2022年6月19日 星期日

今天(6/19)的確診死亡數有172位,指揮中心竟然還是標示「未打滿3劑疫苗有100人」為紅字。請問各位的良知,為何指揮中心不標示「有接種疫苗的人有104位,其中打滿3劑以上竟然達72位」!而最好再加註「未打疫苗68人,尚低於打滿3劑的人數」。況且,我說的這件事情,不正是事實本身嗎?還是各位心中連真相都不敢面對呢? Today (6/19), there are 172 confirmed deaths, and the command center even labels "100 people who have not completed 3 doses of the vaccine" in red. I would like to ask your conscience why the command center does not indicate that "there are 104 people who have been vaccinated, of which 72 have been given more than 3 doses"! It would be better to add 68 unvaccinated people, which is still lower than the number of people who have been given 3 doses. Moreover, is the fact that I am talking about the facts themselves, isn't it? Or do you not even dare to face the truth in your hearts?

Today (6/19), there are 172 confirmed deaths, and the command center even labels "100 people who have not completed 3 doses of the vaccine" in red. I would like to ask your conscience why the command center does not indicate that "there are 104 people who have been vaccinated, of which 72 have been given more than 3 doses"! It would be better to add 68 unvaccinated people, which is still lower than the number of people who have been given 3 doses. Moreover, is the fact that I am talking about the facts themselves, isn't it? Or do you not even dare to face the truth in your hearts?

衛生福利部 疾病管制署 - 1922防疫達人


Please assist in transmitting it to CECC Minister Chen and other officials.


Please stop looking at the epidemic irresponsibly and use more personal conscience and morality. Then examine the facts I have told you, and you will find that many people are talking nonsense and disregarding the lives of others!


Today (6/19), there are 172 confirmed deaths, and the command center even labels "100 people who have not completed 3 doses of the vaccine" in red. I would like to ask your conscience why the command center does not indicate that "there are 104 people who have been vaccinated, of which 72 have been given more than 3 doses"! It would be better to add 68 unvaccinated people, which is still lower than the number of people who have been given 3 doses. Moreover, is the fact that I am talking about the facts themselves, isn't it? Or do you not even dare to face the truth in your hearts? If as the chiefs expected, the number of confirmed cases declines, but the number of deaths and the number of moderate and severe cases do not decrease, it means that this seemingly viral epidemic is not at all what you imagined.


Forgive me for offending the officers, you are not only experts and scholars, but also human beings, right? Why continue to use this completely untrue statement to distort the public's perception? Stop pushing the commercial benefits of vaccines and those drugs, and then hurry up and do the things that have a way to explain these phenomena! If you don't know how to turn around, then let go of your individual self and learn again. Even if there is a slight possibility, you should remember to try it quickly, shouldn't you? These are all beings. These things have absolutely positive benefits related to the reversal of all human physiological fields, and all symbiotic things!

除了持續佈達給各位的重要消息,我也於昨日2022-06-18寄了200多封信件給 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 各院長、副院長長及研究學者,還有 國家太空中心 NSPONASA - National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationFederal Aviation Administration

In addition to the important news I continue to give you, I also sent more than 200 letters yesterday on 2022-06-18 to the presidents, vice presidents and research scholars of the Academia Sinica, as well as the National Space Organization(NSPO) and NASA and FAA.



CECC, would you please know if there are other possibilities for the reasons that cannot be solved!?


Please be brave, if there is a problem, we admit it.
Please be honest, if having something we don't know, go for it.
Please be pragmatic, if there is any possibility of explanation, try it.


But please don't hide anything about what is published in the news, because truth itself has a magnificent EN energy, so that we can all see the present and the reality. More importantly, true EN can point to the right future, whether it depends on everyone to repair or develop together!


As you know, 211 people died today(6/10), with news reports that 87 people were not vaccinated and 137 were not fully vaccinated to a third dose. My Goodness, those 137 people include 87 unvaccinated people. How come you don't emphasize that there are 74 people who have been given three doses, which is more than 1/3 of the number, and you also use gray to cover up, which is what I think is most undesirable. Ineffective vaccines are not your problem, you must be brave and upright!


With the exception of three counties and cities, suppose that the number of infected people in Taiwan has mostly started to slow down, but the number of moderate and severe cases and deaths has risen. What is the reason? That's the key question. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly appeal or remind the public to do something to help themselves or the surrounding field reverse and convert. COVID-19 in 2019 is named SARS-CoV-2, and the precursors are SARS-CoV in 2012 and MERS-CoV in 2012/2015. bad ENs in the past used animals to transmit people (to establish a EN connection), and the launch EN center of COVID-19, many of which are in animals and plants. Don't forget that abnormal monkeypox cases are still occurring in Western countries, which also use animal-to-human transmission. As a result, it is difficult for human beings to realize what I am calling for, and naturally we cannot find out the reason and fall into the passive epidemic prevention program of the cycle of "headache and foot pain".

2022年6月16日 星期四

科學理論中充斥著不少胡說八道的謬論與歸因。就如同很多設定本來就是個胡亂臆測的,然後他們再設計一套實驗,接著透過莫名得到的數據,用統計與研究方法繼續胡說八道! Scientific theories are full of not-so-few nonsense fallacies and attributions. Just like many setting are a random assumption, then they design a set of experiments, and then through the inexplicable data, with statistics and research methods to continue the nonsense!

Scientific theories are full of not-so-few nonsense fallacies and attributions. Just like many setting are a random assumption, then they design a set of experiments, and then through the inexplicable data, with statistics and research methods to continue the nonsense!

自说自话的总裁 自说自话的总裁 謝謝總裁提供這麼多神經病博士的實驗,我更確定科學理論中充斥著不少胡說八道的謬論與歸因。就如同CFF本來就是個胡亂臆測的設定,然後他們再設計一套實驗,接著透過莫名得到的數據,用統計與研究方法繼續胡說八道

Thank you President for providing so many nonsensical Ph.D.'s experiments, and I'm much more certain that scientific theories are full of not-so-few nonsense fallacies and attributions. Just like the CFF is a funny assumption, then they design a set of experiments, and then through the inexplicable data, with statistics and research methods to continue the nonsense!


Also, the Dr. K or many people talk about their understanding of the phenomenon of time-warping or the accelerated world, and I would love them to answer a few questions as following. After that, I will reply to these questions, and I will also tell them how to enter the accelerated world. But that's a very dangerous thing, and I dare respond because I went into the acceleration world last year 2021-02, and I've also seen people who physically really accelerate instantaneously, including myself. Scientists are really advised to live in the present and study more phenomena in the real world, rather than designing a set of nonsense experiments, and harming others for some worthless academic status.

1. 人體內的場域(世界)的時間感知會變成?
2. 人體外的場域(世界)的時間感知會變成?
3. 當進入加速世界,我們人會察覺到什麼現象?
4. 這個現象會導致我們身體的生理狀況變化為何?
5. 既然有進入,就有退出。請問最簡單退出加速世界的方式可能有哪些?

