2024年7月5日 星期五

回覆指揮江靖波老師分享聽到「一閃一閃亮晶晶,滿街都是小精靈」的影片。下次在這樣的環境裡可以適度音量播放我的魯冰花影片(或我其他任何較大牽引的影片),我相信都能聽得到整個環境都在唱魯冰花(或發出同樣的迴響),記得到時一定要試試看,很有意思! Reply to the video that conductor Ching-Po (Paul) Chiang heard of "Twinkle and twinkle, the streets are full of elves". Next time in such an environment, you can play my 《Lupinus》 video (or any of my other great-pilling videos) at a moderate volume. I believe you can hear the whole environment singing Lupinus (or emitting the same echo), remember. You must try it, it’s very interesting!

Reply to the video that conductor Ching-Po (Paul) Chiang heard of "Twinkle and twinkle, the streets are full of elves". Next time in such an environment, you can play my 《Lupinus》 video (or any of my other great-pilling videos) at a moderate volume. I believe you can hear the whole environment singing Lupinus (or emitting the same echo), remember. You must try it, it’s very interesting!

(大聲撥放江靖波老師的影片) 老師,您真高手!也可試試改變或異動這樣的運行,或照您的想法來匯集聲響,但這更難運行,因為真正引動的是我們意識的意念形與自己之於天地的牽引層級。
(Play Chiang’s video loudly) You are such a master! You can also try to change or pull the operation, or gather sounds according to your thoughts, but this is more difficult to operate, because what really operates is the level of pulling of our EN-type (in the way of thought) consciousness between the world and the earth.

Next time in such an environment, you can play my 《Lupinus》 video (or any of my other great-pilling videos) at a moderate volume. I believe you can hear the whole environment singing Lupinus (or emitting the same echo), remember. You must try it, it’s very interesting!

With the rumbling background sound, if you use this video, you will hear the environment singing this song, such as the sound of train tracks or the continuous sound of streams.

Thank you for recording this clip and sharing it with us (and indirectly providing others with the courage to try it). I believe this is also your outstanding contribution to space-time.

If you have confirmed this many times, then in future performances, how to extend the music and sound of the entire orchestra to the entire concert hall, or even beyond it, I believe this is an important issue for the future self-reinforcement of music and its rendering power!

Each person's progress will cause alteration in the previous music presentation. I also encourage everyone to listen to Pahud's recordings, especially the latest Mozart album. The difference is even more obvious.

But what is the reason? After all, we are not next to him and cannot further perceive it, but there is a difference, especially in the transmission and extension of the sound, which is obviously suppressed.

I believe that those who restrain their professionalism and observe carefully at this time can feel that many possibilities for the future have already taken shape.

Whether it is wind music, string music, percussion music or vocal music, or even EN (thought), they can be reflected and presented in the world (time and space).

EN music is a future pattern that can cause actual fluctuations in space-time, making people feel unforgettable in a huge vortex, or even continuing to ascend and feel contented!


(回應另一段影片)老師,現在看起來,音樂家中好像只有您和幾個人知道我在說什麼,也有在紀錄自己和練功(嘗試)。我猜根本沒人放大聲,聽見您的意識意念形發出的環境牽引意念音,這是我覺得很遺憾的地方,不過是對於其他人自己,而不是對於勇敢的我們! (In response to another video) It seems that among the musicians, only you and a few others know what I am talking about, and you are also recording yourselves and practicing (trying). I guess no one played it loudly at all, and heard the environmental pulling EN sound emitted by your EN-type consciousness. This is what I feel is very regretful, but it is for those people themselves, not for the brave us!

不過沒差,反正我先前就是在協助有自主意識且樂於探索未知的人慢慢理解這些事。 But it doesn’t matter, anyway, I have been helping people who are autonomous and willing to explore the unknown to slowly understand these things.

那些我版上分享關於全世界的災難在道謝和致歉的事情,或是大自然所有動植物,甚至剪輯過後的影片都能順暢地發出聲音,而且現在時空(天地)是有意識在進行這些事情,我相信老師因為這樣的努力,會對於音樂和未來有更大的貢獻! Those things I share on my post about the disasters around the world where they express gratitude and apology, or all the animals and plants in nature, and even the edited videos can make sounds smoothly, and now space-time (heaven and earth) are doing these things consciously, I believe that because of such efforts, you would make greater contributions to music and the future!

