the universe and EN (thoughts) for you. This recording is saying "We are really sorry, really sorry."

Source: https://www.facebook.com/reel/691102332812775

4. 我覺得我可以幫各位當宇宙和意念的翻譯官,這段錄音在說「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷,我們真的很謝謝你」。
I think I can be the translator of the universe and EN (thoughts) for you. This recording is saying "This recording is saying "We really thank you, Wu Shihjie, we really thank you."

Source: https://www.facebook.com/reel/606953774587352

5. 我覺得我可以幫各位當宇宙和意念的翻譯官,大聲聆聽,這段錄音太陽在說「我們真的很抱歉」。
I think I can be the translator of the universe and EN (thoughts) for you. Listen loudly in this recording, the sun is saying "We are really sorry."
2023-10-14_The sound of Solar Eclipse https://youtube.com/shorts/ZHtF2EkFEtM

6. 我覺得我可以幫各位當宇宙和意念的翻譯官,大聲聆聽,這段火箭升空的影片在說「真的很謝謝你」。
I think I can be the translator of the universe and EN (thoughts) for you. Listen loudly, this video of a rocket taking off is saying "Thank you very much."

2023年10月13日 星期五

近來的致歉和道謝,這幾天整個台灣都在擺盪,只要躺平或支撐著佇立,就可察覺時空像扭毛巾一樣晃動與壓縮,科學絕對無法解釋。 The whole of Taiwan has been oscillated by recent apologies and gratitude. As long as you lie down or stand with support, you can feel that space-time are rotating and compressing like a towel. Science can never explain it.

The whole of Taiwan has been oscillated by recent apologies and gratitude. As long as you lie down or stand with support, you can feel that space-time are rotating and compressing like a towel. Science can never explain it.

I fully authorize the media to use my file.

This is a collection of recent apologies and gratitude. After you have verified these facts, what we should be concerned about is "these sounds are closely related to the development of children", "the gravity that science is exploring can be determined from these ENTs(EN Ties/Bodies, EN means thought)", "the forced occurrence of diseases and accidents and parallel space-time are all connected to this."

However, what kind of thinking and attitude can move forward with the connotation of "restrain yourself and cultivate yourself, appreciate and praise others"?

It improves Taiwan's development, international influence, scientific breakthroughs, and the maintenance and repair of everyone's physical and mental health.

The whole of Taiwan has been oscillated these days. As long as you lie down or stand with support, you can feel that space-time are rotating and compressing like a towel. Science can never explain it. We must first understand the EN of ​​gravity (gravity EN = gravity thought = gravitational pulling) and the EN of ​​divergence (scattered EN), as well as the possible paths and manifestations of their convergence and reversal.

I suggest that the media should report these facts. I have attached sources to all videos. Only in this way will the international community pay attention to these real facts and forces. It also includes a video edited by The Epoch Times and released on 2022-10-25. My voice can clearly be heard saying, "Xi Jinping, immediately stop all threats to Taiwan."

My message was simple, "Xi Jinping, stop all threats to Taiwan immediately."

Listen loudly, can you hear TimeForTaiwan: "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie"? What kind of thinking and attitude can make heaven and earth say "Good Job!" to children and appreciate their wonderfulness?

Taiwan's official National Day video, which was just released, also apologized and said "We are really sorry"!

Listen loudly, why is even the Palestinian-Israeli war apologizing to me? If you continue to ignore what I am talking about, you are continuing to cause harm.

Typhoon Koinu has not yet made landfall, what are heaven and earth saying? "Amazing wind-blown sand" appears in Hualien!

2023-10-10_RFAChinese的標題寫著【杭州亞運 | 傳遞什麼政治訊號?】,放最大聲聽清楚,捫心自問,各位聽到什麼訊息(聲音)?
The title of RFAChinese reads [Hangzhou Asian Games | What political signal does it send? ], listen as loud as you can, and ask yourself, what message (sound) do you hear?

