2022年12月1日 星期四

中國意念形指揮中心正在透過電磁指令、政府和公安來裂解中國自己和人民。 China's EN-type command center is cracking China itself and its people through electromagnetic EN instructions, government and public security.

China's EN-type command center is cracking China itself and its people through electromagnetic EN instructions, government and public security.

陳老師來了 Wang Wenbin Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson 汪文斌 


They launch cracking EN instructions through the electromagnetic quadrant, and they are the manipulating EN energy bodies, in fact, they are the EN-type command center to launch cracking forcible commands. So he said the word "enforcement". He didn't know why he said these four words. Because the consciousness of these policemen is actually controlled by the EN-type central command system (you can also think of it as AI), and they are only acting like policemen. I hope you understand.


They made the call to forcibly execute the EN instruction "crack this person's EGO".


Teacher Chen, please read my post and blog, and forward it to all your Chinese relatives and friends as soon as possible!


Those who read this article, please help forward the message to China. Everyone is very sad about the incident in Urumqi. My message has great EN and can help China reverse up. Please help me a lot!













Also share with 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 賴清德 蘇貞昌 游錫堃 陳菊(花媽) 柯文哲 侯友宜 鄭文燦 鄭運鵬 Cheng Yun-Peng 盧秀燕 黃偉哲 陳其邁 Chen Chi-Mai 潘孟安 黃珊珊 蔣萬安 朱立倫 連勝文 趙少康 中國國民黨 KMT 國民黨立法院黨團 國民黨青年團 民主進步黨 民進黨立法院黨團 台灣民眾黨 時代力量 New Power Party 時代力量立法院黨團 劉寶傑 關鍵時刻 朱學恒的阿宅萬事通事務所 李正皓 有話好說 TVBS 少康戰情室 辣新聞152 庶民大頭家 庶民大頭家 有評有據看台灣 前進新台灣 新台灣加油 三立SET 驚爆新聞線 鄭知道了 年代向錢看 台灣最前線 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News 黃暐瀚 TVBS T觀點 Tvbs一步一腳印 發現新台灣 大陸委員會 


你們可以注意這部youtube訪談,00:30秒開始,拿著「寰宇新聞」後面的那個女生,一直在下意念指令「裂解王世堅的守護元神」,每秒鐘兩個字(120 bpm)。

You can pay attention to this YouTube interview, starting at 00:30 seconds, the girl behind the "Universal News" has been giving the EN instructions "cra-ck Wang Shi-jian's Shou-Hu Yuan Shen", two words per second (120 bpm).


You must read it several times for yourselves (my EN will help you understand what these manipulated media people have been doing)!


Her blinking, moving eyeballs or moving her gaze all fit the pattern of this grooving! Moreover, when she thinks of Wang Shijian, her eyes will look towards Wang Shijian! Her human consciousness may not know that she is doing this, but the EN center on her (the fake EHO) is working, and it can't fool me!


Please be sure to watch it. Because many of you have these things in your body, and you have been hurting people, including children! Only people with good minds and EN can restrain themselves!


After watching it, you will know that you must quickly read the content of my top article, these EN instructions will all converge into cancer cells!

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