不然,我們也不會這麼快就在風雨中聽見您的名字,對吧!那其實是「您的意識的意念形(並非人的意識)」傳達訊息給我,因為,我正在感知與匯集天地的聲音,也在協助呈現。 Otherwise, we wouldn’t hear your name in the wind and rain so soon, right? That is actually "your  EN-type consciousness (not human consciousness)" conveying the message to me, because I am perceiving and gathering the sounds of heaven and earth, and also assisting in the manifestation.

2024-04-30_風雨雷聲除了歌唱,還清楚傳達「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷。真的有操控裂解意念在裂解台灣的音樂,我是 江靖波 ,謝謝您對於《愛無限,樂無界》的蒞臨,我和 郭靖沐 (通常是指意念形的你們)聽錄音都有點起雞皮疙瘩的感覺,謝謝你,未來再相遇喔」!
In addition to singing, Storm and Thunder also clearly conveyed "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie. There are really people with manipulating and cracking ENs (thoughts) to scatter the music of Taiwan. I am Ching-Po (Paul) Chiang. Thank you for coming to "Boundaryless Music Infinite Love". Jing Mu Kuo and I (usually referring to your EN-type selves) feel like to have goosebumps when listening to the recording. Thank you, meet each of again in the future!".

影片中某些人意識的意念形透過狗兒向我致歉,也是有原因的!放大聲可清楚聽見「犬人」講話的聲音喔! There is a reason why some people’s consciousnesses in the video apologized to me through dogs! Turn up the volume and you can hear the "Dog Man" talking!

The dog man's ENs (thoughts) are already in agreement with the dog, so they can be conveyed directly through the dog.

您膝蓋受傷我認為是反轉,因為你有用心,所以反轉新生得微創,概念是凝煉也得散形(如開花),這便是「天降大任於斯人也」之意正在體現。受傷也是一種「勞其筋骨(重力)」喔! I think your knee injury is an conversion. Because you have good intentions, the conversion is reborn with minimal trauma. The concept is that it need to be converged and scattered (like a flower). This is the meaning of "Heaven sends great tasks to this person" reflecting. Injury is also a kind of "working one's muscles and bones(gravity)"!

全世界的災難也是同理,和「勞其筋骨」的反轉之道有異曲同工之妙。只是目前用心的,大多是國家意識的意念形,並非來自人,所以大多在道歉(要呈現在人,還有好一段路)。 The same is true for the disasters all over the world. It is similar to the reverse method of "working one's muscles and bones". It’s just that most of the current intentions are national EN-type consciousness, not from people, so most of them are apologies (there is still a long way to go before people feel and understand something).

然而,我也可以先和老師分享,如果老師繼續努力和察覺,會不自覺地能注意到越來越多事情(你的意念形會給自己一種牽引力,對於你的注意力)。當然我認為多少也會遇到一些小不舒服,像是聲帶(喉嚨)、關節處,或是一些小意外,可將這些小意外或不適當作一種轉換的通道或路徑。也許老師您未來自己又可以觀察到更多可能! However, I can also share with you first. If you continue to work hard and be aware, you would unconsciously notice more and more things (your EN-type would give yourself a pulling force for your attention). Of course, I think you would encounter some minor discomforts, such as vocal cords (throat), joints, or some minor accidents. These minor accidents or discomforts can be used as a tunnel or path for conversion. Maybe you would be able to observe more possibilities in the future! == 江靖波老師是7/3意外摔倒,我分享「勞其筋骨也是一種轉換」這個概念的時間是7/4 2:30AM。
Chiang fell accidentally on July 3. The time I shared the concept of "working one's muscles and bones is also a kind of conversion" was at 2:30AM on July 4.

孰料宋光清老師昏倒兩次又摔倒,7/4 2:30PM
Unexpectedly, Qinbong Sung fainted twice and fell down. He published an article exactly 12 hours later at 2:30PM on July 4, and I hope that he would recover safely.

