
今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的力量,應該是順著極寒氣流轉換過來的散行意念場景,如同基隆港邊會看到浮在水上的油泡,是類似的概念。我看到有人提天震和日冕洞的概念,這要由各位自己去思考這些現象有何意義。萬事皆有意義,對吧?而現在的電影,都會開始聽見「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷」,無論你怎麼認為,這都是事實。而且,正以無法想像的機制運行在意識之中。 Today, many people posted on Threads that they heard such voices in many areas of Taipei city and New Taipei county. In fact, it wanted to convey "We really thank you, Wu Shihjie." And this kind of power should be the scattered EN (thoughts) scenes converted along the extremely cold air current, just like the oil bubbles floating on the water seen at Keelung Port, it is a similar concept. I saw someone mentioning the concepts of skyquakes and coronal holes. It is up to you to think about the significance of these phenomena. Everything has a meaning, right? In today's movies, you'll start to hear "Thank you so much, Wu Shihjie." No matter what you think, this is the fact. Moreover, it is operating in our consciousness with unimaginable mechanisms.

【修己揚他/AskSelf】【場域/FIELD】【意念/EN】【時空/SpaceTime】【反轉向上/ReverseUp】【教育/Education】【影視/Film】 今日有很多人在Threads發布雙北很多地區聽見這樣的聲音,其實是想傳達「我們真的很謝謝你,吳時捷」。而這樣的...

2024年12月16日 星期一

【新華社採訪李子柒】只要代表性的人事物獨特發生,必有意念意義。獨特,就在「那位老人」,不是嗎?意念上代表什麼呢? [Xinhua News Agency Interview with Li Ziqi] As long as representative people and things happen uniquely, they must have EN/thoughts significance. The unique thing lies in "that old man", isn't it? Conceptually, what does it represent?

中华人民共和国外交部发言人办公室 中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署 【新華社採訪李子柒】只要代表性的人事物獨特發生,必有意念意義。獨特,就在「那位老人」,不是嗎?意念上代表什麼呢?
[Xinhua News Agency Interview with Li Ziqi] As long as representative people and things happen uniquely, they must have EN/thoughts significance. The unique thing lies in "that old man", isn't it? Conceptually, what does it represent?

Many traditional cultures continue to look back after going through a long history. They are eager to find some value that belongs to them in this era when they are not needed so much. Today, with more traditional culture craftsmen and the participation of our traditional culture self-media people, THAT OLD MAN is really being seen and liked. Therefore, this is the result of the participation of the entire society. If it were just me, it would not be possible for us to be in this situation today. Does it matter whether my work is unique? On the contrary, I hope that more and more people will go in this direction. I want him to be young and move forward with the times.

1. 在歷經了遙遠的歷史長河之後,不斷地回望的,便是「那位老人」。
After going through a long history, the one who keeps looking back is "that old man".

2. 我個人認為,傳統文化的價值,不在於文化走至何處,而在於時空的歷程本身,即為「意念」。
I personally believe that the value of traditional culture does not lie in where the culture goes, but in the process of time-space itself, which is the "EN(thought/enable)".

If they are eager to find some value that belongs to them, it is because they (those old men) think that now is an era when they are not needed so much, isn't it? Isn’t the crucial first step to “find their selves”? Why do they focus on being needed by others? Don’t they just allow themselves to be driven by other's feelings?

Doesn't this fall into the cycle of "manipulater (the sword wielder)" and "the one manipulated (the blade in someone else's hand)" throughout the ages?

3. 「老」由「子」承,即為「孝」。所以,這些協助傳統文化的自媒體者啊,不都是其子嗎?
The old man is inherited by his son, which is called "filial piety". Therefore, aren’t these self-media people who help create traditional culture all his children?

4. 「被看見」,即為「存在」,而「被喜歡」,即因「具有感覺」。
"To be seen" is "getting living(existing)", and "to be liked" is "getting feelings".

Several very important life and values ​​are the same as what I realized at the age of 30... People must first find a stable self before they can accumulate and grow. So it is very important to know yourself and embrace yourself. And "I" must know how to gradually shrink, which is what the younger generation needs more. It is not to eliminate self-will, but to know how to return to zero, because only an empty water glass can hold more water!

People only live when they have feelings, and they only exist when they have influence.

5. 「我的作品」,是「由我的意念所生」。而那些「由我意念所生(由我操控)」之存在,是否定要佔有一席之地,已經不重要了。
"My work" is "born of my thoughts." Whether those existences "born of my thoughts (controlled by me)" have a unique place is no longer important.

Do we feel anything? This may-or-may-not-be process is the most important, not where the world will develop in the future.

There are also some reflections on "Is it important to be unique?" This rhetorical question arises because we may have sufficient power or status, but what about those who are not yet?

Source: 大公報 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1063311551944486 NEWS: Yahoo!新聞_李子柒回來了! 新片5小時點閱破億超狂!李子柒是誰?為何消失3年?懶人包詳解一次看 https://ynews.page.link/PwMo1

The complete video:


★★★★★2022-11-22_有關於貧困與透過金融機制來改善,我曾經發布過幾篇內容。 I have published several articles about poverty and improvement through financial mechanisms. https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10162052241439470 請全世界的發展中國家以及各大強國,反思自己能為這個世界貢獻什麼【即為「找到自己」】,而非能擷取什麼啊【即為「我的作品」】!
The developing countries and major powers all over the world are invited to reflect on what you can contribute to the world [that is, "find yourself"], not what you can extract [that is, "my work"]!