There are several questions about the accelerated world:
1. What does the time perception of the field (world) in the human body become?
2. What does the time perception of the field (world) outside the human body become?
3. When entering the accelerated world, what phenomena will we perceive?
4. What is the physiological condition of our body that this phenomenon causes?
5. Since there is entry, there is exit. What are the easiest ways to exit the accelerated world?

As for the method of acceleration, it is very simple, everyone can do it, and it will be announced in the future. I would like to know how the scientists who have studied this question for a long time will think and reply.

I can emphasize two more points:

1. 我知道如何將自體腦內的時間感知加速,而且應該是每個人都蠻容易做到,但十分危險。
I know how to speed up the time perception in our own brain, and it should be easy for everyone to do, but it is very dangerous.

2. 實際上,我去過時空收斂的物理地方,而且徒步走了整個上午,從清晨走到快中午來尋找住家。時空折疊後的區域,整條街會以幾個號碼的門牌呈現,並且方向混亂。所進入到的大樓裡,一定有很多灰塵,並且有許多未裝上的大門。再來的重點,所處的時空意念場景中,一定人數變得非常少!我還在那裏吃過早餐,我的肉眼可辨識的意念,顯示麵包都是許多散形麵包蟲(可想像成微生物和麵粉的來源)凝練的。
In fact, I have been to physical places where space-time was convergeg, and I have walked all morning, from early morning to almost noon, looking for homes. In the area where space-time was folded, the entire street would just appear with several house numbers, and the directions would be confusing. There must be a lot of dust in the building you entered, and there are many doors leaning against the stairwells. The next important point is that there would be very few people active in the space-time EN (thought) scene you were in! I also had breakfast there, and what I could discern with the naked eye showed that the toastes was converged from many EN-type loose mealworms (which could be imagined as the source of microorganisms and flour).

2022年6月15日 星期三

失眠現象之於體能與意念的關係。The phenomenon of insomnia related to physical fitness and EN. 第一,體能以及消耗量的關聯。 First, the correlation between physical fitness and consumption. 第二,近一年來宇宙各場域轉換,及意念指令執行、轉換與勻質之影響。可略分為哪些轉換? Second, the conversion of various fields of the universe in the past year, and the execution, conversion and homogenization of the EN instructions. What conversions can be skimmed into? 第三,雖然聽起來比較恐怖或難以相信,但之前釘在各位身上(大腦)的意念錨點,主要是隱藏在各位醒著的時候在運行的。 Third, although it sounds scary or unbelievable, the EN anchors that were previously nailed to us(the brain) are mainly in the way of hidden-operating when you are awake.

失眠現象之於體能與意念的關係。The phenomenon of insomnia related to physical fitness and EN.
First, the correlation between physical fitness and consumption.
Second, the conversion of various fields of the universe in the past year, and the execution, conversion and homogenization of the EN instructions. What conversions can be skimmed into?
Third, although it sounds scary or unbelievable, the EN anchors that were previously nailed to us(the brain) are mainly in the way of hidden-operating when you are awake.

大紀元 epochtimes.com 與JOJO和Johnnath Liu教授分享,失眠現象之於體能與意念的關係。Share with JOJO and Dr. Liu about the phenomenon of insomnia related to physical fitness and EN.

First, the correlation between physical fitness and consumption.


Physical energy can be considered as basic biological energy. The elderly generally have low basic biological energy, so they seem to have to go to sleep for a while even when they are fine; Middle-aged people, on the other hand, have higher biological energy. If simplified to check the element of physical consumption, the general office workers are generally low consumption, and the really high consumption class belongs to construction workers or labor workers.


General office workers are not easy to feel tired because of their low physical energy consumption. And maybe because of the work schedule, they have to go to bed at a certain time. Under these two premises, it is bound to be more difficult to fall asleep.

Second, the conversion of various fields of the universe in the past year, and the execution, conversion and homogenization of the EN instructions. What conversions can be skimmed into?

1. 世界場域(全世界和宇宙)

1. 1-FIELD(the whole world and the universe)
 The Earth itself has been shaking slightly. I believe that when experts and scholars go to bed at night, they can clearly feel that the surface has been doing elastic sloshing and slight shaking [1].

[1-1] 2022-04-02 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10159995046024470
In these two days, the space-time will be reorganized, and the earth will continue to vibrate slightly. Moreover, everyone's body will undergo a  little stronger conversion. Please have more water and food!
[1-2] 2022-04-03 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10159998163564470
If you lie down or stand still and feel carefully, you will find that the Earth is doing a lot of slight shaking, containing elastic sudden movement and homogeneity, and should be easily distinguishable from earthquakes. Because, first, I think there is no clear source of these shakings; Second, it lasts for 24 hours without stopping, and every minute and second is microelastic movement; Third, the earth continues to shake slightly, and continues to say, "I'm sorry, please take care of yourself, continue to show such beauty", I think that this frequency of shaking pattern may not even be explained by science.

2. 物質與對應空間的場域

2. The field of matter and the corresponding space
 The building materials of the building itself are getting scattered, containing many field conversion of EN spaces in the building. For example, sewage treatment lines, as well as large air ducts for ventilation and air conditioning. These period of conversion cause a low-frequency sound that the building itself would emit the sound of hum or rumble. And because there are many EN energies in buildings and spaces that are scattered, it is easy for both sound and vibration to pass through walls or partitions and make sleep itself easily disturbed.

3. 人體與中介系統在執行意念指令與強制轉換

3. The human body and the intermediary system are executing EN instructions and forced converting
 Because all the intermediary systems of the past are scattered [2], 1-SYSTEM is continuing to be restored [3]. There will be more complex phenomena that are difficult to argue with a relatively narrow scientific point of view. People all over the world have a harder time sleeping, just like the truemeaning of "butterfly effect".

 a. 在晚上的封閉空間中,大家有時候會感到周圍或人體開始變熱又逐漸冷卻的過程。
 a. In the enclosed space at night, people sometimes feel the process of the surrounding or human body starting to heat up and gradually cooling.
 b. 不一定在睡眠前,有時會感到頭皮會有一定規律的跳動(就像是眼皮跳的現象),或是手腳的某一層肌理好像突然感到些微刺痛。
 b. Not necessarily before going to sleep, sometimes you will feel that the scalp will have a certain regular beating (like the phenomenon of eyelid jumping), or a certain layer of texture of the hands and feet seems to suddenly feel a slight tingling.
 c. 皮膚會感到一點點麻麻[4],甚至是會類似薄膜在緩慢移動的現象。
 c. The skin will feel a little numb [4], even similar to the slow movement of layer-like membrane.
 d. 這一點通常讓人較難以入眠,就是各位睡眠的時候會不自覺的旋轉 [5]。就像是之前有提到過的扭毛巾的動作。各位的手、腳或身體各部位,包含背部、頸部等,全部都會有這個現象。其實,就是以所謂的「棘皮」(向心凝煉)的方式在進行轉換與勻質。
 d. This is usually more difficult to sleep, that is, you will rotate unconsciously when you sleep [5]. It's like twisting a towel that was mentioned earlier. All of your hands, feet, or body parts, including the back and neck, will have this phenomenon. In fact, it is in the so-called JIPI way (centripetal convergense) to carry out conversion and homogenization.