Also share with 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen 鄭文燦 蘇貞昌 侯友宜 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 潘孟安 周春米 柯文哲 黃珊珊 朱立倫 趙少康 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 總統府發言人 行政院發言人 國防部發言人 劉寶傑 關鍵時刻 張雅琴主播 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 94要客訴 突發琪想 57爆新聞 新聞龍捲風 新聞深喉嚨 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 鄭知道了 年代向錢看 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 黃暐瀚 FACENEWS/新聞面對面 TVBS T觀點 董事長開講 新聞大白話 關我什麼事 TVBS 國民大會 品觀點

2023年10月12日 星期四

放大聲,是否聽見TimeForTaiwan:「真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」呢?怎樣的思維和態度,能讓天地能向孩子們說聲「好!」,並欣賞他們的精彩呢? Listen loudly, can you hear TimeForTaiwan: "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie"? What kind of thinking and attitude can make heaven and earth say "Good Job!" to children and appreciate their wonderfulness?

Listen loudly, can you hear TimeForTaiwan: "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie"? What kind of thinking and attitude can make heaven and earth say "Good Job!" to children and appreciate their wonderfulness?

In this TimeForTaiwan video newly released by the Tourism Administration of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to introduce the beauty of Taiwan to foreign friends, listen loudly (0:56-1:00), did you hear "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie"? Life is inherently incredible. Have you ever thought about what kind of thinking and attitude can make heaven and earth say "Good Job!" to children and appreciate their wonderfulness?






Taiwan's official National Day video, which was just released, also apologized and said "We are really sorry"!

Typhoon Koinu has not yet made landfall, what are heaven and earth saying? "Amazing wind-blown sand" appears in Hualien!

2023-10-10_RFAChinese的標題寫著【杭州亞運 | 傳遞什麼政治訊號?】,放最大聲聽清楚,捫心自問,各位聽到什麼訊息(聲音)?
The title of RFAChinese reads [Hangzhou Asian Games | What political signal does it send? ], listen as loud as you can, and ask yourself, what message (sound) do you hear?

Listen loudly, why is even the Palestinian-Israeli war apologizing to me? If you continue to ignore what I am talking about, you are continuing to cause harm.

Also share with 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen 鄭文燦 蘇貞昌 侯友宜 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 潘孟安 周春米 柯文哲 黃珊珊 朱立倫 趙少康 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 總統府發言人 行政院發言人 國防部發言人 劉寶傑 關鍵時刻 張雅琴主播 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 94要客訴 突發琪想 57爆新聞 新聞龍捲風 新聞深喉嚨 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 鄭知道了 年代向錢看 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 黃暐瀚 FACENEWS/新聞面對面 TVBS T觀點 董事長開講 新聞大白話 關我什麼事 TVBS 國民大會 品觀點

2023年10月11日 星期三

大聲聆聽,為何連巴以戰爭都在向我致歉?各位繼續漠視我談論的內容,就是繼續在造成傷害。 Listen loudly, why is even the Palestinian-Israeli war apologizing to me? If you continue to ignore what I am talking about, you are continuing to cause harm.

Listen loudly, why is even the Palestinian-Israeli war apologizing to me? If you continue to ignore what I am talking about, you are continuing to cause harm.

Many of you talk about the Palestinian-Israeli war and declare that you do not want to see it, but have you ever thought about the reasons and forces that drive the war to break out and continue to hurt each other? Listen loudly, why is even the war apologizing to me? If you continue to ignore what I am talking about, you are continuing to cause harm.

Clip Source: 2023-10-11_Hindustan Times (0:03-0:18)

台灣的場域所能造成的「時空牽引」能讓各位測得顯著上升的「卡西米爾效應」作用力,並且是以向心凝煉的趨向再進行自體扭轉。 The "space-time pulling" caused by Taiwan's field will allow you to measure the significantly increased "Casimir effect" force. Moreover, it performs self-rotation in the direction of centripetal convergence.

The "space-time pulling" caused by Taiwan's field will allow you to measure the significantly increased "Casimir effect" force. Moreover, it performs self-rotation in the direction of centripetal convergence.

All scientists who study "zero-point energy" and "quantum vacuum fluctuations" should fly to Taiwan. The "space-time pulling" caused by Taiwan's field will allow you to measure the significantly increased "Casimir effect" force. Moreover, it performs self-rotation in the direction of centripetal convergence. The directionality and operation mode of the force that can be measured are far more complicated than you scientists realizes. That is, the force observed through the "Casimir Effect" will continue to change in Taiwan as a 3D vector. This twisting force of space-time is the reason why the entire Taiwan plate is oscillating. It is actually due to "space-time conversion" and "gravity pulling".