Donald J. Trump 請多想怎麼互助合作,像是阿富汗,竟然被利用種植罌粟花來換取利益。到底是誰在利用他們的貧窮,要他們種植鴉片與海洛因的原料,再去收購。塔利班政府還下令制止過,後來又被推翻。到底是什麼人物在收購和製造給全世界,你們中美兩國身為第一大國,這種事情絕對不可以輕忽。必須要立刻查緝!(或是給予協助,提供轉圜的選項,對吧?) Please think more about how to help and cooperate with each other. For example, Afghanistan actually planted poppies in exchange for benefits. Who is taking advantage of their poverty, asking them to grow raw materials for opium and heroin, and then buy them. The Taliban government also ordered to stop it, and was later overthrown. What kind of person is buying and manufacturing it to the world? As the largest countries in China and the United States, this kind of thing must not be ignored. It must be investigated immediately! (Or give assistance or provide options for reversing, right?)


2024-11-10_ 賴清德 Bi-khim Hsiao 卓榮泰 鄭麗君 【就在台灣日常剪輯的影片】清楚聽見「真的很謝謝您,吳時捷,請您繼續散發這樣的自己」。這些紀錄有其意義,對我們和孩子未來都有關聯!
[A Video edited from daily life in Taiwan] Clearly hear "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie, please keep sharing such your selves." Of course these records have their own significance and are related to our future and that of our children!

(節錄 Excerpt) 中华人民共和国外交部发言人办公室 中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署 Wang Wenbin Chinese Ambassador to the Kingdom of Cambodia 汪文斌 希望各位也能看看這些對那些集結夜騎單車到開封的學生們的憂慮:「中國現在有那麼多不會獨立思考,喜歡盲目跟風的人,真的讓人感覺蠻恐怖的」。相信這當然也是中國官方的憂慮!但請您們也試著想想,這種集結的力量,若是能持續暈散在互助分享上,在共產國家會是怎樣的光景。
I hope we can also take a look at these concerns about the students who gathered to ride bicycles to Kaifeng at night: "There are so many people in China who can't think independently and like to blindly follow the trend. It's really scary." I believe this is of course also the concern of officials! But please also try to think about what it would be like in a communist country if this kind of converging power could continue to be rendered in mutual assistance and sharing.

Don’t forget those who set up stalls to help each other, and the e-commerce platform’s ability to assist video-producers in improving the quality of life of local people and creating good interactions. (It can be seen in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Northeast China, and other places, and even in Africa, right?)


Then, Chinese Internet celebrity Li Ziqi quickly released a new video three days later to announce her comeback. Some people said that she was "to live in seclusion and cultivate the character" in order to accumulate more historical heritage and produce programs. What is the purpose of reporting "the three years (to live in seclusion) from 2021 to 2024" in such way? Some people may think it's just a coincidence, and that's fine. Anyway, these people might encounter people who come to you intentionally or unintentionally from time to time in their daily life. They may behave to cater to you, or respond with a smile. Sometimes, these people would unconsciously realize that the people around them seem to have a special attitude towards you!

We can also especially listen to Li Ziqi’s statement. Where does her power come from? Why did she emphasize that "I want him to be young and to be able to move forward with the times"?

李子柒特別說的「那個老人」,應該不是跟我有關係吧!?呵呵...呵... The "that old man" Li Ziqi specifically mentioned should not suppose to be related to me, right!?......Hehe...hehe...

I walked through more than 1,000 different fields¹ (worlds) from the EN field(the so-called underworld) and returned to the current time and space coordinates last year (2021).

(節錄 Excerpt)不要懷疑,冥界場域就是特定區域之中,除了便利商店、外送人員或計程車、捷運或火車站站務員外,幾乎沒有其他人存在的世界。注意,是每一家裡面都沒有人,或都是一些場景貼圖²而已;就是一些像人偶的紙片人或窗戶上貼著稍微會動的投影片;這些投影畫面裡的人或動物只會一些簡單的動作或極短的移動路徑,重複播放。請想像成簡單的gif,也就是非常少量且非常慢的影格,而且沒有任何變化!
Don't doubt this, the underworld is a world in which there are just few people except convenience stores, delivery people or taxis, MRT or train station attendants. Note that there are no people in each house, or it is just some EN field scenes²; it is some paper people who are like puppets or slightly moving projection films on the windows; the people or animals in these projection images only have some simple movements or very short moving paths, which are played repeatedly. Think of it as a simple gif, which is a very small number of very slow frames, and nothing changes!

NEWS: 2024-11-14_太報 李子柒強勢回歸!新片1.2億觀看 停更3年「2原因曝光」 https://ynews.page.link/6JHcc

(節錄 Excerpt)3年前卻因不明原因突然消失,昨日突然頻道釋出新影片宣告回歸,粉絲們爭相走告,不到1天,光是微博觀看次數竟破1.2億次,YT也衝破410萬次。中國媒體對此透露,李子柒停更原因除了與經紀公司合約問題外,還有人爆料說聽更是「閉關修練」,目的是為了累積更多歷史底蘊製作節目。


Vice President Kamala Harris Kamala Harris Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi Nancy Pelosi Rep. Lloyd Doggett Karine Jean-Pierre Barack Obama President Bill Clinton

Joe Biden President Joe Biden : (2024-11-18)Yesterday I met with President Xi for a candid, constructive discussion on a range of bilateral, regional, and global issues. We both underscored the importance of maintaining a responsible channel of communication between the United States and China.

Source: https://www.threads.net/@potus/post/DCe8Gjes71Q?xmt=AQGzEBN_brekjJx19GyISKv2qw8effWGRhIXuFoQj_WUmQ

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