2024年7月25日 星期四

雖然《Win Bigly》闡述一種心態和方法。然而,若對應到世界現況,我們可能會察覺這其實是一種揭密。因為煽動的大贏,實則虛化自己,讓我們好好觀察自己和世界的逐漸轉變! Although "Win Bigly" is explaining a mentality and approach. However, if we correspond to the current situation of the world, we may realize that this is actually a kind of revelation. Since the great triumph of demagoguery is actually making a fictionalization of ourselves, let us take a closer look at the gradual changes in ourselves and other countries in the world!

雖然《Win Bigly》闡述一種心態和方法。然而,若對應到世界現況,我們可能會察覺這其實是一種揭密。因為煽動的大贏,實則虛化自己,讓我們好好觀察自己和世界的逐漸轉變!
Although "Win Bigly" is explaining a mentality and approach. However, if we correspond to the current situation of the world, we may realize that this is actually a kind of revelation. Since the great triumph of demagoguery is actually making a fictionalization of ourselves, let us take a closer look at the gradual changes in ourselves and other countries in the world!

I personally think that the core of persuasion is the so-called "explanation + convincing method" in the text, that is, "the ability to assist others to examine things from various angles, whether it is self-interest or not."

If we think of "persuasion" as "hypnosis", wouldn't it turn into embarrassment or disgust when the other party understands a little bit?

And if "pre-persuasion" creates a situation and then "uses various seemingly irrelevant things to influence your emotions and judgments," this is indeed a kind of persuasion. However, it would be better to put it more realistically, like "setting up a situation = creating a situation" after "already intending to deceive", is a means to achieve the goal of "the situation you want to achieve."

In fact, this kind of "persuasion" is related to the fact that countries are beginning to collapse, including the frequent occurrence of various wars and conflicts!

Because it comes from "improper persuasion", that is, "according to what you want to achieve, without hesitating to trick others."

賴清德 Bi-khim Hsiao 卓榮泰 鄭麗君 林佳龍 潘孟安 陳世凱 國防部發言人 柯文哲 朱立倫 王婉諭 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團

This is why I remind you to "restrain ourselves and cultivate ourselves." Because those "glossy" words include repeatedly emphasizing that "Taiwan stands with the democratic countries of the world (wanting to use other democratic countries to make Taiwan look like a country)", but we do not keep in mind Taiwan's space-time background, pay more attention to the current situation and restrain our attitude, and face the contradictions in the constitution. This can be regarded as a kind of "improper persuasion". Therefore, I believe you all know very well what kind of examinations China (now represented by the People's Republic of China, unless they gradually reflect on their own space-time background), the United States, and other countries around the world are facing!

Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, told Ma Ying-jeou, "When you come to the mainland, you cross the strait; if you want to understand the mainland, you cross the space-time." Why? If you can't answer or have no ideas, you should really study from zero! Both the Chinese and Taiwan governments need to think carefully about the important connotation of how to pragmatically improve the current situation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and look forward to the future! It is precisely because no one really wants to discuss the problem (dilemma) and just wants to go where they want to go (as their will), completely ignoring what impact it will have on the world or what waves it would cause. We think that this world (the place we exist = space-time) seems to be our own (who taking the land is king), so we could do whatever we want. Is this really the case?

★★★★★2024-07-16_加里·維納查克 也與我一同鼓勵大家「找到自己→停止抱怨」。
Gary Vaynerchuk and I encourage everyone to "find yourself→stop complaining."

Wang Wenbin Chinese Ambassador to the Kingdom of Cambodia 汪文斌 中华人民共和国外交部发言人办公室 中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署

If the heavy rain disaster in mainland China continues unabated, we must ask more about "what's wrong with ourselves"! ? Every time we speak, try to clarify and focus on the problem, and help improve and propose practical and implementable suggestions.

Hunan is flooded, and the overtones and sounds of the sound converge, all conveying "We are really sorry."
What China, Taiwan, and other governments around the world need to think about is why we don’t have the power to act and think freely about the causes of these phenomena.

Governments of all countries can have people to add me as a friend or follow me to facilitate adjustment of progress and retreat, and to coexist with the world. Once you know how the world works and then just take responsibility for yourself. The main reason is that I hope that you would receive the information from the world and heaven and earth, and be able to adjust your progress and retreat, and it’s not that I want to take advantage of you. I'm afraid it would be a totally different story when many people know how restorative reading my content is. Many people's appearance has become different from before(sloppy), their eyes are blurry or they have big eyes. It would become even more exaggerated in the future, and everyone in the world is concerning!