In Taiwan, even the human body can clearly feel the twisting and oscillating of space-time. What are all scientists waiting for?

也謝謝Nassim Haramein關於「卡西米爾效應」的解釋。
Thanks also to Nassim Haramein for his explanation of the "Casimir Effect".

The Casimir effect, where two mirrors in vacuum experience a force due to the cavity between the plates that eliminates a percentage of the vacuum fluctuations modes producing an energy gradient that results in a force pushing the plates towards each other.

The point is, come to Taiwan as soon as possible to observe and redefine these experiments and phenomena.


Typhoon Koinu has just left Taiwan, and I recorded two videos. The first video lets you listen (feel) the frequencies and harmonics in the environment. Then I will describe and sing it for you to listen to.

★★★In the second part, I will sing Pattern A first, and then the raindrops will make the same sound as Pattern A; then I will switch to the Pattern B, and the raindrops will turn into the Pattern B sound.★★★

The gravitational pulling here is related to the "quantum vacuum state" and "zero-point energy" that you research, discuss or eager to manifest.

That is to say, by thinking (EN), I can create enough gravitational pulling (gravity EN) to pull the entire environment to change its gravitational tendency (perhaps it can be simply regarded as a state of geomagnetic change).

Although I have not studied science, I believe that this kind of factual phenomenon that can be displayed (manifest) at any time can truly form the basis of science.


Play it loudly, try to listen to the message (pattern) that the sound of rain can bring. I will help you understand the tendency of EN (thoughts). When you listen to it two or three times, you will definitely understand how the concepts of frequency and harmonics are manifested.

20231004_1.頻率和諧波的辨識練習 Frequency and harmonic identification exercises

How to convert frequencies and harmonics from "We are really sorry" to "Thank you, Wu Shihjie" is the key to the concepts of gravity and black holes that scientists are looking for.

20231004_2.頻率和諧波的意念重力牽引之轉換 EN Gravitational pulling Conversion of Frequency and Harmonic


Finally, please be sure to apply the ideas in these articles to your research fields.

All EN bodies that can convey thoughts instantly exist partially in parallel space-time, and are awakened (come alive) through the pulling of ENs, through the principle of "Essence Quality Phase Direction",  which is the basic essence and definition of time and space.

You can clearly see "space-time interference", which is the most common phenomenon of space-time conversion, and can be regarded as a kind of "time-space pulling". Another common method is "centripetal convergence" to homogenize. For those who cannot identify, I also provide practice methods for you.★★★

The Central Weather Bureau has helped prove that the entire Taiwan is oscillating slightly, and almost all of Taiwan is at level 2 on the Richter scale.

Also share with 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所 IAMS, Academia Sinica 中央研究院 資訊科技創新研究中心 國家科學及技術委員會 國家太空中心 TASA 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 工業技術研究院 國發會 國研院台灣儀器科技研究中心 國研院 - 國家地震工程研究中心 國研院科政中心 臺灣太空科學聯盟 TSU 核安會 輻務小站 報天氣 - 中央氣象署 報地震 - 中央氣象署 報天文 - 中央氣象署 報氣候 - 中央氣象署 Easy天文地科小站 NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program NASA 360 NASA's James Webb Space Telescope NASA Sun Science NASA's Kennedy Space Center World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Discovery 國家地理雜誌 National Geographic Magazine HISTORY Historic Mysteries China Daily Sci-Tech China Xinhua Sci-Tech Nassim Haramein Resonance Science Foundation International Space Federation American Chemical Society Insider Science Max Planck Society Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) CERN 台灣太空產業發展協會-Taiwan Space Industry Development Association International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Energy Agency (IEA) International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) UN Environment Programme UN Climate Change COP27

2023年10月10日 星期二

RFAChinese的標題寫著【杭州亞運 | 傳遞什麼政治訊號?】,放最大聲聽清楚,捫心自問,各位聽到什麼訊息(聲音)? The title of RFAChinese reads [Hangzhou Asian Games | What political signal does it send? ], listen as loud as you can, and ask yourself, what message (sound) do you hear?

RFAChinese的標題寫著【杭州亞運 | 傳遞什麼政治訊號?】,放最大聲聽清楚,捫心自問,各位聽到什麼訊息(聲音)?
The title of RFAChinese reads [Hangzhou Asian Games | What political signal does it send? ], listen as loud as you can, and ask yourself, what message (sound) do you hear?

