(Shared with the incredible Wu Songting) What would be your reaction when your personal EN (thought) voice is recorded and try to convey some messages? The key to the environment that allows you to express yourself is "sincerity/true inner voice". There are definitely still many deep intentions and concern of him (also might be each of us) that we have not yet noticed. This is not a manifestation that can be given out casually if anyone wants it. To some extent, it also means that he has many possibilities, whether it is known or unknown!
Borrow this glass of sake to pay tribute to every thought we might possibly ever had, whether it is known or unknown.
After listening to it several times, are we willing to ignore the sincere voices of others, or even ourselves?
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We may not all hear the same content, but those who listen attentively would definitely find it amzing. I was a little scared, but it was okay. I had calmed down and was laughing, haha. It might be related to his careful guidance and accompanying students, or it might be related to the future of the children.
All in all, I feel honored that children and students have such a conductor!
I don’t want to go into details, but I believe this would be an important issue for us now and in the future.
The key to the environment that allows you to express yourself is "sincerity/true inner voice". There are definitely still many deep intentions and concern of him (also might be each of us) that we have not yet noticed.
This is not a manifestation that can be given out casually if anyone wants it. To some extent, it also means that he has many possibilities, whether it is known or unknown!
It can also be said that this possibility is hidden in the "hidden place/where we are not aware of it" and it is worthy of the name.
The handsome guy with big eyes is in conversion. (I just know that Lang Lang is just one month elder than me!) I recommend you to appreciate the charm of this 5-year-old Xiao Qianqian. Let us think about it, how do we lead children to learn (feel/know) music?
If we are unwilling or afraid to face the facts, we would continue to cover up and feel uncomfortable! Often, discomfort comes from doubts about self-perception and uncertainty about the future!
Perhaps, the world is now performing the craziest and grandest reality show of persuasion in human history, and only those who are attentive would have a chance to get and appreciate it! After all, insiders see the thoughts(operation=exquisite ingenuity), and outsiders see the excitement(feeling).
Also share with 葉樹涵 吳建銘 段富軒 郭聯昌 溫瑟爾 ChiungYu Christy Chen 陳榮昇 李商宇 宋光清 張景民 Canon Huang 鄭吉良 莊清霖 張浩 Chan Wang 陳彥豪 杜英麟 黃瑀萌 林祐民 林子祥 胡志瑋 梁婉筠Wan-Yun Liang 吳鳳媖 林昀宏 Yun-Ting Chen Yen-Yen Yen-Chao Chang 邱浩瑋 郭恩慈 陳建安 廖晏樟 張國威 符秦僥 顏慶賢 唐宥恩 陳瑋琮 楊忠衡 Martha Argerich Lang Lang - 郎朗 Daming Zhu 諸大明 鋼琴家顏華容 Artemis Yen - Pianist/Author/Dreamer Piano Chun-Chieh 我是江老師 小游老師 邱暐茹 楊朝翔 王淞賢 余莉苓 I-wen Chu 彭國翔 李東翰 簡濬康 Brian Hanz 大丸子
Also share with Aikuang Sun Chiafen Weng 簡文秀 H.K. OuYang 彭廣林 林天吉 Ju Tzong-Ching 鍾耀光 ShaoChia Lü 呂紹嘉 江靖波 江靖波 Fusao Kajima 許雙亮 陳樹熙 邱瑗 Hsing-Chwen Giselle Hsin 葉綠娜 Meng-Hsien Peng Yen-Yin Chu 莫啟慧 Hsiuchin Lee 孔孝誠 Bello Chang 羅俊穎 張玉胤 陳黃源 馬泰宇 趙成立 James Y. Lin Jason Lin Sabrina ChenPing Wesley Chia Wei Lin 錢宏洋 林清山 YuanPu Chiao NSO國家交響樂團 Taipei Symphony Orchestra 北市交 臺灣國樂團 NCO 臺北市立國樂團 樂興之時管絃樂團 Philharmonia Moments Musicaux 台北愛樂合唱團Taipei Philharmonic Chorus Adam Chou 郭靖沐 馬定一 國立臺灣師範大學 National Taiwan Normal University 北藝大音樂學系Department of Music, T.N.U.A. 國立臺灣藝術大學音樂學系 輔仁大學音樂系Fju Music SCU Music東吳音樂 國立高雄師範大學音樂學系
洛杉磯山火,看看消防員的Go Pro看(聽)到什麼,留在當地的人在協助世界(科學、宗教)紀錄什麼?消防人員想代美國傳達「我們真的很抱歉,吳時捷,請您繼續散發這樣的自己」,如同韓國那位回頭多次鞠躬致歉的年輕軍人。我現在還在想,覺得這些與自己何干的人,是怎樣的人? Los Angeles wildfire, see what the firefighters saw (heard) through their Go Pro POV, and what the people who stayed in the area are helping the world (science, religion) to record? The firefighter wanted to convey on behalf of the United States, "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie, please keep sharing such your selves," just like the young Korean soldier who turned around and bowed many times to apologize. I am still wondering what kind of people are those who think these things have nothing to do with them?
