The newborn baby cannot recognize people or speak yet, but why does he/she try so hard to express his emotions through breathing? "I love Wu Shihjie the most." Tsai Shiping uses the action of peeling eggs for her daughter, and the sound behind this action is actually conveying, "Thank you so much, (0:11) Wu Shihjie, (0:17) please keep sharing such your selves." At the end of the video, he also said a special sentence, "This is love!"
Have you ever heard a baby express "I love Wu Shihjie the most, thank you so much" through breathing?
In this video, this baby who also cannot speak and cannot recognize people, is similarly trying to convey the same message through breathing, right? What kind of power in the heaven and earth accompanies and assists them in their growth? What kind of gratitude makes them try so hard to express their emotions! ? The same sound is heard all over the world, in nature and in life.
The owl clearly expressed "I love Wu Shihjie the most", how is the world running? What about our lives? Have you ever heard a baby express "I love Wu Shihjie the most, thank you so much" through breathing? Is it similar to the emotion conveyed by an owl? Are there any scientists, religious people, or parents who are thinking and learning with us?
2025-01-13_彭啟明,風聲可聽見「真的很謝謝您,(0:33)吳時捷,(0:49)請您繼續散發這樣的自己」。繼續加油! 蔡易餘 委員,您之後走路呼吸的時候,可以試試:手慢慢由下往前再往上舉,接著頭往上仰,順便吸氣心中算五秒鐘,手再慢慢反向放下來,然後吐氣五秒鐘,頭和肩膀放下來!做這個,你會感到腰和背會有延展,甚至有點酸酸的,對您的小肚肚和全身健康也是有幫助的喔!
The footsteps of Emperor Naruhito of Japan in Oxford could be heard conveying "Thank you very much, Wu Shihjie".
[This article will also email to professors at the Juilliard School] The Juilliard School wants to record and convey through the footsteps sounds of students, "I love Wu Shihjie the most, please keep sharing such your selves." The recording is the same for everyone who goes downstairs.
The Greek earthquake triggered landslides, tens of thousands of tourists and residents were evacuated, and a state of emergency has been declared. The environment and the recorder can be heard conveying through breathing, "We are really sorry, Wu Shihjie." Try to answer yourselves first: Is the phenomenon I am talking about true? Proceed to the next step after answering.
Heaven and earth speak, and I can help the world understand these through facts. Even the baby wants to talk to me through its breath, so what about your eyes and looking being strange (not like yourself)? My content has the power to restore, the whole world is converting, sooner or later.
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