If the shouts of "Really thank you, Wu Shihjie" in these cheers can't make you reflect, then what better things do we want to leave to our children and the future?

Do you keep asking yourself sincerely?

One of the loudest cheers belongs to the Taiwan team. At last year's Winter Olympics, Taiwan was downgraded to "Chinese (China's) Taipei" by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, and Taiwan immediately announced that it would not participate in the opening and closing ceremonies. This year it will change back to "Chinese Taipei" to show its goodwill towards Taiwan.

影片出處Source:RFAChinese (0:43)


中國將台灣轉回「中華台北」,而我們有哪一個政治人物坦然面對「憲法一中」對中國造成的影響?如何能避而不談,這是我覺得最哀傷的地方。 賴清德 柯文哲 侯友宜,你們必須主動提出這個議題,不要畏懼可能引起的波瀾,因為這才是「你(中國)好我(台灣)也好」的正確道路。
China has reversed Taiwan into "Chinese Taipei", but which of our politicians can calmly face the impact of "Constitutional One China" on China? How you politicians can avoid talking about it? This makes me saddest. Presidential candidates, you must take the initiative to raise this issue and don't be afraid of the possible waves, because this is the correct path for "it's good for you (China) and it's good for me (Taiwan)".

Although Lai said that "transferring sovereignty cannot bring peace," in fact, you are alluding to "transferring China's sovereignty." But after asking yourself, can you say such remark like "according to the Constitution, the sovereignty of the Republic of China covers mainland China?"

It's upright because you don't speak against your conscience!

The Republic of China (Taiwan) is a country, and it does not use this kind of cover-up to gain recognition.

Since the Constitution is inconsistent with the facts, this outdated content of the Constitution should be amended as soon as possible, just like "the Republic of China is the internal affairs of the People's Republic of China" and "Taiwan is an inalienable part of China" are not facts!

China is trying it, but are we in Taiwan?

Such an attitude and connotation are conducive to the future development of the country. China does not need to deal with or worry about the impact of the Constitution of the Republic of China, so it is naturally less likely to cause greater conflicts (wars).

This is the right way to move towards "you get better, and I get better".

Also share with 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen 鄭文燦 蘇貞昌 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 潘孟安 周春米 黃珊珊 朱立倫 趙少康 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 總統府發言人 行政院發言人 國防部發言人 劉寶傑 關鍵時刻 張雅琴主播 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 94要客訴 突發琪想 57爆新聞 新聞龍捲風 新聞深喉嚨 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 鄭知道了 年代向錢看 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 黃暐瀚 FACENEWS/新聞面對面 TVBS T觀點 董事長開講 新聞大白話 關我什麼事 TVBS 國民大會 品觀點

2023年10月8日 星期日

國慶光雕秀清楚聽到在道歉(15:37-15:55)! The live broadcast of the National Day projection sculpture can clearly hear apologizing (15:37-15:55)!

The live broadcast of the National Day projection sculpture can clearly hear apologizing (15:37-15:55)!

It is recommended that the media broadcast the news of this fact, and then the government and political parties will convey it to officials. It turns out that even if it is a live broadcast of the National Day projection sculpture, we can really clearly hear apologizing from 15:37 to 15:55!

You can also ask the company that produced the video to check the original files. I guarantee you will also hear the apology. This is amazing.

Only by sincerely facing the moment, and ourselves, can Taiwan rise. So, ask yourselves sincerely!

The live broadcast of the National Day projection sculpture (15:37-15:55)


Messages of apology from other people, disasters, accidents, and heaven and earth.

Taiwan's official National Day video, which was just released, also apologized and said "We are really sorry"!


Typhoon Koinu has not yet made landfall, what are heaven and earth saying? "Amazing wind-blown sand" appears in Hualien!

(Plane crash in Nepal)Listening loudest at 1:00, the cabin was in flames. You may think that it has nothing to do with you, but accidents and diseases are inherently running (converging and manifesting) in an imperceptible way, no matter you think you are a good person or bad people.


Typhoon Haikui is approaching Sanxiantai. Play the video loudest to hear what the typhoon is telling us. If you don’t pay attention to these facts, why do you all need to worship gods in hypocrisy?