[2] 2022-04-19 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10160026630759470
If you're wondering what makes up our human body, or what the source of field force is, the answer is scattered ENs. Please stop talking about ghosts or spirits. These are the so-called scattered and superimposed energy bodies, and after condensing, they are the basic space-time elements.
[3] 2022-04-24 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10160035220544470
If you want to know what scattered EN(S.EN) are, you might as well quickly look up at the clear sky(If the sky above everyone is launching the EN instruction of ​​​​I asked the space-time to restrain the rotten oil mist that caused damage in the past a few days ago), and you will see that they are flowing back into the 1-SYSYEM.
[4] 2022-04-09 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10160007540364470
Just launched the executive order "Suppressing all the bad ENs of the centripetal-converging quadrant hidden in the eyes of all animals, plants and human beings".
Everyone in the world will have a bitter taste on the lips for about 3-4 days. You can rinse your mouth and have more water. In addition, the nerves, joints or blood vessels will continue to have slight tingling. For the future of everyone  , please eat more fruits, vegetables and good oil, and rest more, thank you.
[5] 2022-04-12 Blog https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2022/04/time-and-space-have-begun-to-converge.html
In the next week or two, most people will feel a little tired and uncomfortable, and sleep may continue to roll over and fall asleep. Drinking more water and reading what I am talking about will definitely help you recover.

4. 【最重要】在執行意念指令的時候,該場域會處於時空鎖定的狀態

4. [Most important] When executing the EN instruction, the field will be in a space-time locked state
  The biggest effect of this state is "gravityl field is locked", that is, it is essentially in the relative state of a scattered gravity EN field. This state can make it difficult to fall asleep, which is the complete opposite of the well-known picture of "falling into a deep sleep"! Another effect is that even after you fall asleep, your mental recovery is not good. Just as you obviously have enough sleep, your eyes are foggy and dry when you wake up [6].

[6] 2022-06-10 Blog https://porschewu0714.blogspot.com/2022/06/vaccines-are-not-focus-hurry-up-and.html
關於疲勞,節錄2022-06-04內容。 Regarding fatigue, excerpted the following: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10160115423959470
✪✪✪[51:40] 這邊要特別說明一下疲勞,尤其是這一兩個月來所有人的生理狀況。很多時候是因為人體必須要強制執行意念指令,或場域必須強制轉換。那個場域如果要進行大轉換,該時空場域會被鎖定,也就是時間軸基本上是呈現散形的狀態。所以,人再怎麼休息也無法獲得良好的能量補充與更新,是因為人體的場域相對時空場域較小,所以連帶必須是被鎖定的來進行協同轉換。在此狀況下,人會呈現一種看起來好像睡了很久,但都睡眠品質不佳或睡不好。
Here we should give a special explanation of fatigue, especially the physiological condition of everyone in the past two months. Many times it is because the human body must enforce executing EN instructions, or the field of human body must convert. If that field is to undergo a major convertion, the space-time field will be locked, that is, the timeline is basically in a scattered state. Therefore, no matter how much people rest, they cannot get good energy replenishment and renewal, because the human body's field is relatively small compared to the space-time field, so the connection must be locked to carry out collaborative conversion. In this situation, the person will appear as if they have slept for a long time, but have not slept well.


Third, although it sounds scary or unbelievable, the EN anchors that were previously nailed to us(the brain) are mainly in the way of hidden-operating when you are awake. And people who rendered into the so-called "feel factor" in the past, in fact, a certain part of the consciousness energy is supported by the "feel factor", which also leads the misunderstanding of "biological energy" by scientists. Therefore, when certain "feel factor" are reversed back into 1-SYSTEM (been forced withdrawal from the human body), there will be a certain number of people or animals and plants that die instantaneously, because they do not have enough ENs to assist themselves in reversing [7]. That's why I've been calling on everyone to do something that can truly restore both of themselves and with the environment and then live in harmony with all beings.

[7] 2022-05-05 facebook https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10160056234069470
the human body is a PN(pure Nien) body, it can be self-reinforcing, that is, it is strengthened by its own scattered ENs

Elon Musk:我們可以更加明白宇宙的本質, 也許我們還能回答一些問題,關於這一切從何而來與走向何方。 我認為這是明智可靠的想法,而這是我能想到最顧全的人生哲學。 and then we can be less dumb about the nature of the universe, and maybe we can answer some questions about...  where this all came from and where it’s going. I think that's a sound philosophy. It's the least unsound philosophy I can think of.

and then we can be less dumb about the nature of the universe, and maybe we can answer some questions about...
 where this all came from and where it’s going.
I think that's a sound philosophy. It's the least unsound philosophy I can think of.

Elon Musk, It's an honor to see you so SOUND!

If you accept as a proposition that 

we don't really understand the meaning of life,
and we wish to understand the meaning of life,
and in order to understand the meaning of life...

we should expand consciousness, such that we can...
 ask better questions, learn more,
 expand beyond the solor system,
 ensure that life on earth is good,
 collectively for civilization,

and then we can be less dumb about the nature of the universe, and maybe we can answer some questions about...
 where this all came from and where it’s going.

I think that's a sound philosophy. It's the least unsound philosophy I can think of.







2022年6月14日 星期二

如果各位專家學者不停地依照這些參雜了過去許多錯誤指向及被商業利益影響的科學走下去,等到元宇宙還有AR/VR那時候,大家的自主意識便會極大化的被這些「感覺因子」所操控。今年4月,日本新創才聲稱可以推出元宇宙痛覺模擬器[1]。而Elon Musk的Neuralink可能數年後,開始推出大腦植入晶片[2]。若我們不回頭修正這些已經置入「影響因子」的奈米級積體電路與被動元件,則科技發展會對應到過往不良意念的能源與可用電磁操縱的無線電波,即6G的智慧超表面(RIS)[3]。 If the experts and scholars continue to follow these sciences that are mixed with many mistakes in the past and are affected by commercial interests, when the metaverse and AR/VR are still there, everyone's autonomous consciousness will be greatly manipulated by these "feel factor". In April, Japanese startup claimed to be able to launch a metaverse pain simulator.[1] Elon Musk's Neuralink may be a few years from now, starting to introduce brain implant chips.[2] If we do not go back and correct these nanoscale integrated circuits and passive components that have been placed in the "feel factor", the technological development will correspond to the energy of the past bad ENs and the radio waves that can be manipulated electromagnetically, that is, the 6G Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) [3]. 照這個步調走下去,不好意思,根據天道系統以意念線回應我的所有平行宇宙可能都指向全人類在2150年一定全部散形,且時空必然快速振盪並緩慢(熱)裂解回1850年。 Going on at this pace, I'm sorry, according to the 1-SYSTEM shown to me with the EN line, all parallel universes may point to the fact that all mankind must be all scattered in 2150, and space-time will vibrate rapidly and slowly (thermally) pyrolysis back to 1850.