【修己揚他/AskSelf】【場域/FIELD】【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】【影視/Film】 Donald J. Trump The White House U.S. Department of St...
2024年7月31日 星期三
(分享給讓人覺得不可思議的吳松庭)當各位錄到自己的聲音並傳達什麼訊息時,各位的反應會是如何呢?環境能讓你表達的關鍵在於「真心」,肯定仍有許多用心我們尚未察覺。這不是想要就能隨意發得出來的引動,某種程度也代表豐沛的可能性(無論已知否)! (Shared with the incredible Wu Songting) What would be your reaction when your personal EN (thought) voice is recorded and try to convey some messages? The key to the environment that allows you to express yourself is "sincerity/true inner voice". There are definitely still many deep intentions and concern of him (also might be each of us) that we have not yet noticed. This is not a manifestation that can be given out casually if anyone wants it. To some extent, it also means that he has many possibilities, whether it is known or unknown!
我的內容有多重要,得用事實來看!這也是為何2024年中開始,陳文茜、彭文正、周玉琴、朱學恒、葛斯齊、溫朗東、林月琴、陳培瑜、葛如鈞、吳音寧、李貴敏、吳春城、羅淑蕾、羅文嘉、張延廷、劉坤鱧、孫振元、陳鴻源、王孝維、沈志霖、吾爾開希、中央健康保險署前署長 李伯璋,產學各界包含佛光大學校長 何卓飛、臺藝大前校長 陳志誠、經濟學家 杜震華、中國惠普前總裁/德州儀器前亞太總裁/富士康集團前副總裁 程天縱、NEXCOM董事長 林茂昌、好事聯播網 副董事長 孫吳也、前中央通訊社董事長 陳國祥、財經時事評論員 黃世聰、資深媒體人 唐湘龍、台北影音節目製作商業同業公會理事長 陳仲祺、遠流出版公司董事長 王榮文、《Heho健康》創辦人兼董事長 張璨、台灣設計研究院 TDRI 副院長 林鑫保、策略思維商學院 院長及專業講師 孫治華、新文化基金會 董事長 林大雄、數位時代總編輯 王志仁、還有許多科學家、教授、音樂家們等人願意立即加入朋友?並非表示什麼,而是為了我們自己可以接收一些重要事實來共進未來、調整自我。這些人的用心與勇氣值得分享。為了台灣和中國的未來,相對位高權重者和媒體們,理應接收這些資訊,包含我分享中國、美國和全世界的內容。未來與認知有關,更可追蹤或加入朋友,接收這些天地最美且實在的聲音與內容,共進未來!【Info】我念資訊管理。畢業後,指揮管樂團至30歲。
I studied in information management in the university. After graduating, I conducted university wind bands until the age of 30.
After that, I experienced Programming Specialist / Marketing Specialist / Product PM, went through 3 jobs, 3 industries, 3 levels, all were fired in 4 years. Although it's never in the same industry, can always be promoted.
Also performed several operas with some orchestras and foreign singers.
2021-01-27起,我一直透過日常重新學習,反覆確認與修正自己,同時試著協助解讀天道系統,可簡單理解為《星際大戰》中的「原力(the force)」。
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