2024-05-21_520就職大典上,透過戰鬥機打招呼: 賴清德,蕭美琴,我是吳時捷。請你們「自抑修己,欣賞揚他」,請協助改善立法院和議會文化,謝謝。

Perhaps, the world is now performing the craziest and grandest reality show of persuasion in human history, and only those who are attentive would have a chance to get and appreciate it! After all, insiders see the thoughts(operation=exquisite ingenuity), and outsiders see the excitement(feeling).


企業中容易明白的實例,就是ISO 9001認證,基於「說寫做」相符,也就是「說服他人、自己和所有員工」。若「說寫做」相符,當企業發生問題時,便容易得知哪些步驟程序可能可以再檢視,或需要調整。
An easy-to-understand example in the enterprise is ISO 9001 certification, which is based on the consistency of "speaking, writing and doing", that is, "convincing others, yourself and all colleagues." If "speaking, writing and doing" are consistent, when a problem occurs in the company, it will be easy to know which steps and procedures may need to be reviewed or adjusted.

若建置ISO 9001文件不清楚自身執行力,等同於「說寫作」不相符(服)。若不清楚執行狀況,便難以得知問題出在哪,例如:製造業的4M1E。
If you create ISO 9001 documents without knowing your own execution capabilities, it is equivalent to "speaking, writing and doing" that is inconsistent (convincing). If the execution status is not clear, it is difficult to know where the problem lies, for example: 4M1E in the manufacturing industry.

所以容易見到各程序出現彼此cover疏漏,其實是因為好像被催眠和被說服「應該都合於規定吧!?」。然而,實際執行時常常不同,這和文中提到的「預說服」設一個局相同,因為設了自己一個ISO 9001標準,所以常常第一反應都是「後進者(新人)的問題」,而非「每一次都回過頭檢視自己執行狀況,還有對應的標準和流程」,這也產生了企業上下層歧見與不和睦。
Therefore, it is easy to see that various programs cover up each other's omissions. In fact, it is because they seem to be hypnotized and persuaded, "It should all be in compliance with the regulations, right!?" However, the actual implementation is often different. This is the same as the "pre-persuasion" situation mentioned in the article. Because we have set up our own ISO 9001 standard, the first reaction is often "the problem of latecomers (newcomers)" instead of "every time we go back and review our implementation status, as well as the corresponding standards and processes." This Disagreement and disharmony between the upper and lower levels of the enterprise often arise.

We can also imagine that whether it is a country, a company, a religion, science or various industries, the greater the inconsistency (meaning the degree of difference), the greater the reaction would be.

Such as the medical system, labor issues (management mentality and requirements/powers, labor rights and growth/obligations), etc.

Regarding the Samsung report, which specifically mentioned that "it takes great courage to be willing to participate in a strike," although "the strike will not have an impact on production capacity," the union chairman still said that "the participation of production line employees can have an impact on interrupted production capacity." That is to say, human consciousness would be able to actively cooperate with the operation, and even inadvertently or deliberately cause damaging failures in the production line or reduce the yield rate. This is the real connotation of this news.

★★★★★(節錄 Excerpt)三星電子工程師朴俊河:「我意識到三星對員工的方式,和外界所看到的非常不同。」
Samsung Electronics Engineer: "I realized that the way Samsung treats its employees is very different from what the outside world sees."


Although they seem to have different opinions, I believe this content is very real, so...



You might as well refer to these articles, and then think about what kind of reaction such "persuasion" will have after the world (space-time, the object who has been "improperly persuaded") wakes up:

There are so many way to converge the gravity EN in nature and they would display a more delicate evolutionary process through the convergence of gravitational tendencies.

Why do nature, all things in the world, disasters, and some people involuntarily make sounds of thanks and apology through breathing, head or body oscillating? What are the possible reasons? Use my content and video from the original source to directly ask seniors or superiors in various fields. I can guarantee that all scientists must notice that the statements and facial expressions of these superiors would become a little weird. As long as you dare to ask, you will definitely get the proof.


Also share with 關鍵時刻 TVBS 少康戰情室 庶民大頭家 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 94要客訴 突發琪想 57爆新聞 新聞龍捲風 新聞深喉嚨 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 新台派上線 年代向錢看 陳文茜 FACENEWS/新聞面對面 TVBS T觀點 董事長開講 新聞大白話 關我什麼事 TVBS 國民大會 新聞大破解 新聞大小事 大新聞大爆卦 政知局 公民審議-立委監督專區 公民1985行動聯盟 一刀未剪 正常發揮