Also share with 賴清德 陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen 鄭文燦 蘇貞昌 侯友宜 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 潘孟安 周春米 柯文哲 黃珊珊 朱立倫 趙少康 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 總統府發言人 行政院發言人 國防部發言人 劉寶傑 關鍵時刻 張雅琴主播 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 94要客訴 突發琪想 57爆新聞 新聞龍捲風 新聞深喉嚨 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 鄭知道了 年代向錢看 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 黃暐瀚 FACENEWS/新聞面對面 TVBS T觀點 董事長開講 新聞大白話 關我什麼事 TVBS 國民大會 品觀點

2023年10月6日 星期五

大聲聆聽,台灣剛剛發布的國慶影片也在致歉,說「我們真的很抱歉」了。 Listen loudly, Taiwan's official National Day video, which was just released, also apologized and said "We are really sorry"!

Listen loudly Taiwan's official National Day video, which was just released, also apologized and said "We are really sorry"!

這是 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 總統想呼籲各位透過理解這些「聲音」,來召喚台灣集體記憶(台灣意念),希望各位看得懂其中的指引。請仔細聽這一段音樂背後的聲音,有人聽出什麼嗎?
This is what President Tsai Ing-wen wants to call on you to awaken Taiwan’s collective memory (Taiwan EN, Taiwan thoughts) by understanding these "voices". I hope you will understand the guidance. Please listen carefully to the voice behind this piece of music. Does anyone hear anything?

Only by sincerely facing the moment, and ourselves, can Taiwan rise. So, ask yourselves sincerely!

Source of the complete National Day video released by President Tsai Ing-wen herself: (0:18-0:24)

I suggest that the media broadcast the news of this fact, and then the government and political parties will convey it to officials. It turns out that President Tsai Ing-wen’s newly released National Day video can really clearly be heard (0:18) apologizing!

You can also ask the company that produced the video to check the original files. I guarantee you will also hear the apology. This is amazing.


Messages of apology from other people, disasters, accidents, and heaven and earth.


Typhoon Koinu has not yet made landfall, what are heaven and earth saying? "Amazing wind-blown sand" appears in Hualien!

(Plane crash in Nepal)Listening loudest at 1:00, the cabin was in flames. You may think that it has nothing to do with you, but accidents and diseases are inherently running (converging and manifesting) in an imperceptible way, no matter you think you are a good person or bad people.


Typhoon Haikui is approaching Sanxiantai. Play the video loudest to hear what the typhoon is telling us. If you don’t pay attention to these facts, why do you all need to worship gods in hypocrisy?

Also share with 賴清德 陳建仁 Chen Chien-Jen 鄭文燦 蘇貞昌 侯友宜 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 潘孟安 周春米 柯文哲 黃珊珊 朱立倫 趙少康 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 總統府發言人 行政院發言人 國防部發言人 劉寶傑 關鍵時刻 張雅琴主播 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 94要客訴 突發琪想 57爆新聞 新聞龍捲風 新聞深喉嚨 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 鄭知道了 年代向錢看 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 黃暐瀚 FACENEWS/新聞面對面 TVBS T觀點 董事長開講 新聞大白話 關我什麼事 TVBS 國民大會 品觀點

2023年10月5日 星期四

小犬颱風未登陸,天地又在說什麼?花蓮立霧溪口捲「驚人風吹沙」! Typhoon Koinu has not yet made landfall, what are heaven and earth saying? "Amazing wind-blown sand" appears in Hualien!

Typhoon Koinu has not yet made landfall, what are heaven and earth saying? "Amazing wind-blown sand" appears in Hualien!

People who speak Chinese can easily understand what the heaven and the earth are saying besides people speaking, right?

Source:三立新聞_(0:41)小犬颱風還沒登陸!花蓮立霧溪口捲「驚人風吹沙」 超扯畫面曝光


Sanxiantai East Coast real-time video, play it loudest and you can hear Typhoon Koinu coming to apologize. Can you hear it saying "We are really sorry, ???"?

Easy天文地科小站 你們不是有特別研究風躁的內容嗎?其實風或地表的擺盪,都能解譯出一定的訊息,但因模式是散行疊合的呈現,所以不容易察覺和解譯而已。
Didn't you specifically study the content of the noisy sound recorded by the wind? In fact, the wind or the oscillation of the ground surface can interpret certain messages, but because the pattern is scattered and homogeneous, it is not easy to detect and interpret.