如果各位專家學者不停地依照這些參雜了過去許多錯誤指向及被商業利益影響的科學走下去,等到元宇宙還有AR/VR那時候,大家的自主意識便會極大化的被這些「感覺因子」所操控。今年4月,日本新創才聲稱可以推出元宇宙痛覺模擬器[1]。而Elon Musk的Neuralink可能數年後,開始推出大腦植入晶片[2]。若我們不回頭修正這些已經置入「影響因子」的奈米級積體電路與被動元件,則科技發展會對應到過往不良意念的能源與可用電磁操縱的無線電波,即6G的智慧超表面(RIS)[3]。
If the experts and scholars continue to follow these sciences that are mixed with many mistakes in the past and are affected by commercial interests, when the metaverse and AR/VR are still there, everyone's autonomous consciousness will be greatly manipulated by these "feel factor". In April, Japanese startup claimed to be able to launch a metaverse pain simulator.[1] Elon Musk's Neuralink may be a few years from now, starting to introduce brain implant chips.[2] If we do not go back and correct these nanoscale integrated circuits and passive components that have been placed in the "feel factor", the technological development will correspond to the energy of the past bad ENs and the radio waves that can be manipulated electromagnetically, that is, the 6G Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) [3].
Going on at this pace, I'm sorry, according to the 1-SYSTEM shown to me with the EN line, all parallel universes may point to the fact that all mankind must be all scattered in 2150, and space-time will vibrate rapidly and slowly (thermally) pyrolysis back to 1850.

United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) World Trade Organization - WTO CDC European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - ECDC NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration BBC News CNN NHK The Guardian Bloomberg Reuters ABC News قناة الجزيرة مباشر - Aljazeera Mubasher Channel Fox News Discovery National Geographic Animal Planet HISTORY 新華香港 大紀元 epochtimes.com 大紀元時報 - 台灣(The Epoch Times - Taiwan) 新唐人亞太電視台 中央研究院 Academia Sinica 國家太空中心 NSPO 國家中山科學研究院公共關係室 科技部 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蘇貞昌 Joe Biden


This is how big entrepreneurs like Garyvee describe the views of my so-called bad ENs in the past that are still manipulating and influencing people.


【Fact 1】
Experts, scholars and scientists, have you noticed that when your eyes are fixed at one point, there is almost always some external force to move your focus?


【Fact 2】
When your speech is smooth, please consciously stop your words for a sudden moment. In the process of the sound being gradually stopped, let's see if some outstanding scientists can feel that after the sound stops, there is still a tendency to discourse that is not generated by your consciousness, and it is still going on.

If you really notice it, please leave a message and respond to me. Aware that these are not about encountering ghosts, or others seem to find it strange. But you can have an excellent opportunity to really learn from zero point.


Actually, there is still [Fact 3].
These EN scenes that feel like dreams, the biggest purpose is to blur and scatter your consciousness, and then manipulate and affect you in various ways. This is also the so-called negative voices that are constantly planted in your minds to affect or break up your friendly relationships. In fact, many people began to perceive or hear some sounds about 2 years ago:
1. In walls, such as pipelines
2. Outside the window or on the corner of the wall
3. On both sides of the fish eye, such as near the door of other rooms in the hotel, there is music or background sound of video games, and even the sound of singing or dialogue can be heard, but it is not made by humans
4. The conversation carried in the energy coming to you may also be talking to you all the time. Small voices can be heard in the sound of rain and fans, like a whisper but no one is around
5. In energy or energy light, like in a few lamps on the wall of your home.

這個聊天機器人LaMDA是Google所開發的對話應用語言模型(Language Model for Dialogue Applications),Google曾指出,這是該公司「開創性的對話科技」,作為一個高級聊天機器人,Google認為它能在幾乎永無止盡的主題中進行自由順暢(free-flowing)的對話。

The chatbot LaMDA is a language model for dialogue applications developed by Google, which Google has pointed out as the company's "groundbreaking conversational technology", and as a high-level chatbot, Google believes it can conduct free-flowing conversations on almost never-ending topics.

其實最簡單的迴路。In face, the simplest circle is...
從神經語言規劃(Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP)
→自然語言處理(Natural Language Processing, NLP)
→自然語言處理(Natural Language Understanding, NLU)
→自然語言生成(Natural Language Generation, NLG)
→循環神經網路(Recurrent neural network, RNN)


Note that no mere robot can understand everything. Therefore, Google's plan is naturally in the cloud virtual electromagnetic server, under this prototype architecture, hanging on the EN-type energy body on it.



In addition to COVID-19, monkeypox, mRNA vaccines, personal academic value, and huge commercial interests, shall we take the important facts presented here in your heart first, and continue to rethink these phenomena every day in the future? I think in this way, human beings can move towards the right future.

Add one more [Fact 4].
In recent months, the eyes of experts, scholars and scientists have often had a similar phenomenon of forced blinking. I'm sure a lot of people are aware of this. That is, you will blink at a certain frequency, and the strength will be slightly solid or heavy. This is actually the intermediary systems connected to everyone from 1-SYSTEM were getting converted. At the same time as the conversion, initiate some EN instructions. The intermediary system can also be understood as a religious "primordial spirit". Basically, it is the EN-type of each consciousness (which can also be simply regarded as the energy-type), that is, the EGO of each consciousness.

According to the 1-SYSTEM, since 1985, Heaven and Earth have not been able to enforce this way. That is to say, space-time cannot initiate various ENs through the EN-type intermediary system of each person, and at the same time generate corresponding EN lines and subsequent homogeneous. The "generation of EN lines" is like the ripples of water on the surface of the water. After human beings show their thoughts, they are produced by the intermediary system (EGO) to produce corresponding EN lines, which are interpreted and activated through heaven and earth (space-time, or you could understand it as the universe). The "subsequent homogeneity" is like the one that appears after the ripples of water have merged and separated from each other countless times. When people show thoughts, how to generate huge EN energy, the key lies in "sincerity"! This is the only way in which harmonics can be generated between the universes and increased by themselves.

What if there is still 【Fact 5】?
At night, above every building or tree, there is a vision of upward faint beam of light; and after you turn off the lights at night, what is the slivery light and shadow that keep flowing through the ceiling like a stream or flow of water? Those are actually the scattered EN energy points of so-called bad ENs in the past. 1-SYSTEM, which took a whole year last year to fix up, has been scattering and cracking these bad EN instructions around the world for more than half a year. It then converges back into the 1-SYSTEM after homogenizing through the field.