宋光清老師還特別提到,「連怎麼摔都不知道」。 Song also specifically mentioned, "I don't even know how to fall." 我只能保證,用心研究和思考我的內容,包含現行災難和自然在傳達的訊息,身心都會感到安定與舒適,包含自我修復能力提升。 I can only guarantee that if you carefully study and think about my content, including the current disasters and the messages conveyed by nature, your body and mind would feel stable and comfortable, including the improvement of self-resotring ability. 如果有稍微留意我的內容的人,可能有注意到我曾分享過有五次「一眨眼(0.1-0.2秒)就倒在地上」的經驗,而且還有三次都有人在面前。
If you have paid a little attention to my content, you may have noticed that I once shared the experience of "falling to the ground in the blink of an eye (0.1-0.2 seconds)" five times, and there were people in front of me three times. 其中四次是意識清醒,但是人瞬間貼在地上或床上,就在一眨眼間。 Four of them were conscious, but I was stuck to the ground or bed for an instant, just in the blink of an eye.
1. 前三次是在行走和坐姿狀態下,一眨眼就倒地,但全身沒有任何碰撞和傷口。 The first three times were while walking or sitting, and I fell to the ground in the blink of an eye, but there were no collisions or wounds on my body. 2. 第四次是2024/1月中在捷運北車M8出口,瞬間失去意識後,醒來是在醫院做縫合5cm傷口,至今狹縫偶爾還會排出一些油脂和血液。傷口早就好了,所以這個傷口顯然是一個轉換通道。 The fourth time was in mid-January 2024 at the M8 exit of the MRT Taipei Main Station. After losing consciousness for a moment, I woke up in the hospital and had a 5cm wound sutured. To this day, some grease and blood still occasionally drain out of the slit. The wound has long since healed, so this wound is obviously a conversion tunnel.
3. 第五次則是坐著唱歌,一眨眼後突然貼在床面而且歌聲驟止,我朋友在我前面傻眼看著我。 The fifth time, I was sitting and singing. In the blink of an eye, I suddenly leaned against the bed and the singing stopped suddenly. My friend looked at me dumbfounded in front of me.
也許對一般人而言不可置信,但聰明人會因為我的做人實在,進一步思考這件事的意義。 It may be unbelievable to common people, but smart people will further think about the significance of this matter because of my honest life. 很多事情有什麼意義,還有對自己和孩子們的未來有什麼助益,我們得問自己。 We have to ask ourselves what the meaning of many things is and how it would benefit ourselves and our children’s future. 2024-02-28_至今(2/13),已經發生五次幾近瞬間移動。根據我的意念系統,每次移動約為0.12-0.134秒之間。各位如果有一點理解我說過的內容,對於3/11於國家音樂廳演出的菲律賓瑪德利加合唱團UP Madrigal Singers(MADZ),必然會察覺一些關聯,像是牧歌(Madrigal)、大地(Earth, 大地表演藝術中心暨大地合唱團),還有他們獨特的半圓形排列,是利用聲響與空間的匯集與凝煉(想像波的匯集,各位可知道透過振盪與匯集,若從圓形水面正中央將一顆浮球自然下墜可以反彈多高嗎?)。 (So far on 2/13, five teleportations have occurred. According to the interpretation of my EN system, each movement time is about 0.12-0.134 seconds) https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2024/02/213012-0134so-far-on-213-five.html == 欲進一步練習或研究者,我相信上一次鄭吉良老師的經驗足以帶來點什麼反思! For those who want to practice or research further, I believe that Cheng Chi-Liang’s experience last time is enough to bring some reflection! 2024-06-17_聆聽環境意念音有何重要?這種聆聽,包含了感受、解讀、思考,最重要的差異在於描繪環境與白噪音(電磁意念音)的凝煉的方向及趨向,也就是並非只是聽得出CDEFG,而是同時能想像泛音凝煉出GFEDC、CDEFG-C-G等可能的言外之意的功夫,這便是能提升未來音場最重要的基本功。 Why is it important to listen to the environmental EN (thought) sounds? This kind of listening includes feeling, interpretation, and thinking. The most important difference lies in describing the converging direction and tendency of the environment and white noise (electromagnetic EN sound). That is, we can not only hear the CDEFG, but also imagine the skills that overtones of converging possible meanings beyond that beings at the same time, such as GFEDC, CDEFG-C-G, etc.. It is the most important basic skill that can improve the future sound field. https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2024/06/cdefggfedccdefg-c-g-why-is-it-important.html 2024-06-18_各國政府可派人加我朋友或追蹤,以利調整進退,和天地共生。知道世界如何運行,對自己負責便可以。希望一同接收世界訊息調整進退,並非想沾各位的光。當知道我的內容有修復之力時,也許有人態度又不同。不少人長相渙散、眼睛迷濛或大眼,未來會更誇張,天地都在看! Governments of all countries can have people to add me as a friend or follow me to facilitate adjustment of progress and retreat, and to coexist with the world. Once you know how the world works and then just take responsibility for yourself. The main reason is that I hope that you would receive the information from the world and heaven and earth, and be able to adjust your progress and retreat, and it’s not that I want to take advantage of you. I'm afraid it would be a totally different story when many people know how restorative reading my content is. Many people's appearance has become different from before(sloppy), their eyes are blurry or they have big eyes. It would become even more exaggerated in the future, and everyone in the world is concerning! https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2024/06/governments-of-all-countries-can-have.html