Play it loudly, try to listen to the message (pattern) that the sound of rain can bring. I will help you understand the tendency of EN (thoughts). When you listen to it two or three times, you will definitely understand how the concepts of frequency and harmonics are manifested.


How to convert frequencies and harmonics from "We are really sorry" to "Thank you, Wu Shihjie" is the key to the concepts of gravity and black holes that scientists are looking for.

Also share with 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所(ASIAA) 中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所 IAMS, Academia Sinica 中央研究院 資訊科技創新研究中心 國家科學及技術委員會 國家太空中心 TASA 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 工業技術研究院 國發會 國研院台灣儀器科技研究中心 國研院 - 國家地震工程研究中心 國研院科政中心 臺灣太空科學聯盟 TSU 核安會 輻務小站 報天氣 - 中央氣象署 報地震 - 中央氣象署 報天文 - 中央氣象署 報氣候 - 中央氣象署 Easy天文地科小站 NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Scientific and Technical Information (STI) Program NASA 360 NASA's James Webb Space Telescope NASA Sun Science NASA's Kennedy Space Center World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus World Trade Organization - WTO Discovery 國家地理雜誌 National Geographic Magazine HISTORY Historic Mysteries China Daily Sci-Tech China Xinhua Sci-Tech Nassim Haramein Resonance Science Foundation American Chemical Society Insider Science Max Planck Society Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) CERN 台灣太空產業發展協會-Taiwan Space Industry Development Association International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Energy Agency (IEA) International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) UN Environment Programme UN Climate Change COP27

2023年10月4日 星期三

所有的災難都在講「我們很抱歉,吳時捷」,我可以請小犬颱風講「賴清德,好自為之」,也可以講「下架民進黨」,請你們各位好自為之。 All disasters say "We are sorry, Wu Shihjie". I can ask Typhoon Koinu to say "Lai Chingte, ask yourself", or "Get rid of the DPP", please asķ all of politicians yourselves.

All disasters say "We are sorry, Wu Shihjie". I can ask Typhoon Koinu to say "Lai Chingte, ask yourself", or "Get rid of the DPP", please asķ all of politicians yourselves.

Does the scientific community still ignore the most important future concepts and thinking that can understand space-time, the universe, gravity and electromagnetism...?

Sanxiantai East Coast real-time video, play it loudest and you can hear Typhoon Koinu coming to apologize. Can you hear it saying "We are really sorry, ???"?

2023年10月3日 星期二

所有可以立刻傳達意念的意念體,部分存於平行時空中,透過意念的牽引使其覺醒(活過來),透過「質性相向」原理,也就是時間與空間的基本本質與定義。 All EN bodies that can convey thoughts instantly exist partially in parallel space-time, and are awakened (come alive) through the pulling of ENs, through the principle of "Essence Quality Phase Direction", which is the basic essence and definition of time and space.

All EN bodies that can convey thoughts instantly exist partially in parallel space-time, and are awakened (come alive) through the pulling of ENs, through the principle of "Essence Quality Phase Direction",  which is the basic essence and definition of time and space.

If we don’t even understand how space-time extends and converges, let alone how to identify how high the 2D:3D coefficient of 3D objects with lower internal energy in space-time is, then it will not easy for us to find that "the appearance of matter itself may be quite different from its own real", especially for the quantum architecture defined by science.

Those quite differences and their scattered quadrants can be simplified to the parallel space-time that exists, that is, the space-time ENs of ​​parallel space-time and its corresponding space-time factors.

All EN bodies that can convey thoughts instantly exist partially in parallel space-time, and are awakened (come alive) through the pulling of ENs, through the principle of "Essence Quality Phase Direction",  which is the basic essence and definition of time and space.

Here are three simple examples. When scientists know how to listen and observe the differences over and over again, you can truly begin to understand what space and time are.

1. 災難或意外的發生,是因為平行時空的擺盪與匯集呈現。
Disasters and accidents occur because of the oscillation, convergence and manifestation of parallel time and space.

2. 鳥能言語,是因為平行時空具有超巨大的重力牽引。
Birds can speak because parallel space-time has a huge gravitational pulling.

3. 環境傳達人的意識之外的訊息,或人的意識被環境解讀的現象。
The environment conveys information beyond human consciousness, or the phenomenon in which human consciousness is interpreted by the environment.