根據天道系統,這些不良意念開始散形的時間正是2021-10-25,也就是我發動裂解新冠肺炎病毒的意念指令那一刻開始。而這些被散形的能量體,就是我所謂的「感覺因子」。如果各位專家學者不停地依照這些參雜了過去許多錯誤指向及被商業利益影響的科學走下去,等到元宇宙還有AR/VR那時候,大家的自主意識便會極大化的被這些「感覺因子」所操控。今年4月,日本新創才聲稱可以推出元宇宙痛覺模擬器[1]。而Elon Musk的Neuralink可能數年後,開始推出大腦植入晶片[2]。若我們不回頭修正這些已經置入「影響因子」的奈米級積體電路與被動元件,則科技發展會對應到過往不良意念的能源與可用電磁操縱的無線電波,即6G的智慧超表面(RIS)[3]
According to 1-SYSTEM, the time when these bad ENs began to get scattered was on 2021-10-25, that is, the moment I launched the EN instruction to crack COVID-19 virus. And these scattered energy bodies are what I call "feel factor". If the experts and scholars continue to follow these sciences that are mixed with many mistakes in the past and are affected by commercial interests, when the metaverse and AR/VR are still there, everyone's autonomous consciousness will be greatly manipulated by these "feel factor". In April, Japanese startup claimed to be able to launch a metaverse pain simulator.[1] Elon Musk's Neuralink may be a few years from now, starting to introduce brain implant chips.[2] If we do not go back and correct these nanoscale integrated circuits and passive components that have been placed in the "feel factor", the technological development will correspond to the energy of the past bad ENs and the radio waves that can be manipulated electromagnetically, that is, the 6G Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) [3].

[1] 2022-04-01 TechOrange 《日本新創推元宇宙痛覺模擬器,不只有感覺,連痛覺都完美複製!》 https://buzzorange.com/techorange/2022/04/01/feel-real-life-pain-in-metaverse/
[2] 2022-04-27 TechNews 《馬斯克:Neuralink 大腦植入晶片會在 2022 年底進行首次人體試驗》 https://technews.tw/2022/04/27/neuralink-test-in-2022/
[3] 2022-06-07 VOCUS 《一頭鑽入6G世界:智慧超表面!》 https://vocus.cc/article/629f22e0fd89780001df247b

Experts, scholars, and scientific predecessors should not need much speculation to clearly understand the seriousness of this trend. These structures allow the EN centers of the past bad ENs to easily launch "forced commands" that directly manipulate everyone easily through energy and (EN) light.

First, the pain simulator: can be connected to the channel of direct communication with the human body. With the development of today's technology and science, and then the global use of the "sensor simulator" mechanism and technology, in the future to introduce your physiological system, began to replace this layer of human super-sophisticated perception intermediary with corresponding EN and energy, that is, our "skin".
Second, the human body implants chips, or nanoscale integrated circuits and passive components (mobile phones, credit cards, ID cards, too many cases): there are a large number of circuit loops on it, which is a basic particle acceleration field, and the same is true for energy. It's just that the energy can't be greatly accelerated, because it is easy to be scattered, and that's because there is no corresponding gravity EN field. Still, everyone carries accelerator devices with many electromagnetic components!
6G's Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS): "The important property is reconfigurability, that is, electromagnetic waves can be manipulated according to demand. Specifically, RIS should be able to implement electromagnetic manipulation functions." Note that the EN here and the corresponding element are as follows.
1. "Intelligence": That is, there is AI in it, and it is naturally super simple to place the ENT(energy body) to control.
2. "Reconfigurability": If it is understood as "wave", it means that it can produce continuous standing waves, that is, the magnitude of energy that can be increased by itself.
3. "Electromagnetic manipulation function": Various products that emit electromagnetic waves are the best "control guiding transmitter". For example, your mobile devices, WIFI, satellites, electrical appliances, signal transmission stations, etc.

Going on at this pace, I'm sorry, according to the 1-SYSTEM shown to me with the EN line, all parallel universes may point to the fact that all mankind must be all scattered in 2150, and space-time will vibrate rapidly and slowly (thermally) pyrolysis back to 1850. That is to say, all the ENs, whether good or not, including all the heavens and the earth and all things and human beings, will all scattered and then return to the 1-FIELD, and then homogenize and start over again. And then through the way I have explained the underworld, it is actually a very low energy EN scene, when every step I take through the area at that time will make the ground and buildings shake! [4]。 After human beings began to emit good ENs, space-time will gradually reverse out some of the absorbed space and other scattered EN energy bodies (that is, other people, animals, plants and materials), and then materialize through the field and the (EN) light.



According to the 1-SYSTEM, we have repeatedly oscillated 13,1513,1111,1111,1111 times in this time period, including this time, which may be the "reincarnation" of many religions. Therefore, I continue to share with you the repeated verification of real things and science, as well as the many problems we have encountered this time, and the abnormal epidemic. I still believe that we have the opportunity to enter the cycle of goodness through understanding and reflection on the principle of symbiosis and co-goodness!


In particular, it is not that there is anything wrong with this development. Rather, these substances and technologies generate the gravity EN field based on the EN field, that is, the EN energy accumulated in the past will determine the trend of development. If we don't keep looking back at our science and the truth of the universe, we will not be able to go into the future!

未來的絕對指向有二。The absolute direction and points of the future is twofold.


"Keep all the good, not the bad;
As long as you don't die, beauty is the most important."
"Ask yourself; Seek yourself."

==My Facebook and Blog==

部落格更多重要內容(建議以桌機模式檢視) More important content on the blog (recommended in desktop mode):

要反轉「腦霧」的現象,除了必要的休息之外,請趕快開始進行兩大重點。 To reverse the phenomenon of "brain fog", in addition to the necessary rest, please start with two key points. 第一,做散發良善意念的事情。第二,找到自我。 First, do things that radiate good intentions. Second, find yourself.

To reverse the phenomenon of "brain fog", in addition to the necessary rest, please start with two key points.
First, do things that radiate good intentions. Second, find yourself.


Newtalk新聞 衛生福利部 衛生福利部疾病管制署 World Health Organization (WHO) CDC European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - ECDC Discovery National Geographic Animal Planet HISTORY BBC News CNN NHK AP 大紀元 epochtimes.com 討論腦霧新聞的兩段內容。Discuss two parts of the brain fog news.


1. At present, only the United Kingdom has studied that the hippocampus shrinks by 1/4 after infection with COVID-19, which may cause "brain fog" [1], but it has not been directly confirmed. About 20-30% of the confirmed cases have complained of brain fog after recovery. This is because people who have been infected with Omicron found problems such as slow response, poor memory, and inattention after returning to the workplace [2], which even affected their daily life. According to foreign research, this is most likely due to brain inflammation caused by the Covid-19 virus [3].