Through the above concepts, it is not difficult for everyone to understand why Tedros broke his leg. I would say that he deserved it, because it was his own ENs (thoughts) that could only be converged and reversed in this way. I said, "Tedros asked for it." , that’s what it means.

2023-09-01_連 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus 都腳骨折了,也許他或你們會覺得只是踩錯一步,那就繼續這樣認為吧。事實上,若進一步理解意念與時空轉換,則能協助各位建構自己的意念系統,當各位必須散形的時候,就相對比較不會被散形時空產生較大的牽引,而強制意外和疾病,而且,還是不可抗力。
Even Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus broke his foot. Maybe he or you think it was just a wrong step, so go ahead and think so. In fact, if you further understand the conversion of ENs and space-time, it can help you to construct your own EN system. When you need to be scattered, you will be less likely to be greatly pulled by the scattered space-time, which will cause accidents and diseases. Moreover, it is still force majeure.



2023-09-29_NASA took a photograph of the moon as it passed in front of the Earth, from a distance of one million miles. The far side of the Moon.

NASA 從100萬英里的距離拍攝了月球的照片。 月球的遙遠的一面。


If you scientists know how to identify the differences in fields, the overlap of EN scenes, the tendency and intensity of EN energy flow, and even the pulling amplitude of the divine and underworld domain (gravity domain), you can basically assume that the moon is not the mass shown in your data.

Then, you can start to look back and compare the extremely small difference in time slowing down after flying at high altitude with the atomic clock. This is the concept of conversion.

In addition, there are also medicines that are converted into partial toxicity after being carried on space flights. This is the concept of scattering.

Thinking about these points from the beginning, we can assume that the moon is not what the data shows.

2023年10月2日 星期一

依台灣憲法(依據《中華民國憲法》,只有一個中國,而且由中華民國擁有)內容,國際本來就不應該承認台灣是國家,這樣才是對的! According to the content of Taiwan's constitution (according to the "Constitution of the Republic of China", there is only one China and it is owned by the Republic of China), the international community should not recognize Taiwan as a country in the first place. This is only right!

According to the content of Taiwan's constitution (according to the "Constitution of the Republic of China", there is only one China and it is owned by the Republic of China), the international community should not recognize Taiwan as a country in the first place. This is only right!

賴清德 無法與中國和平共處,也不懂如何轉換兩岸關係。我們看到國台辦的回應,再對比習近平出席金磚五國會場發出和我致歉的聲音,何以有這樣的差異?當然是因為賴清德自以為是,你做了什麼?又願意做什麼?很抱歉的是,我覺得國台辦講的好極了!所言甚是!

Wang Wenbin Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson 汪文斌 中华人民共和国外交部发言人办公室 中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署 這是因為,我懂得尊重中國的存在,並希望他們越來越好,而這些政治人物,除了貶低他人(中國)來成就自己外,毫無作為。中國要想辦法支持懂得「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」之人(政黨/國家)。


In Xi Jinping's video at the BRICS meeting in South Africa, "We China are really sorry, Wu Shihjie" can be heard playing loudest.








2023-09-25_秦剛、李尚福接連離奇消失 CNN:習政權陷動盪不穩






賴清德 你所謂渡讓主權,是渡讓本來就應該是中華人民共和國的中國主權,還是中華民國的台灣主權,講清楚,何必當一隻模糊事實又想取得國家主權的烏賊呢?







1. 柯文哲 已響應並提出憲法一中議題。
2. 侯友宜 也提出「互不否認治權」,等同於「以治權先代替主權來論述」,我認為是國民黨很好的表態。
3. 賴清德 您還要講空話和場面話嗎?反正「台獨路徑」本不存在,因為「憲法一中」的「中華民國擁有中國主權,領土及於全中國(依固有疆域)」必然不存在。您的論述為何呢?

還有,您受 年代向錢看 專訪時回答凝觀「國際紅線就是台灣紅線」的論述,我感到不齒。






洪申翰 Sun-Han 你若有良知,就請閉上宣稱 賴清德 依憲法行使職權之言,請問賴清德或你洪申翰,敢宣誓中國主權屬於中華民國嗎?別自欺欺人忘了如何就事論事,能出席達賴壽辰發言的人,竟是如此思維而已嗎?


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