江守山醫師 有較詳細的說明這個英國Biobank的研究,可參考以下內容及其它關於意念場景的資訊。
Dr. Jiang has a more detailed explanation of this British Biobank research, you can refer to the following content and other information about the EN scene.
[2] 意念場景的反轉抽離後,大腦呈現過往不良意念能的高速散行。所以反應遲鈍以及記憶力與注意力變差,主要都是因為腦部正在作用散行的意念。第一,腦部極有可能高燒;第二,無論大人小孩都可能會胡亂狂語或睡眠時大聲喊叫;第三,先前在大腦場域中的意念場景造成腐涎的中介層,也就是腦部運作的不連續性。這也是症狀的來源主因,另一點就是人體情緒和精神都會較低靡。
After EN scene reversed and being removed, the brain is under the high-speed scattered instruction of the past bad ENs. Therefore, the slow response and poor memory and concentration are mainly because the brain is acting on scattered EN. First, the brain is very likely to have a high fever; second, both adults and children may babble wildly or cry out during sleep; third, the previous EN scenes in the brain field create the rotten intermediary layer, that is, the brain operational discontinuity. This is also the main reason of these symptoms, and the other point is that the human body's mood and spirit will be low.
[3] 如果腦部還有發炎,那麼這些人應該還有發燒、頭痛、嘔吐等症狀。他們如果都康復無頭痛或發燒症狀,怎麼這些事情還歸因到腦部發炎呢?
If the brain is still inflamed, then these people should also have fever, headache, vomiting and other symptoms. If they all recover without headaches or fever, how can these things be still attributed to brain inflammation?


2. To get rid of "brain fog" completely, in addition to drug treatment, the recovered person can try to practice writing a diary before going to bed and recall what happened that day. First, they can train their memory, and second, they can also observe whether there is any brain affected by interference. Secondly, maintaining adequate sleep and developing regular living and exercise habits are also a good way to slowly solve the brain fog condition. It is recommended that people who have recovered should try more.

[4] 要反轉「腦霧」的現象,除了必要的休息之外,請趕快開始進行兩大重點。
To reverse the phenomenon of "brain fog", in addition to the necessary rest, please start with two key points.

First, do things that radiate good intentions. For example, making some food for relatives and friends, taking care of the natural environment, or walking in the park or nearby, you can appreciate the changes in the environment and the transformation of store colors and architectural lines while walking.

Second, find yourself. This seems easy, but really not easy lies in the following two points.
 1. Is yourself being your whole life, or does it count from being an adult or having a successful career?
 2. Do you remember what you said five years ago, do you still clearly remember the mood and thinking in which you said those words?

The following two points are the most direct and important reasons why humans can repair their brains by themselves.

1. The brain is where the memory ENs are stored (in fact, it is the huge number of EN scenes in the past, present and future).

2. The memory of the brain has various sub-dimensions. The higher the dimension associated with various collections (ENs), the faster the connection and organization of the various blocks and neurons of the brain, and the operation and mechanism of the brain has much more exceeded the speed of light! That's why people put fiber-optic cameras into the hypothalamus of mice and try to observe the light that neurons emit when they are active. These lights are not neuronal discharges or microcurrents, those lights are afterimages of EN (energy).


In the news, the doctor suggested keeping a diary, which is a good way. The process and method of writing (thinking/recalling) determines how strong the spontaneous ENs in your brain can be. This is the right self-healing mechanism in the future. Spontaneous EN energy can definitely maximize the effect of "stem cell therapy" in "regenerative medicine".


If the journal is written in the way of running account, the effect is extremely low. One of the best ways is to use multiple perspectives to recall and connect, and even to appreciate and radiate good intentions!

我推薦各位欣賞一種寫日記的方式。雖然寫日記好像不同與影音紀錄,但日記的內容紀錄的應該是影片中的感受,無論是文字、圖畫或錄影!透過這位來台灣上學與結婚的 莎白 Elizabeth 的車禍影片。各位便能了解到我前面提到「找到自我」的一些細節,或如何在寫日記時還能散發良善意念!除了影片,還可看到莎白如何散發那美麗。

I recommend that you appreciate a way of keeping a journal. Although writing a diary seems to be different from video recording, the content of the diary should record right the feelings, whether it is text, pictures or video!  Through the car accident video of Elizabeth, who came to Taiwan to study and get married. You will be able to learn some of the details of "seek yourself" I mentioned earlier, or how to spread good intentions when writing in a journal! In addition to the video, you can also see how Elizabeth exudes that beauty.

2022年6月13日 星期一

發動兩個重大意念指令。還請大家多留意過往的設施與機具,並請大家多喝水休息與進行一些散發良善意念的事情,因為精神可能會比較不佳且身體也會出現不適。Launch two major EN instructions. Also, please pay more attention to the old facilities and equipment, and please drink more water, rest and do some good things, because everyone may be mentally unwell and physically uncomfortable

Launch two major EN instructions. Also, please pay more attention to the old facilities and equipment, and please drink more water, rest and do some good things, because everyone may be mentally unwell and physically uncomfortable.


Your body may experience tingling, as if there are several layers of membranes moving slowly in your body, or suddenly a few points or lines, like tingling in nerve or muscle texture. Also, feel the entire body slightly oscillating or shaking continuously, especially when lying down. It is more likely that the body appears to be constantly being rotated slightly or loosened and tightened.


1. Scatter and completely crack all feeling factor in energy light and energy. "Keep all the good, not the bad" as the EN center. Regardless of any launch center, EN instruction, scattered EN, scattered chaos, field, scattered 1-SYSTEM, gravity or space-time, all of them are immediately forced to be executed immediately and forced conversion to the level that would not cause extreme discomfort or mass death.


2. Combine all energy viruses and microorganisms with ancient microorganisms in a reverse, inverted or reversed manner. And take "as long as you don't die, beauty is the most important" as the key point with the EN of ​​"symbiosis and mutual good" to be immediately forced to be executedand and convertion.

2022年6月10日 星期五

我們的指揮中心,是不是請你們了解一下若無法解決的原因是不是有其他可能!? CECC, would you please know if there are other possibilities for the reasons that cannot be solved!?疫苗不是重點了,趕快去修護環境。因為所有疫苗大多都是腐涎或腐涎油霧場域來的國外疫苗。目前打進去絕對是不好的啊! Vaccines are not the focus, hurry up and repair the environment. Because most of the vaccines are foreign vaccines from the rotten or rotten oil mist field. It's definitely not good to get vaccinated at the moment! 修護環境和照護動植物能讓大環境和大家的生理場域直接反轉。更重要的是,真心去身體力行這些事情的人會散發自己的散形意念,在此時足以抗衡這些過往的能量病毒,更有機會反轉它們。況且,時空和場域已經大規模在收斂裂解掉它們的發動與意念中心。 Repairing the environment and caring for animals and plants can directly reverse the general environment and everyone's physiological field. More importantly, people who really practice these things will emit their own scattered ENs from themselves, which are enough to counter these past energy viruses at this time, and have a better chance of reversing them. Moreover, space-time 1-SYSTEM and 1-FIELD have been on a large scale to crack their launch and EN centers. 一、照護周圍的人一同協助照護環境和動植物。 二、整理或檢視很多腐涎意念空間。 這兩大重點會讓我們人體有自體緩衝與修復的意念能量啊! 1. Care for the people around you and assist in the care of the environment and flora and fauna. Second, sort out or examine a lot of rotten thought space. These two major points will allow our human body to have the mental energy of self-buffering and repair!

CECC, would you please know if there are other possibilities for the reasons that cannot be solved!?
Vaccines are not the focus, hurry up and repair the environment. Because most of the vaccines are foreign vaccines from the rotten or rotten oil mist field. It's definitely not good to get vaccinated at the moment!
Repairing the environment and caring for animals and plants can directly reverse the general environment and everyone's physiological field. More importantly, people who really practice these things will emit their own scattered ENs from themselves, which are enough to counter these past energy viruses at this time, and have a better chance of reversing them. Moreover, space-time 1-SYSTEM and 1-FIELD have been on a large scale to crack their launch and EN centers.
1. Care for the people around you and assist in the care of the environment and flora and fauna.
Second, sort out or examine a lot of rotten thought space.
These two major points will allow our human body to have the mental energy of self-buffering and repair!

衛生福利部 CDC European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control - ECDC United Nations 疾病管制署 疾病管制署 - 1922防疫達人 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蘇貞昌
CECC, would you please know if there are other possibilities for the reasons that cannot be solved!?


Please be brave, if there is a problem, we admit it.
Please be honest, if having something we don't know, go for it.
Please be pragmatic, if there is any possibility of explanation, try it.


But please don't hide anything about what is published in the news, because truth itself has a magnificent EN energy, so that we can all see the present and the reality. More importantly, true EN can point to the right future, whether it depends on everyone to repair or develop together!


As you know, 211 people died today, with news reports that 87 people were not vaccinated and 137 were not fully vaccinated to a third dose. My Goodness, those 137 people include 87 unvaccinated people. How come you don't emphasize that there are 74 people who have been given three doses, which is more than 1/3 of the number, and you also use gray to cover up, which is what I think is most undesirable. Ineffective vaccines are not your problem, you must be brave and upright!

With the exception of three counties and cities, suppose that the number of infected people in Taiwan has mostly started to slow down, but the number of moderate and severe cases and deaths has risen. What is the reason? That's the key question. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly appeal or remind the public to do something to help themselves or the surrounding field reverse and convert. COVID-19 in 2019 is named SARS-CoV-2, and the precursors are SARS-CoV in 2012 and MERS-CoV in 2012/2015. bad ENs in the past used animals to transmit people (to establish a EN connection), and the launch EN center of COVID-19, many of which are in animals and plants. Don't forget that abnormal monkeypox cases are still occurring in Western countries, which also use animal-to-human transmission. As a result, it is difficult for human beings to realize what I am calling for, and naturally we cannot find out the reason and fall into the passive epidemic prevention program of the cycle of "headache and foot pain".

Therefore, epidemic prevention has not been always disinfected or screened all the time, but hurry up and take care of nature. Most of the outbreaks were mild, but many died within days. Scientifically, experts all want to use the phenomenon (such as MIS-C and many children's encephalitis) to infer the initial cause, which is impossible [1]. Corresponding directions and methods must be based on correct understanding. Covering topics such as the properties of light and waves, gravity and space, fields and magnetic fields, EN and energy, consciousness and collectives, this is the next stop.

[1] 2022-06-10 ETToday新聞雲 《世衛小組:因缺少中國資料 COVID-19疫情源頭難解》 https://www.ettoday.net/news/20220610/2269774.htm


Also, as a standard for medical care and all walks of life, please discourage experts from talking about issues such as "Predicting the plateau at the end of the month or not", "whether the increase in the number of confirmed cases is due to clusters" or "whether the population infection has been reached". With all due respect, such a move is completely revealing that commentators are short-sighted and just dance with the statistics of the epidemic. Don't let this information and behavior flow into a frivolous move like watching the stock market or pressing a betting order.


Vaccines are not the focus, hurry up and repair the environment. Because most of the vaccines are foreign vaccines from the rotten or rotten oil mist field. It's definitely not good to get vaccinated at the moment! Taiwan's field is essentially much better than abroad, otherwise why would France come three times in one year and visit Taiwan when the epidemic is rising!? It seems that there are also countries such as Slovakia and the Czech Republic, is this just "supporting Taiwan so they came to visit", as officials understand? French senators also shouted hooray Taiwan and hooray France yesterday[2]. This is because of the EN of the French field, which led French officials to come to Taiwan on behalf of Europe to do field conversion and establish a EN connection. Only then can the 1-SYSTEM continue to assist Western countries in launching the EN instruction of "scattering and cracking a large number of scattered energy-type microbes that have been placed in the past in their bodies".

[2] 2022-06-09 自由時報《以淡水河妙喻台灣 法國參議員:台灣萬歲!》 https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/politics/breakingnews/3955374
2021-12-15 中央通訊社 《法前議長戴扈傑率團抵台 國會兩院3個月內先後來訪創紀錄》 https://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/202112150037.aspx

已經在2021-10-25對天道系統初始並啟動協助西方世界裂解掉新冠肺炎能量病毒的意念指令。而現在西方世界爆發的猴痘,其實是他們身上的發動意念點無法發動,強制反轉出人體。所以所有國家都知道這是個不正常的猴痘疫情爆發,包含大量的病患根本沒到過非洲國家,也當然跟不安全性行為或同志沒有太大的關係(這邊與 World Health Organization (WHO) 再重申一次)。正如我們台灣現在很多人全身很不適、筋骨緊繃和痠痛,或是疲倦出現小水泡等現象。所以如果要協助台灣人民自己趕快轉換,同時又能幫助到其他國家,何不趕快同步進行我所建議的事項!請各位高層重視與關注這些現象與論述,感謝你們的努力。

I have initiated and activated the EN Instructions on SYSTEM on 2021-10-25 to assist the Western world in cracking down the COVID-19 energy-type virus. And now the monkeypox that erupts in the Western world is actually that the initiation EN points on their bodies cannot be activated, and those EN points are forcibly reversed out of the human body. So all countries know that this is an abnormal monkeypox outbreak, including a large number of patients who have never been to African countries, and of course have little to do with unsafe sex or gay group (Repeat it with the WHO here). Just as many of us in Taiwan are now very uncomfortable, tense and sore, or tired and have small blisters. Therefore, if we want to help the people of Taiwan to quickly reverse their own fields, and help other countries at the same time, why not hurry up and carry out the matters I suggested! I invite officials to pay attention to these phenomena and discourses, thank you for your efforts.


In addition, Taiwan must quickly amend the following laws:
1. It is forbidden to feed birds and poultry on the side of the road
2. It is forbidden to feed pigeons, fish or squirrels in the park


The reason is that animals and plants are symbiotic, and human beings must rely on them to balance and have the corresponding EN energy of repair and buffer, because the absolute point to the future is SYMBIOSIS. And this law, which was set in the past for avian influenza, has long been out of date! Moreover, precisely because of these laws, we no longer take care of them, that is, we do not have good intentions to them, and a large number of creatures are placed in the EN points of the past bad ENs. This step led to the subsequent insertion of a large number of activation EN points in the human body, but we humans are unable to withstand and self-repair.


The sky's EN field must rely on birds and the atmosphere to assist in the conversion, the field under the water surface is by flowing water and water creatures, and the field of plants rely on squirrels, rats, insects, etc. to homogenize and repair. Those decrees directly curbed the good EN energy that emanated from caring for the environment. This has an absolute positive correlation between the pathology of the human body that constantly has autoimmunity or low fertility energy, please pay attention to this matter.


Repairing the environment and caring for animals and plants can directly reverse the general environment and everyone's physiological field. More importantly, people who really practice these things will emit their own scattered ENs from themselves, which are enough to counter these past energy viruses at this time, and have a better chance of reversing them. Moreover, space-time 1-SYSTEM and 1-FIELD have been on a large scale to crack their launch and EN centers. At present, the biggest problem is that the human bodies, whether at the physiological or field level, and their own EN energy from themselves is very low. Many of those who died were chronically ill, inflamed with multiple organs throughout the body, or pneumonia. When the alveoli are converted in a wide range, the organ will idle operating, and it is naturally difficult for people to breathe. Just like recently, many people look tired after they sleep, or wake up feeling foggy in their eyes[3]. This is also because the human body or many organs are executing EN instructions for scattering or cracking. In the same way, if multiple organs are forced converted at the same time, the organs that are idling are simply not able to recover, which is the main cause of mass deaths.

[3] 關於疲勞,節錄2022-06-04內容。 Regarding fatigue, excerpted the following: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheWu/posts/10160115423959470
✪✪✪[51:40] 這邊要特別說明一下疲勞,尤其是這一兩個月來所有人的生理狀況。很多時候是因為人體必須要強制執行意念指令,或場域必須強制轉換。那個場域如果要進行大轉換,該時空場域會被鎖定,也就是時間軸基本上是呈現散形的狀態。所以,人再怎麼休息也無法獲得良好的能量補充與更新,是因為人體的場域相對時空場域較小,所以連帶必須是被鎖定的來進行協同轉換。在此狀況下,人會呈現一種看起來好像睡了很久,但都睡眠品質不佳或睡不好。
Here we should give a special explanation of fatigue, especially the physiological condition of everyone in the past two months. Many times it is because the human body must enforce executing EN instructions, or the field of human body must convert. If that field is to undergo a major convertion, the space-time field will be locked, that is, the timeline is basically in a scattered state. Therefore, no matter how much people rest, they cannot get good energy replenishment and renewal, because the human body's field is relatively small compared to the space-time field, so the connection must be locked to carry out collaborative conversion. In this situation, the person will appear as if they have slept for a long time, but have not slept well.
Another reason is because the field where the EN instructions are executed is equivalent to the field of gravity temporarily lost. This partial gravity field is considered an inner field. That is, when people sleep, consciousness is scattered. Therefore, the metabolism of the human body is a kind of rotten EN and oil mist EN in parallel, that is, through the human intermediary system to initiate and homogenize. The so-called intermediary system is the "Guardian EGO", which is also the EN-type of human consciousness. It's actually the things that the researchers in AREA 51/52 are communicating, and they're just kind of energy consciousnesses but researchers think they are extraterrestrial beings with higher intelligence.


Please hurry up and try to enter and inspect many buildings of rotten EN field, or repair the many animals and plants that have fallen into the rotten EN. Rotten fields are a bunch of buildings with old windows or dark opaque lights. In fact, the space of rotten field represents that space-time energy is low, and it begins to gather the rotten EN. This is easy to understand, just as dust is generated on a door frame, after which it will start to gather other dust in an exponential non-linear relationship! On the other hand, it is easier to hide energy bodies in dark places while not easily detected! And the rotten EN animal is an aggressive or occupying creature, such as the ant nest I shared earlier, which are EN points that assist in launching crack EN instructions. The plant aspect is more difficult to judge, and there will be less explanation here. If the experts don't quite understand, you can quickly study other content I posted, which is all simplest care environment and science, right? The rotten EN space or animals and plants are placed into many of EN instructions in order to crack human and the world. Only by quickly paying attention to or make connections with them can their field be converted. Actually, it is the same reason as European and American countries visiting Taiwan, although they seem to be actively visiting. But in fact their field became very poor, so they had to come to Taiwan to take EN line back to their countries!


1. Care for the people around you and assist in the care of the environment and flora and fauna.
Second, sort out or examine a lot of rotten thought space.
These two major points will allow our human body to have the mental energy of self-buffering and repair!


I attached four pictures of what must be a very standard rotten EN space. Sorry, they were all taken in 2022-02, but three of them are photos of our police station. The rotten EN space is easy to judge, just need to examine whether the lines of the building in the photo are incoherent after the shooting. Some phones can turn photos into 3D inspections, and you can see what a disjointed field would look like. In fact, these old buildings have a lot of energy bodies active in 2021, as I spent the whole year repairing the 1-SYSTEM and build 1-FIELD up. I may also be the only person who has seen how space-time is folded and converged, i.e. the entire street has almost completely disappeared or collapsed from a square into a triangle or trapezoid. In the middle of February 2021, I walked soberly through the folded geospace.

Hopefully, you're not joking about these sharing.

2022年6月9日 星期四

練習本身就是一種建立意念線的行為。各位嘗試個一兩次,便會發現奇妙的事情。這不也是神韻或法輪大法好之類的在追求的嗎?我相信你們有人會察覺箇中差異的!😉 The practice itself is an act of building EN lines. Try it once or twice, and you'll find something wonderful. Isn't this also what Shen Yun or Falun Dafa is pursuing? I'm sure some of you will notice the difference! 😉

The practice itself is an act of building EN lines. Try it once or twice, and you'll find something wonderful. Isn't this also what Shen Yun or Falun Dafa is pursuing? I'm sure some of you will notice the difference! 😉

大紀元 epochtimes.com World Health Organization (WHO) United Nations 新唐人亞太電視台 鄭元瑜 神韻 神韻-台灣粉絲後援會 遇見法輪大法的美好 [25:27]從表面看來,消化第一站,也就是我們人跟食物接觸的第一站,其實是口腔。所以說實際發生表面作用的是,口腔充分咀嚼食物,加上唾液的混合,是消化的第一步。也啟動神經內分泌系統的反應,讓消化系統運作得更順暢。












1. 下巴用力和牙齒咬緊或嘴唇緊閉。但這樣並不會臉紅脖子粗,對嗎?
2. 再一次用力後,氣息凝滯,脖子和口腔部位自生拮抗後,我們達到了臉紅脖子粗。
3. 不要用力,再做一次氣息凝滯生拮抗,輕鬆很多就臉紅脖子粗了。



